All Chapters of The Vampire's Pleasure Slave: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
121 Chapters
Things were good after a while. Moon and Jol had the houses repaired for the females, who took the house as their homes. On one of my surveys, I realized something.All the females and guards Moon had were those he saved from their masters who wanted to harm them.That was the reason they pledged their loyalty to Moon, who wasn't expecting anything from them. “Are we leaving?” I asked Moon for the tenth time since we started getting ready to leave the second home I'd ever had. “I feel like I need to get back to my family, Ray.” He left what he was packing, and approached me. “Deep in my heart, there is their longing I have in me, to locate my family. And I don't think I can give up until I do that. I will locate them.”“Do you think they will still recognize you?” I furrowed my brows at him. “What if they have forgotten you?”“I won't mind. I want to see my mother. I've missed her.” Moon glanced towards the window. “If only I had listened to her on the day I was taken, I doubt so
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Toying with their minds
I can't tell how many days we travelled. At first, I kept count, but after the thirtieth day, I stopped keeping count. Moon, Jol, and I spent our night in any town we were lucky to see before the moon made its appearance.On some days, we sleep out in the open because we were either far from the village or Moon wasn't comfortable with the people of the town we passed. "Are you tired? Do you need to rest?" Moon asked. He had our bags slung over his back, and his gaze forward."For how long are we going to keep going forward?" I gasped from fatigue. It has been so long, but we are yet to locate the kingdom Moon came from. It was as if we haven't made a dent in the trip."It won't be long, I hope." Moon glanced towards the hills. "I heard a rumour from the last village. They said strange people reside after the hill. I think they are the ones we seek," Moon glanced towards the hills. "This was what you told us when we were in the third village." Jol frowned at Moon. "Right now, I feel
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She's my sister
Moon froze at the mention of the name. He fully turned towards the man. “How did you know that name?” He growled in a tone I've not heard him use before. It sounded like he was angry and afraid, which was never something I will attribute to someone like Moon. And that made me wonder who they were speaking of.“Are you her son?” The man closed the distance between them and tried to place his palm on Moon's cheeks, but Moon held him tight. “How did you know my mother's name? Who are you?” Moon growled.I gasped at his words. Though it has been a long time since Moon told me about his mother, I can still recall the name he told me. “She's my sister.” The man answered with a look of awe on his face. “Who would have thought I will meet the little guy once more.”Moon's grip on the man loosened. He let go of the man's hand. “Do you know where my mother is?” Moon asked in a small voice. He looked desperate to know the answer. The man clapped Moon on the back. “We need to discuss this
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We are leaving
It was a heart-wrenching sight, to see the old queen shed tears. Her face was puffy and her eyes red. She looked so sad that I was tempted to ask Moon if we could stay back. The old king stood next to her. He robbed soothing circles on her back as he tried to console his grieving wife. “You don't have to leave, Nephew. If there is anything you want that isn't here, I will have the best of my soldiers get it for you. For as long as I live, we will treat you like the family you are.” Prince Dark, who brought us to the palace, tried to talk us out of leaving. But I know it was futile.Moon had made up his mind about it. There will be no changing it. “Should we not find what we seek, we will surely return?” Moon forced a smile. “But for now, I wish to go out there to seek my mother. May the gods protect us all. Gods willing, I will be back.” The prince nodded. He walked over to me and took my hands in his. “Take care of my nephew. Should there be a cause for an emergency, we are alw
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Not a damsel in distress
I slowly opened my eyes. It hasn't been that long since I was attacked. And I knew that based on the position of the moon in the sky. Moon!I sat up. My back hurts, and it seemed a headache was on its way.I glanced around the place, only to discover that I was in a sort of Hut.It was the type that was built in forests by bandits. Though we have only come across this type of hut once since we left the safe house behind, there was no mistaking it. I tried to rise from the ground, only to discover that my hands had been tied. Hmm.These stupid bandits don't know who their mistress is. I shuffled to the side of the hunt. Though it was a bit dark in here, I was able to make out some things in the dark. And that included getting to know where the strong ropes binding the hut were.I turned my back to the hut and used the rope to lose the ones binding me. The ropes holding my hands captive were strong, but not strong enough to cut my hands. It took me a long time to lose the knot.
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Moon decided to check out the kingdom I told him about. I doubt I've ever seen him as happy as he was when I told him about the kingdom the villagers spoke of.“That's my Kingdom.” He looked so certain that it made me roll my eyes at him. “We will leave tomorrow morning.” I leaned on the trunk of the tree. “It has been a long night, I need to rest my bones.” I yawned.“I apologize for not getting to you faster than I would have.” Moon looked apologetic. “Before I realized you were missing, it was too late.”“You don't have to apologize. I know you were having a brawl with Jol like you always do.” I rolled my eyes.“A brawl? It was a full-blown fight! And before you ask, he was the one who started the arguments. Moon only knows how to fight and not how to win an argument. That was why he beat me up!” Jol fumed. I chuckled. “I know.” Though Jol ordinarily tries to egg Moon on, I was aware that Moon was the cause of half of the fights they had on their way. “It was what made this tri
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Do you have a prince named Moon?
We stood in front of the large gates. Moon glanced at me, and I nodded. He took a deep, steady breath before he knocked on the gates.It took us half a day to locate this Kingdom. The mist beneath the hills made it a bit difficult for us to find the way. However, Moon was able to get it. None of us can tell how he knew the shortcut to the Kingdom, but we all believed it was fate. Moon knocked on the gates once more and stood back. “Are you certain there are people in there?” Jol frowned. “Maybe, this is a ghost town?” “Are you afraid of ghosts?” I scoffed at the stupid vampire.“I'm a vampire. Of course, I'm afraid of ghosts. Who won't be?” Jol glanced around the place. “My captors back then scared me with tales of ghosts. They made me hate the dark, not knowing I was part of the dark.” Jol sighed. "Back then, I thought I was a human, and those men were what I tagged 'monsters.” He chuckled. “Who would have thought I was the monster among us?” He folded his arms and glanced up.
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Home at last
There was no sign of anyone in the streets. And when I nosily asked, I was told that it was because of the yearly mourning. Every year the entire Kingdom comes together to moan the death of their first prince who would have been the heir to the throne. Moon didn't say a word as he continued following the man. He tightly held my hand in his as if he were afraid of letting go. Jol took the rear. He occasionally glanced around, vigilantly making sure there wasn't any danger lurking around us. We were practically strangers in a mysterious kingdom. We are yet to know where we were, and the people with us. Keeping our guard down will be the worst mistake, ever.We reached the castle, which was at the farthest part of the kingdom. The castle seemed a bit secluded from the entire world. The large trees around made it seem as if the castle was in the middle of a forest, and not a village. “This was where I was taken,” Moon murmured as he pointed towards the clusters of trees on the lef
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I want everyone to know who your husband is
Things went well after that. Moon reunited with his family.His mother had three kids after him, and they were lovely to their elder brother. Though the girls have never met him before, they treat him like family. Things have been good for us. Moon and I are expecting a baby. Well, I discovered I was pregnant a week ago. Now, I have a crazy soon-to-be father who dotes on me like I'm a doll and an equally crazy Jol who will be the best uncle of the century. The princess never ceases to fight over who gets to name the baby first. “Can I take my wife? I have something to speak to her about.” Moon wrapped his hands around me. The princesses I was having a walk with, giggled. “You can have her. Let's go!” The eldest raced down the hall and the others followed her, giggling as they abandoned me. “Let's go, wife,” Moon whispered into my ears before he carried me up. “Let me go! I can walk, you know?” I tried to get him to put me down, but it was futile. Moon carried me into our ro
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“I guess I'll have to take over.” He flipped us unexpectedly and had me under him. “I must please you, and not the other way around.” I bit my lower lip as I watched him. He lowered his mouth to mine, and I opened up thinking he was about to kiss me, but he proved me wrong when he changed course to my neck.He lightly nibbled on my neck before he broke the skin. My blood sipped from the wound on my neck and gushed into his mouth. He sucked on my neck. I moaned at the sensation. Fuck. I felt electrified at the same time as I felt cold.“Moon,” I moaned as when felt his hard, erect cock poking on my leg.I reached out and wrapped my hand around the back of his head as I held him closer to my neck.He trailed his lips and tongue up my jaw until he kissed me again. His kisses were far more eager than before, but not as hurried and fast-paced as I wanted.I let go of my hold on his nape and trailed my hand down his exposed chest. I pressed my hand down on his chest as I pushed him d
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