All Chapters of The Laurel Springs Emergency Response Team Series: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
280 Chapters
Chapter 181
ShelbyI'll be glad when this shit is over and I'll never volunteer for anything like this with the LSERT again. I'd been led to believe there wouldn't be anyone not vetted, but I guess money is money. Something told me not to do this, but I'm the new one here and I wanna help all my new friends. I've had a shitty feeling about this since I got the directions to the dinner tonight. All of our correspondence has been done by email. To be honest, I wanted to get this over with, so I agreed to meet them on the first day they requested.It's not in a part of Laurel Springs I've ever been in, and I don't recall there being a restaurant in the building I've been directed to, but I gave my word and here I am. "I'm here," I tell Rowan. "If you don't hear from me in an hour, send help," I half-way joke. "I know this is supposed to be a new place, but it doesn't look open.""Be careful."As I get out of my car, I lock the doors and make sure the pepper spray I like to carry is within
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Chapter 182
Sullivan"Where is Shelby?" Menace asks as I stride back into headquarters, going to the equipment room to load up on what I feel I need."She's at the hospital. They're going to keep her overnight. Concussion."I don't want to speak to him or anyone else. There's only one thing on my mind and that's finding Frank. "Then why aren't you there with her?" Menace questions."I have other things to do.""You don't want to do this." He grabs hold of my shoulder, stopping me from going any farther."You have no idea what I'm about to do." I throw his hand off me."No, I do." He grabs hold and pushes me back against the wall. "I know exactly how you feel. When Rina was pregnant with Kels, she was held at gunpoint by a fellow teacher. I wanted to run in there and grab her, make sure she was okay, kill the fucker with my bare hands. But I couldn't." He holds onto my arm. "I had to be off the case, I was too close. In my anger I wanted to go in there and kill everyone, which woul
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Chapter 183
Shelby"This is The Café," I tell my parents as we make the trip down the sidewalk from my office to the place where most people in town go to eat. They've been here for almost two weeks. Since I was brought to the hospital and now that I'm home. They leave tomorrow, and I finally feel well enough to take them on a tour of Laurel Springs."It's all so quaint." My mom grins. "I can see why you love this place.""It's not hard," I admit. We walk in being greeted by so many people who have become friends and family to me in such a short amount of time. Seeing three swivel chairs at the soda fountain free, I lead them to my favorite place to sit. That's when I notice Ransom, Cruise, and Havoc standing in a group together, cracking up."Hey guys." I wave. "What's going on?"Ransom giggles as he looks at me. "Your man is in a slow speed chase.""Slow speed chase?" I ask, not sure what he's saying. I'm not sure I've ever heard of a slow speed chase. "Mr. Honeycutt is refu
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Chapter 184
Sullivan"I love that shirt almost as much as I love you." I wrap my arms tightly around Shelby's waist. Since she came home from the hospital, I've had her within my reach.She wrinkles her nose up cutely at me. "I have no idea why.""Oh you know." I turn her around in my arms. The front of it says Laurel Springs SWAT Team and on the back it says Baker. One day I'll make her last name the same as mine. We're in no hurry. For the first time in my life, I'm not in a hurry.To prove to my family how much better I am than my brother.To do what everyone thinks I should be doing. Finally, I'm becoming my own man. "You gonna be there at the end?" "Oh yeah, hooting and hollering for the hottest guy on the course."I smile, shaking my head. "You're good for my ego."She reaches up, running her fingers through my hair. "You're good for me period.""So if we win, does that mean I get to do whatever I want to you?" I rub my nose against her neck."I believe you said
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Chapter 185
SullivanMy heart swells in my chest as Rowan walks down the aisle toward the man who will be her husband. Standing in front of the church, along with the man who she'll give herself to, I swallow hard. The dress I helped her pick out looks incredible as it sparkles in the candlelight of the chapel. As much as I thought she was beautiful then, she's gorgeous now. The wide smile across her face, the wetness in her eyes, and the sparkle that radiates from inside competes with the one she wears on the outside.Our dad is like the rest of us in our dress uniforms. Even though he and I don't always see eye-to-eye, I'm still proud of the awards he wears on his chest.As they step to the altar, Cutter comes down, holding out his hand for Rowan. "Who gives this woman to this man?""Her family and I do," Dad answers, before kissing Rowan on the cheek and heading over to where Mom sits. She wipes at her eyes, which means she's crying. Mom always cries at important moments in her
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Chapter 186
DevanteAs has become my habit when I'm working the morning shift, I park the ambulance in front of A Whole Latte Love. "You want anything?" I ask Cutter who's feverishly texting. Ten bucks says it's to his brand-new wife, Rowan."Black, one cream, two sugars.""Then it's not black, is it?" "Don't give me shit this morning. Ro gained two pounds and she's convinced she won't be able to fit into any of her clothes now. Never mind we've already gotten married.""This is why you got married, and not me," I remind him. Marriage isn't my deal. Never has been, probably never will be."I'm gonna call her, try and talk her down from the damn ledge.""Good luck with that my man."Gratefully, I leave him in the ambulance by himself. I might be happy for him, but he's driven me crazy talking about this wedding the last few months. Walking into the coffee shop, I expect to see Eden at the counter with a smile on her face.That's how I've seen her almost every day since she opened
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Chapter 187
VOLUME SIX: DEVANTEPrologueDevante"I'm scared."The fear in Eden's eyes hits me square in the chest. A fear I've never felt before follows. Usually when I'm out on a call, I'm helping people I don't know. I'm on auto-pilot. There's a repetition to the care I give. The automatic movements that have been ingrained; I can do them in my sleep. In the moment, I'm always able to push through anything distracting me from the periphery, but not this time.This is different. She's different. I've grown to care for her, and damned if her dark eyes don't kill me.Reaching down, I cup her cheek in the palm of my hand. "I know. I'm gonna take care of you." She nods, closing her lids tight against the pain. "I went to school for it and shit."There's a laugh with an almost smile. Barely there, but enough to make me feel better about the situation."Thank you, Devante.""No need to thank me. I'd do almost anything to hear you laugh.""You ready?" Cutter asks from where he stand
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Chapter 188
EdenThe world is hazy as I struggle to open my eyes. It's extremely difficult but I fight against the fatigue plaguing my body. The last thing I can remember is feeling like shit at the shop. Correction, I'd been feeling rough for a few days, but there'd been no way I could take time off or close early. A Whole Latte Love has been barely making it since I opened a few months ago, but business is finally starting to become consistent. The money I managed to bring with me from Chicago has quickly been running out. If only I'd planned to get more. I'd been debating on what my choices were with the shop when I started to believe I was really sick. And then I'd panicked because I'd been alone.No wait, Devante was there. He was there, and I'd ridden in the ambulance.There's a beep, beep, beep, in the background and I wonder if this has all been a dream of some sort and I've slept through my alarm. If I have, I'm late for opening, and I can't afford that. With a burst of energy I
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Chapter 189
DevanteTwo hours later, there's a knock at the door, not as heavy as the ones before. "C'mon in," I answer quietly, although I'm unsure why. Eden's just got her next dose of pain medication I think she could sleep through a bombing. "Hey, how's she doing?"Stella is already in nurse mode, even though Eden's not her patient. She's checking her vitals, pulling up her chart, and making sure everything is in order. "You tell me." I raise a pointed eyebrow her way.She puffs out a breath on a chuckle. "Ransom says I have a hard time letting my friends be taken care of without my input and damned if his ass isn't right. They need to get the infection under control before they take her gallbladder out. She may have a few more days in here. I'm hoping they'll be able to remove it laparoscopically as long as they can get the infection down.""That's what I thought. She's not going to take it well.""I mean she has no choice. It can get bad. Her body could go septic and she coul
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Chapter 190
Eden I'm back in that weird space again. Where everything reminds me of a dream, but also feels as if it's staying still. I can't remember how long I've been here or what I'm doing. There's that annoying beeping again. The one that continues in a rhythm, almost like a song I've heard before. I can't place it though, that's what keeps bothering me. It's on the tip of my tongue and I can't seem to make it work.My mouth is dry as the desert and I want nothing more than a drop of water. My eyelids are heavy as I fight against their weight to open them. It's almost too much for me to do, but I keep going. If I can pool together all my strength, I can do it, I know I can."Eden?" It's a voice I recognize.ÊBut my mouth is so dry I can't seem to make it work.Ê"Eden?" The voice says again. "You okay?"No, no I'm not okay. I'm thirsty, and I'm scared. I can't remember what the hell happened to me, and instinctively I know I'm in a foreign place. Where am I?In my mind I've said
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