All Chapters of Claim by the Don: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
136 Chapters
Chapter 61
Ava p.o.vMy heart clenched harshly against my ribcage, my whole body went cold with dread. Fear paralyzed me as my phone beeps again, indicating a message just dropped. The phone is right in front of us on the bed, but I didn't have the courage to pick it up and check what was sent.We both stare at it for a few minutes before Kara had the courage to pick the phone."Cooper fleid" Kara read out. I inhale audibly, not out all relief with the information because it's a signal for us to leave. And fall straight into his trap, I know this is all a set up and it's very dangerous but I have to take this risk.Maybe it will buy us some time for Vince to come to our rescue, even then I can't sit still and wait for Vince to save us, I might as well plan our escape.Having gotten some courage, I took the phone from Kara in time just as another message came in. "You have thirty minutes to get out of the house, two miles away a car is waiting for you guys. And be sure to give your phon
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Chapter 62
Ava p.o.v"Ava! What's wrong." Kara panicked, gripping my arms to keep me stable from crumbling down. "Pain." I gasped, I suddenly felt drained, all the adrenaline disappear leaving extremely exhausted. I just want to lay down and sleep, a short whimper left my lips as the pain suddenly intensifies crawling up around my ribcage. Then go back down to my lower back, causing me to double over.I grip Kara's hand tight for support, and wrapped my other hand around my waist as if to sub-press the pain."Oh my God Ava! For a moment I forgot you are pregnant." Kara exclaimed in fear, there confusion and fear in her voice. Even I am scared too, I don't want anything bad to happen to my baby."Me too." I have also forgotten that I am pregnant, damn Vince for putting me in the situation he could have waited for at least a year before having a baby. That's one of the reasons I was against having a baby now because I am a target right now.Now I regret all the running stunt I had put on, but I k
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Chapter 63
Vincenzo p.o.vThe look on Vincenzo's face when he stormed in, was gloomy and raging storm. It has everyone walk around on their toes, and those working focus more on their job. Or should I say pretending to be focused.He walk straight into the elevator, the elevator took him to the top floor. Opening directly in a room filled with his best hackers and trackers. Each one of them were extremely focus on their job, knowing too well not to step on their already pissed boss's way.Vincenzo stop behind Oliver, the man in charge of this department. He was tense as he sense his boss dangerous aura."Boss." He greets composing himself."Who did it." Vincenzo dismissed, going straight to what brought him here."Nikolai Vladimir." Oliver answered. Vincenzo clenched his fist, straining himself from hitting something, anything.The rage in him burns in flames, He had expected Nikolai Vladimir to come to him, but what piss him off was that Marco was now entangle in this cat and mouse chase at suc
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Chapter 64
Ava p.o.vDanger and anger was what actually got me all scared, and ready to run faster than Usain Bolt any minute.I felt myself shake as our eyes met, I gripped Marco against myself to gain some kind of reassurance, as my whole body trembled in fear.The blonde hunk paced towards us, his bodyguards part way for him like the red sea. Before expertly surrounding us, immediately, I felt trapped even though I was already trapped."Hello, Sweetheart." He greeted. His soft melodious voice danced to my ears, his voice is as smooth and sweet as sugary drinks."Ava Sophie Marcus, is it?" He cocked an eyebrow. "Oops!" He slap his hand over his mouth, forging having forgotten something. "Sorry, Ava Vincenzo Alfonso." He laughed merrily as he corrected himself, as if he didn't have a care in the world. But those sexy and attractive blues eyes says something else, something dark, dangerous and scary. This Blondie wasn't to be messed with, I can already sense the danger within him from miles.An
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Chapter 65
Ava p.o.vWhip.Whip.Whip.The sound of whip and TV were the only thing that could be heard in the silence of the room, I was drained of every last bit of strength I have left.The image of little Nikolai slowly and painfully carving Vince's back, drawing the letter V on Vince's back. Vince screamed and begged Nikolai to stop, but that little wizard laughs merrily as he continues doing his work.For once in the last ten minutes the whipping stopped, I had screamed my voice out with Vince earlier while watching that horrible scene. And now I think I lost my voice, I glanced at Marco for the first time since the TV was turn off, to see him cry as him watches everything.I wish he didn't have to see this, to see both his Mom and Dad been tortured. He must have watch the recording as well, I wish I can change everything. My regret is that this whole ordeal will leave an imprint in his mind.He is going to be traumatized.I closed my eyes, trying to catch myself."I've always wanted to de
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Chapter 66
Vincenzo p.o.vEverywhere went silent, it's was deadly silent as nobody had expected Vince to kill someone outside the duel. It's a clear challenge, clear as daylight.Vincenzo has always been a reasonable man, however, when someone crosses the line. The ruthless predator came out and nothing was going to stop the catastrophe from happeningNikolai boiled in pure rage as he watched one of his own drop dead, he wasn't expecting Vincenzo to make such move. But what he didn't know was that, Vincenzo would not tolerate anyone who lay their hands on his woman. It's was a clear death mission, which Vincenzo didn't fail to give the guy that hurt his woman.Ava gasped in shock, this is the second time Vincenzo has killed someone in her present, it's only fair that she's still not used to such things."We need to get you cover because we're about to get down to business." Dante grinned, the excitement and eagerness was clearly displayed on his face. Like he has been starved of his favorite mea
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Chapter 67
Ava p.o.vI wake up, well my subconscious mind did. I couldn't open my eyes, neither can I move my body, not even my fingers. I felt someone holding my hand tightly, not too tight that it becomes painfully, but gently tight. It was as if the person wanted some assurance, or was trying to give me some assurance.From the grip and the fingers, I know the owner of the hand is a female, hopefully, Mom. I really wanted to open my eyes now, to see whoever was here with me, but since my limbs wouldn't cooperate with me, I can only remain still.The door open and closed, and two more people came in, they stopped at the foot of my bed. "Why isn't she awake yet." It was Vince, I can recognize his voice in any situation. Only this time, his tone was dark. Like he was barely hang on, I can't see his face but I know he must be wearing a deep frown on his face."She will wake up when her body allows her to, the body still needs time to heal." The other person who I'm assuming is a doctor replied,
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Chapter 68
Ava p.o.vIt's been almost a week now, a week of torturing and pain, up till now I'm still unable to digest or even accept the fact that I'm no longer pregnant.It was like a dream, some bad dream, nightmare even, and I wan to wake up so badly, sadly, it's all reality and I'm wide awake.I blame myself for it, even if everyone says it's not my fault, deep down I know it was my fault. If I had heed to Vince strict warning not to leave the house, this wouldn't have happened.I remember when I had woke up again after the unbearable news, the pain was worst then before because now, it is not about the physical pain anymore. It's was much more than that, it's an emotional pain, one simply I can't get over.I had woke for the second time, unfortunately, the room was flooded with sunlight from the windows. And the room was filled up with my family, except one person.I was relieved and sad at the same time, relieved, because I didn't have to face him right away. Sad, I also wanted him here,
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Chapter 69
Ava p.o.vThe car came to a stop in front of the mansion, our personal mansion, which by the way isn't that personal anymore since everyone seems to have a room in it. The mansion have enough rooms to accommodate everyone, so why not, I shrug.I alight from the car, pausing and gazing at the house before me, the afternoon sun shining on it, almost blinding. I sighed, it's being a long time since I was here, when I left with Kara, I didn't expect it will take this long for me to come back.But all in all, I'm happy to be back, excitement burns through my veins down to my feet. Urging me to go in but I was suddenly reluctant, I sigh again remembering the situation I'm in and what's waiting for me inside the beautiful mansion.Both my mother and mother-in-law came to my side, Mom held my hand and gave an encouraging squeeze."Vincenzo is aware you are coming home today, he must be waiting for you right now." Mrs Alfonso said patting my back gently."Of course." I scoffed, he must be wait
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Chapter 70
Ava p.o.vTime, like I've heard waits for nobody, and this I've learnt a hard way. Waiting for someone to acknowledge you, is much more hurtful than any other physical wounds.Especially, waiting on someone you hold dear to your heart, it's like thousands of broken bottle stabbing at your heart and leaving you breathless on each stab.I was told to give him some time and space, even, I wanted to give him time to come to me and open up to me. But I know better now, realization has down on me that Vince isn't going to make any effort.It's been a month, a whole freaking month of this distance, hoping and waiting. It has been terrible, sometimes I don't get to see him for days. like right now, he's out of town for a business trip, which I found out from Lucas.Lucas is now a means of our communication, it's either he's passing Vince message to me or my message to Vince. But it has always be Vince sending messages to me, I didn't bother sending any message to him because what I have to sa
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