Semua Bab Straying Echo: Fighting to Escape an Obsessed Alpha: Bab 81 - Bab 90
101 Bab
Meeting Cassius
POV: EchoIt had taken me a moment to realize that I was shifting, and I was thankful when Tala pushed forward to take the brunt of the pain and finish our transition.‘Echo… I don’t know what’s happening, I can’t finish shifting. We almost shifted, but our body was forced back to our human form. But now that we’ve started shifting, our body must finish in our wolf form. We won’t stop transitioning until we do!’ Tala’s pained voice filled my mind, and I began to worry about what this could mean.‘I’m sorry Echo, something is wrong, I can’t…’ Tala’s voice had become weak and faint, and when she abruptly trailed off, I knew something was seriously wrong. I didn’t get to think about it though, because as soon as her voice trailed away, I was slammed back into the forefront of our body. I couldn’t think, I couldn’t even scream as I opened my mouth in silent agony.I vaguely heard someone's voice, before the tingles of our mate spread out from his touch. It took the edge off of the pain be
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Before Her Amnesia
POV: BradyScowling with frustration, I swiped everything off of my desk with a resounding crash of broken dishes, scattering pens, and fluttering papers. Thankfully, my laptop had already been securely placed in a drawer, or it would have been smashed with everything else.It didn’t matter what I did, I just couldn’t make the Goddess-damned businesses make enough money to support the lifestyle my mate and I were accustomed to. Especially not since that good-for-nothing Alpha showed up and took my Little Doll away from me.We had to hire 5 she-wolves to do the jobs that my Little Doll managed to do entirely on her own, and they didn’t do it nearly as well as she did. Nor did they satisfy Raze and I’s other needs. My Little Doll was the only one who could ever meet those needs.‘I told you not to leave her there!’ Raze snarled, pacing in irritation and desperation. ‘She was so close! We could be satisfied right now if you’d done what I’d told you!’‘We would have gotten caught and you
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Alpine Moon
POV: EchoI felt my body sag against Atlas as my mind tried to catch up to what they were saying, as a loop repeated of bits and pieces of what I was hearing.‘Through the wringer. Dirt and soot. Torn and singed. Blood stains. Fair distance. Alpine Moon. Alpha Sebastian. Luna Levana. Destroyed. Eradicated overnight. No survivors. Tragedy. 3 Survivors. Massacre. Spared no one. Sebastian. Levana. Didn’t know who. After one thing. Their daughter. You. Luna Echo.’Tala whined as our heart confirmed what our mind didn’t want to believe. My heart ached with deep, long-buried sorrow. The kind of sorrow that could only come from serious loss, the loss of my parents, and the loss of my pack. I quivered as I took deep, shuddering breaths, hoping to alleviate the pain I was feeling.Atlas hugged me tighter, and the emotions overwhelmed me, causing me to sob into his chest as I grieved the losses that had been too long forgotten. Grief that demanded to be felt. The men seemed to realize as much,
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Jovie and Wrenley
POV: EchoWe were walking down the forest path, a woman holding my left hand that looked just like me but with blue eyes, and a redheaded man with my eyes was holding my right hand. Giggling, I told them about how Jovie, the Beta, was teaching me various ways to toss someone over my shoulder earlier in the day. And I got to put it into practice when the Delta, Wrenley, got the surprise of her life when she tried to sneak up behind me and startle me!My father’s laugh was rich, and I could see that he used it often. My mother tried to arrange her face to look disapproving, but the sparks of pride and amusement in her eyes soon gave her away. Chattering and laughing happily, I didn’t realize something was wrong until both of my parents' hands tightened slightly as they came to an abrupt halt. Glancing between them, I could see they were mind-linking with someone from the pack, and from their expressions, it wasn’t good news. ‘Do you remember where the safe room is?’ My mother yanked m
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Darkness Within
POV: BradyExcitement was coursing through me as I reviewed our plans for the last time. Everything was ready to go, and I was finally, finally, going to have my Little Doll with me once more. Hearing my office door swing open, I turned to see my gorgeous mate step inside before closing the door and locking it.Raising an eyebrow, I looked her up and down. Knowing she had my full attention, she sashayed toward me in a tight red dress that barely touched the top of her thighs. Her cleavage was spilling from the low-cut bodice, and Raze’s appreciative growl rumbled across the room as the scent of our arousal flowed toward each other across the room.“Like what you see?” she purred as she wrapped her arms around my neck and drew me in for a kiss. Taking over, I ran my tongue over her bottom lip and explored her mouth with my tongue when she granted me access.“Very much so!” I rumbled, pulling back only when she was panting for breath, and I began pressing open-mouthed kisses down her ja
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POV: AtlasEcho stared numbly at the bathroom wall, and I could feel the numbness she was feeling inside as it spread to me through the bond. Without saying a word, I slowly undressed her as she responded to my actions on auto pilot.Once she was undressed, I quickly stripped and moved her into the shower with me. Knowing she wasn’t able to, I took my time washing and conditioning her hair before moving on to washing her body.Feeling she was sufficiently sudsy, I pulled the detachable shower head from the wall to hose all the soap away. She just stood there quietly, hardly even blinking as her mind replayed the night her pack was reduced to nothing.I sighed as I quickly washed my hair and body, leaving the water on with Echo standing in the stream so I could grab some towels. Giving myself a cursory pat down with the towel, I wrapped it around my waist before reaching in and turning off the water. I wrap my mate in a towel and when she doesn’t move, I pick her up and carry her into
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Memory Part 1
POV: Echo*Memory*:*My parents had been tense since Alpha Jarrod and Luna Esther stopped by for a visit the other day, and I could tell it had something to do with their son. Ever since we arrived, he has been hovering closer and closer every day. It’s been a while since we’ve been here, and he is always near me now.At first, I thought he might just be curious about the ‘rogue’ girl, but now I think it’s more than that. He never talks to me, and I don’t think he even knows that I know he’s been following me everywhere I go for the last few weeks. I always know exactly where he is, and so that is where I avoid going. The Red Stone pack is nice, not as nice as home was, but better than all that time we spent getting there while avoiding other packs and rogues along the way. We couldn’t even stop and get a vehicle anywhere because my parents were so worried that we’d be found. I’ve been working hard not to show how much I miss Alpine Moon, but I know it sneaks through occasionally. S
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Memory Part 2
POV: Echo*“And if I don’t?” Brady raised an eyebrow at my mother, pulling me impossibly closer. “What are a couple of refugee wolves such as yourselves going to do to the future Alpha of the pack you’ve taken refuge in? My father has already been looking at how to force your hand in five years, anyway. What difference does it make if it’s now or then?”Everyone fell silent at the underlying threat within Brady’s words. I could feel the tears as they dripped down my cheeks, and I wanted nothing more than to run to my mother and father for safety. As though he knew what I was thinking, Brady tightened his grip on me painfully.“Brady, son,” His mother, Esther, was the first to break the deafening silence. “This isn’t the way to go about this! You’re scaring the poor girl! I don’t think she will be very accepting of your offer in ten years if she is afraid of you…” My stomach cramped at her uneasy chuckle after she confirmed my worst fears. They wanted me as the mate for their son, fat
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Guardian of the Light
POV: Echo “NOO!” I punched and kicked and clawed, fighting them off of me, desperate to keep my memories. When I felt a pair of arms wrap around me, pinning me down, I thrashed around, screaming louder to drown out whatever they were whispering in my ear. “No! I won’t let you! Get off of me!” Slowly coming to, I quieted down a bit as I felt tingles spreading throughout my body from everywhere that the wolf’s skin connected with mine. Still uncertain, I kept trying to break free, but now I was listening to the words they were saying. “Shhh, Little Warrior.” His velvety voice was like a sedative as he continued. “I’m here with you, Little Mate, you are safe with me.” “There we go, it’s okay, I’ve got you.” Atlas cooed as I stilled, taking deep breaths of his alluring scent. Sensing the change in me, he slowly shifted our position. We had been sitting in the bed with his arms wrapped around my torso and arms, restraining me as I attacked him. Once he was certain I wasn’t fighting his
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POV: Echo Over the course of the next week, Atlas and I developed our own little routine. We would eat breakfast with our tier-one warriors together. While I was working on my strengthening exercises, Atlas was training with our elite warriors. Which I found to be slightly distracting at times. After training, we were all starving and sat together for what we called “second breakfast”. I was even impressed that I was now noticing times when I was hungry again and was eating what every called ‘snack’ sized portions. Once everyone was done, we’d all go our separate ways, with Atlas and I going back to our room for a shower. Of course, my mate was very keen on showering together, which almost always ended in bed, with both of us requiring a proper shower afterwards. I never thought that I’d crave the touch of a man, especially not like that, but I craved the feeling of his skin against mine, his hands on my body. It made me and my wolf hot and bothered to even think about it. Once we
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