All Chapters of Teaching her a lesson: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
200 Chapters
"Yep. I figured they were good at being scary as hell, while you're good at being sweet and lovable, so I let you all do what you do best. Meanwhile, I kept the line open with... her," I pointed to Candy, not wanting to use her name and snap her out of her stupor. "I knew they'd want to 'fix' you like they tried to fix me, so I just waited until I was sure the Serenex was in the open and you had Isa's attention, and then... I told her about my plan." "Dumb fucking cunt never saw it coming." Abbie drew up in Candy's face and laughed mockingly. "Oh, they did at first. The good officer was watching her phone - she knew not to trust your coach around me. I worried she might be smart enough to suspect that angle. But I also knew if you came in here armed and dangerous, the officer would be the one dealing with you." Abbie eyed at the weapon at her sister's feet warily. "I seriously thought she was gonna tase us for a sec there, C-dawg." "I would've for real knifed that bitch. Fuckin' t
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The girls quibbled back and forth, though anyone watching could tell they were all waiting for me to say something. Let them wait. We had hours - all day, if we felt like giving them another spritz or two - and it would only take moments to do the job. The hundred copies method had been an amusing foray into the allure of abusing teacher-student power dynamics, but it had also been childish and unnecessary. No, I would do this right, and only do this when I knew what "right" meant. "We do... as little as possible," I announced at last. Their conversation ended immediately. "What?!" the Sterns demanded in concert. Even Cassie looked surprised. Abbie scowled through the wall at the two women. "We cannot leave these two backstabbers to do it again. You fucking know they will!" I held out my hand cautioningly. "I'm not saying we do nothing. We protect ourselves, yes. Keep them from interfering with us, let us go about our affairs without any more shenanigans. But we're not giving in to
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"Abbie, please. Let's talk about this. I want to hear what you're feeling, OK? Just don't do anything rash. That's how we all got into this mess in the first place." "No, this is how we got into this mess in the first place," she said, snatching the canister from my hand. She raised the nozzle and pointed it at my face. The girl was going to dose me, then march into the kitchen and do god only knew what to Candy and Isa. So much for my troubles being over. My mind was frantically exploring options, but my planning hadn't covered this contingency. There was only one thing left to do. I opened my mouth wide. Damnit all to hell if it didn't taste even worse the second time around. The room was bright with sunlight when I woke up the next morning. Shit, was it the next morning?! I scrambled, looking around for my phone. There it was in its usual place on the nightstand, reassuring me that it was shortly before noon on Sunday. It had been nine hours or so since I had let Abbie dose me
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By early evening, the kids had moved inside. Probably drinking, or worse. Though again, nothing I could do about it. By nightfall, they were starting to disperse; every time I looked out the front window, there were fewer and fewer cars parked along the street. I was increasingly surprised Megan hadn't come back yet, but then she texted me to let me know her mom needed a little extra help, and would it be OK if I could give her an extra day. Oh, and keep an eye on Cassie for her. We'd partaken in an orgy not forty-eight hours ago, and here was this woman charging me babysitting her daughter when she knew I was fucking her. My balls were turning brighter and brighter blue. Something else that could be laid in large part and Isa and Candy's feet. Wherever they were, I hoped Abbie and Candy hadn't heeded my counsel too closely. At last, a little after nine, the only car left was the Sterns'. I let myself in. Cassie was in the midst of cleaning up; Abbie and Taylor were on separate cou
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Ever the class act, Taylor flipped me off, the other hand slapping her bicep. "Oh right, because in your head,you're the big damn hero for showing up last night after everything was nice and safe, right? Once we'd stared down the barrel of the taser, in you stroll, talking all that bullshit about burying McHatchfields and whatever the fuck. And you didn't mean a goddamn word of it!" "Of course I meant it! Having someone at your mercy is not synonymous with withholding mercy! I don't share the compulsion of some in this room to bend every person I run across to my will!" Her eyes widened in indignation, scoffing in audible sputters. "No, you know what? Fuck this. Fuck you, you ungrateful prick. C'mon, Abbie. We're getting out of here." Abbie hopped right up, but I interposed myself between the girls and the door. "We are not done here, ladies! What did you do to Ms. Salata and Officer Barbour?!" "Like I said,I took care of it, and I did it just the way you wanted. You can thank me
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Candy licked her lips, nodding. Not to second the sentiment. No, that nod was to second my command to plead forgiveness. She was too riveted by the sight of Isa slinking to the floor to see the look of shock on my face. In a tense voice that nevertheless inflected a modicum of contrition, she obeyed. "I'm very, very sorry." She took a deep, tremulous breath, eyes squinting shut. "Sir." I hesitated, though. They had faked me out with shenanigans of this very sort before, right here in my classroom. "How do I know you're not just fucking with me again? You could just be telling me what I want to hear." Isa looked up, and in her eyes, there was real worry. Not worry that she'd gotten caught, but worry that I didn't accept her apology. "Tell me to do something I would never normally do, and I'll do it." "Oh, we've been down that road. Flashing your tits doesn't prove anything." She shook her head. "That was easy. It was private. I knew you wouldn't show it to anyone because it would r
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"Because my body isn't subject to outside appro--" Her retort was silenced by a smack with the yardstick. "Thank you sir!" She flinched in embarrassment at how quickly that reflex had developed. "First thing after work, get that thing shaved and waxed. Understand?" I didn't even care what the woman's pubes looked like, frankly, but overriding her preferences was such a rush that I'd ordered it just for the thrill of it. Isa agreed immediately. "Yes, sir." My hand found its way between her legs, massaging that furry pussy of hers like I owned it. Hell, maybe with whatever the girls had done to her, I did. "I think I'm going to fuck you now, Officer Barbour." "Thank you, sir!" But even as I undid my belt, Candy was suddenly at my side, throwing herself on top of my desk beside her lover and frantically throwing her skirt up and panties down, this time to her ankles. "No no no, please, you have to fuck me first! Oh god, I've never been more turned on in my life. Please fuck me, oh p
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Only someone who hadn't known her long would take Taylor at her word, but somehow, it rang true. The notion did sound more like me than like them. The results I'd seen at lunch had indubitably been more a man's handiwork than a woman's. Had that really been my idea? I could believe it of myself. That didn't mean I wanted to, though. "So you made Isa betray her own integrity, and Candy betray her lover. Is that it?" "If all that means what I think it means, then yeah. Something like that. Abbie and me, we--" "Abbie and I. Nominative case, Taylor. We've been over this." She shook her head irritably, removing her hands from my belt. "God, you know how to ruin shit. Anyway, we cleaned it up, made it hard and simple so they can't squirm out of it. Took some of your advice from when you were sober, too, made sure they got off on it. Hook 'em with pleasure, right?" I took hold of her hips before she could back away. "Now that I remember saying." "Yeah, so we made sure they both get off
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There it was, the reminder of how terrible she really was.A sobering if futile reminder of the other reason I shouldn't be touching her. "Anyway, I remember you were down there, in that position, hands and knees and hunched over. Except you, well... you were wearing this, um..." Why was it so hard to say? I'd seen her naked, but that had been in some other reality, a fantasy made real. This story was something that had happened here in the real world, where she was a student and I was a teacher and everything about us was wrong. "Come on, spit it out. Shit, you can take my clothes off but you can't describe 'em?" "You were wearing these pink athletic shorts. You know the ones I mean?" She nodded, her smirk still slight. "I know the ones." "Yeah. And with you bent over like that, they crept right up the crack of your ass. I swear it would have been harder to imagine you naked if you were just in your underwear, you know?" "They do do that. That's why I barely wear 'em any more. Fi
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During my prep period, I popped by Isa's office. She glanced up from her laptop. "I have to be downtown for a staff meeting in twenty minutes Canon, so whatever it is, make it quick." "Hello to you, too." I closed the door behind me, settling into the oversized bean bag chair she kept in the corner to signal my intent to get comfy and stay as long as I liked. Then I got a whiff of all the dust kicked up by my doing so and regretted it, but I think I hid it well. It would appear this too-casual seating option was seldom exercised. "I wanted to talk about the Serenex." "I wondered when you would. What all did you overhear Saturday night when you were playing possum?" "Not enough. Start at the beginning. Tell me what you learned, how you learned it. Everything." "Look, stop in tomorrow and maybe I'll have time for this, all right? Much as I'd be perfectly happy to fabricate an excuse to get out of sitting in the same room as you, I really do have that staff meeting." "Tell them som
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