All Chapters of Texas Retribution-Book #1 Boarding House Brides: Chapter 1 - Chapter 10
32 Chapters
Hannah POV “Hannah, get up girl, the house is on fire”, I heard my father as he shook me to wake me up. My heart began pounding and fear kept me frozen in my bed. I just stared at him and couldn’t move. He grabbed me up in his tight hug, a hug that usually brought comfort and peace, but now it only brought fear. “Hannah, darlin’ you have to get up and get out of the house” he said again, this time his voice also held a hint of fear. The urgency I heard in his voice forced me to move and I scrambled out of bed and asked, “What about Edward?’ “I’ll get him and your mama. Go now” he said as he raced out of my room and down the short hallway to the room he shared with my momma. My baby brother, just two months old, spent most nights in the room because it was easier on momma. Momma just hadn’t been the same after she birthed him, she was much weaker and stayed in bed most days. I watched for just a moment as my papa disappeared into the room and then I turned and ran for the door. As I r
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Chapter 1
St. Louis 1865 Hannah POVDid I really want to do this? Was this the next step for me? Was I ready to leave the place I called home for the last seven years? Would he be kind like my papa? Would I be a good wife and mother just like my momma? So many questions and I had no answers, only the butterflies in my stomach. So lost in thought while sitting on the swing in the backyard of the boarding house, that I didn’t hear them sneak up behind me.“Gotcha!” they all screamed at the same time, causing me to jump and almost fall out of the tree swing. “Ah! Don’t do that to me! You know how that makes my heart race,” I growled at them as they laughed. My friends, just like me, were now ready to begin striking out on their own, ready to face the world. We all lived at the boarding house, and assisted Mrs. Sheffield and her brother, Mr. Knight in caring for the boarding house and the orphanage next door.Mrs. Sheffield became a widow about twenty-five years ago and decided to open her lovel
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Chapter 2
Texas 1865Jamie POVWaking up this morning, I had no idea my situation would become more difficult than it was. Living every day with the man who ruined my life while biding my time has not been easy. Every day I had to pretend that I liked him and that I trusted him above all others. I have taken his laziness, his snide comments, and his arrogance, and what has it gotten me? Not far, that’s for sure. I’m not really any closer to my goal today than I was seven years ago. Over the last seven years, I have often wondered why I subjected myself to this pain and suffering. I often debated with myself about quitting and walking away, but I would remember what happened and my resolve to stay would strengthen.Flashback to twelve years agoI was in the barn mucking the stalls, just about to finish chores for the day, when I heard my father yell for me. “Jamie, come quick!” I ran out of the barn to find my father running to a horse with a body slumped over it. As he reached the horse and pul
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Chapter 3
Hannah POVTwo weeks in a stagecoach was not what I would call a good time, but I was determined to make a life in my new home. I still wondered about the man who had agreed to marry me, sight unseen. What would he think of me? I was almost as tall as the average man, so hopefully my husband to be wouldn’t mind a taller than average woman. My long red hair was pulled up in a tight bun at the nape of my neck, which was a blessing in the summer heat. As I mopped my brow and neck with my handkerchief, I glanced at my companions, a young widow, Eliza, and her son, Caleb, on their way to visit family in south Texas. She and I had become friends on the journey. By friends I mean that we shared stories of our lives and even a few hopes for the future. She was on her way to her childhood home following the death of her husband. He had passed in a railway accident. I didn’t get all of the details, but it didn’t seem like a happy marriage. Which left me to wonder if I would have to endure the s
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Chapter 4
Jamie POV When I arrived in town just before noon, I headed straight to the post office to send the wire. The wire was for my Uncle Samuel who lived in Big Spring. It was time for him to join me. Beecham had begun to get sloppy with his business dealings and if we waited too long, he would do something stupid and the ranch would be lost. I stepped up to the window at the post office and smiled, “Good morning, Miss Betsy. I need to send a wire to my uncle in Big Spring. Think you can help me with that?” She looked up at me and gave me a look that said she wasn’t falling for my tricks, “Jamie, I declare! You come into town and just assume that your good looks and those dimples are going to have the women in this town eating out of your hand and tripping over themselves to do your bidding. But let me tell you young man, I won’t fall for it!” She continued in a sing-song voice, obviously mimicking me, “Think you can help with that?! Boy, I am the post mistress! That is my job! Now give m
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Chapter 5
Hannah POVWhen Jamie helped me off the wagon, I didn’t want his hands to let go of me. I tried to cover my feelings by dismissing him rather quickly. When I turned to look at my husband, I was astonished. This was NOT a twenty-two-year-old man. No, this man was old enough to be my father! How is this possible? Was there a mistake? Or did the man lie to Mrs. Sheffield? Play it cool, Hannah, I thought to myself. I would not allow this man to know that he had been caught in a lie, for surely that is what had happened. I listened quietly as he dismissed Jamie without even a glance, as if Jamie was a slave and of no value. While I had dismissed him just a few moments ago, it wasn’t because I felt Jamie was of lesser status than I. I had to say something to cover up just how much his presence affected me. For surely, if Mr. Beecham found out, he would dismiss Jamie from service and I couldn’t allow that to happen on my account.Taking in Mr. Beecham’s appearance was a complete shock. He wa
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Chapter 6
Jamie POVI woke up before the sun, and as usual, I began to plan my day before I even crawled out of bed. I had my own space inside the bunkhouse, being the ranch foreman had its perks. The others shared a sleeping space with cots along each wall. My room was small, but I didn’t need much. Just a bed, a writing desk and a night stand that held the ewer and basin. Today’s agenda included bringing in the twenty steers born this year for branding. They had just weaned a few weeks ago and we needed to get them added to the herd so they could acclimate before winter set in. After the branding, which would take most of the morning, we needed to ride fence again. I wanted to take a look at the spot that was damaged yesterday. Following that, I wanted to check on Mrs. Beecham. Yeah, I needed to think of her that way. It was the only thing I could do. I was an honorable man and she wasn’t mine.I heard the others moving around and decided to crawl out of bed and get the day started. I joined
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Chapter 7
Hannah POVThe sun was peeking through the curtains when I woke up. I knew it was early and I wanted to be out of bed and dressed before Robert woke up. I did not want to still be in bed and he decided that he wanted another session of rutting. Just the thought of him touching me again like that made me cringe. I crawled out of bed as quietly as possible so as not to wake him. I made my way to the bathing room and found my bags, which had been left there following my bath. Rummaging in my bags, I pulled out another dress, this one blue. It was slightly wrinkled but would have to do for today. I really needed to get some yard goods for more dresses, now that I was in my new home.Home. It didn’t quite feel like it. Maybe because I have just arrived. I had hope that once I settled into a routine, I would feel as though it was home. I continued in my musings as I dressed for the day. I will have to empty the tub later today and then unpack my belongings as well. But first thing, I need t
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Chapter 8
Jamie POV Shortly after breakfast, Walt and I mounted up and headed for the south forty to gather in the steers for branding. It was silent for a few moments. I assumed we were both trying to figure out how to start the conversation. When Walt didn’t speak, I decided to take the bull by the horns and ask the question, “So, Walt. What do you think is going on with the fence line out here?” He chuckled and responded by asking a question of his own, “How long are you going to pretend that you aren’t working against Beecham?” I turned my head so fast it would have fallen off if not attached to my neck, “I don’t know what you are talking about.” I tried to remain cool and not let him know that my heart had at that moment decided to thump as fast as Smoke galloped across the prairie. Walt slowed his horse and turned to stare at me, eye to eye. “Look, Jamie. I respect a man who has a past and I respect the need for secrets. Hell, I have a few of my own. But I’ve been around here long eno
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Chapter 9
Hannah POVShortly after Cookie left, I heard the hands coming back from getting the steers. Cookie had shared with me that they had gone to the south forty to get the young steers so they could be branded. Without a brand, a rancher had no way to prove they were his herd. I looked out the window and watched as the men worked together to get the young cattle into the corral. The younger of the hands, Bo I think Cookie said was his name, closed up the corral. I decided that I would take out water in just a little while. This August heat was awful, definitely different than St Louis.I busied myself the remainder of the afternoon by tidying up the house. The amount of dust on the window sills, the mantle and the pantry shelves led me to believe that Robert was definitely a bachelor. The man probably didn’t know what a dust cloth was and if he did, he had no inclination to do anything with it. I stopped my cleaning three times so that I could take the men water. I d
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