All Chapters of The Lycan King's Female Alpha Mate: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
134 Chapters
Fucking Jamal
KING ARLO'S POV(MINUTES TO ZACH'S ARREST)"We found him dead at the outskirts of the Pack, so we decided to bring him here, Alpha." One of the pack warriors explained with a bow."Why the hell would you bring him here? Look at him. He's a disgusting sight and a nobody. What matters if he's dead or not? You should know better than to disturb the Alpha with such an irrelevant matter." Luther picked up a fit."Yeah, the Beta is right. Why would you bring a common thug here and disrupt the peace of the Packhouse?" Alpha Hillary questioned."Because we think he was murdered, Alpha." Another Pack warrior replied. "His broken bones. The viciousness of his wounds. We think someone did this.""Of course, someone did this. But that person will be just another useless thug. Maybe they got into a fight. Maybe into an argument. Maybe it was a long-time vendetta. My point is, it has nothing to do with the welfare of the Pack. So why did you bring him here?" Luther countered again. He was growing
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Killing him
KING ARLO'S POV"What the fuck do you think you're doing here?" Jamal snorted, stopping at the doorway, and shielding Zach from my view with his body."I'm not here for you –""You shouldn't be here at all." Jamal countered. Above his shoulder blades, I could see Zach's face. The dude seemed agitated. Was it because of the pending arrest or was it guilt?"Why not? I don't see any sign that restricts me from coming here." I retorted calmly.Engaging in verbal wars with Jamal was insulting, to say the least. He was young and stupid. It'd be a brutal blow to my ego if someone caught me exchanging words with him."I thought you knew better. Didn't know you needed a sign. I'll be sure to put up one today. But for now, get the hell out.""Not without your friend," I gestured at Zach, and in reply, he stepped away from hiding behind Jamal. Now I got to take a good look at him, but damn, he reeked of guilt and alcohol."What do you want from me?" Zach asked, with a slight tremor in his voice.
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What have you done?
MESSIAH JORDY'S POV"I hate that I want you, but I can't help it. You get my dick hard with just your scent and I wanna fuck you so hard that you scream my name above your lungs. Let the whole world hear your screams of pleasure. Let them know I'm the reason behind it. Me and my insatiable dick that craves your body and your heart…"I bit down my moans, as my fingers circled my pants, searching desperately for my clit. My fingers brushed against it but found their way back. Gently, I began rubbing it, as I read more erotic words from my book."Beg me to fuck you. I want to hear you say it...Fuck me, Dastan. Please. He slammed her back on the table, pushing down the plates. He yanked off her panties and lowered, burying his face between her inner thighs…"Oh, God. My moans deepened, as I slid my fingers inside my pants, getting passed my panties and stroking my sleek clit. "...he ran his tongue over her pussy, eating her out and releasing slurping sounds. Her cries intensified as she
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No room to breathe
MESSIAH JORDY'S POVHalfway running through the East wing hallways, I felt even more anxious and scared. I had to go talk to Father and find out what was going on."Jordy, slow down!" Mother yelled again. I could hear her heels behind me. But there was no way I could slow down. I was finally approaching Father's resting quarters when the door opened and he walked out. He was dressed in one of his official, Alpha robes and he had creases on his face. The kind that came from worries and fear."Father." I finally halted, panting hard. "What's going on?" I asked in between the harsh intake of breaths."I'm not so sure–" He stuttered. I hated it when he did that. It just showed that he knew what was going on but was scared to admit it."Father, tell me. Please. Why did you send for Zach?" I was almost in tears. This didn't look good at all."Because he has to be interrogated!" A deep, baritone shattered my composure. His mesmerizing scent tickled my insides, reminding me of the release I
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Pride and ego
KING ARLO'S POVKilling her was out of the question but I would have if I could endure losing her. Getting me all riled up like that back there – she deserved death and more.Any other person, I would have throttled the last fucking air out of the person. But it was her. Dammit, it was her!So I was trying, I was fucking trying to wind it down. But I couldn't. She went too damn far. She should have known better than to push my buttons that hard."Arlo…" she was struggling in my grip, fighting for some air. I covered her mouth again, sucking her down to her throat, stealing every chance of breaking free from me.Her fists jammed my chest repeatedly, and her legs were squirming. It was all her futile attempt to catch some air. Still, I didn't let her go. Suffocating her was a maniac move, but I was as much a maniac when riled up.My anger morphed into a frustrating and unruly passion and slowly, I released her lips. She took in short, sharp breaths, and her eyes were moistened with tea
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Her mess
THIRD PERSON'S POVJamal swerved up the drive of the Orlandos' residence, hitting the brakes furiously and turning off the ignition. With a loud slam, he alighted the car, hurrying to the front porch. He rang the doorbell like crazy, almost kicking open the door when the response took later than expected.His clenched fist pounced repeatedly on the door, wishing nothing but to break down the damn thing.*fuck it, Zoey. Where the hell are you?!* He sent her a mind-link, still hitting on the door."Son?" He stilled and slowly turned around. A low hiss smoothly slid out of his lips. It was the most unpleasant surprise."What are you doing here?" Luther continued, joining him on the front porch and glancing at the door."It's none of your fucking business." Jamal snorted, retrieving his fists into his pockets and putting a good distance between them.Ever since their last breakfast together, they have never had to share a space. Jamal had intentionally avoided all the areas of the house
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As he wanted
THIRD PERSON'S POVGamma Micah led the way into his study. Dropping his suitcase on the table, he walked over to the built-in wine cellar to grab a rebranded bottle of whiskey. He took out two glasses and filled them up. "I'm sorry you had to wait outside. I made a quick stop at the Packs engaging in the upcoming competition. By the way, will Jamal contest this year?""I have no idea." Luther gruffed out, settling on one of the chairs. He ripped open the buttons on his coat, feeling slightly pissed.Why did she have to be at that door, clad in just a short and a see-through crop top? Any gentleman would kowtow to her at that moment for a few minutes with her. Any rogue would have her at fang-point, demanding to fuck her? How could she be so fucking clueless? How could she parade in that outfit and even dare open the door, unsure of who was knocking?It was the most annoying shit. More annoying 'cause he couldn’t get the fucking image of her at that door out of his head. That fucking
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Top priority
THIRD PERSON'S POV "How could he do this to me?!" Gamma Micah yelled out furiously, sending everything on the table crashing onto the floor. He kicked the chair away, storming for the door. He pulled it open and walked out. "Zoey, get me the car keys. You know what? Nevermind. I'll race down to the packhouse." "No, Micah. You can't go there. Not now. Not in this rage." Luther said, pulling him back. "Let me go!" Gamma Micah jerked away from him, aiming for the door again. Luther stood in his path, defiant and ready to brawl. "I'm going to fight you if that's the only way to make you stay back." "My son just got arrested for the silliest reasons and you think I should just sit back and watch?! No way in hell!" "If you go there like this, you'll create a scene. You might even end up saying the worst things to our Alpha. I'm asking you to try to calm down a bit. Please." "Whatever I say, he deserves it!" Gamma Micah snapped aggressively. "Locking up my son over some bull
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Drunk ass
THIRD PERSON'S POV The raucous laughter in the background invaded Arlo's ears, causing them to sting and increasing his irritation. His heavy eyes landed on the bartender serving another round of tequila and he grabbed a glass, chugging it down. "Hey man, that wasn't your order," Ivan whispered next to him. "So what?" Arlo grated out, dangling his eyes to the chubby, blond bartender, who seemed like he was going to protest but the coldness in Arlo's eyes killed his resolve. He cowered instead, pouring new drinks and apologizing to the customers. "Quit being an ass, Arlo. It's scary." Ivan said, and then his hand gripped Arlo's down, as he tried to reach for another glass. "Quit drinking too. You're only going to end up feeling worse." "You got no idea how I feel." Arlo hissed, slapping off Ivan's hand and grabbing the glass. This time, he got more stares than the first. But they knew better than voicing out their irritation. He chugged down the drink again, letting out a de
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Cruel actions
THIRD PERSON'S POV Slauson let out another deep, slurred mournful sigh, rubbing his hands over his face. The files shattered on the table echoed his failure and was torturing him. It was the most devastating shit. He just went bankrupt. Needing a drink, he pushed back his seat and went for the bottle of martini on the small table in the middle of his office. He poured himself a glass. It was almost noon and not the best time to drink, but his nerves were a wreck. He needed some kind of intoxication, to distract him from his damning reality. Again, he glanced at the files and his eyes clogged with tears. They were his accounts and the glaring proof that he just lost everything. For the past months, he's been a mess. With Jordy's lover demanding his son back and with Jordy completely forgetting about their short-term bond, he felt like a complete failure. Feeling played and used, he fell into an abyss of depression and brooding. He barely came to work. The affairs of the caf
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