All Chapters of Shifter King: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
141 Chapters
Chapter 21: Marinah
He claims to have hellhounds and there's no reason not to believe him, but still. Hellhounds kill with single-minded purpose and in turn they are nearly impossible to kill. They have no problem breaking off parts of their bodies to slip through things like fences, gates, and prison cells. The Federation had no success at taking much less keeping one alive and whenever they tried, humans died. Six months before the end of the war-maybe I should call it the first war since the hounds are returning-a hellhound broke into the underground compound where I worked. It killed twenty-three people. Twenty-one of them were heavily armed. Three of my co-workers and I made it to a reinforced steel closet and closed the door with the hellhound inches from destroying us. I've had nightmares about them ever since. Now King is saying he can take me to see a hellhound. Before the war, I had a nice busy life going to school, hanging out with friends, and dreaming about my future. Just think
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Chapter 22: Marinah
King walks forward and nods to one of the inside guards who immediately lowers his head. The guard gives me an unhappy side eye. King takes my focus off the guard when he speaks. "We use Neodymium super magnets charged with electricity to keep them from moving more than a few inches. What we find interesting is they seem to know and don't fight it. They almost go into a coma-like state after they realize they can't escape." It's time to look at the reason for my nightmares. Their flesh is a dark gray with twisted muscle for arms and legs that doesn't look like it should twist in those directions. Patches of short dark hair cover most of their bodies. Long, lethal claws extend out at the end of all extremities. The genitalia is gone on both or they're female or they had none to begin with. Why is he showing me this? It's wrong and they should be killed. This will be at the top of the report to the Federation when I return home. If I return. Kin
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Chapter 23: King
She's human, I tell myself. Not weak, just human. "Stay with me," I mutter as I carry her back to my room. I sniff her hair, which is partially in my face. She smells enticing and that isn't a good thing. "Please put me down," she requests when we're halfway to our destination. I slowly drop her legs and tilt her body upright. Breathing heavily, she grabs the wall and hangs her head. A few seconds later, she places her hands on her knees and takes huge gulping breaths of air. I say nothing as I wait for her to gain control. "It's a panic attack," she says after her breathing slows. "I get them occasionally." She stands straight and closes her eyes for a moment. "You've given me a lot to think about. Please take me to my room so I can sort it out in my mind." Sweat at her temple captures strands of hair and they stick to her pasty, soft skin. Incredibly soft skin. "This way," I point to the right and walk ahead of her to put distance between us. The s
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Chapter 24: Marinah
The walls of my room close in on me. I use every breathing technique I have-counting by threes, fours, and sevens and nothing seems to help. Five minutes after entering my claustrophobic room and working on my breathing, a hysterical burst of laughter leaves my throat. I've literally survived the zombie apocalypse. The laughter turns to tears. Our government did this. Scientists said the earth was heating at an unnatural rate. They also said GMOs were safe. They got it half right. The group of protesters I hung with in college had a hard-on for Monsanto, but we were equal opportunity marchers and went after DuPont, Bayer, Dow, and BASF who practiced the same hidden techniques to keep the population ignorant of what they were doing. All we wanted was transparency. You would think we were asking them to stop their business completely. Labeling food was our objective. Allow the people to decide was our motto. The honey bee colony collapse was directly tied to B
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Chapter 25: King
If I'm lucky, she will remember every word tomorrow. I watch her sleep, and within a few minutes she begins softly snoring. While she's out, I do something I've wanted to try since discovering Beast's aversion to her. I allow him to come to the forefront without transforming. It's not easy to do and I must keep a tight leash in order to keep him from taking over completely. Beast leans over and sniffs her bare leg. He doesn't touch. Kill the woman, pops into my head. Why? I ask. Dangerous, he replies. Slowly I extend my hand and touch her leg again. Beast growls deep in my chest. Dangerous how? I press. Deadly. I don't see it. Her stumbling bumbling routine can't be a hoax. Beast leans over and licks her leg where I'm touching. He tastes her, but so do I. It's strange. I've been with women and none have tasted like her. It's an untamed wild flavor that makes me wonder if she's not quite human. Who the hell knows what other creatures roam this
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Chapter 26: Marinah
The pounding in my head wakes me, and nausea makes me run for the bathroom. The liquor comes up and the vile taste of vomit almost makes it impossible to hold my guts inside my stomach. How I wish I could remove them. Never again, I think to myself as I lean against the toilet holding on to the cool porcelain for dear life. Of course, I've said the exact same thing before even if it has been years. About five minutes later, I walk from the bathroom feeling somewhat reborn after my purge and search the bedroom for signs of King. Though I threw back the covers when I ran to the bathroom, there's still an indent where King sat on the bed last night. It wasn't a dream. Darn, that's not good. I think I asked him to have sex with me. I think I need to dig a very big hole and bury myself in it. Instead, I grab clothes from my closet and head to the shower. The sooner I see King and face the consequences of my actions, the better. Really what can he do
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Chapter 27: Marinah
"Did they kill the two hellhounds you have?" I ask Axel, hoping my wish came true. He crosses his arms. "King told you about the two we hold?" "King did more than tell me, he showed me. Alcohol didn't numb the sight of them or the smell." I can't help the revulsion running over my skin and I shiver. Axel's fingers are steepled and he softly thrums them together. "Did he explain what they are?" He's being careful. He must know if I find out certain things my life is forfeit. And that sounds as stupid as it is. "Yes, I know we're really fighting hellhumans and not hounds." He gives a relieved sigh. "We still call them hounds. Makes it easier than thinking of them as once being humans." I get that and feel the same. Something's been bothering me since King explained what they learned, though at the time I was too afraid of the answer. "I never saw my father's body. Is he one of those... things now?" I dread the answer and thinking in these terms
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Chapter 28: King
My shoulder hurts, my head aches, and a raging hard-on is making me exceedingly uncomfortable. Even after battling hellhounds, getting bit, and fighting the poison all night she gets to me. The man, not the beast, which is a problem. Beast refusing not to react when she stares in my eyes is perplexing. Hell, everything about the woman and Beast is perplexing. I crawl out of bed, rebuffing doctor's orders. I refuse to lie around all day. Axel is a mother hen when it comes to his patients and he needs to relax a little. When I stand, the pain in my shoulder makes it difficult to draw a full breath. Along with our remedy for hellhound bites, Axel must cut the dead tissue from the wound. The area around the bite begins to putrefy immediately. It's only our healing ability that gives us time for the antidote to work or I would be dead ten times over by now. I pull on my pants slowly, fighting a groan, while hoping Axel doesn't arrive to argue with me. After I'm dressed below t
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Chapter 29: Marinah
Cabel puts his sword down and walks toward me. "I didn't expect you back so soon," he says as way of greeting. "I didn't expect to be. It's good to see you training." I leave the bike idling unsure why I'm here. He wipes sweat from his brow. "It's hotter than usual today. I'll give the men a break if you'd like to come inside." I turn off the ignition and lift my leg over the bike's engine. I look around while we walk the hundred or so yards to his front door. Mary, his mate, is standing at the kitchen stove stirring something in a large pot. She glares at me as I take a seat at their table. Beast rumbles at her audacity and I pull him back. Cabel tries to smooth things over. "It's okay, Mar. It was only a small love tap. He wouldn't hurt me." He gives her a quick hug and kiss on her cheek. I know when to keep my mouth shut and head down. I steady my eyes on the table and do everything I can not to incite Cabel's Beast. The mating rage is hard enough
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Chapter 30: Marinah
I arrive at the training room followed by my ever-present guards. Boot isn't here, so I begin warm-ups and stretches. I struggle though because I feel like all my muscles have turned to bricks. My head has stopped pounding and my stomach is under control at the moment. It doesn't mean I'm ready for today's torture. I stretch, teetering to keep my balance, and I know I look like a fool while doing it. A giggle from a small cabinet in the corner alerts me that I'm being watched. My guards remain outside the open door and they're not looking in. I slowly walk to the cabinet and peek inside. The large brown eyes that peer back at me seem to sparkle in that "naughty boy I've been caught" kind of way. His brown hair comes to mid shoulder and there's a smudge of dirt beneath one eye. His skin is light burnished brown, from his mother's Cuban heritage. I lift my finger to my lips giving the age old "quiet" signal. "You shouldn't be in here, Che," I whisper, taking a guess who my
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