All Chapters of Surrendering To The Billionaire Alpha: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
162 Chapters
Chapter 61: In The Vile Darkness
FAYEThe cold air in the cell was so frigid, my fingers were starting to lose all feeling. I sat in the dark cell, at the extreme corner, cowering in the cold, unable to hold back the shivers. The sweatpant and sweatshirt did nothing to help my situation. My clothing was too thin for the cold and damp dungeon.Rubbing my hands together wasn't helping much. My head hurt. And the cut on my feet was starting to hurt. I really don't mean to cause so much trouble, but it seems like that's all I'm good for. All that blood on Nathan was Lannon's. I shut my eyes tightly, trying to keep my fear down. Lannon had a strong and powerful wolf. He was second in command for a reason. He just couldn't die! No! That would mean my sure demise. I had caused them this misfortune and I couldn't even do anything to help the pack. They hated me even more now; I was sure.And the look on Nathan's face. I whimpered in the dark. He'd been livid. I'd gone and incensed him, and now he cared nothing for me
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Chapter 62: The Nightmare Begins
NATHANI was angry at everything when I reclined back in my chair, eyes shut to the world. No one who saw me would know the rioting feelings inside me. The urge to hit something violently almost consuming me. I stood up restlessly and poured myself a drink. I needed something strong and the whiskey would do nicely.I downed the drink all in one go before I left the study and headed for my bedroom.My steps are forceful and people move out of my way much faster than usual. I went straight for the bathroom. I wore the bloody shirt still. My mind refused to settle. I waited desperately for news of Lannon. My eyes were bloodshot, and my bare chest was bloody as hell. I stepped into the shower and washed the blood off of me.Lannon's blood."Fuck!" I grunted and punched the wall, leaving a fist-sized hole in it. I looked down at my knuckles and saw they were now a light shade of pink. The fucking bruise had already healed. Why couldn't Lannon heal like this?If Briggs wasn't already
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Chapter 63: Forbidden Baby
NATHANI saw red."He's going to die." Zelda whispered avoiding my eyes. "Wh... What do you.. what do you mean he's going to die?" Carolyn asked with a stutter."He'll die if something is not done." Zelda said. I shoved both hands in my pockets, flexing and unflexing them as remaining still was becoming a great difficulty. "You're a powerful witch. Isn't there something you can do?" I'm beginning to wonder if I should actually leave Lannon in Zelda's care, if she's already preparing to to pronounce him dead. Lannon couldn't die. I couldn't let that happen. I won't let that happen."There is only one herb that I know that may be able to help him." She finally said."Then fucking use it!" I growled."The herb is rare. It's almost extinct. I don't have it." She said with resignation in her voice.She really was giving up."Why not?" I asked her and I almost let the anger turn me."Calm down, Nathan." Carolyn said. My eyes had already changed and I knew I had to get a grip. I took in
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Chapter 64: Family Ties
NATHANI turned in the chair I was sitting in, rising out of the chair. I couldn't have heard right. I chuckled. This was a very good idea at pranking me during all the madness. Funny, but not funny. "There's absolutely no way she's pregnant, Maya.""Ooh, so you mean she's never had sex with a man?" Her brows rose to stare me down with ridiculous questions in her eyes."This isn't something I want to talk about. Not right now. Faye can't be pregnant.""Why, Nathan? Because you don't want her to be pregnant, or because she really shouldn't be?""Maya, are you absolutely sure?" Carolyn asked her, coming to stand beside me. "Of course I am. The test results don't lie.""Nathan?" Carolyn faced me now. I had no idea what they both wanted to hear from me, but I had to go find Zelda. "Maya, run those damned tests again. I'll be back." I told them as I walked past of Maya to the door. On getting back to the pack house, I took the last known location of Zelda's car and hurriedly left aga
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Chapter 65: Shocking News
FAYEMy eyes slid open and shut tightly against the blinding light. It had hit me with so much force I was almost blinded. Why was everywhere so bright and white?When I opened my eyes, it was to a stark white ceiling. The walls too, were a milky white. I looked down at myself. I was lying on what looked to be a hospital bed, in a hospital dress. What was happening?I looked at the drip pierced into my hand, and I could see where it hung over the bed. I was in a hospital. But why? Last I remembered, I was in the dungeon. Why was I in the hospital and who had brought me here?I raised my head up from the pillow and immediately dropped my head back. It felt too heavy on my neck. I was far too weak. I silently took in my surroundings, noting that the room itself was a big one compared to the smaller, often shared rooms in hospitals I'd been to before. My tummy felt tight from the need to pee and I considered what to do with the needle stuck in the back of my hand.Just when I went
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Chapter 66: Dance Back From Death
NATHAN"She's awake, you say?" I asked Maya, who'd just returned from her hospital."Yes, she woke up just today." She told me and then smiled, a slow suggestive smile. "And the tests?" I asked her, interlocking my fingers and dropping them on the desk before me. "She's pregnant, Nathan. Nothing you do, no amount of tests will undo it."If the tests wouldn't undo it, something else had to. I've never wanted to be a father, and I damn sure would not be one cause some ridiculously wondrous miracle had made Faye fall pregnant even when I'd used protection the very few times we'd had sex. "You're going to get rid of her now, aren't you? Just like you did–""Maya, what gives you the presumption that I want to discuss my inner thoughts with you?" I asked her, staring her down. She sure had some nerve to waltz in here and try to bring up my ex-wife."I… I just thought… since she's still in the hospital, my hospital–""That I'd discuss plans for the pregnancy with you?"She looked chagri
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Chapter 67: An Alpha's Mistrust
FAYEMy eyes felt heavy when I tried to open them. My throat was itchy and my head throbbed. I lay still in bed, waiting for the heaviness in my eyes to go away.I'd been in bed for two more days doing nothing. Only resting, like Maya had said to do. Why did she care if I got better? She probably was keeping me here for a reason. The door opened and someone walked in. I peeked out of one eye and saw the same nurse from yesterday. She walked in carrying a tray with her.She walked straight to the window and pulled the curtains open and it felt like someone shoved the sun up my head. "It's too dark in here. You don't mind me pulling up the blinds, do you?" She asked.Ha, funny. She was only asking after she had already pulled the curtains open. She came to me and changed the IV bag into a smaller bag."Um... Is this my normal dosage?" I asked as soon as the extreme pounding in my head lessened."Oh, yes. I'm sorry I didn't tell you earlier. A lot has been going on. You're being disc
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Chapter 68: Beyond The Unknown
FAYEThis was a horrible nightmare. I knew it was. If not, how could Nathan ever think this baby was not his? I don't even leave the pack house!The one time I had tried to, I'd really messed things up, and I was still paying for doing that. Was it just that one time that had made him distrust me so?I'd only ever been with Nathan. Why couldn't he see that?I pulled the sheets over me, tightly fisting it in my hands. The covers held little comfort. What was I supposed to do now? How would I handle this?If Nathan didn't believe the baby was his, then he wouldn't let me keep it. Would he?He might actually throw me out for real this time!I shot up to a sitting position in bed. Outside was already dark, my room also shrouded in darkness because I had been too angry and in my feelings to turn on the lights when I had returned from Nathan's study. The look of distaste on his face made me shudder all over again. I had to explain myself to him somehow, make him see reason. I climbed ou
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Chapter 69: Lies of Omission
FAYE I turned around in a circle, trying to remember at which point I had gone the wrong way. I was pretty sure I walked toward the lights, but then again, I couldn't see as well in the dark as I had earlier from my room. And the trees shrouded the entire area in thick darkness. Should I try to retrace my steps back to the house? But if I did, I would definitely get caught. I was already lucky I had gotten out without being seen. I took a deep breath and decided to continue. Looking ahead, I saw the faint glow of lights that played peek-a-boo with the leaves. I exhaled. I'll just head in that direction. It had to be Maya's house. As far as I knew, it was the only house in that area. I hastened my steps and walked for minutes before I came out to a rocky road. I moved to cross to the other side when suddenly a horn blared at me. I turned towards the sound and stood in shock as the car sped to where I stood in the middle of the road. Was it Nathan? Had he discovered that I'd
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Chapter 70: A Mother's Love
FAYEI couldn't believe what I'd heard. I felt sick to my stomach. And my skin prickled with sweat despite the air conditioning in the room. "Wh.. what?" I whispered.I shivered as cold fear seized me. I heard the words in my head again. He'd drowned the baby… in a tub. In a freaking tub! With his own hands!Maya ignored me. She walked to the closet in the living room and hung up her purse."What do you mean by that?" I asked, chilled with fear but still, sweat dripped off me, wetting my nightdress inside the robe. It stuck to my skin just like the dread which filled me did. It couldn't be true. It had to be a lie. It couldn't possibly be true."Maya..." I squeaked, when she didn't even attempt to say anything."Was he spelled?" I asked.Maya turned around and fixed me with a cold stare."He drowned the baby in cold blood." I flinched."No.. he wouldn't do that. Nathan wouldn't do that!" I said."We also thought that." She said. She came and stood opposite me and leaned forward o
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