All Chapters of Beloved Old Lover: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
125 Chapters
Chapter 81: Two People Have The Same Pain
Kurt's trip took longer than expected, it wasn't until Thursday night that he set foot at the airport.During this business trip, some friends took him to get acquainted with the big bosses of companies specializing in importing handicraft products from rattan and bamboo for distribution in their country and to other countries.Their potential customers are cafes, tourist areas, resorts, restaurants, hotels... even houses.The first thing Kurt did when he almost got home was to knock on Emily's motel room door and give her some dumplings he bought on the south side of the city.He heard the deputy manager report what happened in the pub that day, but because he didn't know what Emily's current mood was and whether she wanted someone else to mention that issue, he still didn't ask her.“It smells so good, thank you.” She took the bag of dumplings, smiling brightly, no different from a child being given candy.“Does your leg still hurt?” Kurt looked down at the wound on her foot and ask
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Chapter 82: Paradise Circus
On the other side of the phone, Venn sighed in relief. As the person assigned by Kevin to find her whereabouts, how could he not understand his boss's intentions?Now Kevin went there and got drunk. If he listened to Emily and came to pick Kevin up, it would be like he ruined his boss's chance.So, he had to lie even though he was at home and he knew Sara was probably still busy preparing documents for the upcoming important meetings.Emily started biting her lips and then biting her nails, not knowing what to do with this drunk man. If she took him back to her room, she was sure he would stand there every night, as evidenced by the fact that he went to the pub these past few nights.Thinking about it for a while, she decided to take him to the hotel.“Kevin, wake up, you can't sleep here.” She gently shook his shoulder.After a while, he obeyed and sat up, but unfortunately, his whole body was now weak and he had to lean on her.She had to admit that when he was too drunk, he and Dan
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Chapter 83: Knock on the Heart's Door
Emily thought it would be a few days before Kevin came back to get his bank card, but no, as soon as she walked to the main lobby, she saw him sitting in front of the counter, intently watching the bartender mix the wine.Today, he is wearing a t-shirt, not a shirt anymore, he looks a few years younger.He seemed to completely shed the image of a noble president to become a young man who went out to drink a few cocktails to relieve stress.- Give back to you. – Emily put the black card down on the counter and said.As soon as she was about to walk away, he grabbed her wrist, held her back, asked her to bring him a grilled squid, and then let go of her hand very quickly.After coming here a few times, he naturally turned into a super VIP customer of the pub.Although the amount of wine he ordered the day before was taken back by the pub and was not charged because he ordered ten but only drank one.However, just now he asked them to take the remaining nine bottles of wine to his car an
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Chapter 84: As a Word of Acceptance
Emily tightened the hem of her coat, trying to calm herself. For a moment, she thought about calling Kevin, but reason stopped her.She knew clearly that if she proactively contacted him today to ask him to help her, it would be like giving him the green light to come closer to her.While trying to continue booking a taxi on the app, she suddenly heard footsteps and when she raised her head, she saw a man. He gradually moved closer and looked at her like looking at prey.Her whole body trembled, and her legs gradually stepped backward. This place was too deserted, the doors were closed, and there was no hope of anyone appearing to save her.“Girl, how much does it cost at one time?” The man stuck out his tongue, licked around his lips, and asked.“No... I'm not... I'm not...” She couldn't speak because she was too scared.“Why not? You don't like me, right?”After saying that, the man immediately rushed towards the girl who was trembling and hugging her body.However, just as he grabb
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Chapter 85: Short-lived Joy
Finally, the weekend has arrived. Early in the morning, Kevin took Emily out of the north side of the city to the south side of the city to visit the graves of her parents and his younger brother.From the day she allowed him to go to her room to sleep, every night, he went to the pub, drank a cocktail, waited for her to get off work, then took her home and spent the night in her room.Although Emily didn't want him to spend his rest time with her, she said he wouldn't listen so she didn't object to him anymore.After buying a few bouquets of white chrysanthemums, Kevin drove to the cemetery.It's been more than three months since Emily came here, so her feelings now are very difficult to describe: missing, looking forward, happy, sad, everything.She placed flowers on her parents' graves and stood silently for a long time. She silently told them that she was living very well, had enough food to eat, enough clothes to wear, and no longer worried too much.The moment she arrived at Dan
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Chapter 86: The snitch
Although Lisa felt a little reassured, she persisted in staying to see if Kevin would come today or not. She ordered another glass of juice and a few more cakes and continued to observe.Lisa even thought about using Jessica to stop them if they were rekindling their old love.If Emily was Kevin's college sweetheart, she was sure that no mother would accept a girl who stopped loving her eldest son, then fell in love with her youngest son, and then back to her eldest son.Furthermore, the video at Daniel's funeral is the clearest evidence that Jessica showed hatred for Emily even though it was removed from social networking sites by the forces behind it.That incident did not cause a fuss because most people sympathized with the mother's mood and pain.The car that Kevin often drives is easy to recognize, so as soon as he stopped on the side of the road, in front of the pub, it attracted Lisa's eyes.The moment she saw him leisurely step inside, her heart seemed to stop beating. So cou
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Chapter 87: Powerful Woman
While Jessica was remembering her old maid, Lisa said that her mother said she was the kindest and most elegant woman among the women her mother had ever met.Of course, Lisa was smart enough not to mention Daniel, to avoid evoking the pain in Jessica's heart.She knows today is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If she is not tactful, she will not be able to change what is happening.“Ah, I remember, it turns out Daisy's daughter has grown up.” Jessica smiled.“Yes, I just graduated and am working at Unicons Corporation. I am working as an assistant to the deputy general director Venn.” Lisa took the opportunity to introduce her abilities.“Oh, I remember, that day, I saw you sitting in Kevin's car in front of the gate of Sunset restaurant. That girl is you, right?”Lisa nodded to confirm. Her heart felt like it was about to jump out because she didn't expect that after only meeting her once, Jessica remembered her face.Before she could calm down, Jessica pulled her into a nearby caf
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Chapter 88: Letting Go Again
After drying her tears, Emily returned to the pub and continued her work.However, Kurt still recognized her red, watery eyes under the flashing lights as she passed the bartending counter.Her bad mood made her body weak, but she still tried to work until the last customer went out the door.“Drink it.” Kurt gave the can of squash juice he had just opened to Emily and said.“Thank you.” She took it and said thank you.Kurt quietly sat down next to her while the other waiters were leaving.He was the manager, he always left the pub last and Emily followed him so she also had to stay.She drank squash juice and looked around to leave in her memory the image of the place where she had worked for three months.“Kurt, I want to quit my job.” She bowed her head and spoke softly.“Let's go, I'll take you home.”Kurt stood up and walked away, Emily also quickly followed him. Kurt knew that Kevin's mother came here to look for Emily because he heard what the bartender said and he also predict
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Chapter 89: A good start
During his days abroad, Kevin regularly called Emily during the time she got off work at the pub.Because she didn't want him to hear her sleepy voice, she had to set the alarm before two in the morning and then wake up to be alert to talk to him.Tonight was the last night she talked to him because tomorrow, according to the schedule, he would board a plane back to the city.“Kevin, it's raining here. I can't hear your voice anymore. I'll hang up.” Emily proactively spoke up to stop the call.“Uh. Have a good night's sleep. The rain will help you sleep better.”After the gentle words, the other end of the phone rang the sound of ending the call.Emily didn't lie to Kevin because outside, the rain was falling heavily. Through the window, she could see the white road under the lonely dim yellow light.The pouring rain was like a song, lulling the sadness in her heart into a sleep of endless pain, unable to stop.“Kevin, let's not meet again.”She lowered her head, her shoulders shaking
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Chapter 90: Sad Avenue
The plane carrying Kevin descended through the clouds and landed at the airport.It was ten o'clock at night but he didn't feel tired after the long flight because he was eager to see his loved one.After taking Sara home, he immediately ran to the north side of the city.The moment he stopped the car in front of the Paradise pub, he suddenly felt nervous, as if he were on a first date.Tightening the box containing the necklace in his hand, he quickly walked inside and sat at the counter, ordering a cocktail.Because Emily told Kurt, everyone will not reveal to Kevin that Jessica has come here.No matter how much the bartender talks, he still has to obey the manager.Today, there were also many customers, but Kevin didn't see Emily anywhere. At least, she should run out here once. Could it be that she's busy serving in VIP rooms?“Little brother, is Miss Emily going to work today?” Kevin asked the bartender.“Ah, didn't she say anything to you? She quit her job here a few days ago.”
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