All Chapters of Highschool Victim : Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
106 Chapters
Chapter 70
Lucas still couldn't get the lying flat body of Miles out of his head. The dread he heard in his voice, maybe it was always there, maybe Miles was always afraid, he can hear the similarity in Miles's voice since before. When he was rude to him, when he troubled him, in the car, when Moura tried to.......every time it was same dread. If only he knew that he gave others the impression that they can do anything to any student, make their life hell anyway they want."I'll drop you at the main gate and don't you fucking dare cling to me in the school. I don't want a weirdo at my tail. Stand at the gate when i tell you and I'll pick you from there. You don't know me in the school. Understood."He never liked him, was it really the hate or something else? "I-I received the text......i-i though i-t wa-s you.""Whoever will text you will be me? Did you have my number?""N-No." "Then use this thing. I said clearly, I'll call you. You already are enough pain in my ass, stop troubling others.
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Chapter 71
9 year old child, kicked open the door of his house, walked inside, looking around. It wasn't really his house; his house didn't look like this. But he used to live at this place, just around the children playground, there was his house. "Is this my house, unc— sir?" He turned to the driver who brought him back. "Yes." The man gave one word answer only and then darted his eyes back to the ground. He helped Lucas walk up to the stairs and stood beside the gate. He knocked, the guard looked at them and then the door opened. And the livings room and the inner of the house was even more beautiful than outside. Then he saw a portrait, it was a family portrait, but who was the woman standing beside his father. He hasn’t seen her before, it was the first time he was looking at her face. And he wasn't there as well? What kind of family picture was it where so many people who are part of this family yet still not in the picture. "Mr. Volkov, you are free to anything until senior Mr. Vo
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Chapter 72
"Mr Theo, please stay still. You need to take the medicine, or your health will be bad." Lucas's trance broke when he heard the nurse say. He looked at the room and saw Miles resisting to take the injection. Let them help you, please. "Let go of me." Miles was trying to break free from Willie's hold. And the nurse was trying to calm him down. Just when he was about to move, he saw Robin entering the room. He went away earlier when Willie talked to him. "Millie." He said softly. And Miles looked at him. "Let me out of here please. They are trying to kill me." Miles cried. "They aren't trying to kill you, they are helping you, these injections are necessary for your health." Robin replied. Lucas didn't know he was already walking toward the wing where Miles was. Hearing Robin, Lucas wanted to slap him across the face. "Round Glasses!" He said in his deep threatening vocals. And in no time the room went silent, Miles stopped struggling. Lucas tried to do with love, but Mi
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Chapter 73
It was quiet disturbing for every student who witnessed the wrecked condition of the red headed boy, of the school bully. Watching him cry like that was new for the students, they have always seen him angry, always seen him a powerful being, but watching him crying like that was not what they imagined. Specially for Miles. Lucas has been his worst nightmare. Never have he ever thought that Lucas would crumble down like this, that he will see this side of Lucas. It's been a whole day, but Miles couldn't muster up the power to forget what happened in the gym yesterday. Lucas didn't go home yesterday. He don't know where was he but when he went back home he saw Christopher leaving the house and telling him the he should lock the door properly, and that it might get late for him to come back so Miles should make himself something to eat. And then when he woke up today, he didn't see Christopher at home. That means where ever he went, it was quiet far from here. And while leaving f
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Chapter 74
"Luca." He whispered softly. It's been almost a day and Lucas is still so out of his shape. Lucas was not conscious. He was, but it was for such short time, he just went unconscious again. Since yesterday, he didn't wake up. Christopher went to collect the dead body. He saw how badly the wrists were slashed. That proved that it wasn't the first time Volkov tried to kill himself. He came back at 1 am at night. He didn't come back home; he knew Lucas is at Moura’s, so he went there. The funeral was held last at night, the bodies condition was not to be kept for morning. At the funeral hall, Lucas was in so bad condition that he couldn't even stand up without a shoulder to support him. "This man here, Alexander Volkov, is my father, used to be my father. He was a bad father, very bad father. He didn't know how to give his love, how to show that he loves someone. He was never successful in showing me how much he loved me. And i hate him. I've hated him throughout my whole life
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Chapter 75
"Sara." A boy called earning a glare from the librarian. And the glare was followed by an annoyed voice. "It's a library, if you want to shout, shout outside." Said the old woman and got back to putting stamp over the stack of books that students just returned. "Sorry." Said the boy and walked to the familiar figure of girl who is already looking at him as soon as he called her name. "Sara." "What happened Alan?" Asked the girl in a whisper. The boy stood beside her and looked at her face and stopped his gaze over his forehead that had wrinkles, more like tense layer of skin showing that she was worried. "You are friend with Miles, right? That farm boy?" Said Alan and looked for the change in expressions over the girl's face. "Yup, i am." She smiled. Her smile put an extra burden over the words that were to be leave from boy's mouth. "Well, you see......Miles was.....he was found—-" "What is it, Alan? You are scaring me." She closed the book and diverted her whole focus t
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Chapter 76
"Sara." Called a boy's voice making the girl turn to see who is it. "What do you want?" She glared as soon as her eyes landed on the boy, Willie. "I know you are angry with me, but at least tell me what did i do?" He asked stepping close to her. She didn't even give him a glance and turned back to face the door of the restroom. "A-Are you waiting for someone?" "None of your business." She replied without looking at him. She was furious and it was clear from her tone of voice. "At least tell me what did i do to make you angry. You are Miles's friend, and I don't want his friends to be angry with me....... I don't want him to think anything bad about me." Willie said it out loud. "You are fucking bastards......all of you are so selfish. What do you think I don't know the game you are playing with him. I know it very well. I know it all too well." She turned and gripped his collar. "I'm not playing any game. I just want him to be my friend." Willie replied honestly. "Oh, you
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Chapter 77
"You do realise that what you did is wrong, Mortin." Whisper yelled the younger boy to the other. "I know." Mortin repeated. "He didn't do anything to deserve this. If any....even a single student reported you and your gang, you guys are finished." Said the younger one again. "No one will stand against Josh. Our whole class fears him." Mortin said not making eye contact. "Not everyone is afraid of him." The younger broke up to him. "They do, they just don't show it." Replied Mortin. "Keep repeating it" the younger chuckled. "Don't get involved in it, Alan. It'll only get dirtier." Mortin for the first time looked in younger boy's eyes. "If it's bad that i have to step in to keep my brother safe." Said Alan looking deep into the elder boy's eyes. "It's my job to keep you safe, not yours. Just focus on your study and......and stay away from such stuff." Mortin tried to slap some sense in him. "Are you sure doing that will keep me out of trouble? That I won't get bulli
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Chapter 78
Lucas saw Moura standing just beside the door of the library and aimed to open the door. He slowly opened the door and stood close to his friend who was using his friend but occasionally lifted his eyes to see a certain someone. "Hey." "Wuh. What the fuck." Moura jumped putting a hand on his heart. "Dude, you just.... Scared the shit out of me." "Oh, your face Moah." Lucas laughed looking at the scared expressions of Moura. "Fuck you, when did you get in here?" "Just now, when you were busy with your phone. Where's your boyfie? Wasn't he with you?" Lucas asked. "I don't know he just ran away without telling me anything. Just said i had something to do and ran away." He told him locking his phone and putting it back in his pocket. "Huh? That's totally not like Willie." Lucas said. "Agreed." "By the way, he is with Sara. Might be here anytime now." Lucas told him. "Sara? Who?" "Miles's friend, Sara." He said and his eyes moved back to the blond who was still turnin
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Chapter 79
It was a dark day, dark clouds surrounding the dim sky of the evening, making the whole environment more and more dangerous. In that weather, a small 9 year old was sitting beside the window, holding the bars of it like his life depends on it. His mind was still stuck, what happened few hours ago has shaken him to the core. "Lucas, I won't let anyone hurt you either." His heartbeat fastened. He killed a person, the generous male just got killed because Lucas asked him to protect him. He made him stand up to his father. "Uncle, Luccie is sorry. I didn't know.......I'm sorry." Lucas cried silently. If only he had stayed in his room, Paul would've been alive, and he wouldn't have been staying here alone. It felt like the sky was also sad on poor boy's miseries. The cloud roared angrily at his sorrows. It felt like the small amount of anger Lucas had his heart. Lucas flinched when the thunder roared. He didn't let go of the bars as there was nothing else to hold on to. The room
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