All Chapters of The Ex-Husband's Revenge: Chapter 2791 - Chapter 2800
3052 Chapters
Chapter 2791
"Mister Wolf, this is the Emperor Herb! I'm giving it to you. Please accept it." Elder Daglesh retrieved a delicately wrapped box and placed it in front of Leon, before opening it. There was an air-dried herb inside. The tips of the roots formed a star-like shape. It did not look like a flower or a grass. Its fragrance was calming and refreshing. This was indeed an Emperor Herb. "Elder Daglesh, thank you. But this is too valuable and I can't just accept this. Just name a price so I can buy it from you," Leon said hesitantly. Though he truly wanted Emperor Herb, it was far too valuable and he could not accept it as a gift as the Dagleshs would suffer a great loss if he did. "It's fine! This Emperor Herb won't be of much use to us and I truly wish to give it to you. If you felt guilty about it, just consider this as you owe us one favor. In the future, all you need to do is help us out when we are in trouble," Elder Daglesh smiled. "Well," Leon was rendered speechless. At
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Chapter 2792
"Mister Wolf, I may be old but I've always been healthy. I've not experienced any illness. Don't you think it's too much to claim that I won't live past the next few months?" Elder Daglesh's expression darkened. He treated Leon as an esteemed guest and even intended to give Emperor Herb out for free. From his perspective, he was incredibly kind to Leon. Yet, Leon claimed that he only had a few more months to live and this sounded like a curse. It was only natural for him to be displeased. Even Jensen, who befriended Leon, was upset by what Leon said. "Elder Daglesh, you're mistaken. I don't mean to curse you or anything. I'm telling the truth. If you don't believe me, you can try pressing the point under your third rib," Leon explained sincerely. "Under my third rib?" Elder Daglesh was baffled, but did as he was told and immediately felt a sharp pain. Elder Daglesh gasped. "Dad, what's wrong?" Mateo was shocked by his reaction and the others immediately looked at Elder
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Chapter 2793
"Grandpa, is what Mister Wolf said true? Have you noticed anything odd when you train?" Jensen asked and the others turned their attention to Elder Daglesh. Though Leon's explanation was detailed, they were not doctors and could not tell if Leon was telling the truth. However, they knew that Elder Daglesh would at least feel something if he was on the brink of losing control of his energy. "Yeah, I think so! I've been struggling to concentrate lately and there's a difference between my condition compared to the past," Elder Daglesh said thoughtfully. He reached the Intermediate Almighty State over a decade ago, yet was not able to reach the Advanced Almighty State. This frustrated him and because of that, he was trying to break past the barrier of his training by force in the hope of reaching the next power level. However, each attempt ended up in failure. At first, he did not pay much mind to it, but realization dawned on him once he heard what Leon had to say. Perhaps
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Chapter 2794
"What? Mister Wolf, you can cure my grandfather? You're not a doctor. Are you messing with us?" Jensen was taken aback. After spending a few days with Leon, he knew quite a lot about Leon. Though Leon was young, he was a formidable martial artist and a talented businessman. However, Leon was not a professional doctor and he never heard that Leon knew medicine. Since Elder Daglesh was about to lose control of his energy, this was something that ordinary doctors could not treat. Leon was not even a doctor and he could not believe that Leon had the skills to treat Elder Daglesh. "Jensen's right. Mister Wolf, thank you for offering. Doctor Otway is a famous doctor here in the Western region and his skills are unrivaled! I think it's safer for him to treat my father!" Mateo said and rejected Leon's offer. This was the first time he met Leon and knew almost nothing about him. If even Jensen had doubts about Leon's skills, he felt even more so and did not think Leon had what it
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Chapter 2795
"What? Are you trying to say that you are better than Doctor Otway? Mister Wolf, don't you think that's too arrogant of you?" The Dagleshs were all shocked. Since Leon was not a professional doctor, they were all skeptical about his skills, yet Leon claimed to be better than Doctor Otway. There was no way that they would believe him. Candice, who had a poor impression of Leon, felt that Leon was unreliable for bluffing and became even more appalled by him. "Wolf, why are you bluffing? Doctor Otway is the most skilled doctor in the Western region with impeccable skills! You're just an amateur and not even a professional doctor. How can you be better than Doctor Otway? Do you take us for fools?" Candice mocked with a dark expression. "Miss Morrison, I'm not bluffing! I'm telling the truth. If I can tell that Elder Daglesh is ill, I naturally can treat him! You don't have to worry." Leon frowned and said sincerely. He never accepted any payment or compensation for treating oth
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Chapter 2796
"Grandpa, you can't!" Candice and the others were all shocked and she immediately protested. "Why not?" Elder Daglesh turned to her, clearly displeased that she kept questioning Leon. "Grandpa, Wolf, Mister Wolf isn't a proper doctor. He's too young and his skills can't possibly measure up to Doctor Otway's! If he's an amateur, he may cause your condition to worsen and the consequences would be unimaginable." Sensing his displeasure, Candice dared not to be rude but stood her ground. She felt that Leon was unreliable and did not want him to treat Elder Daglesh. "That won't happen. Mister Wolf made it clear that he is confident about this! I trust him!" Elder Daglesh said, his tone unquestionable. Despite Leon's young age, he was the chairman of Cynthion Group and a martial artist in the Almighty State. Given Leon's ability, Leon would never make a promise if he was not certain about succeeding. He would never risk harming Elder Daglesh and act recklessly, so Elder Dagle
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Chapter 2797
Once everything was in place, Leon started executing the Ghost Point, which worked to ease and suppress internal energy. This worked effectively with martial artists on the verge of losing control so it was perfect for Elder Daglesh. "Elder Daglesh, fire up your energy now and work with me," Leon gestured to Edler Daglesh to start training while sending his spiritual energy into Elder Daglesh's body. The two then worked together to slowly expel the chaotic energy within Elder Daglesh. Long after, Elder Daglesh's complexion started to improve and everything seemed to be going smoothly. If everything went well, Leon just needed to work a little harder to expel all the impurity in Elder Daglesh's energy. However, the reality was cruel and an accident occurred just as Leon was about to succeed. The impurity in Elder Daglesh's energy exploded. Under this influence, Elder Daglesh's true energy spiraled out of control. As his true energy spiraled into chaos, Elder Daglesh dare
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Chapter 2798
"Dad, Grandpa, what's wrong? Are you okay?" Mateo and the others were stunned when they saw Elder Daglesh spitting blood. Without hesitation, they hurried over to help Elder Daglesh up but were stopped by Leon. "Mister Daglesh, don't do anything. The chaotic energy within Elder Daglesh has been unleashed and he would soon lose control of his energy. Moving him would only make things worse," Leon said, his expression darkening. He initially thought that Elder Daglesh's condition was not severe and that he should be able to cure him with ease. It was not until this moment that he realized Elder Daglesh's condition was worse than anticipated. His lack of consideration caused the failure to expel the chaotic energy within Elder Daglesh and this caused a rebound. Elder Daglesh would soon lose control of his energy if he was not mistaken. "What?" The Dagleshs were all shaken. "Wolf, this is your fault! You worsened my grandfather's condition. If something bad happens to him tod
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Chapter 2799
"Mister Daglesh, don't panic! There's been an accident, but I still have control over the situation. I have many means to cure Elder Daglesh, so don't worry," Leon consoled him while thinking of a way to resolve the current situation. He was not lying and there were indeed a lot of ways for him to cure Elder Daglesh. He focused on a milder treatment in his attempt to expel the chaotic energy from Edler Daglesh's body, but it failed in the end. Naturally, treatment through the Ghost Point could be more aggressive as well. Since a milder take failed, he would have to aggressively suppress the chaotic energy within Edler Daglesh through the Ghost Point. This was not challenging for him, but adopting an aggressive treatment had its risks. Even though he could cure Elder Daglesh, it may traumatize him in a certain way. Elder Daglesh was old and his bodily functions were declining. If he was traumatized, he might get stuck in the Intermediate Almighty State, never to reach the
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Chapter 2800
"But," Mateo and Candice panicked when they realized Elder Daglesh intended to keep accepting Leon's treatment. They wanted to talk Elder Daglesh out of it but were interrupted by him before they could say anything else. "That's the end of the discussion. It's all fate and if Mister Wolf fails to treat me, it'd mean that I'm destined to go through this," Elder Daglesh said. He then accepted the Sun Pill from Leon and swallowed it. The Sun Pill dissolved in his mouth and transformed into a stream of pure energy that coursed toward his heart. Not daring to delay, he focused and started training again. He attempted to absorb the pure energy to suppress the raging energy within him. "Elder Daglesh, let me give you a hand!" Once Elder Daglesh took the pill, Leon strode over to him and through the Ghost Point, he sent his spiritual energy into Edler Daglesh's body. To prevent Elder Daglesh from developing a trauma toward training, he continued to use the Ghost Point to expel
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