All Chapters of Mancini's Way: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
73 Chapters
Chapter 61: MANCINI
It wasn't that I had changed my mind. It was more that I didn't know what kind of mood my woman was in. I figured it would take the next few days to fuck her into submission. As of today she was still being a bit testy. And maybe I should just put my foot down once and for all and stop letting the agent drag me around by my fucking nose. It was hard to know what to do. Since I had never given much of a fuck before, I was out of my element. My natural instinct is to do as I please, but each time I think of it, I remember her broken look of a few days ago and the shit guts me. "Yeah but if you keep letting that shit stop you, you'll be Cierra's little bitch before long." That decided it for me. I'm willing to be a lot of things to make her happy, but a bitch was definitely not one of them. I went to check on her and found her still asleep. I took the time to stand and watch her, just take her in. Her color was better and her cheeks not so sallow anymore. I sat on the edg
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Chapter 62: MANCINI
She looked scared as fuck, almost as afraid as I thought I would be saying those words to a woman for the first time. I knew that if and when I ever said those words that they would be forever, that the woman I said them to would be the one I spend the rest of my days with. The thought wasn't as sobering or terrifying as I'd always thought, instead it gave me strength. She was taking too long to answer, almost as though the words had left her stumped. "Say-the-fucking- words." I slammed into her with each word until her eyes came back into focus. "You know I do.""Not good enough; say it." If I could say that shit, lay my heart bare, then she'd better..."I love you too." Her face went up in flames just before I covered her lips as if to seal those words between us. If I thought the strength of saying those words meant something, nothing prepared me for what hearing them coming from her lips would do to me. I felt naked, open, exposed. All the things I have protecte
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Chapter 63: MANCINI
Maybe it was my demeanor, I don't know, or maybe someone had been telling tales out of school, but this guy stood stiff as a statue like he was ready to bolt any second. I didn't bother trying to put him at ease. Sometimes it paid to pay attention to those tales. Although I was pretty sure I wasn't about to chuck him out the damn window if I didn't like the clothes he brought for me to choose from. I perused the outfits he'd rushed up to me, all in her size, after I'd hurriedly given a rough idea of what I wanted. "Here, we won't be needing this." I handed back the dress that was missing its bottom half and most of its back. She won't be needing that shit; I already took the bait. "These will do." I kept the rest of it without once looking at the price tags, which I knew were astronomical. Once I was rid of him I checked my watch. I was expecting someone else in the next hour, better go get her out of the shower. I chose an ensemble for this afternoon even knowing that
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Chapter 64: MANCINI
"Across the street, do you know them?" She looked furtively in the direction I implied. I waved at them with my usual smirk as I helped her into the car. I motioned for the driver to take his seat while I walked around to let myself in beside her. "Who told you?" I took her hand and raised it to my lips. "Told me what baby?""That I told Durant about us?""What makes you think that?""Well for one, you just waltzed me out the front door knowing there were eyes on you. Somehow I don't think that after all the trouble you went through in the last week that you'd throw me to the wolves." "The better question is why didn't you tell me?" She shrugged and looked out the window. "I would've but then you decided that I was the enemy and well, one thing led to another and that no longer seemed to matter." "It matters to me. You were hurt because of your love for me. You ought to know I'd never stand for that." All was quiet for the next five minutes, as we both got
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Chapter 65: MANCINI
Whatever, I'll just have to talk her into staying put in the city. We pulled into the short driveway of the ranch style house just as the sun was going down. A middle-aged man came to the door and looked out. I would've known him anywhere since I'd spent a lot of time researching all the players in this game. I probably had a better dossier on them than they had on me, something for which I was eternally grateful since it was about to come in handy. He recognized me as soon as I stepped out the car and I could see the indecision written on his face. Fucker wanted to go inside and slam the door in my face, but the intrigue of my very presence kept him where he was. "I'm guessing no introductions are necessary, but you might be wondering what I'm doing here.""You could say that. What is this? Have you come to turn yourself in?" He grinned in a way only a demented spook could but I didn't return it."No." I let that sink in until the stupid look dropped off his face.
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Chapter 66: MANCINI
"That wasn't so bad now was it?" I was dancing ma around the makeshift dance floor under the marquee she'd had set up in the garden behind the family home. The wedding I'd expected to have at the most ten people had turned into about seventy-five. Don't ask. Since Cierra had no real family, Gracie was her only guest and the rest were distant relatives and friends of the family that ma had dug up from somewhere. "No, it came together quite well for all the notice you gave me.""You loved it. I had no doubt that you could do it." I kissed her cheek and spun her around, making her laugh like a little girl. "She's lovely Hank, I'm proud of you.""How come?" That was an odd thing to say."Because for the longest time I despaired of you ever finding the right girl and settling down. The girls and I had many discussions about it and we all agreed, you were a mess when it comes to women." "What girls? Sabra and Star?" Figures. "And what was wrong with the women I
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Chapter 67: MANCINI
I leapt off the bed and headed for the closet where I kept my travel kit with everything I could possibly need for a job. "How long?" I didn't have to iterate, I knew he'd read between the lines."Four hours. She went on holiday with some kids from college. They went out on the town and she just disappeared from the club they went to. The girls didn't take any chances and sounded the alarm right away so at least we have that on our side." "The plane's ready I presume.""Yes, Tony has the location, you're heading to Bonaire. I don't have to tell you how important this is to me. Cassandra is a flighty little thing but she's dear to my heart. Bring her home Hank." "Send me everything you have." There had been a batch of murders involving cruise ships in the last couple years. Something not many people knew about since it wasn't broadcasted for obvious reasons. The assholes that be, were more interested in the money tourism brought in than preserving lives. I
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Chapter 68: MANCINI
I accepted the new information he brought and looked over all the Intel they'd gathered thus far. My mind was already processing and discarding. "You've checked the whole island and you've had divers out there already." I said it more like a statement. "Yes, that's protocol in a situation like this. Plus there were a few sightings near the beach." "What about these boys she was seen with?""There's nothing there." Not the question. I looked up from the report I was reading over and stared him down. "You have these boys in holding?" He didn't like the question and I quite frankly didn't give a fuck. "Yes, but we can't hold them for much longer. Without any evidence of foul play, you know..." Yes I know only too well. Another reason I resent the fuck out of law enforcement. They cater more to the criminal than the victim. Thank fuck I don't suffer from that stupidity. "And why have you come to the conclusion that they're not involved?" I almost expected him to
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Chapter 69: MANCINI
I sat in the room he offered and waited. It wasn't long before he came back with the kid in tow. "I'll take it from here thanks." He huffed a little but closed the door behind him when he left. The kid looked like he was about to shit his pants and I hadn't even started yet. I walked around his chair and stood behind him, crowding him. An old interrogation tactic to put him off center. I wanted his nerves shot by the time I asked him the first question. "Are you ready to go to jail for the rest of your life?" He turned his head and opened his mouth to speak but I shushed him. "Before you say anything, think very carefully. In another hour or so, your friend Sven is going to be released to his parents, leaving you and your little cousin holding the bag. His parents are already making plans to get him off the island and who knows where he'd go into hiding." I didn't know that for sure but I know how that type works. The truth is, unless this was a horse and pony s
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Chapter 70: MANCINI
I covered her head and upper body with mine as glass flew and bullets rained down around us. I'm not one for emotion in the middle of battle, but the fucker was dead, he shot at my fucking wife. What the fuck! I waited for another break in the action and then with my body shielding hers, got her back to my car. "Hank I have to stay with my partner.""Stay your ass in this car I'll be right back." I went around the other side from where we'd come and looked for an opening. The shots had come from outside, closer to the water. There was still a good chance no one was inside with the girl if she was still here. The asshole agent was still out there where I'd left him I was guessing; amateur.I found a door and worked to pry it open. Inside the place was cavernous and the only light came from the moon and the stars through the filthy windows. I didn't have time to comb the place so I closed my eyes and opened up my senses. The first floor was too obvious so I ma
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