All Chapters of Alpha Kai's Revenge : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
74 Chapters
Chapter 41
Chapter forty one: secret lives Kai faced Asher Conan, his face a mask of expressionless. Asher looked shocked to say the least, his eyes travelling between Kai and Nicolas.The day after the truth about Karen's treason was revealed, Kai and Nicolas headed to the Crest pack to seek an audience with Asher himself. "Verena did that?" He gasped, his eyes wide with shock. "I understand that you must have been angry at her but that girl was merely a slave. The daughter of the man who caused you so much pain. Isn't it a good thing that she's gone? Being reminded of that pain every day."Kai wanted to roll his eyes. "Do I tell you how to run your pack?""No,""Do I tell you what to do with your slaves?""No ""Then don't tell me what to do with mine." Kai said simply. "That man's daughter or not she was my property. If I chose to have her executed it was to be my own decision wholly and not being manipulated by another.""Young alpha, you should think about his with a calm head.""I am." K
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Chapter 42
Chapter forty two: a contractFour years later.Karen walked into the large lobby, her heels clicking on the marble floors, a six pack of coffee in her hand and a bright smile on her face. The receptionist sighted her and smiled. Karen returned the smile with a wave."Good morning Miss Osborne. You looks exceptionally radiant today." The receptionist said."Thank you Kelly, love the new lipstick. Is it Dior rouge 028?" Karen replied and handed her a cup of coffee."You guessed it." Kelly replied with a smile she took the coffee and drank some of it. Her eyes lit up. "Matcha latte! You're the best Miss Osborne."Karen waved. "Nah, it's fine. Have a good day.""You too."Karen nodded and continued walking. She got to the elevator and waited for it to arrive. She glanced at her watch, she still had ten minutes before work started.The elevator dinged and opened. Karen got in, heading to the fifth floor. She drank some of her coffee, staring at her reflection in the steel walls.She looke
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Chapter 43
Chapter forty three: celebrate the crushKaren shot out of bed in the middle of the night, woken up by a night mare of a wolf chasing her down the road.She sat up, covered in sweat and breathing heavily. She looked around her, the familiar sight of her room reminding her that she was at home, in her bed and not being chased down a cold road. She wiped sweat off her brow and got out of bed. A cold wind from her open window made her shiver and hug herself. Nightmares. Her constant companion. Ever since her escape, she struggled with them. Often times she would get drugs to help her sleep better but the drugs would only make her cranky and irritable. So she stopped taking them.She walked out of her room, intending to get a drink of water. She passed her son's room and backtracked. She walked inside, quietly so as not to make a noise. He was asleep in his bed, surrounded by stuffed animals. His favorite was a white wolf stuffed toy he had seen in a shop one day. He didn't shut up til
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Chapter 44
Chapter forty four: memories bring back painKaren rushed into the elevator just as it was about to shut. She pushed her way in, saying her apologies as she did. She exhaled softly once the doors shut and it started moving. Today was the day. The day she would meet the general manager and get the full details of her promotion. Karen felt excitement bubbling inside her, unable to stand still.The elevator arrived and dinged. The workers rushed out and Karen followed suit. She walked briskly down the halls, not paying attention to the conversation that floated around her till she heard the word CEO.Paying a bit more attention she was able to grab a bit of what was being said. "Really? Today!" "Yes. I heard from someone. They're coming today.""Wow, can't wait.""Can't wait, I'm terrified. I've heard a lot of stories about them."Karen walked to her desk, the conversation hummed in the air. Apparently, the CEO was going to be visiting today. And Karen thought it couldn't be a more pe
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Chapter 45
Chapter forty five: like a dog"Here's a drink to excellence!1"Beulah shouted, slamming her glass with Karen's. Part of her drink spilled onto the table. Karen laughed heartily, drinking some of the cherry sunset she had ordered. "It's just a promotion. It's not exactly something....""What?!" Beulah laughed. "Girl you need to give yourself more credit! You are a wonderful person! And you deserve it!"Karen laughed shyly. "Thank you..."After work she was so excited to tell Beulah the events of the day, about her promotion being finalized now.l Beulah wasted no time coming over and taking her out for some drinks. She ignored all of Karen's protests about it being the middle of the week and about her having work the next day.And so here they were. In an elite bar, drinking expensive bubbly drinks and listening to the soft ambient music while talking about their day."I didn't think I would get it." Karen said, trailing her finger over the lip of the glass. "I really annoyed the CEO.
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Chapter 46
Chapter forty six: layers of vengeanceFifty million dollars.Karen had read the agreement, but she hadn't paid any particular heed to that comment. Sic months, what was six months to her when she had been there for four years?Except that at the time she read the agreement, she hadn't known that Kai was the CEO. She hadn't known that he would find her. She didn't know she would ever meet him again, talk less of him being her boss now.Now the six months seemed like six years to her. How wild she survive six months working under him, and being constantly filled with memories of her time with him. It was either that or magically raise fifty million dollars for a penalty. Karen knew she had some money, but it was no way near that amount."That's dirty " she said at last, glaring hotly at Kai and not caring that other people were in attendance. He smirked. "What do you say, Princess?" He said the nickname like it was a hot coal on his tongue.No one had called her princess in years. Ka
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Chapter 47
Chapter forty seven: not you"You thought you could be so smart huh?" Kai asked, watching the look on Karen's face morph into pure horror."I..." Karen said, her eyes darting around in uncertainty. Then she sighed and stilled, her expression becoming plain. "I don't have to fulfill your sadistic needs for revenge anymore. This ain't your pack, not by a long shot. And I'm not your slave anymore.""You're not?" He asked bemusedly. "You have been my slave before you escaped, and you continued to be even after you had your taste of freedom. Did you think you could run from me? Did you think I wouldn't eventually find you?!"Karen rolled her eyes. "I don't care. I'm not your property, and I don't have to do anything for you to satisfy whatever needs you have!"He laughed darkly. "Oh but you are. For the next six months, you're stuck her. Isn't it?"Karen sealed her lips and glared at him. She couldn't believe she had put up with this for that long."That aside for now." Kai said with a dis
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Chapter 48
Chapter forty eight: flirt and drop"That reminds me." Kai said and turned to Nicolas. "How did you recognize her on the first day?"Nicolas thought about it, his index finger tapping his chin. How did he recognize Karen? When she walked into that room it was just like he knew. He recognized that smile, he recognized the way she carried herself. She had always carried herself like a princess. Even though she looked nothing like the Karen he knew, with her short black hair and brown eyes, he knew it had to be her.He shrugged. "I don't know, I just did." He smiled coyly and looked at Kai. "What, you didn't remember her?"Kai glaring at him told him all he needed to know. Nicolas laughed softly. "That's interesting." He said. Kai sighed. It was interesting. He had no idea that was Karen, the Karen he knew till he had sent her out and felt the mating bond tug in his chest. She hadn't accepted his rejection yet. Why?And to think that she was in the human world all this while. And whil
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Chapter 49
Chapter forty nine: breatheKaren looked at the huge pile of work she had to do and she felt her heart drop into her chest. It was only the next day. She had gone to see Kai at the end of the work day and returned with an impossible amount of work to be done.According to him, since he bought the company he hadn't been to it in person. So now Karen had to take care of a backlog of work dating four years back.For the first time ever, she had to stay back after work to try and cut down the work load. Her phone rang and she saw the caller ID as Beulah. "You're just who I was thinking of." She said with a relieved sigh."What's wrong babe?" Beulah asked. "I got a call from the school and they said you aren't here yet. It's two hours past closing time.""I'm so sorry," Karen said, hanging her phone on her shoulder as she packed the enormous paper work and dumped it on the ground to free up more space on her desk. "I got swamped with work all of a sudden. Is David with you?""Yeah," Beu
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Chapter 50
Chapter fifty: break me"This is my one and only nanny, the one who raised me while mama was chasing dollar bills, the one and only woman I would gladly give my life for. The....""Miss please, I'm not all those things."Karen rolled her eyes. Typical Beulah. "Please stop, you're making her uncomfortable." Karen said. The nanny was a woman in her mid fifties. She was tall and had entirely gray hair and kind blue eyes. She had a gentle smile on her face. Karen could feel her aura, and she felt relieved. This woman was one of the best left."Uncomfortable?" Beulah scoffed. "Please. She changed my diapers. How much more uncomfortable can that be?"Karen laughed. "You're gross."Beulah rolled her eyes. "Whatever. This is Amanda. Amanda, this is Karen my sister from another mother I don't know about."Amanda extended her hand to Karen. Karen shook her hand noting to herself how firm her handshake was. She also didn't miss how the woman looked at her with squinted eyes. "You have such a l
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