All Chapters of Beta Nicholas : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
166 Chapters
61| But I Want To Suck Your...
JULIEHe kisses me like a hungry wolf, sucking on my lips and then licking them gently. I do not lose my hold on his shoulders as I kiss him back with the same fervour. I tilt my head and so he does as we kiss each other, losing ourselves in that sweet moment. His mouth works urgently and I wonder what got him so restless that he does not stop devouring me this hungrily. I part my lips when his tongue pokes them. It enters my yearning mouth and then he explores it whole, breathing gently. I suck on his tongue, pushing mine against it. He sucks on it gently and I cannot help but moan at the sensation. Just that kiss makes me throb for him down there. As the heating and passionate kiss come to an end, he goes down on my neck. My eyes close half as his hot and skilled mouth goes down on it, sucking, nibbling and licking occasionally. I lose myself in his touch, praying for more. I tilt my head for him to have better access. He takes advantage of it and kisses the side of my neck. I c
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62| Like You're The Only One I Adore So Much In This World
JULIE "Yes," I whisper and he latches his mouth there, sucking the nipple very gently and softly so that I cannot help but close my eyes, enjoying the moment. My hand automatically raises up to caress his head and my fingers dip into his silky raven locks. He sucks on my swell softly, releasing that erotic sound, turning me wet from there. My skin is salivated and his tongue is magical. He twirls it around my nipple and I feel his bulge growing against my stomach as he pushes himself down on me, seeking pleasure. My mouth opens as a small gasp escapes me. He relieves me by rolling his hips slowly against my hot groin. Hot, just for him. My heavy eyelids do not let me keep my eyes fully open and my hands slowly work in his silky hair.He sucks on it gradually increasing the pace of hurting me meanwhile. The pain I feel because of his mouth sucking on my swell is so pleasant that I can seek it over and over again. Even now, I do not know how much time has passed but I just know I am
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63| In The Restroom, Right Now
JULIEI plan to make him jealous and hard at the same time today because I want to be naughty with him. Last night was awesome. Whatever happened between us was beautiful and I can never forget it. I am going to keep that thing in my mind forever and live on that memory, breathing through it like the supporter of my life. I know I sound stupid right now but this is what I am right now — a hopeless romantic, who is still thinking about last night. It was so forbidden yet so good and right at the same time. I put the lipstick back on the table as I look one more time at myself through the mirror and admire my pretty face. I smack my painted lips and turn around to exit the room. Blue would be waiting for me down the lobby. I find her at the place where I expected her to be. She grins at me and I give the gesture back. The teachers are already there and my yearning eyes search for only one figure there. Mr Taylor. He is there standing with Mr Lee, already staring down at me. As I s
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64| I've Got Such A Good Girl, Haven't I?
JULIEA man leaves the restroom and now it is my turn to step inside. I hold my hands behind me and then go inside the restroom. It is quite large and I am glad that there is nobody except me here but my mind comes to halt when I notice the door behind me opening. I turn around and find Mr Taylor standing there, locking the door behind him. He takes slow steps in my direction and then towers upon me. He smiles down at me and I cannot help but melt right there. "You missed me as much as I missed you, right?" He asks, leaning down and saying those words into my left ear. His hot breaths hit my earlobe and when I whisper a small "yes" at his answer, he rewards me by flicking his tongue out licking my earlobe. I shudder, my hands moving up to hold his shoulders to support myself because right now, my knees are buckling, too. I know I will fall on my knees if I do not reach for him at the right time. But the thought of being on my knees in front of him excites me somewhere deep inside
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65| Something Special
JULIEI come outside, still running my fingers through my hair to keep my wild strands in their order. He held my hair while he kissed me and my condition is not very good but I have been taking care of it since I stepped out of the restroom. I take a deep breath when I spot my friends in the lobby, talking with each other. I grin when I get Blue's attention. She waves her hand and then I wave back at her, coming to her. "You took pretty long, Jules! You know Nicole fell upon the floor, facefirst!" Blue laughs as she tells me and I cannot help but giggle, the scene immediately created by my mind, played behind my eyelids. It would be fun to watch her fall. Live, you know! "Cool! Oh, that's why she's mewling with her friend and Malcolm is laughing?!" I utter, glancing at Malcolm who is teasing Nicole. Malcolm is a roaster. He roasts everyone. He did not even leave Nicole just because they have fucked each other. Malcolm does not mercy on anyone. Anyway, it is fun watching Nicole l
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66| Are You Sure You Want To Do It, Baby?
JULIEI grin and remove my robe so it does not disturb me after that. I get on my knees in front of him and look up at him before raising my hands to the waistband of his trousers when he suddenly stops me. Unable to understand that intention, I glance up at him. He looks confused. More guilty for I do not know what. There is hesitance in his eyes and it all makes me swallow hard due to nervousness. What does that look mean? Does he not want me to do it? As I feel a bit scared of what is coming next, I ask, "What happened, sir?" My voice comes out slow and doubtful when I ask him that. I do not want to face rejection, to be honest. It is not that I can't tolerate rejection, but this guy's rejection is the only thing I feel like I can't tolerate. I would probably rather die than hear rejection from him. I could also bow my pride in front of him, as I am bowing down in front of him right now, I am ready to give my everything to him and in return, he can give me whatever pain he wan
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67| You Did So Well, Baby
JULIEThe sleeve of my dress glides down, revealing the side of my chest but I do not rush to pull it back on my shoulder. I suck him softly and then swipe my tongue down his length. The tip of my tongue touches the base of his cock and he moans my name which makes my heart skip a beat. My eyelashes flutter as I glance up at him. His jaw is clenched and he grips my hair more tightly. "Just like that, baby, you're doing so good!" He groans, bobbing my head once again. His other hand comes down to slide away the strands of my hair that curtained my face. His fingertip grazes my skin tenderly and then comes to touch my cheekbone, finding the skin wet there. He pushes himself more into my mouth and does not matter if it gags me, I love this cruel side of him. I love worshipping this god of sex, hotness and handsomeness. Even though tears escape the corner of my eyes, I cannot help but smile at him. He smiles back, cupping the side of my face, encouraging me to do more. I do as he ges
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68| Because I Can Smell Lies, Baby
JULIEThe next morning, I am woken up by Blue's constant voice. She keeps calling my name, telling me that we will be late if I cannot wake up on time and get ready. She has called my name more than twenty times so I finally gave up and removed the blanket from my face which I put just to avoid Blue. My raven locks fall on my face as I remove the soft blanket. I gently push them away, clearing my sight and then giving my full attention to Blue. She is walking to the vanity with lipstick in her hold. She looks into the mirror and then starts applying the lip gloss. I cannot help but a huff, glaring at her. She is not even ready and is yelling at me while getting ready. So cool! "What's your problem?" I mutter, narrowing my eyes at her. She does not stop applying the lip gloss until it is finished. She then puts it into her bag while saying, "Don't you have to wake up, girl? We have to leave in a few minutes. If we get late, I don't know about the teachers but the leader of that sw
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69| On The Bed, On Your Back
JULIE"Because I didn't want to visit the city once again. I've done it already with my dad when I visited Madrid last time," I say honestly, shrugging my shoulders. He nods in understanding. "But what excuse did you give?" I ask him, still contemplating the same thing in my mind time and time again. I know Ms Hudgens won't let him leave this easily because I can see she has come only because of Mr Taylor otherwise why is she interested here? I know Madrid is a really beautiful place and all of us have come to visit it but before the trip, I once heard Ms Hudgens talking to Mrs Fahn, telling her that she has already visited the place once before. "That I'm not feeling well," he says and I chuckle, palming my mouth. "You lied to them!" I point out, widening my eyes so I can attempt to glare at him. "Yeah," he nods, coming closer. I notice the change, a smile forming on my lips as I see the mischievousness in his eyes for me. "Why?" I whisper, not attempting to go back because I
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70| Y-Yes, Daddy
JULIE"And all for me; all wet for me," he adds, giving some more licks to my vertical lips and they part, just to let more juices come out, dripping down my skin and he licks it clean, earning moans after moan from me. I cannot stay quiet after what he is doing to me, nor does he ask me to stay quiet for which I am glad. He tilts his head for better access and spreads my legs even wider. I do not complain but just my grip tightens on the sheets beneath me and my eyes squeeze shut at the powerful sensation that travels from my head to toe. My heels dig into the mattress and my thighs shake wildly. He pushes his tongue into my hole, to seek more of my leaks. He sucks there and the noise makes the moment even more intense. I can smell the sex lingering in the air around me and the noises he and I — both create that reach our ears to make our body heat even more. I am turning hotter with each passing second and dampness gathers on my forehead as I moan even more. He sucks on my pu
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