All Chapters of Straying Echo: Fighting to Escape an Obsessed Alpha: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
101 Chapters
Did We…?
POV: Echo I’m not sure how long we sat there for, but eventually, my sobs turned into hiccups, and my eyes ran out of tears. Atlas sat with me the whole time, rubbing my back and allowing me to let it all out. Feeling like a limp noodle, I rested my head on Atlas’s warm chest, listening to his steady heartbeat to calm myself. Seeing that I had finally cried myself out, Atlas leaned in and kissed the top of my head before resting his chin on it. “Would you like to take a bath, Little Mate?” He asks after a bit, pulling away just enough to look down at me. I frown, trying to think of what sitting in frigid water would do to help me right now, when Tala nudges me. ‘I’d be willing to bet that the Alpha of the pack has a hot water tap in his bathroom!’ I smile and nod at Atlas, desperate to feel what a hot bath feels like. I’m sure I’d had one before, but it would have been during the time before Red Stone, the time I can’t remember. My head fell back onto his chest, and I glared at the
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Be Proud
POV: Echo A light knock on the door broke me out of my thoughts as Atlas called out, “Come in!”. A slightly flustered-looking Cordelia pushed the door open, carrying her case with her as she bustled into the room. “Alpha, Luna,” she greeted us with a low nod of her head. “I hope that you’ve been resting?” She asks, with a pointed look at me. “Yes!” I said, nodding. “I’ve been asleep for the large majority of the time I’ve been out of the hospital!” I explained in response to her doubtful look. “Good! Your body needs it to finish healing!” She says as she looks me over. She makes a clicking noise with her tongue as she looks at my ankle cast. “I was right to use a waterproof cast! I suspected you guys might get it wet!” I couldn’t help but chuckle at the way she pretended to scold me, and I felt Atlas’s gaze on me and turned to look at him. He smiled widely at me before giving Cordelia a sheepish look. “Yeah… by the time I remembered about the cast, she was already in the tub, so
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POV: Echo As it was already 9:30 am, most of the pack had already eaten and were off to work by now. The dining room comprised several long tables with matching chairs and benches, and off to the side, there was a buffet counter full of food with trays, plates, bowls, utensils, mugs, and cups at one end. When we entered, the slight buzz of conversation from what appeared to be a group of warriors who were just sitting down to eat was cut off. They all bowed their heads to us, and some of the wolves that I hadn’t seen at Red Stone glanced at me from the corner of their eyes. Atlas nodded back, and the conversation picked back up, although a bit more subdued than before. He guided me over to the counter with his hand on my lower back, and placed a plate, bowl, utensils, mug, and cup on it before handing it to me and grabbing himself the same. We made our way down the line, and Atlas loaded his tray with his favourites. When Atlas discovered I did not know what foods I liked or didn’t
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Be Excited
POV: Echo Waiting for a hit that never comes, a shudder runs through me as I’m filled with a different apprehension altogether when the hall becomes deathly quiet instead. Mind whirling, I lower my head, slowly opening my eyes to watch my hands fidget in my lap. I can just see Atlas, Travis, and James through my lashes. Travis was pale and staring at me with a pained expression, his hand still hanging in the air. James wore a look of concern and grim acceptance, which piqued my interest a bit. I was far too scared to inquire about it at that moment, though. Next, I peeked at Atlas, and he was slowly looking between me and Travis with a thoughtful expression. When no one says anything after a moment, I slowly raise my head just enough that I can glance around the room to see why it’s so quiet. Taking a couple of deep breaths to prepare myself before raising my eyes to peek at the warriors sitting at the other table, I find the courage to look. The warriors who saw Red Stone, who witn
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Lost in Thought
POV: Echo I hadn’t realized I’d disappeared into my own head until Atlas cleared his throat quietly, making me jump slightly as I turned towards him. “Sorry, I got lost in my thoughts!” He turned his head at me a bit, as though he was debating something. “What were you thinking about?” He finally asked, speaking in a way that made me wonder if he was worried that I may not wish to answer. I smiled at him and explained how different the pack values seem compared to where I was before, and how happy it made me. Atlas listens to me so intently, nodding and telling me how hard he has strived to make the Blood Moon pack strong and lively. He tells me how he believes that a pack that enjoys where they live is more likely to want to defend it. When he began asking me about which flowers in the garden I liked best, smiling when I replied and told me which were his favourite, I realized just how little positive social interaction I have experienced. I felt like I was waiting for the other
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Lunch Plans
POV: Atlas Looking down at the beautiful she-wolf in my arms, I can’t help but feel like the Moon Goddess has truly blessed me. Today has been huge already, the first day that she has been awake and able to be in my pack, our pack. I think back to what Travis and James said this morning, and I realize they are one hundred percent correct. I only saw a glimpse of the life Echo lived before we met, and that one day of her life would have been enough to traumatize some of my best warriors. Yet somehow this little she-wolf lived like that, all on her own, for ten years! The mate bond has been driving me to distraction as of late, but I know she is not ready. She surprised me with our little hot and heavy make-out session, which, of course, triggered something within her. The look of terror, her tears, and the way her voice sounded as she launched herself off the bed away from me made my chest ache. As a werewolf, I have a deep desire and need to protect and provide for my mate with eve
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POV: Echo Due to our impromptu nap, I decided to change out of my dress as it was quite wrinkled at that point. Atlas saw me hesitating in front of the door to my closet and asked if I wanted any help to pick something to wear. I thought about it for a moment before replying. “What kind of outfit does one wear to a lunch like this?” I asked him and he smiled before showing a rack of clothes that were casual but still classy looking. I smiled gratefully before slowly flipping through the items, determined to choose something myself this time. Stopping at a dress with a pale pink top, with a cream and floral skirt, I stared at it for a moment, mesmerized by how pretty it was, and checked to make sure it would cover what needed covering. The short sleeves were ruffled, but fully covered the shoulder and upper back. The skirt cinched in at the waist ever so slightly and would hit just above my knees. Quickly changing into the dress, I couldn’t believe I was lucky enough to own somethin
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Push Through
POV: Anonymous The moment I see her turn the corner, she takes my breath away. She is absolutely stunning in a pink and floral dress with ruffled sleeves. Her long, brown hair cascading down her back makes me want to grab hold of it to tilt her head back, so she is looking up at me with those full, luscious lips before I cover them with my own. I stifle a groan as my pants tighten painfully in my arousal. I can’t afford to make any noise right now. If I get caught here, I’m as good as dead if the reputation of the Blood Moon pack is anything to go by. I really shouldn’t have come, but I had to see her. She truly looks so innocent and sweet, and it aggravates me to see Alpha’s arm wrapped around her. I can feel my wolf, Raze, pushing forward and I know if he does, he will not hesitate to attack, but right now we need to play smart, not strong. She seemed to be completely overwhelmed at the sight of what seemed to be some sort of lunch arrangement. Goddess, I want her so badly. I giv
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Allowed to Feel
POV: Echo Once James had directed everyone’s attention elsewhere, Atlas wrapped me in a hug and gave me a moment to calm down before we joined the buffet lineup. Everyone seemed to realize I needed that moment and left us to it while they began filling their plates. I took deep breaths of my mate’s scent, using it to calm the anxiety that was building within me. Once my heart had slowed and no longer felt so heavy, I looked up at Atlas and gave him a tiny smile. He kissed the top of my head and shifted me so that his arm was wrapped around my shoulders, and we joined the line for food. I once again took a small scoop of everything, excited to try everything available, and Atlas grabbed both trays to carry to the table. When we got to the table, I could see that they had left two seats empty beside each other for Atlas and me to sit on. On the left side was Noira, with Blaze directly across from her. Travis sat beside him, with James on his other side, directly across from the empty
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POV: Echo Taking a deep breath, I still my hands, pick up my fork, and continue trying each of the foods on my plate. I could feel the others at the table stealing glances at me, realizing exactly what John had been insinuating with his words and glance. After a moment, Travis spoke again. “Well, Red Stone’s loss of their two top warriors is our gain! We are glad to have you among our men!” He stated, and I could hear the pride in his voice. I smile. Having hoped that they would excel here, they deserved as much for all the work they put into Red Stone. Wanting to think about anything but my life before coming to Blood Moon, I turned to Noira and Blaze. I watched for a moment as they ate, each of them unconsciously shifting with the other as they ate. I turn back to my food and sneak a peek at Atlas and watch as he does the same thing when I move. Light chatter starts up, and I listen to the varying tidbits of information that filter through their conversations. I learned that Bla
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