All Chapters of The Laurel Springs Emergency Response Team Series: Chapter 261 - Chapter 270
280 Chapters
Chapter 261
AlisaI've never been one to spill my guts to others I barely know, yet here I am about ready to tell Archer everything about my life. Starting with the bitch who took my boyfriend in middle school on up to the professor who grabbed my ass in nursing school. There's an easiness to him that allows me to talk without feeling self-conscious. Together, we clean up the mess from the breakfast I brought. With anyone else, I'd already be trying to leave, but I can't help but want to stay. "I guess I should get going?" I phrase it as a question since I don't want to. I enjoy spending time with him and I want to spend as much as I can.He reaches out, grabbing my hand. His large palm encases my hand, warming me from the inside out. "You don't have to. I'd love it if you'd hang out with me. I won't be up for more than probably lying on the couch and maybe taking a walk later, but you're welcome to stay."His soft words warm my chest. "I'd love to. If you need me to leave so you can rest, ju
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Chapter 262
Archer"You're good to go."       Nodding, I grin, before hopping off the examination table. "No restrictions?" I question the doctor.        "None. You might have a little scar. If that bothers you, I can refer you to a plastic surgeon."       I cut my eyes over to him. "I think it gives me a dangerous edge. What do you think?"      "Definite danger."His tone is so dry, I chuckle. "Thanks for backing me up.""I'll have your release sent over to the police department. It's up to them when they want to put you back on shift.""Thanks, Doc. Don't take it personal, but I don't think I wanna see you again.""None taken. Be safe out there, Officer.""Will do."My steps are with purpose as I leave the doctor's office. Although I've enjoyed the time off, I'm ready to get back to work. I worry about the men taking over my shift. They're already doing overtime and tired. My being hurt has put our already-stretched department even more thin. Getting into my SUV, I head for the
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Chapter 263
Alisa     Although I got a good night's sleep, I'm still dragging ass this morning. It's what I get for working all hours. I'll be glad when I'm on a set schedule, but who knows when that'll be. Since I'm the newest nurse over at Laurel Medical, I'll be waiting a while.I try to convince myself it's not so bad as I get up and get dressed. My morning routine is pretty standard: brush my teeth, do skincare, and do my best not to fall back asleep standing up. When I get it done, I realize I'm going to need something to help me kickstart this day. Looking out my balcony, I notice Eden putting out her daily board for A Whole Latte Love. Coffee and a pastry is exactly what I need.Decision made, I head down the back stairs and out into what I hope won't be muggy air. It's still warm.But not sticky.I'll take it. As I make my way across the street, I have a one track mind. All I want is a cinnamon roll and a vanilla latte. Entering the shop, I inhale deeply. The smell of fresh ba
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Chapter 264
Archer"Show me out with a car at Lanier Park," I radio to dispatch the next night. I call in the temporary plate, trying to give whoever is inside time to get their shit together. I wouldn't have stopped tonight, but there's been some break-ins at the neighborhood behind here. We're stepping up patrols and doing our best to make our presence known.       More than likely, this is a couple of either high school or college kids who've snuck out to get a little alone time. Which is why I'm trying to give them the benefit of the doubt, so I don't see something that'll scar me forever.       Walking up, I tap on the window.       Color me surprised when it rolls down to reveal Devante and Eden. She's fixing her lipstick and he doesn't have a shirt on. "Seriously?"       "What?" Devante asks. "Her mom's in town and my mom's in town. It's been a rough week."       Chuckling, I shake my head. "So you decided to come to a park in the middle of town?"       "A park that's closed,"
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Chapter 265
Alisa"Why the long face?"       Glancing up, I notice Stella's taken a seat across from me. She puts her feet up, sighing deeply.        "I don't know how to keep my heart safe from Archer," I admit, sighing right back at her.       She giggles, smirking. "Girl, why are you even trying? Those guys on the police force are the best ones I've ever known. All fucking hot as hell, especially my baby daddy."       "I haven't had the best luck when it comes to putting my faith in others. The fact of the matter is, I've been disappointed more than I've been surprised. At some point in the last few years, I started protecting myself and     not letting anyone get too close. I was fine with that until I moved here. Archer and you have started to get under my skin. I haven't even allowed myself to have friends in forever."       "And here I am, coming in with leftovers for you and an iced coffee. How dare I?"       My eyes roll heavenward. "It sounds stupid, I know. It's just…" I st
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Chapter 266
ArcherThere's a crowd in the squad room when I get to the station. I left my patrol SUV last night to get the oil changed, instead of going straight out on the streets, and I have to stop in to get my keys.      "What's happening in here?""Dad's decided he's going to have a cookout and he's invited anyone who wants to come," Cruise says, standing next to me and crossing his arms. "Me? I'm wondering what my mom had to say about this."       "She realizes since I'm Chief now, we'll be expected to do things like this. You leave your mom to me."       Judging by the heat in Mason's eyes, he knows exactly how to handle his wife. I've always been scared to get married after what my parents put me through and I don't plan to. But if I could, his is the type of marriage I'd aspire to have. That's what I want. The kind of relationship where I know we'll be together for the rest of our lives. We'll have inside jokes and secret looks. We'll love our kids all the way through their lives,
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Chapter 267
AlisaThe dishes in my sink won't wait one more minute. Not only because I can't stand to look at them any longer, but I don't have more than four plates and they're all dirty. Since I talked to Stella about the life I grew up in, I've been avoiding being an adult.       Normally, I don't tend to put off what I can get done. My parents did that a lot as a child and the amount of anxiety I have to cover up today because of it used to be debilitating.       As I'm about to start my dishwater, my phone rings. Looking at the clock, I realize it's probably not Archer. He      worked a double shift and, if he's awake now, he's in for a long day. Not only that but he's tired as fuck.       Glancing down, my stomach drops as I see Mom on the screen.       It's never good when she calls me. I learned a long time ago she's not one to call and chat. She's more the type who calls to see what she can get. I can't remember the last time she asked how I was doing. Just checked in, wanting to
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Chapter 268
Archer I haven't slept this good in what feels like years. Not even when I break down and take the Melatonin I sometimes dose myself with. It's part of the issue with working the way I do and never having a set schedule. Every once in a while, I can seem to catch up slightly, but then something happens and I have to go with a night of around four hours.       It screws me up all the time.        But last night, I slept better curled up next to Lis than I have in a long time. Her scent invading all of my senses. Her arms wrapped around me. It was a balm to my soul. One I didn't even know I needed.        I'm still halfway angry at her family. With tears and a tight voice, she'd told me the entire story of what they've done to her for her whole life. If I ever get to meet those people, I'll let them know that the Bank of Alisa is closed.       How anyone could hurt such a giving person is beyond me.       "Morning." She rouses, turning over to smile sleepily at me.       It
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Chapter 269
AlisaI'm having the absolute worst day. Maybe it's residual annoyance because of the phone call with my mom, perhaps it's because I'm ending the second half of a double shift that would have anyone ready to go, or maybe it's because I just don't want to be here. I had such a great time with Archer at the cookout yesterday, anything else seems to be not as exciting or completely underwhelming.       Either way, anything that could've gone wrong has.       I'd like nothing more than to go back to bed and start this day over again.        However, glancing at my watch, I realize I only have four more hours to work.        I can do this. I can do this.       It's a chant inside my brain when the doors to the emergency room open and a woman with a very distended abdomen comes in breathing heavily.        Looking over at Stella, I raise an eyebrow. "Want me to take this one?"       She's been super emotional when pregnant people come in lately. More than likely because of wha
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Chapter 270
ArcherThe knock at my door is unexpected. I'm in the middle of taking my uniform off, having just gotten home from an almost double shift. There was an escape in Birmingham and Rambo had been called to help search.       Someone had to take his place and I can always use the money so I'd volunteered. Now, as my eyes are heavy and I'm ready for bed, I don't know that it was such a good idea.        The knock, though, warns me that this is going to be a much longer night than I expected it to be. Glancing through the peephole, I see Alisa staring back at me. Instead of her smiling face, it's splotchy and red.       "Lis, baby, what's wrong? Is it your parents again? Do you want me to talk to them? I can't stand to see you this upset when there's a simple way for you to take care of this. Stop taking their phone calls." I know I'm preaching to the choir. It would be better for me if I'd stop taking my own parent's calls.       "No." She sniffles as she comes in, wrapping her arm
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