All Chapters of WANTED BY THE MAFIA PRINCE: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
141 Chapters
Chapter - [ 118 ]
[ Aitana ]Alessandro refused to leave my side since last two hours, he's stuck with me like my own shadow. Currently, he's sitting on the high stool watching my every moment as I cooked us dinner."Stop staring at me, it's creepy."I huffed in annoyance when it became too much to handle. I feel self conscious when people stare at me intently."Other girls would define it as romantic."He diverted his gaze from me to the pan."Well, I am no other girl but your wife with whom you spend most of your time."I said and dipped the marinated fish in the hot oil."From where you learn this recipe, it's smelling delicious."He inhaled the aroma of spices rising from the frying fish."From a Sri Lankan woman, she is our cook in my father's mansion. Om Saturdays, she used to cook this fish recipe for dinner with home prepared spices."I told him and stirred the vegetable stew in other other pot."We'll hire cooks from different region to give our appetite diversity. I can't wait to taste these crisp
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Chapter- [ 119 ]
[ Alessandro De Niro ]"Are we doing the right thing, Aless?" Chase's eyes flickered in the direction where Aitana was having a conversation with the architectural team, engrossed in her own happy bubble and I had no heart to pull her out of her happiness.That's what I always wants, her never faltering smile. I returned my focus back on Chase who was still waiting for my answer."As much as I am hating this whole idea to keep Aitana out of this mess, we have to tell her at some point but today isn't the day. Are we clear?"I raised my brows at my best friend who was in a dilemma."Yeah..we won't say a word to her until we are sure about this whole scandal. She isn't in a good emotional shape and I do not want my sister to stress herself. She deserves her share of happiness which she hardly got in last few months." He played with the paper weight."Wanna join me on the secret adventure?"I asked him."Have I ever say no to any of our adventures? Of coarse I am in."He smiles widely," Th
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Chapter - [ 120 ]
[ Alessandro De Niro ]"He'd be here at any moment from now so take your positions,"I instructed my team over the microphone as we hid behind the rocks under the dark sky. There was no source of illumination except the faint light coming from the cave.The clock stuck nine thirty, we had been waiting for Liam and his men to come out from the cave. We couldn't barg inside the cave as we had no idea how long and dangerous it was or how many men with weapons were hiding inside."Make sure,you have your silencers. We can't let them find us and roast with their bullets. I want everyone to return alive, not a single casualty, okay."I reminded them as they get excited very easily. After some time, a steamer boat appeared in the ocean but it didn't come to the coast. I guess they'd use a small boat to reach to the bigger one.We waited for another thirty minutes when finally I saw two men coming out with torches, they scanned the whole area to make sure they weren't followed."We're all cl
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Chapter - [ 121 ]
[ Aitana ]"Good afternoon, Dr. Alice. I hope I am not late."I greeted my doctor with an apologetic smile.Why did I even say the line. Of coarse, I was late by an hour from my scheduled appointment with my doctor. She had been my personal doctor since I hit the puberty, my mother made sure I wouldn't get pregnant in the wave of teenage passion. I visit her after every three months to get my birth control shot. I missed it once and it ended up in the short but wonderful pregnancy."I guess, you're here today for your regular shot?"She asked me though she knew I only come to her for this purpose."Yes, Doctor."I nodded my head in agreement while she glanced through my blood sample reports which her lab assistant had done on me two days ago but at that time, Dr. Alice was on leave, so today I had my appointment fixed for the shot."You missed your last shot. May I know the reason? Are you planning on having a baby?"She asked me as her eyes fell on my wedding ring."No Doctor, I missed i
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Chapter - [ 122 ]
[ Aitana ]Aching NumbnessThat's the only emotion invaded my heart since I got the most devastating call from Drake.My husband was shot twice and currently hanging on a loose cord between life and death.It had been ten hours which felt like ten centuries since I rushed to this private hospital where the best doctors of the city were trying their best to keep his heart beating for his life but the pensive looks on their faces whenever they walk out of the OT, it was very clear to me that he wasn't okay. Nobody was telling me anything about his current condition that hurt even more. I had no idea whether he had chances of surviving or....I shook my head to get rid of such horrendous thoughts.My Alessandro wasn't okay.My own father shot my husband to avenge his personal vendetta against me. A few hours ago,I was on cloud nine with the news of my pregnancy but now, the excitement had gone.My hand slipped on my stomach. My heart bled with the mere image of my child born without a fat
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Chapter - [ 123 ]
[ Aitana ]"My husband is fighting for his life. We don't know if he'd make it out alive or..."I sniffed looking away from my brother."Aitana please give me a chance to explai-"He tried to hold my hand but I pry him off."I don't want a fucking explanation, Chase. You guys had kept me out of this fallacy and you think you did a righteous thing?"I threw my hands in the air."I don't deserve your forgiveness, I know and I won't try either but you have to listen to what I want to say, Aitana. It's important."He said."Can we..can we just talk about all of this later?"I pleaded him through my eyes, at this point, my mind wouldn't register anything he will say."No, we can't."He refused."Do you have any idea how shitty I am feeling right now, Chase? I may loose the only person I have as my family, he's my husband for Holy Mother's sake!"I blinked my eyes in disbelief.The audacity of this man. He supported Alessandro in the secret plotting, got shot himself and still charading."Your fat
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Chapter- [ 124 ]
[ Aitana ]"Here..."I offered the terrified woman some water so she could loose her shit.I feel the immense pleasure when I see people squirming under my presence. Come on, I'll be the first female Don in the mafia history and I have to live up the image."Than...thanks." She murmured timidly, her eyes still fixed on her lap."Look, Lisy or Lisa or whatever your name is, I won't be standing here all the day and watch your shit. I need some answers from you and you are going to it give me."I said without beating around the bush."Wha..what..kind..of answers?"Her voice shook profusely and at this point, my crazy hormones did tango inside my unstable brain."Are you a toddler who is learning to speak?"I kind of yelled on her. She flinched back in fear.I sighed in exasperation.She was actually very terrified by my presence. I had to act calm if I wanted her to speak and tell me what I wished to hear from her. I dragged the stool and made myself comfortable on it. It would take time for
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Chapter - [ 125 ]
[ Aitana ]"Please take a seat first, Mrs. De Niro."Dr. Jones offered with a soft smile but the grimace wasn't hidden. There was some sort of bad news in his bag.Nevertheless, I sat straight, my demeanor not giving him any clue of how panicked I was feeling in that moment.He occupied his leather chair and adjusted his glasses and cleared his throat to drop a verbal bomb over my head."Mrs. De Niro, I am not going to keep you in dark for no reason. You're his closest family member here so I've to tell you this-"He paused and searched for a reaction on my face but I gave him none."How's is my husband, Doctor?"I ask him in a flat tone."We have successfully removed the bullets from the wounds, the wound on his abdomen isn't fatal, it will recover in a week's time but the other bullet missed his heart by an inch and brushed an artery. We had to perform several surgery to stitch the damage but he lost a lot of blood in the process."He said in a worried tone, for a professional surgeon
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Chapter - [ 126 ]
[ Aitana ]Alessandro made me feels those things which couldn't be explainable in words. I never imagined myself diving in the colorful ocean of different emotions opposite to my bland life. He made me feel alive, he taught me to respect my worth.Loosing someone you love dearly, is the worst fear known to the human kind. It would be selfish on one's part to think their loved ones alwayw remain in good health and when they aren't, well I was feeling in the same agonizing way.I felt like a dagger was stabbed and carved my heart out of my chest. I wanted to feel numb but the pain was a constant reminder of the fear, I might loose my most treasured jewel, my husband, my love ,my everything. I clutched on the soft material of the blanket that covered his body upto his chest. His breathing was faint, if you don't notice it closely you may mistake him as a dead body laying on hospital bed."It's been four days, Aless. For fucking days I've see those blue eyes of yours staring at me. I am
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Chapter - [ 127 ]
[ Aitana ]" pregnant." I tried to speak but my mouth felt bone dry as his big eyes gaped at me like I wasn't pregnant but grown two heads instead."Oh wow! It''s an amazing news. I mean I am going to be an uncle and Alessandro a father." He seemed to process the news."Chase, I want you to keep this to yourself. I mean we have enemies all around us and many of them are hidden snakes. We don't know..who will strike us and I don't want the history to repeat itself." I referred to my first pregnancy and felt my eyes burning with fresh tears."'s alright. Come here."He gathered me in his arms and stroked my hairs,"I promise you, Aitana, I will protect you and this baby with my life. You're my responsibility until Alessandro recovers, okay. Please don't feel petrified, we'll overcome any hurdle coming in our way. This baby will come in this world and follow the steps of his parents."His words comforted me. I knew he would go to any extent in order to protect me and m
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