All Chapters of Teaching her a lesson: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
200 Chapters
"Well, the next couple nights are out. Saturday could be OK, but actually... we were hoping to have you over for that dinner we talked about," answered Candy. Isa arched a brow. "We were?" "Surprise! Yeah, we were. Just the three of us, for a nice intimate meal." "Do I have to cook?" "I said anice meal, honey. Not finger sandwiches." "Sounds good to me, then." Candy looked back to me. "How about you?" "Saturday would be fine." It was one of the challenges of having a broad assortment of high school girls at my beck and call -- they tended to be busy Saturday nights. I seldom was. "Great. So then... hmm. Maybe Sunday, for Cassie? Run it by her, see if it works. I'll have a lesson written and ready this time. You're welcome to join us, if you'd like to participate in her... education." "I... yeah. I think I could teach her a few things." Man, we really were the worst. It was telling that I was fine doing it in the privacy of my home but cringed to say it out loud. Isa's silence
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There was a bra beneath it, though I recognized two things about it right away. First, the bra was itself a minimizer, something I'd learned to recognize years back with a woman I'd been dating who'd worn them at her work for pretty much the same reason. They squeezed and redirected the breasts inside the cup to shave down their apparent size to lookers-on. It had been incredibly uncomfortable, she'd said, but it had kept her boss from being as much of a pig. It looked as though Isa's had been similarly effective with me, because the second thing I noticed, for the very first time, was that her poor bra was fighting an uphill battle to do its job. And losing. Her breasts were positively oozing out of the thing, squashed upwards and inwards and sideways, so much bulging boobage it reminded me of the corset Taylor had worn to her house last Sunday. Beneath it, a washboard stomach shamed me. Isa glanced at the clock. "Yeah, we still got a little time. Here." Her arms reached behind her
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Megan was at the door a second later, and I could only laugh at the revelation that he must have screamed that practically at her face. "Well hi there! Robby, go finish your homework and let Mr. Canon and I talk, all right?" "OK! Bye, Mr. Canon!" "Study hard, stay smart Robby," I said, twisting his new hat around. He laughed as he galloped off, leaving it backwards. "Hi there, neighbor," she said, smiling her warm smile. It was a good reminder of why I'd always liked her. Those laugh lines came naturally, and deepened every year. She had over ten years on me, but one would hardly know it. She was her daughter's mother, cheerful and effortlessly pretty. I'd been surprised to learn about the difference in our ages when we first met, and had even considered asking her out -- then I found out she had a daughter who was much closer to my age and chickened out. Who knew how things might be playing out between us now if I hadn't. "Afternoon. Is this a good time?" "Oh sure. Unless you're
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That might have been harder on my conscience if not for the attempted blackmail. That was still too fresh in my mind not to take a little satisfaction in how warped her thinking had become. It reminded me why I'd invited her over in the first place, but she was still apologizing. "I'm setting some time aside this weekend to look into community colleges, or maybe something online. Something that will keep her close at hand so you won't have to wait long when you're in the mood for her. Don't tell her I said so, but it was what I was hoping she would do anyway. Community college, that is, not the booty call thing. Though that is working out well!" She laughed self-consciously. "Anyway, thanks to you, I think she'll finally come around.""Hey, just being neighborly.""Don't you think it goes unnoticed, mister." She nodded curtly. "I'll keep after her. I think she's having fun, learning the birds and the slutty little bees, even if she gets a bit short-tempered with me looking over her sh
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The top button unsnapped and my slacks slid down to my ankles. My erection was at two thirds mast, pointing right at the bridge of her nose. She was going cross-eyed trying to take it in. "I think maid services, landscaping, all that... those are a smart solution, Megan. But if someone tried to bankrupt you, take away your livelihood, end your career, maybe send you to jail... how many times would they have to clean out your gutters before you felt fine about it?" "I... I mean, a lot, but..." "A lot. I was doing some math along these lines, in fact. If I recall correctly, I could hire someone to clean out those gutters for around a hundred and fifty bucks. To pay back twenty-five grand, you'd have to clean them one hundred and sixty-seven times. So if I let you do it once in the fall, once in the spring, you'd be doing it for eighty-some years yet before I was repaid. Maid services? Call it forty an hour, generously, two hours a week for fifty-two weeks, would take six years. Assumi
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Suddenly, right as I was about to give her a shake, a tap, something to make sure she was still with me, Megan spoke. "So... it's humiliation, right?"I started. "What?""That's what you want, right? To embarrass me. Take the cute neighbor lady who'd never given you a second thought as a man down a few pegs on the totem pole." She looked up, studying me.Never given me a second thought? Ouch. "No, that's not... I mean, you blackmailed me! Don't try to make me out to be the bad guy, Megan. You're the--""It can be two things," she interjected. "And I'm not protesting. I'm just... here. I'm having an idea. Sit tight."Without warning she turned , leaving my cock twitching, drying, in her wake. "Megan! What do you think you're doing? What happened to enthusiastic cooperation and support?" Had I finally found the limits of Serenex, mid-blowjob? Of all the times to hit the wall!"Just... trust me, OK?""For a woman who--""I know what I did, and I feel awful about it. I promise. But if I'm
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I was still watching it on loop and telling myself it was a waste to jerk off when I could call over any of my girls to take care of it for me when the growl of an engine sounded again from outside. I hurried to the window, peeking through the blinds in time to see the Browns' garage door closing behind her vehicle. Back already? It had only been a half hour or so. Good. Must have realized she couldn't... do whatever it was she'd been doing. Running away from home? I took to my chair, fuming at the proximity of my betrayer. The only thing stopping me from storming over there and demanding her then and there was young Robby. I might have done some questionable things of late, but I wasn't about to abuse the kid's mother in front of him. No, I'd just have to knock, humor the boy, then oh-so-politely drag Megan back over here to finish me the second she-- Knock knock knock. The front door. Before I could get up to answer it, it swung open. There was Megan, and on her heels, Cassie. Ev
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"It doesn't bother you that your mom's watching?" I probed, curious. "Why? There's nothing wrong with pleasuring you, Mr. Canon. And I will protect your secrets obviously, except it's not a secret from Mom, right?" "Right." I smiled, turning to Megan. "Well, Megan?" "Be a good little cocksucker for our neighbor, Cassie," she said, planting a soft kiss on Cassie's cheek as she pushed her daughter's mouth towards my crotch. The girl most definitely did not require the push. As soon as she was greenlighted, she was passionately engaged in sucking me off. There were immediate differences in her technique that even I recognized through the haze of arousal clouding my eyes and judgment. (Was I really going to let Megan off the hook so easily? Oh, but the way Cassie is making that little ring around around my head and dragging her lips up...) She was heavily over-producing and over-supply saliva, licking up and down the length, moaning in desire, spitting on the shaft as she stroked it wi
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I wasn't paying any attention to her babbling. I wasn't paying any attention to the chit chat between the two neighbors outside. I was completely riveted by the sight of Megan's ass. As Pat blathered on about Gypsy's runny nose, she casually reached back and adjusted the spangled spandex to go right up her butt. With a subtle tug before returning her hands in front of her, she wedged it up so high it split her pussy lips clearly enough that I could make them out from all the way over here. What did it look like on Pat's side? No way he didn't at least notice the camel toe -- unless his eyes were being pulled in by the gravity of those ripe American tits of hers.I was only dimly aware of the conversation, but it did eventually turn to something marginally less banal, at least in that it involved me. "Now wait a tick here, Megan... isn't that your house next door?""It sure is, Pat.""Oho. So, are you just being neighborly then? Or if you just like pulling weeds, I'd be only too happy
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"You stood me up yesterday." It was Friday during the last passing period of the day, in between my senior English and prep period. All teachers were expected to conduct hall duty during these transitions, keeping an eye on the students and keeping them from dawdling overmuch. Most days, I skipped this obligation during this time and went right from Taylor's class into my prep, closing the door behind them and heaving a sigh of relief. Today, however, I was in a good mood. A comparatively easy week professionally thanks to Pixar, and indubitably the best week of my life personally. Sexually anyway. I had plenty of time to decide if there ought to be a distinction between the categories before I sat down to write my best-selling and very anonymous memoirs. I had pretty much floated out into the hallway after class, wishing my students a great weekend and high-fiving Patrice for her leadership in our discussion. It had been a fine note to end the week on. That young woman was going pla
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