All Chapters of The Ex-Husband's Revenge: Chapter 3031 - Chapter 3037
3037 Chapters
Chapter 3031
"Um..."Hearing Lucian's reminder, Shally's expression froze. She remembered that she did have an unused villa that fit Leon's needs perfectly in every aspect.However, the villa was quite expensive, and she did not think Leon could afford it."Miss Summers, do you have an unused second-hand villa for sale? Where is this villa? Can you take me to see it first?" Leon inquired.He had never been a fan of second-hand houses, mainly because he was worried about buying a flawed or problematic property, which would cause unnecessary trouble.If Shally had a villa for sale, that would be ideal!After his conversation with Shally earlier, he had a good understanding of her character. Buying a villa from Shally seemed much better than going through a real estate agent! Of course, the premise was that Shally's villa had to meet his requirements."Well... okay. Let me take you to see it then," Shally thought for a moment before responding.Her villa had been vacant for over two years with
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Chapter 3032
"Mister Wolf, to be honest, the current market price for this villa is at least over eighty million." Shally said after some thought, "However, it's fate that we have met. If you genuinely want to buy this villa, I can give you a twenty percent discount, as a gesture of friendship with you three."After their previous conversation, Shally developed a favorable impression of Leon. Additionally, since it was them who had damaged Leon's car, and Leon had been very gracious about the matter, not making a fuss, she felt it was only fair to reciprocate his kindness. Therefore, she offered Leon a very favorable friendship price. Of course, the premise was that Leon could afford such an expensive villa!"What?" Lucian, who was standing beside her, was taken aback by what she said. He had suggested that Shally sell this idle villa to Leon with the intention of seeing Leon make a fool of himself. He had never intended for Shally to sell it at a discount! Now, Shally had gone ahead and of
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Chapter 3033
"Kid, stop pretending! Do you have any idea how expensive this villa is? Can you really afford it?" Lucian sneered, doubting Leon's financial capability."It's just a few tens of millions. You'll see soon enough whether I can afford it," Leon responded calmly.Leon had already sensed that Lucian harbored some animosity toward him. However, given his current power and status, Lucian was merely a minor character to him, not worth his attention or effort to argue with.Turning to Shally, Leon said, "Miss Summers, please calculate the total cost of the villa and give me your account number. I'll transfer the money to you.""Oh, okay..." Shally replied, still unsure whether Leon genuinely intended to buy the villa or was merely bluffing, but the truth would soon be revealed.She calculated the exact price of the villa and provided Leon with her bank account number."Kid, I'm curious to see what kind of trick you have up your sleeve!" Lucian scoffed, still convinced that Leon was just
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Chapter 3034
"Mister Wolf, I have received the money. If you trust me, you can give me your ID card for the property transfer procedures. I will arrange for someone to handle these trivial matters, so you don't waste your time," Shally suggested, snapping back to reality from her surprise."Alright." Leon nodded. Now that he had bought the villa, he, Cynthia, and Ruth needed to go out to purchase some daily necessities and organize the rooms, preparing for their stay tonight. This would undoubtedly take a lot of time.Shally's willingness to arrange for someone to handle the property transfer was exactly what he needed. He could not have asked for more.Leon thought for a moment and then spoke, "Cynthia, give your ID card to Miss Summers. Let her transfer the property to your name."He had used the alias 'Hugh Wolf' in front of Shally to hide his identity. If he handed over his own ID card now, it would expose the fact that he had deliberately concealed his real name, which was not appropriat
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Chapter 3035
"Well..." Hearing Leon's inquiry, Shally seemed to recall something unpleasant. Her smile froze, and a trace of sorrow flashed in her eyes."Miss Summers, what's wrong? Is there something you're reluctant to share? If it's inconvenient for you to talk about it, just pretend I never asked."Noticing her discomfort, Leon quickly changed the subject."Actually, there's nothing inconvenient to talk about. This villa was a gift from my grandfather when I graduated from university. I moved out of my family home to live here and planned to start my own business..."But later, my parents and elder brother met with misfortune. They were harmed by evildoers… The Summers had no direct heirs left, so my grandfather asked me to move back and take over the family business..."Shally sighed, her face filled with deep sadness and grief. Ever since she moved back to her family, the villa had been left vacant. She had kept it all this time with no particular use until now, by chance, it was sold to
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Chapter 3036
"Well," Leon snapped out of it and opened his mouth hesitantly. From the look of anticipation on her face, he could tell that Shally wanted to meet the person who took the Demon Lord down. However, Leon could not risk exposing his identity and could not tell her that he was the one who eliminated the Demon Lord. Hence, he could only swallow his words. If a chance arose in the future, perhaps he could tell her the truth. "That's interesting. What a coincidence!" Cynthia and Ruth glanced at Shally and then at Leon. When Leon fought the Southern Boss for the first time, the two of them were present and saw Leon eliminate the Demon Lord. Because of that, Leon somehow avenged Shally without him knowing. "Miss Shear, Miss Collins, what's interesting?" Shally asked in confusion. She did not know that the hero who eliminated the Demon Lord was standing right before her eyes, or she would be over the moon. "Nothing." Cynthia and Ruth both shook their heads. Since Leon refrai
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Chapter 3037
"Well, you're right." Cynthia and Ruth considered his words and realized he was right. The Demon Lord was a martial artist in the Advanced Almighty State and Leon was young. If he told others that he killed the Demon Lord without any evidence, no one would believe him and the situation would only worsen. There was no point in doing so. "Cynthia, Ruth, let's go. We will go grocery shopping and settle in," Leon said. "Sure," they said. With that, the three left the mansion and went grocery shopping. That night, the three bought some household necessities and tidied their rooms before settling in. Apart from that, their car was badly damaged and could not be fixed anytime soon. Mason delivered the car to maintenance and regrouped with them according to the address Leon provided. ...In the next two days, Leon and the others needed to purchase furniture and household appliances apart from daily necessities. They took care of that and cleaned the entire mansion. Mea
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