All Chapters of Shifters Temptation : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
53 Chapters
Chapter 41
LYING isn't my forte, and I don't like the dishonor of it, but I'll do anything to protect my mate.Fuck. Not my mate. Can't be my mate."Bullshit. Where is she, Mr. King?"My fingers tighten into fists. "She's trying to find her grandmother," I snap.He stares at me a long moment. "Okay," he says finally. "We'll follow up on that lead."I force my teeth to unclench."And when you're ready to tell me where to find your mysterious Catgirl," I'll be waiting." He tosses a card on my desk."My cell phone is on there."I nod.He picks up the packet. "All right for me to take this?" I'm surprised he asks for permission, but it's probably just a courtesy."Yes. Let me know what you find on the grandmother."He pauses on his way to the door. "Am I working for you Mr. King?"I clear my throat. It's not in my nature to grovel, so this makes twice today. Once to Kylie, once for her. "Please."The ghost of a smile plays around his lips. "I'll keep you posted."I sink into my chair when leaves.
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Chapter 42
THE scrapes on my knee look a week old instead of a day. I guess werewolf saliva is better than a dog spit.I spen the day hacking into multiple credit card company sites to get data on the stolen card numbers.By my estimate, around five hundred million dollars was stollen in the twenty-four hours before the owners were notified and cards frozen.It must have been all automated. Using the small vendors' merchant accounts stolen, they charged random amounts under a few thousand dollars on each credit card. Again, it suggests an insider, someone who knew what data they would find and how it would be configured in order to have pre-programmed such a complex formula.With no contact from Jackson- although his reasons for limiting it are sound emptiness sets in. He doesn't think he can be with me. He wants to know that much- but he believes he'll harm me.I'm not afraid, though. He pulled back when I screamed. Went to his belly, even when I gave chase. He has way more control than he bel
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Chapter 43
HE eases forward, parting me, filling me, inch by delicious inch. The position is so lewd, his dominance so extreme, I feel like the star of a porn movie. Jackson makes an approving hum behind me and then thrust upward. "Take all of me," he growls.I cry out. It's the good kind of hurt- deep and delicious. His cock stretches me, hits the front of my passage on each ramming instroke."Oh God," I moan."Not yet, baby." Jackson must be talking between clenched teeth. He braces himself with one hand against the shower wall by my head and continues to plow into me.Need coils tight within me. "Please.""Oh fates, baby. Are you begging? Keep fucking begging. That makes me so hard for you, kitten."Tears sting my eyes. I'm desperate for release. My one standing leg shakes so hard, it's a wonder it holds me up."Please, please, Jackson," I plead.An inhuman sound rips from his throat, and I freeze. He fucks me so deep and hard, I see stars. Another roar blasts against the shower walls, and
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Chapter 44
KYLIE POV:I WAKE to the sound of howling right outside the cabin. The hairs on my nape stand up at the eerie cry. One wolf. I look at the clock-four a.m. I passed out in the large, comfortable bed in what I assume was the master bedroom right after Jackson left. And now, it seems he has returned. But he's on four legs, which means I can't let him in. Thud. That sounded like a body being thrown at the back door. He's trying to get in. I slip out of the bed and limp to the kitchen at the rear of the cabin. I'm wearing nothing but one of Jackson's T-shirts, which I found in the dresser. I peek out the window and see Jackson, in his giant silver wolf form, heaving himself at the barricaded doggy-door. The black wolf- must be Sam appears behind him nips at his hind quarters. Jackson turns on the smaller wolf and attacks. The two roll on the ground, their horrible growls filing the air. It seems like more than play. Jackson's teeth snap, Sam's answering whine sounds pained. Jackson once
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Chapter 45
"THERE are consequences for disobeying your alpha." He pushes the head of his cock against my anus and waits. I tighten against his touch, but a moment later, the muscles give. As soon as they loosen, Jackson pushes forward penetrating my tigh hole.I let out a keening cry.He stills, stretching me wide, waiting for me to calm down. The care he takes reassures me that he's in control, and I yield, willing my pelvic floor to relax. He pushes in farther and the stretch becomes more intense, then eases."There. That's the head. I'm in, baby. Now, take the rest of me."I whimper but let all my muscles go slack, arch ny back a little, and wait."Good girl," he rumbles, one hand coasting up my side, stroking my skin.The praise sends curls of warmth through me, and I arch some more."That's it, baby. Take it like a good girl, and I'll kiss that ripe pussy when I'm through." He eases in and out, giving me a tremendous senses of urgency each time he fills me.My ass is stuffed full of his c
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Chapter 46
I go still, and she stiffens, seeming to realize what slipped out. "I mean...""Shhh... Don't you dare take it back," I warn. I cradle her face in my palm and turn it to look into her warm brown eyes."I love you." I don't say I love you too, because I don't want it sound less serious than her admission. I utter it like a vow. I don't know how the fuck I'm going to make things work with a human, especially if every full moon is like this, but I sure as hell have to try. I'm not giving her up for anything. And that means I need to eliminate all the threats to my female. "Kylie, I need to know what happened at the Louvre."She blinks in surprise and tries to pull away. I literally can see her emotional retreat before my eyes."Don't run," I command. "Look at me. I need to know.""Why?""You've been in hiding since then. And now you've been outed. Are you in danger?"She shakes her head. "Not for the next seven years.""Tell me.""It was my father's partner in the heist. A double- cross
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Chapter 47
MY breath stutters, but I part my legs. He cups my mons. "You remember who belongs to?"I flush."It's mine. And If I was too rough with it, you'd be within your rights to pout a little, kitten. Makes me kiss it better when I get home tonight."The thought has my Nipples tightening, pussy clenching. The image of us some kind of 1950s married couple floats through my mind. I'm the sex-kitten wife, waiting for him to come home from a hard day at work. Offer him a drink and loosen his tie before I pout and make him lick my pussy as compensation for pounding me too hard the night before. Okay, I'm getting way too excited. And there's work to be done. Serious work.He pulls into his garage and insist on carrying me inside. "Your ankle is sore, and you're not wearing panties." I laugh. "So those are the two criteria for getting carried?""That's right. Now, watch the sass or I'll have to see to that pretty little ass of yours before I go. Is it sore, too?"I reach back and run my hand over
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Chapter 48
PAIN pushes through my heart like a nail in a coffin. Punctures straight through to the other side and leaves me wheezing for breath.Betrayed.She's been working with Stu all along? A great roaring starts up in my ears, deafens me. My body goes numb, freezing cold as it all clicks into place. She and Stu are working together on this. I was so stupid to believe all her lies. A known thief, a known hacker, I actually saw her install the malware into my system, and I didn't realize I was being played? She took me by the balls.What in the hell is wrong with me? I was thinking with my dick, not my brain, that's what. I let a pair of sexy legs and Batgirl tits lead me around by the nose. What a fucking idiot.I watch, like a dead man, as she pulls off her helmet and dismounts from the bike. She leans back against it, folding her arms across the same breasts I worshipped only last night.I can't tell what they're saying. Even if my wolf hearing could detect their voice through the window,
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Chapter 49
AND ho-boy-kylie's grandmother is a cat shifter? Is Kylie? She can't be. Her fear when I partially shifted was genuine. But how would she have a shifter for a grandmother and know nothing about werewolves?Another thought creeps in, full of heat and tingles. Kylie has shifter blood. No wonder my wolf wanted to mate her. And it means she probably would have survived it.But that is water under the bridge. Kylie just met with Stu, proving she was in cahoots with him the whole time. Except, now that this new information has knocked me out of my stupor, doubts creeps in. Could there be another explanation for her meeting with Stu?I pull up in front of Garrett's apartment and get out, walking swiftly in and onto elevator. I stop on Garrett's floor and get off. The scent of shifters-both wolf and yes, this distinctly feline smell as well, hist me. I knock on the door and one of Garrett's housemates answers it steps deferentially aside to let me in. The old woman is on the sofa, pale and we
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Chapter 50
"MAY I SPEAK TO JACQUELINE?""Ah. She's been waiting for your call." He says nothing more, but Mémé voice come on. "Minette! Dieu merci. Is it safe to take?""Yes. Where are you?""I am with Tucson wolf pack. Downtown."For a moment, I simply reply her words as my brain struggles to catch up. "Did you say wolf pack?""Oui. I'm sorry, I never told you, Minette. I am a shifter–cat. Your mother too."I've had too many surprises today to take it all in. My hand drops limp at my side. "Wh-what?""Where are you, Minette?"Minette. The French word for puss. She's always called me little cat because... she's a cat. My mind topples ass over tea kettle down a slope of dawning. "My mom?" I croak."Yes, your maman, too. This is why, this wolf is attracted to you. Where are you, my sweet?""Not far from downtown. Are you hurt? What happened?""I was hurt, but I will be better soon."My engines finally start firing. "We need to leave town right away." I stand and pick my leather backpack purse."
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