All Chapters of To Love A Pauper : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
83 Chapters
The pictures
Alex's waist quickly sink in fears. His body became motionless due to the trauma inflicted by the fear. He stayed breathless for a couple of seconds and then jolted when Juliana who could not see the doorway from where she was sitting down called his name. He signalled Juliana and said: "Juliana, bend down!" Alex said in a whisper.Without a doubt or further question, Juliana could also feel that someone who is not suppose to be there at that moment have come in. She quickly quat down from her sit with her head bend in other to avoid being seen by whoever Alex wanted her to hide from. Alex quickly adjust his shirt and stand up with haste to meet them. "Hello ma!" Alex said to them before they could get to the counter."Hey Alex! You are here," Mrs Susan said."Yes ma. I came to pick some drinks," Alex said with smiles on his face."Hi Sandra," Alex say to Sandra but Sandra only gave him a look of hatred and look away from him."We are also here to pick some drinks but we wouldn't be g
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Sandra in a heart brake
Sandra look straight into the screen of the phone and surprise bath her immediately. She stare at the screen as if she had seen a ghost or something indescribable. Her heart beats increase and her eyes turned red. She slightly raise up her eyes and look at Alex. "How did you get this picture Alex?" Sandra asked."Does it matter how I got it?" Alex asked ridiculously."You have to answer me right now!" Sandra said almost yelling."Alright. I saw Juliana transferring the pictures to Isabella earlier today and I also ask them to transfer it to me," Alex explained.Sandra could be seen in a conspicuous suck. Her eyes burn in red. She quickly throw the phone back at Alex and fold her hands across her chest angrily.'So Donald is such a liar? He even have the gut to tell me that he had nothing to do with Juliana the day I confronted him. What is he trying to do? Donald, you brake my heart!' Sandra thought to herself."Juliana also posted it on his timeline with some ridiculous caption," Ale
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The interview
Sandra stand up with many thought running through her mind.'I can't take my life for this. I believe I will get what I want when the time is due,' Sandra thought.Sandra went into her room with her shirt drenched by tears. She gently lie down and pick up her phone. She click the message icon on her phone and type. "Clara, my mum truly threatened Donald," Sandra texted.Clara check her phone and and see the message. With nervousness she replied, "When and how?" Clara text."I don't know when and where she met with her but am sure that she threatened Donald," Sandra replied."How sure are you? Have you ask her?" Clara text again."I asked her and she didn't deny that fact, instead, she berate me with some decrying words," Sandra said emotionally."I truly know how you feel but you just need to calm down and watch divine have its way. Don't get yourself barricaded by what your mum is inflicting on you please," Clara console."Thanks for being with me," Sandra said feeling strong."I wil
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Juliana's birthday
Alex try to avoid talking with Juliana but she wouldn't let him be. After school dismissal. Donald wanted to talk with Sandra. He had planned to tell her that he can't be with her because the relationship is forbidden by her mother. The fact that Mrs Susan drove into their compound to warn and threatened him, she could go to any mile to harm Donald. Donald was to complete a note before going out of the class. After the note, he look around to find out that Sandra have gone out of the class. He quickly close the note and darshed out of the class. He came out to see Sandra stepping out of the gate. He hasten his steps. When he finally reach the gate, he saw Mrs Susan's car parked outside. 'The she-devil is here again' Donald thought to himself as he faces his path without looking round so as not to send any impression that he wanted to talk with Sandra. *** The next day was Juliana's birthday. She came to the class with cake. She was looking all gorgeous a
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Donald the darling
"Yes! Who is the darling," the students chanted nervously.Juliana look up at the roof as she make some maneuvering. "And the Darling is Donald Benjamin!" She said slowly.The students cheers with loud noise. The classroom becomes so noisy and raucous. The atmosphere of the classroom was waving so terribly in noise as some of the students look at Donald in awe. Donald himself was drenched with surprise. His expression clearly show that he have no prior notice of what Juliana said. His knees becomes so stiff, a cold of fear mixed with astonishments traveled through his spine. Donald would have stop her if he know about her plans earlier. At this point, Donald don't know how to evade from going out to the stage. He sluggishly walk up to the stage with anger emitting from his eyeballs. Donald don't want to go out to send the impression to Sandra that what Juliana claimed was true. With absolute repugnance, he turn around on the stage to face the students.Sandra could no longer hold he
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Sandra became Alex's friend
'This is a great privilege for me. Juliana is so smart, her plans walks. What do I tell her now?' Alex asked himself."My instinct never lie to me. The moment I saw Donald, it occurs to me that Donald is a creepy cheat. It is people like him who don't deserve to be with an Angel like you. As if cheating is not enough, he is also a liar. Who know where Juliana and Donald do meet everyday? He can be a pretender," Alex poured."Can I ask you something?" Sandra requested."Sure, you can," Alex permitted."Why do men cheat?" Sandra asked.Alex become surprised because he wasn't expecting such question from. He thought of what to say in order to make her believe that not all men cheat."It is not all men that cheat. Those that cheat, do because they are naturally promiscuous. Even if they are to have more than five girls In their life, they will never be satisfy," Alex explained."So where did you belong?" Sandra ask.A piece of joy landed in the inside of Alex immediately he heard the ques
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Donald the head boy
"Yes sir!" The students chorused."Our new head boy is the person of Donald..." He paused."Complete it," the principal say to the students."Benjamin!" they chorused.The students cheers and chant loudly."Donald! Donald!! Donald!!!" That is what the students were chanting."Put your hands together as he comes up on the stage," the principal said loudly.The students clap loudly with cheering and chanting.The principal continue calling the other prefects including Jessica who was given the position of head girl. Most of the students were happy that Donald was given the post of head boy because he fit for the post if measured base on academic capability.After the whole position was called out by the principal, "The floor is now open for anyone who want to challenge either the head boy or the head girl to a quiz in order to become a new head boy or head girl," the principal announcedImmediately the principal made the announcement, Alex raise up his hand among the senior students"I
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Juliana got paid
Alex was set about by the question of Sandra, 'What is she up to? Why is she asking me such question? I think she hate Donald now? Why do she still care? She should be happy'. Alex thought himself as he keep silent, focusing of driving."What do you mean? Its obvious that I also want to be the head boy," Alex said."Do you just want to be the head boy or you are looking for a way to get at Donald," Sandra press further."Really? I love to be the head boy, I long for it and I want it. That is why I proposed the challenge," Alex answer."Alright," Sandra said with an unsatisfactory expression."I will advise you to leave Donald alone. I don't want any event that will make me come close to him," Sandra said."Don't worry about that, it will have nothing to do with you, I promise," Alex assured.***They finally arrived at home. Sandra have a dull and clumsy face on as she alight from the car. She look tired and stressed up. It showed clearly on her face that she had a long day even thoug
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Juliana got drunk
Alex gently take her to his car and enter into the car, then zoom off.While driving, Juliana tried many times to shake Alex's hands on the stairy. She was looking all crazy and tattered. She look like someone who was drunk for his first time. Many times she kiss Alex while he tries to stop her as he continues driving."Kiss me, hold me, I want to hold you in my arms. Stop the car and make me scream. I need you so badly," Juliana said in a drunken voice."Stop! You are going to cause accident right now. you need to stop!" Alex warned."Please hold me tight. I need to feel you right now," Juliana continue with her quest."We are driving, can't you see?" Alex ask almost getting angry."Am eager, I long for you. Hold me please," Juliana say leaning on Alex.'Is this still because he is drunk? Why is she saying that she long for me? Has she been craving for me truly?' Alex thought to himself.Alex maintain patience till he get to the gate. He horn and the gate keeper quickly open the doo
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Donald got accident
The car hit Donald out of the road as the car speed up immediately. Jake could not recognise the car because its a new car Mrs Susan was using.Mrs Susan sped off with smiles on her face. She felt happy, she believe that Donald would not be able to survive the accident.Jake quickly rush to Donald with fears in his heart. "Donald! Donald!!" Jake called but he didn't answer.Jake quickly rush to him crying profusely and shaking him.It was unfortunate that there were no people in the area at that moment."Some body help," Jake cried out.He lift up his head to see police car approaching with siren blowing loudly.The police stopped when they get to where they are and they quickly took Donald up to their car."A car just knocked him down, please rush after the car and get it," Jake said in lamenting tone.The police stopped him from following them to the hospital. He tried to persist but their powers outweigh his. They asked him to go home and tell his relatives as the zoom off.Jake
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