All Chapters of Groupie: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
65 Chapters
Chapter 31: Tiffany, Part 1
Compared to other sports, the off-season for soccer is very, very short. Only a couple months long, depending on a team's playoff schedule. But this past couple of months have been some of the most fun I can remember in a long time.On the party front, things died down a lot. The players who are married with families tend to go on a lot of vacations during the off-season and spend a lot of time at home while they can. And most of the single players head to their home town during that time. It's easier to save money when they're living with their parents and doing their off-season training at a local gym.Rowen, however, stuck around. And I suspect it had to do with me.We spent those months really getting to know each other. We explored tourist spots all over the city. We went to Galveston for a day trip. We did a lot of people watching.We went to almost every museum in Houston including my favorite, the John C. Freeman Weather Museum. There's so much to see and do there, including a
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Chapter 32: Tiffany, Part 2
The thought hits me out of nowhere. I knew I liked him. Really, really liked him. It just never occurred to me until now that I love him. But I do. I love him with everything in me."Hey," he says cupping my cheek. "You okay?""Yeah." I shake my head of these new thoughts, not ready to confess my feelings at this point. "Sorry. My thoughts just ran wild for a second."He kisses the top of my head and we make our way into the apartment."Hey, Rookie!" Christian yells as he walks his way towards us, stopping to give Rowen a fist bump and me a hug. We've seen him a few times during the off-season and I know he and Rowen have become friends."How was the trip to Hawaii, man?" Rowen asks.Christian holds a hand over his heart. "It was fucking beautiful. Amazing. Probably the most romantic place I've ever been and I'm not a romantic guy.""I don't believe that," I chide. "I bet you're romantic with the right person.""I was treating my mama to this trip to Hawaii. That's not the time for rom
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Chapter 33: Rowen
I watch Tiffany from across the room while I nurse my beer. A smile lights up her face as she chats with one of the newest players, a rookie who just came to us from Tulsa. Darren something-or-other. No doubt they're talking shop. She always looks happy when she's talking sports. She's so damn beautiful. And of all the guys she could have chosen, she chose me. Unbelievable.She hasn't made eye contact with me since the incident with Mack. I knew she would turn him down. At least, I really hoped she would. But I can't figure out how I ended up being the bad guy in that exchange."What are you doing over here while your woman is over there?" Daniel sits down next to me, slapping me on the back in greeting."Hey. What are you doing here? Quincy let you out of the house?""She's having a girls' night with Geni or something. Besides, I always come to the first party of the year.""Really?"He shrugs. "Just to make a showing. Team unity and all that shit." I nod and suck in my beer some more
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Chapter 34: Tiffany, Part 1
I wind my way around the stadium, watching the signs as I go. I'm so used to sitting in Section 100 that I've never been to this area before. Even after four seasons of games.It takes me a few minutes to find it, but finally I'm pushing through the door of the box reserved for the wives and girlfriends, more commonly known as WAGs.When Rowen suggested sitting here, I had to really think about it. I like sitting close to the field. But since we're in the middle of the last cold snap of the year, I decided it was a good time to check it out. There are a dozen or so people standing around, chatting. Most of them I don't recognize, but I assume they are family members. Especially the kids. What looks like a fully stocked bar is off to my right, the bartender busy wiping down the counter. Against the wall there is a long buffet table set up, just waiting for food to be brought in. With it being an evening game, I'm assuming dinner will be provided later.As the door clicks shut behind m
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Chapter 35: Tiffany, Part 2
I hear the commotion as people surround us and feel my head ricochet back when her fist connects with my mouth. Immediately my hands are on my mouth and I taste the blood on my tongue.Within seconds, she's being ripped off of me. Her legs are flailing and she's screaming for the man to put her down. And she's holding a chunk of my hair."Let me go! She's a fucking whore and she doesn't deserve to be here! Let me fucking go!"Quincy is almost immediately by my side. She puts her arm around me and leads me to the door. "Come on. Joe! Take us to the training room. You know where it's at?""Yes, ma'am," the bartender says and opens the door, stepping out in the hallway with us following behind him. There's blood all over my hands and my head feels like it's been pounded with nails. We walk about a hundred yards before security joins us and leads us the rest of the way around a maze of hallways. We end up in a brightly lit room where three or four guys in Mutiny staff uniforms are loungin
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Chapter 36: Tiffany, Part 3
Rowen stalks over to me, cleats tapping the floor as he walks. He takes my face gently in his hands and looks me over from head to toe."It's worse than it looks," I say holding onto his forearms. "It's a lot of blood for a split lip.""And be careful of her head," Quincy says as Rowen goes to pull me closer. He draws back at her words and looks at me again, noticing the state of my hair for the first time. "She had a good chunk ripped out of the back. It's not bleeding anymore.""Fuuuck," I hear off to the side and look over to see Daniel watching the scene unfold before him. He looks at Quincy and raises his eyebrows."Jessica," she says to him. He sighs and squeezes the bridge of his nose. "Okay." That's all he says before turning around and walking away."Jessica Funderling?" Rowen asks Quincy. She nods and crosses her arms before looking at the floor. He looks back at me with a look of concern like I've never seen before. "Does it hurt bad?"I shrug. "A little. But not as much as
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Chapter 37: Rowen
Tiffany was basically fine. I knew that when I took her home that night but I think I was a little shaken up by seeing her bloodied up. If it had been a man that had lifted a fist to her, I would have tracked him down and given him a taste of his own medicine. But being that it was another woman, well, the only thing I could do was take care of Tiffany.Nate and I had words, first, though. He was pretty pissed when he found out his wife had gotten smashed at a game and acted like that. But that didn't keep him from running his mouth off at me. He vowed to make my life hell if I ever got in his face again, to which I rolled my eyes and walked away. Telling him to get his wife's behavior under control was hardly stepping out of line, especially when someone else was injured by her actions. Not to mention, the owners don't like it when people close to the organization draw unnecessary press to the team.After Daniel found out what had happened, he went straight to Coach and warned him bef
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Chapter 38: Tiffany
He paces around the room, hands on his hips, still covered in sweat and filth from practice. He keeps running his hands through his hair before finally clasping them together and resting them on the top of his head. He keeps fidgeting as he walks."Do ye know what that's like?" he finally says. "Standing in the locker room in the middle of all my teammates. Teammates who have all fucked my girlfriend?"I reel back like I've been slapped. I knew he was upset when I let him in. Just the fact that he was still in his practice clothes was an indicator he had left early for some reason. But I never imagined it had anything to do with me. And I never, ever imagined this topic would be coming up again. He's been the first one to say my past didn't matter. He was the one who said it made me who I am and he liked who I am. Apparently he lied."They've all seen the freckle on yer nipple. They all know what ye smell like and taste like and what ye look like when you come." My face feels like it's
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Chapter 39: Rowen
I fucked up. I fucked up so bad.I told her she was worth more than that. That she wasn't just an object for someone's pleasure. That she was letting herself be disrespected. And then I treated her like a groupie whore.And I hate myself for it."What are you still doing out here, Rookie?"I look over at the sound of Daniel's voice. He and Christian are headed my direction. Everyone else went straight to the locker room after practice except me. I decided to stay and do some drills for my cross kick. It's not bad, but it's not as good as I want it to be. Plus, I have this whole mess with Tiffany on my mind so I have energy to burn right now. And I definitely don't want to be in close quarters with Shivel."Just doing a little extra practice," I say as I flip the ball up with my toe and catch it as they get closer."Three hours of drills and scrimmage wasn't enough for you?"I shrug. "I'm still keyed up. Might as well take advantage of it."Daniel squints at me, like he's assessing me.
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Chapter 40: Tiffany
The beat of the drums is almost deafening and it seems like there are more horns blaring than normal. Usually the sounds and smells and sights of the stadium invigorate me. The sea of red excites me. Gives me energy that I feed off of. Today it does nothing for me. Which really pisses me off because coming to see the Mutiny play has been a favorite pastime of mine for years. But Rowen ruined that when he came over and used my body like it's a marker piece on the game board all his friends are playing with. I haven't talked to Rowen in five days, despite his repeated calls and texts. I know he feels bad about our last interaction. I saw it on his face when I told him to leave. In the heat of the moment, he had no idea what an asshole he was being. I understand that. But it doesn't make it hurt any less. It doesn't change the way he made me feel. And how he made me feel is not okay. I made a decision a long time ago… my body is my own, but my feelings count for something, too. And that
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