All Chapters of Sinner's Empire Series: Sin of Silence, A Silent Reckoning, Goodnight Sinners: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
149 Chapters
Chapter 21
It took a long time for Shaun to calm down. She cried for herself, for her mom, for Danilo, her dead colleague. Her sobs gradually become soft hiccups until she was finally able to look around and take stock of her situation. She was ashamed of herself. Since coming into Jozef's life she'd done nothing but fall apart. She had gone from a self-possessed, cool, collected surgeon to a woman who couldn't keep her shit together. Shaun was the type of doctor who could stand in an emergency room and calmly direct other medical personnel during a flood of patients. At a glance, she could easily assess injuries and severity, and know which way to send them based on need. She'd conducted surgeries while listening to gunfire outside of a hospital. Nothing had rattled her calm professionalism. Yet, when it came to her own situation, she simply wasn't able to cope. She'd lived in war zones, yet she had never experienced war herself. She was being faced with a situation that a week ago
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Chapter 22
After a quick shower and a change in his walk-in closet, Jozef left Shaun alone in his room. The first thing she did was try the door. As she suspected, there was a man standing on the other side. He was pretty rough looking, his head shaved, tattoos covering his body including his neck and head. He wore a suit though, similar to what Jozef wore, but less expensive she guessed. "Can I help you, ma'am?" His words were slow and heavily accented, as though he was new to English. "Dr. Patterson," she corrected him automatically. "Dr. Pay... der...son," he said respectfully, struggling to wrap his tongue around her name, the syllables halting with his heavy guttural accent. Shaun bit back a laugh at his attempt to say her name. She said it again, this time slower. He repeated it perfectly, finishing with a smile. Shaun had noticed that the family spoke flawless English, as though they'd been born to it. Yet most of the staff around the mansion, including the secu
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Chapter 23
Shaun was escorted to the club by the same guards who'd escorted her to the shops the day before. She smiled warmly at Karl as he held the door open. Before going inside, she stopped to ask him anxiously, "Did you get in trouble for my escape attempt yesterday?" He looked surprised at her concern. "No, ma'am. Your attempt was just that, an attempt. It was expected that you would try to leave us, so we were prepared for anything." She nodded sadly. "I see, so I was always doomed to failure." He patted her arm and tipped his head toward the vehicle, indicating that she should get inside. Before he closed the door, he said, "Don't let it bother you. The family surrounds themselves with more security than the Queen of England. Not even Houdini would be able to get out." The door closed on his words and Shaun was left wondering if she felt comforted or even more terrified. She'd only been with the family for a few days, but already she was realizing that,
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Chapter 24
A tense silence fell on the table. Shaun's wide gaze moved from Jozef to the man standing next to the table with two bodyguards behind him. She was relieved to see Havel off to the side of the VIP area, his hard gaze on the uninvited guests. She never thought she'd be happy to see Havel, but he was a familiar face who she knew was on Jozef's side should anything happen. Just as the tension grew so thick that Shaun wondered if somehow an enemy had managed to make his way to their table, Jozef's face split into a wide grin and he slapped the table with the palms of his hands, standing to greet the man. He reached out and they shook hands, then clasped shoulders. The man's eyes strayed to Shaun, his gaze lingering speculatively before swinging back to Jozef. "I heard that you have new sweetheart." The man had a thick accent, maybe Russian. Jozef tugged Shaun against his side and nodded at her. She took that as her cue to introduce herself to the stranger. Shaun
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Chapter 25
"Shaun, stop!" She didn't know who was calling her and she didn't care. The voice gave her the impetus to move faster, pump her arms harder. Shaun had never felt anything like the driving desire she had to escape her current situation. It gave her the ability to run in heels, to run faster and farther than she'd ever run in her life. She ran straight out the back door of the club and into a throng of happy partygoers. She shoved her way past them and continued running through Prague's busy, touristy downtown. It never once occurred to her to stop and beg for help, she just had to run. Shaun could hear shouts coming from behind her, but she didn't look back. She ran until the shouts grew fainter. It took her a moment to realize that there were sobs spilling from her mouth; deep gut-wrenching sobs. Tears wet her face, ruining her make up. Nothing mattered except getting away from Jozef, the bodyguards, the Koba influence. She ran until everything hurt, until h
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Chapter 26
Once again, Jozef carried Shaun through the house to his suite. This time Shaun didn't care who saw them. She was traumatized by what she'd experienced in the alley and Jozef was her only source of comfort. It didn't matter to her that he was largely responsible for the trauma. She clung to him as though she'd die if he let go. He strode through the mansion, ignoring his aunt's exclamation as she came hurrying down the stairs toward them. "What happened?" Dasha asked sharply. Jozef let out a ferocious growl and continued through the house to his apartment, ignoring Dasha, who rushed after them. Jozef set Shaun down long enough to unlock the door to his suite and then pushed her inside, slamming the door shut behind them and locking it. He ignored his aunt's frustrated exclamation from the other side, took Shaun's hand and pulled her through the sitting room into the bedroom. He slammed the door shut and locked it. Shaun backed away from him, her previous d
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Chapter 27
When Jozef looked up at her, his eyes were so dark blue they looked black. He looked like the big bad wolf about to eat a sheep. And she was his meal, staked out on the bed. He stood, his hands dropping to his pants. He unbuttoned and unzipped then dropped them to his feet. He wasn't wearing underwear. His penis was an awesome sight. Not because it was the biggest or longest Shaun had ever seen. She was a doctor; she'd seen a lot of cock in her career. It was beautiful though, long, thick and fully erect. No, what drew her was the man himself. His confident nudity. The power emanating from him. He was a conqueror and she was his prize. It suddenly made sense to her, even though it wasn't logical. He'd seen her, he'd wanted her, he'd taken her. Shaun had never experienced that kind of desire. The consuming drive behind a courtship. Maybe their circumstances drove them together. His need for a doctor and her being in the right place at the right time to fulfill hi
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Chapter 28
Jozef was in trouble. He was falling for his fiance, which was a problem. He could have no weaknesses in his line of work. Mafia wasn't what it used to be, back when there were rules to govern behaviour. When it was a brotherhood. Now there were insidious commonalities among the vicious young mobsters who worked according to their own rules while attempting to set themselves apart. Family was now fair game, human trafficking was wildly popular and substance abuse was rampant. The brotherhood still existed. Krystoff insisted that his own organization observe the old rules. They did not target family; they did not peddle in flesh and they were controlled at all times while on the job. Jozef lived somewhere between worlds. He had to be as harsh, brutal and unfeeling as the rest of his contemporaries if he wanted to stay on top of the game. Any weakness would make him a target. Drugs and alcohol were rampant but he limited himself to the occasional drink, joint, or line of
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Chapter 29
"Are you listening?" Shaun looked up sharply, a guilty expression on her face. She had not been listening to Dasha; she'd been daydreaming about her night with Jozef. She shivered as she thought about it. He was so intense, so demanding, so different from any man she'd ever known. The sex was glorious and definitely something she wanted to try again. Then guilt hit her like a fist to the chest. She was forgetting her situation, something that seemed to be happening more and more frequently as the days passed. Her mother must be frantic, devastated, sick with worry over her daughter's disappearance. Shaun needed to concentrate on getting a message to Fatima, not daydreaming about her mobster fiance. "I'm sorry," she murmured to Dasha. "My mind was drifting, what were you saying?" Dasha gave her a sharp look. "I was saying that I think the colour scheme should be gold and black. Classic with a twist. We don't want white or silver because obviously we want to
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Chapter 30
Over the next several days the mansion was turned upside down as they prepared for the engagement party. Servants clogged the hallways as they moved furniture, carried bolts of cloth, brought in brand new kitchen equipment and hauled armloads of groceries. More staff was hired to cook and serve while still more were hired to help the head gardener and his team make sure the grounds were immaculate. The entire weeklong process left Shaun speechless. She couldn't fathom that a party of this opulence and magnitude was being pulled together so quickly. The amount of resources going into an event meant to celebrate the engagement of two people who only met a few weeks ago was simply stunning. Yet no one seemed concerned about the bride and groom's lack of history together. "More flowers arrived." Shaun turned from where she was standing next to a long serving table in the massive ball room. Dasha had tasked her with making sure it was in the correct place. Shaun had n
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