All Chapters of The Valiant Trilogy: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
171 Chapters
Chapter 111: My Bed. No Excuses
The rest of the day goes by quickly, my thoughts continuously falling back to the image of Vincent as he threw his head back in satisfaction and filled my mouth with his essence.I fix my hair in the employee bathroom and then make my way to my floor, looking exactly as I had before I left for his office. I can't help but think everyone in the meeting room can sense what I've just done. It was naughty, dirty, and ill timed, but I wouldn't change it. No one besides the two of us would know what happened so I won't be upset about it.My foot nervously taps against the floor, willing the time to speed up. As a marketing assistant, I won't be helping to design ads or come up with new amazing campaigns. I spend my days in this cubicle, analyzing campaigns for other similar companies and comparing them to sales trends.Honestly, it's boring as hell, especially considering four other recently hired employees are doing the same thing. With Vincent's far-reaching business factions, each o
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Chapter 112: Sunsets and City Backdrops
Hours later, after Vincent made good on his promise, we lie together in his large bed that could fit three more people easily. The blankets wrap around us, and together we watch the sun set against the city backdrop."I could do this all night," I say, slipping my way deeper underneath the arm he has wrapped around my shoulders.He places a soft kiss in my forehead. "Okay."He can't be serious."Isn't your mom taking you out to celebrate or something?" Although at this point it would be a late celebration. Summer is slowly slipping away, but there's still time for dinner.Vincent releases a heavy breath of air, blowing my hair caught in its wake across my face. "No, my birthday is a sad time for her. My father died on my birthday."My heart clenches in sorrow and I grab onto his arm. "I'm so sorry."He shakes his head, disturbing more of my hair. "Don't be."Another glimpse into Vincent's relationship with the man he calls father. I have questions to ask, but I wait to
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Chapter 113: More Lies?
The memories assault me.We were both already undressed when Vincent reached to the side of the bed and returned with my shirt."What are you going to do? Dress me again?" I bantered.The look in his eyes should have been the indicator that wasn't where Vincent planned to go, but I was too lost in lust to figure it out. "No, not exactly. Now flip."I didn't exactly follow very many rules in life, but when Vincent Valiant told me to roll over, I did it. And I didn't ask questions.As I lay flat on my stomach in front of him, he gathered up my hands and pulled them behind me to rest of the top of my ass cheeks, and then using the shirt he collected from the floor, he bound them together tightly so I couldn't pull free."This will ruin my shirt," I said with a hint of hysteria in my voice.Vincent only chuckled. "I'll buy you another one. Fuck, I'll buy you ten more."A girl could not argue with that logic—at least not a woman with half a brain. While I would admit to losi
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Chapter 114: Time for Truth
My hands shake for the entire walk back to Vincent's building, the elevator ride up, and the panic that doubles when I open his penthouse door. I take a step inside and find him standing in front of his window with his arms clasped behind his back in a pose so similar to one way he tied up the woman in the pictures.Parts of me want to run. To get as far away as possible and pretend we've never happened, but I need an explanation from him. I need something."Who were you speaking to, Mackenzie?" he asks the first question, not turning from the window. His words are hard and I bristle. Who is he to question me? I walk deeper into his penthouse sidestepping one couch and standing in the middle of the room suddenly angry he has the nerve to question me. As if I've done something wrong in this scenario."You tell me."How can a man I was starting to love, no, have already fallen in love with do something like this to a woman? How long until he wanted to do it to me? And if I was
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Chapter 115: How Many Others?
It's true we both may have people in our past, but the differences is mine holds only the one. He was lackluster. How would Vincent react if he had to see images of me going at it with another man who had a body of a model? The jealousy that blooms every time Henry sends me a text is a big enough clue of how Vincent would respond."She said you promised to buy her family's factory for a big payday and then you didn't."His eyes narrow and a spot in his cheek twitches. "No, she begged me to look at her family's property. I told her no until the thing between us ended and then I felt guilty. But it's mismanaged and poorly run. The roof is caving in on half of it. It wasn't a good investment and I won't let a loose pussy force me to make poor business decisions. She got her money and now she's gone against our deal."His words are chilly and harsh. I've never witnessed Vincent treat someone in such a fashion. Has this part of him always been hiding underneath the surface? Could he t
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Chapter 116: Apologies Don't Always Work
"I'm sorry." His words sound authentic, but it doesn't stop another chunk of my heart from breaking away. I wrap the bed covers around me tighter, feeling more exposed in Vincent's large bedroom now than I did twenty minutes ago when he took me from behind and moaned my name passionately with his release.I've been promised a long Labor Day weekend filled with sex, good food, and Vincent. So far what I've gotten was pictures of him with another woman, a broken heart, and now an afternoon alone.Vincent wraps the tie around his neck without using the mirror and fastens it into a perfect knot.I lie in his bed feeling as if my body is battered and bruised, not knowing how much more I can take, and he's primping before leaving for who knows how long. Through the sadness, anger works its way up making me want to cut the ends of his ties or light his expensive designer shirts on fire. Then he'd see how it felt to come home and find his beautiful penthouse in shambles to match the cond
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Chapter 117: Time to Leave
Even now I use Vincent to get by. He's been running my life and I've succeeded because of him since the first day we met and he offered me the job. Vincent has constantly picked me up after I've tripped and fallen. He found me an apartment, furnished it, bought me my car with a special parking space—even though I've never driven it. Vincent who continues to rescue me but never the other way around. Everything is one sided.Our relationship is not centered or evenly yoked. There isn't even a positive business term to describe what we have between us. We are as uneven as a seesaw—a business deal destined to go bad. He is writing the contracts, and I keep signing them without reading the fine print. The only thing I have going for me is the hope we'll work out. But now it feels as if we're rushing toward the end at full speed. Nothing I can do will stop it. Now I have to sit back and wait for the crash."I don't want to leave you like this." He tries to sit on the bed but I refuse to
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Chapter 118: Breakdown
"No."His face falls in disappointment, and with a shake of his head, he turns on a heel and walks out of the apartment, slamming the door behind him. I pull the covers up higher around my neck and allow one tear to fall. It's stupid, but I can't help it.I worry that I'm having a breakdown or that my body is breaking. I had such big plans after college, yet so quickly I lost myself to Vincent. The only chance I had to survive is if I'd run the first day after the interview. Instead I made excuses about my career and forced myself to stay.For him.Now I'm stuck halfway in his world and the only thing I have to show for it is a week of marketing training and a broken heart I'm not sure will ever heal. I'm not rich girl material. I don't belong in this world.Hell, I wasn't even a decent assistant.I dreamed of going to a warm climate and working my way up the chain in the company before taking over—a true businesswoman with the world in my palms. Now those dreams seem a mil
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Chapter 119: Trouble at Home
She walks past me quickly getting in my line of sight again and trying to steer me to the left. "You are upset. Let me help. Get in my car and I'll drive you." She hits her key fob and a black super-expensive-looking sports car parked on the curb beeps."I'm just going to the towers," I say pointing at the apartment building visible from our bandage point.Tiffany's smile grows. "It will still be faster to drive."Not trusting her, but desperate to get to Ashley as quickly as possible, I open the passenger side door of the car as she waits. We drive the wrong direction away from the apartment complex, weaving through downtown's many one-way streets to get us back to the proper side of the street going in the right direction.She stops at a red light, even though there are no cars in the deserted downtown area on the holiday weekend."He set you up in the towers?" she says almost tsking her disapproval. "Honey, you should have held out for someplace better."Anxiety crawls u
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Chapter 120: Run
How is it that everything seemed so great in Paris, yet once we're back on American soil everything fell to shit so quickly?I thought when Vincent told me the truth that his secrets had been revealed, but we'd barely scratched the surface. Now we've uncovered two lovers and a romantic affair with a client. What could rattle our resolve next?How much will it take before I run? Will I ever be able to fit into Vincent's life? I wasn't a person for high drama or fears. Cheaters are the worst. And my life—the part that didn't have Vincent in it—was calm. I had my best friend to count on through thick and thin and all my plans for the future figured out. Vincent obliterated my easy demeanor when he stormed into the picture.I unlock the door to our apartment, expecting to find Ashley drunk again even though it's early in the day. The actual view rips a shriek from my chest as I leave my keys in the door and slide on the floor next to Ashley's body. She's passed out in front of the co
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