All Chapters of SEAL Team Connor and Logan: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
69 Chapters
Chapter 21: CONNOR
What the fuck? I only felt that tingle in my body when Dani was close, and she was at work on the other side of town. I got my shit and was about to call her to make sure she was okay. I couldn't think of any other reason for my sensing her this strong when she wasn't here. A quick scan of the room didn't turn up anything, but it was as I was leaving that I heard her voice. She sounded...upset? I walked around the huge potted plant that blocked a part of the room from view, and my heart stopped. She was sitting at a table with some stuffed shirt who seemed to be playing tug of war with her hand. My first instinct was to fuck everybody's shit up. I couldn't see through the red haze that covered my eyes as I set my body in a fighter stance. But it was her next words that pulled me back from the brink just a little. "Quit it, Robert. I thought you said you needed to talk." "Get your fucking hands off her asshole." She almost jumped out of her chai
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Chapter 22: CONNOR
I could see that she was nervous as I drove through the gates of home, but I didn't care. I didn't try to reassure her when she looked at me with pleading eyes. A deal's a deal. With me, there was no room for screw-ups. Two things, I'd asked her for two fucking things, and we weren't even in a month yet, and she pulls this shit. "Get inside." She jumped out of the truck and ran to the house. I wasn't quite sure what I intended to do to her; I just knew that she'd been warned. The memory of his hands on her burned into my brain as I got out and followed her. She stood in the middle of the kitchen, wringing her hands nervously as I walked in. I just stood there and looked at her for what felt like hours as I tried to calm myself down. "Come here." She did the wrong thing then when she shook her head and backed away from me. "Don't fucking run from me, Danielle. I said, come here." "No, Connor, please, you're scaring me." "" She
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Chapter 23: CONNOR
My brothers eyed me the rest of the day like a ticking time bomb about to detonate. I ignored them too and took out my frustration on hammer and nails. Each time I tried to make sense of the situation, I came up empty. I was trying like hell to get a handle on my anger, but I kept coming back to one thing. She'd disobeyed. It wasn't like there was room for misinterpretation. I don't want you anywhere near him again is as plain as it gets as far as I'm concerned. I guess I wasn't doing a very good job of containing my anger because the others kept their distance though I could sense their eyes on me every once in a while. I ignored them and did my thing. I had to put it away for now to clear my head. I wasn't getting anywhere going round and round in my head. I was still pissed; nothing had changed there. Of course, Logan was the one to approach me a little while later. "So how did it go, brother?" "We're good." "Don't feed me that bulls
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Chapter 24: CONNOR
I wasn't careful with her this time like I usually am. Instead, I fucked her the way I've always wanted to. I bit into the skin between her neck and shoulder as I held her hair tight and pounded into her, going deep. She begged me not to hurt her pussy anymore, but I didn't stop. I wanted her to feel pain, the same way she'd made me fucking bleed. "Next time, I won't hold back. Next time I will whip your ass black and blue. Give me your fucking tongue." She turned her head and fed me her tongue as I lifted her almost straight with her back to y chest. My cock pounded up into her hard and fast until I came hard and long with an animalistic growl. She dropped onto the bed, holding her hurt pussy. "That little stunt you pulled just cost you your fucking freedom." I went back to the bathroom to finish cleaning up. My head was still hot but not as fucked up as it was earlier. I now find myself in the position of having to deal with her in a way I never would've expected.
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Chapter 25: CONNOR
We were sitting at the dinner table once more. She'd tried playing the 'I'll eat later' card a few nights ago, and I'd nipped that shit in the bud. I'm sure she thinks I'm being too hard on her, but she has no idea. I'm trying to avoid any future fuck ups of this magnitude because there's no guarantee I'll be able to hold back if there is a next time. She lifted her fork to her mouth, and I noticed her bare hand and remembered something important that I'd forgotten to take care of. "Tomorrow, we're going shopping." She picked her head up and looked at me. She was probably wondering if all was forgiven since this was the first time I'd initiated a conversation since that bullshit happened. Like I said, the only time I said anything to my woman in two weeks is when I was buried balls deep inside her. And then it was usually only to remind her who the fuck she belonged to. She's been on a steady diet of that shit. "I promised Candy and Gabriella..." I cut her off
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Chapter 26: CONNOR
"Ooh." She was already moving on my tongue; she did like having her pussy eaten. I feasted on her until my mouth was full of her taste. But that's not what this was about. I eased her off my face and sat her on my chest before reaching over to the night table. Holding her eyes captive, I reached around behind her. "Lift up." She lifted just a little, so I could reach her ass to oil it up for what was to come. After I'd oiled her up nicely, I passed her the tube. "Grease my cock." She bit her bottom lip as she squeezed some into her hand and rubbed them together. Then she massaged it into my cock nice and slow. I could see her nervousness in the erratic beat of her pulse. Pulling her lips down to mine, I kissed her nice and slow letting her taste her pussy on my tongue. "Sit up. Look at my cock." I held my cock at the base. It was long, thick, and angry looking. She swallowed hard as she knew that every last inch was going into her ass. Eleven inches of steel, she could
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Chapter 27: CONNOR
The next day we got up and dressed to go on our little shopping trip. She had no idea where we were off to, and I didn't answer her any of the ten times she asked over breakfast. Things were a little less tense between us today. After I'd made up in my mind to fuck my son into her, my mind had finally found peace. The idea made me hard just thinking about it. She wasn't going anywhere no matter what, so there was no point in prolonging the issue. Also, with my kind in her, that should send the message to other assholes to back the fuck off. I didn't even know where Robert the fuck lived. I've never seen him around, and I thought it best not to get that information less. I lose my shit in the middle of the night and go off his ass for being stupid. "Come here, baby." I pushed back my chair so she could come sit on my lap. She had the biggest fucking smile on her face as she put her arm around my neck. I missed this shit, missed the easiness between us.
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Chapter 28: CONNOR
We walked around for a few, but I could tell she was anxious to get back. Probably needed to call her girls and talk about her new haul. "Can I go show mama?" See, that's a sure sign that my girl had got the right fucking ring. She couldn't wait to show that shit off, and fuck yes, I was pleased as shit. "We can do whatever you want, babe." Her sweet smile was back in full force, and I realized how much I'd missed that shit. Hopefully, for the next little while, there wouldn't be any fuck ups to send me off my ass again. After we swung by her family's estate so her mom could gush over her ring and her dad could finally size me up, it was back to the compound to my nosy ass brothers. Her old man hadn't been what I'd expected, though. He'd asked me into his library while the women went on and on about weddings and shit. I was ready for anything he had to throw at me. After the last couple weeks, there wasn't anything that was going to get in the way of me holdin
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Chapter 29: CONNOR
Dani had invited what looked like every female from Briarwood, and these chicks weren't just any run-of-the-mill females. These were the type of women that went the extra mile, which meant they were all put together. Some of them I'd never seen before, but the few I did know, huh. We kept them supplied with drinks and kept an eye on them to make sure no assholes got stupid. The women didn't seem interested in the looks coming their way, so that was our cue to step in if anything went south. If they were interested in dancing, that was their business, but the men seemed to think they were all spoken for, so we were able to relax after an hour or so. Shit, she brought Gabriella Danforth over to introduce her. I kept my eyes on Logan when she rose up on her toes to kiss my cheek and offer congratulations. I could see him grinding his molars, and his face drew tight. Damn, not even his brother, who was here to celebrate his engagement, was safe. "Thanks, Ga
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Chapter 30: CONNOR
I wasn't too careful with her hair when I grabbed two fistfuls and pulled her head on and off my cock. When I started hitting the back of her throat, I pulled out and got back in position behind her. Sinking two fingers deep, I went after her g-spot until she was fucking back hard against my hand. "Please, Connor." "What do you need, baby?" "You, inside me. I need you." Her pussy clenched around my fingers as her juices flowed once more. I pulled them out and reached around, feeding them to her as I slammed into her pussy. I kept the fingers in her mouth as she sucked hard and bit into her neck while jackhammering into her pussy. She never stopped screaming around my hand and cumming on my cock. I wanted to fuck her all night just like this. Never wanted it to end. *** After that night, we went back to being us, only with the added bonus of me loving my girl even more. Something about putting your ring on your woman's finger makes a man
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