Semua Bab Inferno & Steeled Alpha: Bab 11 - Bab 20
65 Bab
*Omario POV*I am still trying to make sense of what just happened. How is Abi able to hear my whispers like this and why did she not shock me when she held my hand earlier?“Thank you, Your Majesty.”I turn around to find Terrence on his knees. I am to blame for putting his life in danger, he should not be thanking me. “Leave us,” I instruct the servants and they immediately disperse, including Abi. I offer Terrence my hand and pull him up. “These walls have ears, walk with me.”He silently walks besides me until we are out of the castle into the woods. “You have questions.”It’s easy to guess. A servant had never bee chosen to be a Gamma before. “Yes, Your Majesty.”“I chose you because you are a good men and simply deserving. I know your strengths, I have seen you train. I know your weaknesses too and they are commendable. Did I answer your questions?”“Most, Your Majesty.”“You are free to ask anything.”“What if I don’t want to be your Gamma?”His question takes me by surpris
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*Abi POV*Something weird that I can’t explain is happening inside me ever since I spent a night in Omario’s chambers. I watch him and Terrence head towards the woods with envy. Oh how I long to have my wolf. I am however, more hopeful today than before that it will happen. I am told that sharp senses are wolf features. Omario was too far when he spoke earlier, yet I heard his every word. This has never happened to me before. I head to our quarters to ask Telly about it. She is the oldest amongst us and past the retirement age. While others leave the castle when they reach that phase, she chose to remain. She finds pleasure in strengthening and encouraging us. Her always kind and wise words really keep us going. I knock at her door and walk in. Unfortunately, just like most days, the girls are all here. I bet they came to tell her all about what just happened with Terrence. I guess my question will have to wait. “Come sit down my dear.”Telly’s voice is always so gentle. I always fee
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Her wolf
*Omario POV*Everything about Abi evokes extreme emotions from me. The sadness of the torture she endures leaves my heart shuttered while her bewildered reactions leave me so amused. I only asked her to kiss me so that Rufus can see that when he reads her mind on Friday, but once our lips met I could not break the hunger and the pull I felt. Shit! This is definitely not me. I have had my fair share of women but never servants. I used to bask at the thrill, the chase, the playing hard to get and hearing my name echoes from different voices when I completely saturate their every sense and satisfy their deepest desire, but not anymore. I gave up my playboy ways two years ago when Frode revealed to the elders that Oli was my mate. That’s when I vowed to never treat my Luna the way my dad treats mom. I have been fully committed to her since. Well, until now.“It’s getting late, Your…Omario.”Abi is still flushed from the kiss, the porn and my question that remain unanswered. I raise my
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On the low
* Omario POV*Abi sobs until she falls asleep next to Titan on the floor next to my bed. Titan is still whining when I shift back to myself and carry her to bed. I am once again amazed at how a woman can be so light. I tug her in and watch her for a long time. I feel heartless for not telling her what Titan has been trying to tell her, but I can’t. I will do my best to ease your suffering and that of your people but forgive me Abi, because I will also do my ultimate best to make sure that you never meet your vengeful wolf. I only fall off to sleep at early hours of the morning and wake up to an empty bed. It’s just before five o’clock in the morning, I wonder what was so important that she had to slip out without my permission. I get out of bed to investigate. Now that I have made it my mission to ease her pain and prevent her wolf from ever coming, I need to know what she is up to every single hour and minutes if I can. I don’t have to go far to look and there she is. On the corri
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In denial
*Omario POV*“Abi!” I shout her name as I rush to the floor where she lays with a pool of blood around her arm. My shaving razor blade shines a few centimetres from her. “I should have not left you alone. How could I be so stupid?” I ask myself as I pick her from the floor and place her on the bed. I tear my shirt and tie her wrist to try and stop the blood that is still oozing from her slit wrist. “Abi, can you hear me?” I can’t help but panic. Her whole tiny body move when I shake her but I get no response. She looks so pale and feels so cold. I am not a doctor but her shallow breathing paints a scary picture I refuse to accept. It’s really selfish on my part that I don’t want to let go of an abused, battered and malnourished slave who has had it. It’s not even about the damn prophecy, I am not really worried about what might happen it she die, Abi just can’t die. I run to the door and instruct the servant working on the corridor to call a royal physician and rush back to her sid
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*Abi POV*I can feel myself slipping away when I hear Omario’s voice. “Abigail, can you hear me?”I don’t try to respond. I want to go, I am tired. My people will just have to forgive me because I can’t free them. Omario will have to forgive me too. He tried to help but it’s really useless if I have no wolf. “Abi, please squeeze my hand.” Omario continues to plead. He is a good person and I am grateful for everything he has done for me, but I can’t do this anymore. “Abi, you have a wolf. I have seen her.”What? Is he trying to trick me?“Her name is Nina, sh…she is strong, vengeful and powerful. She will destroy dad and me,” he continues. That makes no sense but I don’t know if I should believe him or not. I did hear him whisper from a distance, maybe…I do owe my people to find out and to try harder. Omario is sitting next to the bed when I open my eyes. He looks so sad, it hurts. “You are making this up, aren’t you?”I don’t recognise my weak voice but his eyes light up and a
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*Abi POV*Omario continues chatting with Olivia and Loyd while I pretend to be drowsy and then sleeping. With my eyes closed I try to link with my wolf. “Nina. Are you really there?”Nothing“If you…I am really looking forward to talking to you.”Still nothing I really don’t know how the first communication with one’s wolf is meant to start but I can’t wait to have someone who completely understands me and feels everything I feel. “Please talk to me.” I am desperate, she’s apparently kickass but she’s two years late already. “What are you waiting for, Nina?”I eventually give up and listen in on Omario and his fiancée conversation. Loyd must have gone out when I was trying to talk to Nina because I don’t hear him anymore. “I thought we would spend this evening together. Why can’t you get other slaves to care for her?” Olivia asks. Maybe I am imagining the menacing tone but it makes me cringe. “Servants,” Omario corrects her. “It’s the same thing,” she insists and there’s the to
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*Omario POV*Abi is instantly agitated the moment Terrence walks out. She forces herself out of bed to stand near the window. I can feel her heart racing. She’s scared for him. I get up and follow her. It’s almost dark outside but the street lamps allow us to see Terrence confidently stride past the group that will be hunting him. They have already shifted into their wolfs and hauling excitedly. My heart starts racing too. There’s so much I hate here and this is on the top ten. I look at them, they are supposed to be my family yet I identify with the people who would never really let me in. I despise those whom I belong with, leaving me all…..alone. “They are more today.” Abi’s melancholic voice breaks my heart. She is terrified for her friend and blames herself that he has to go through this. I narrow my eyes at the group. I have never paid attention of the exact number but they should be less because I got rid of Sylvester and Kane. My heart sinks, Abi is right and I can see why.
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Slave by choice
*Omario POV*“She was dumb to go with them but she is our mate!” I am now screaming at Titan. Him and I are supposed to be looking out for Oli no matter what stupid decisions she makes. Oli’s distressed cries continue but Titan does not seem touched at all. Even if I take over from him now, I won’t be much help at night. I need Titan’s sharp senses to lead me to where she is. “Leave her, she will learn not to do dumb things again,” Titan responds. “We are going to save Oli.”“No, we are not!” Titan resists but unlike previously, I now know his weakness. “Dad already instructed us to stay away from Abi. That means your claim on her is now null and void. She is fair game for dad’s friends. Defy me on this and I will let Blake do as he pleases with her.”I feel sick to my stomach as I say this to threaten my stupid wolf but what choice do I have?“Fine!” Titan snaps and heads towards the door the same time Terrence walks in. I don’t have time to interrogate him on what’s happening out
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*Abi POV*It’s Friday night, another familiar scene. I am laying of the floor but feel less exhausted than most Friday nights. Prophet Rufus is looking through my soul and for the first time in months, I am terrified. I use to feel like this before but I got used to it. Tonight I am back there again. What Prophet Rufus sees and says about Omario and I will determine what happens to me from now on. I have done my best to imagine Omario as the man on the video he made me watch. I have also reminisced about our kiss every day and I hope that what the prophet sees is convincing enough. “And?” Alpha Theo roars. He really takes this very serious. His heart must be disgustingly strong. I really hate the mutation that gave him this power. My heart is hammering. This is the moment of truth. “Nothing, Your Highness.” Prophet Rufus says. I look at him, he is definitely not telling the whole truth because I have thought of killing Alpha Theo. Omario’s thoughts have consumed me, but that has n
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