All Chapters of Bought By The Billionaire: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
102 Chapters
Chapter 81
Back at our table, we sip at liqueurs, nibble at slivers of mint chocolate. "It's late," says my Master. "Time for us to say goodnight."Will rises. "Goodnight, Richard." He stoops to kiss my cheek. "Good night, Beth. I'll be in touch next week about the next stage of the project."Irene's brow furrows…I rise, returning the cheek kiss. "I'll have something for you later in the week, Will. To first draft level, at least."… and her eyes narrow. She mutters furiously at her husband, who merely shrugs her away. And my Master hasn't missed any of it. His gaze flicks this way and that; me, Irene, her husband; but he appears calm.Grace too, takes me at the shoulder as we exchange kisses. "It was lovely to meet you, Beth. We should all get together for dinner sometime.""I'd like that." But I'm already reaching for my Master's proffered hand. "Good night, everyone."As we cross the floor to the elevator, although his expression is steady, his lips are pinched. The doors swish open, then clo
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Chapter 82
"Let's see if we can do better than good."Fingers still assault my clit, but the palm shifts. Flat against my belly, it presses hard, but behind me, my Master moves, grinding in, rotating his hips, the exquisite hardness of his penis corkscrewing into my G-spot. Robbed of my voice, I can only gasp and whimper and shudder.The Rush is coming. The shimmer inside. The pressure like no other. Welling up from somewhere deep. Like heat. Like electricity. Like tension. It radiates from my core, swirling out, winding and twisting as my Master winds and twists his body into mine.The heat soars. The electricity sparks and fizzes. The tension hums like ropes vibrating in the wind.My climax mushrooms, then skyrockets, then starbursts.My body tries to break free, tries to buck and spasm, but the grip around me tightens, and the relentless winding pressure inside me only surges. Harder. Faster. More powerful.Pulse upon ecstatic pulse undulates through me, taking my mind and my sight with it.I
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Chapter 83
"Something wrong, Master?"His attention jolts toward me and the frown evaporates, replaced with a smile. "It's nothing, my Love." Tapping off the screen, he straightens up, sliding the tablet aside. The smile broadens, creasing up into his eyes. "My apologies. I shouldn't do this at breakfast, should I. A time when we should be enjoying each other's company. Talking together. I have an entire workday in the office to deal with my messages. Oh…"… He raises a finger… "… On the subject of talking, that girl from the newspaper you hit it off with at the charity gala. Schmidt's niece. Claudia was it? She's sent me the article she wrote after that impromptu interview you set up between us."He re-opens the tablet, tapping through screens until a page of text opens up, then slides it across the table to me... "… This is what she's sent in for my approval."I speed-scan the contents… Mr Haswell spoke at length on the responsibilities of the wealthy and the privileged to employ their wealth
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Chapter 84
Should I have the locks changed?No… find out what she's been doing first…There's only so many ways in and out of the house.So, I set myself to wait. And watch.*****And there she is, heading for the gate, my housekeeper's vehicle, a white van, crunching over the gravelled drive at less than a walking pace.To make no sound?She's sneaking out?Sprinting back down the stairs, I snatch keys from the hall table, dashing past my startled Master… "Eliza…"But I'm gone.In the garage, Ross, his feet up on a table, marks something onto a crossword puzzle. My Master's BMW gleams beside my own, much smaller and more modest, model. "Ross, my car. Quick!""Beth?" He sounds as startled as my Master."She's getting away!""Who?""Mrs Martin!"He swings up, grabbing at keys. "Let me drive. You can navigate.""No navigation. Just follow her van." Gravel sprays as, jaw set, Ross swerves us down the drive and out. "You know there's something going on, don't you?"He grimaces. "I don't know anything
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Chapter 85
Winter jasmine blooms brilliant yellow behind the glossy red stalks of a stand of dogwood. Snowdrops peek out at the base, promising a spring still several weeks away. But despite the earliness of the year, sunshine has thawed the frost and, armed with boots, gloves and woollens, the garden is a winter paradise.Claudia, notebook in hand, has arrived with an arsenal of questions, obviously picking up from her previous conversation with my Master. The garden itself provides a cue."It's a gorgeous house and the garden is beautiful. You must feel very… privileged… to live in such a lovely home." She swallows hard, holding up her phone to demonstrate it is set to Record. "May I?"My Master slants a look her way. "You may."Inhaling, he pauses, then continues. "Yes, you are quite correct. I am indeed privileged. And the privileged have a vast range of options when it comes to how they make use of their wealth. That wealth can be used for necessities… The basics of life… Or for personal ben
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Chapter 86
Picking out a matching pair of cut-glass brandy bells that were a wedding present from someone-or-other, I pour two generous measures. I sip at one to calm my butterflies then, when the butterflies keep fluttering, top up both glasses by a bit. Then a bit more.But when I go through to the lounge, my Master's not there, and the lounge is in darkness save for the flicker from the hearth.Instead, a beam of light slants into the hall from the door of his office. Padding through, I find him crouched over his desk, reading a file."Master? I brought your brandy.""Thank you, Elizabeth." He smiles, accepting the glass, but then, "Why don't you go to bed? There's some work I must do.""So late?""While it's quiet and I won't be disturbed."*****I wake to the subdued light of my bedside lamp. The book I was reading has fallen open on my chest. Beside me, the bed is empty and cold, the blankets untouched.What's he doing?Barefoot, I slip downstairs to see a long sliver of light spilling fro
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Chapter 87
My Master is wearing his customary white linen shirt with the black jeans he knows I like. I've noticed recently that his wardrobe contains more of both jeans and shirts than when we first met.Unravelling his tie, for a moment, he looks about to slide it from under his collar. Then, glancing sidelong, he takes one of the cuffs I set out, letting it dangle. "Good choice," he says. Taking off the tie, he lays it across the back of a chair. Holding my eyes, he unfastens the top button of his shirt. "The rest are yours, Elizabeth."Gliding my palms up his chest, I slip open the second button, then the third, working my way down before, glancing up for permission, I tug the shirt free of his belt and unfasten the final button.My Master. So handsome. Older, but he cares for himself. His chest hair is flecked silver. Nonetheless, his abs and pecs are taut, his waist firm and tight, his belly flat.Below his belt though, he is not flat. The dark fabric of his jeans strains, the buttoned fro
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Chapter 88
Equally limp, panting, I collapse, my face flat to the mattress.Well… I wanted him to let off steam…"Master?""Thank you, Elizabeth. I needed that.""You're welcome. And yes, I know you needed it."A kiss plants between my shoulders before, lifting away, he frees my wrists then, scooping me up, dumps me onto the bed and rolls to lie beside me.I roll too, lying side-on to lay my cheek on his chest. "And now, Master, I would like you to tell me what the problem is. What is upsetting you?""My Love…" He takes my hand, kisses the knuckle… "… it is not fair to burden you with my difficulties.""Master, your difficulties are our difficulties. Whatever affects one of us, affects both. When we married, we promised to look after each other. To share everything."He arches a brow. "In fact, Elizabeth, in my capacity as both your Dom and husband, it's my duty to look after you.""Bullshit!" His eyes widen. I assume at my bad language. "We're a married couple. We look after each other. And I ca
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Chapter 89
What are my options?Not looking a gift horse in the mouth.I tap in the number. "Hello, I'd like to speak with Chancellor Wilmore, please. Tell him it's Beth Haswell."A routine, 'One moment. I'll see if he's available,' is followed by a tinny rendition of 'The Four Seasons', then a cheerful voice. "Beth, good to hear you. I did wonder if you would call. I imagine I can guess what this is about?""Hello, Leo. I'm sure so. You offered me the services of your math department in a possible traffic modelling exercise…""That's right. As I mentioned to you when we first met, your project would be an ideal exercise for some of my post-grads. It's a variation on a knotty mathematical puzzle known as the Travelling Salesman Problem…"My brain glazes… "Sorry?""The travelling salesman problem," he repeats. "The question seeks an answer to this dilemma: Given a list of cities, what is the optimal route to include all destinations, taking into account the distances between each city, while visit
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Chapter 90
"We met… at my place of work.""That was where? And under what circumstances?" "I was his employee."Pensby's brows arch. "His employee? So, Richard Haswell was paying you? You were answerable to him for your job? For your income and your living?""I suppose.""And if he'd asked anything of you, as a good employee, you would have done as he asked?""Anything within reason, of course, but he never…""Miss Kimberley, if you have been coerced or pressured into some arrangement by Richard Haswell, you have nothing to fear. An admission now would ensure that you would not bear the consequences of any criminal…""It's Mrs Haswell! And I'm not about to admit to something that hasn't happened."Another box tick, then, as though I'd said nothing at all, he continues in the same colourless drone. "Where do you live, Mrs Haswell?"My brain blanks over. "Live? What d'you mean? I live here. This is our home. You must know that. You drove here. Knocked on my door.""Do you have a set of house keys?
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