All Chapters of The Valiant Trilogy: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
171 Chapters
Chapter 141: Bad Timing
His eyes pop open and he looks at me as if seeing a complete stranger. "You're fucking kidding me?"Tears I worked hard to keep back even though I refused to cry make their way to the surface. "I'm sorry," I say around a choked sigh. "I'm not one hundred sure. There were no signs. I've not had any symptoms."Vincent tugs at his hair, and his expression is wild as he refuses to drop my eye contact. There's no look of sympathy in his eyes even as my tears grow faster. "Then why in the hell would you think you're pregnant?"I ring my hands together sniffling back the sobs. "I haven't had a period in a few months, so I took a test the other day…" My sentence trails off and it's met with nothing but silence, the air still between us.Why did I think this would be a good time to tell him? From the way the vein throbs in his forehead with each beat of his heart, Vincent is not taking the news well. Like I expected."And!"I jump back at his yell. "It was positive, but I haven't co
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Chapter 142: Boyfriend MIA
By the time Monday morning rolls around and Vincent is still MIA, I force myself to get out of bed, eat half a bagel for breakfast, dress as if nothing is wrong, and hit my desk on the marketing floor promptly at 8 a.m. I may have been a crappy personal assistant to Vincent, but I made a promise to myself to be the best kick-ass marketing assistant. Regardless of the problems happening upstairs in the penthouse, I refuse to let my actions and a missing Vincent keep me from being an outstanding employee here.It's time to rally. I've spent way too much of my life as a passenger in my own car. If I want an outstanding life, I have to make it happen for myself. The last few months with Vincent have left me a mess. I always feel off balance and overwhelmed, but that ends now. It's time to take charge. I'm not a meek person who can't take charge. I'm Mackenzie fucking Marshal and I've got this. Mostly.Plus, losing myself in work makes me forget the misery tumbling around in the back of
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Chapter 143: Angry Doesn't Begin to Describe It
All day my anger with Vincent grows, expanding until I see red every time I look past my computer screen. The day, however, has given me time to reflect on our situation, and I've come up with a plan. I may no longer be able to escape to Florida—considering I'm pretty sure I still have a bodyguard on me when I go somewhere Vincent isn't sure about, but that doesn't mean I have to give in to his ridiculous demands.I have self-respect and I'm finally gaining footing in this world. There's no time to give it up now. It's time to fight and carry on with my kick-ass self. After months of back and forth, I'm feeling like myself again.I am an adult and I decide when I eat dinner, what I eat for dinner, and with whom I eat dinner. I decided an hour ago I'm not eating with Vincent. I plan to slip out of work a few minutes early and head downtown to one of the establishments that cater to the government employees and find my own dinner. Alone. We have world-famous cheeseburgers just a bloc
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Chapter 144: Results
"You're pregnant."His words bring a deluge of new tears to my eyes as I rest my head in my hands and cry."I'm so sorry, Vincent." Finding out you're having a baby should be a joyous experience—a miracle between two people who are excited for the development and who can look at the test as a blessing not a curse. This was never the way it was supposed to happen.He abandons the test and the directions and finds his way to my side of the island, squeezing me into a deep hug. He lifts me off the stool and carries me to the couch, resting my body on his lap."It's okay. We'll figure it out."I nuzzle my head into his neck not wanting to look at his face. "I promise I didn't mean to get pregnant. You can't end up leaving me." Now I'll be alone to raise a baby as a single mother.Vincent squeezes me harder rocking back and forth. "No, baby. I will not leave you. I'm going to marry you."His words shock me into stillness and I clutch his shirt harder, pulling him close. "No. N
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Chapter 145: The Best Kind of Apology
His hand drops mine over his pants where his cock strains the material. I squeeze, my arms outstretched and pulled, but not willing to give up the sensation of him against my palm."That's all for you. No one else." His finger circles my opening, using my underwear as a barrier.That's it. I'm giving up underwear. Who needs them when I can have direct access to Vincent without them?"Maybe I don't want it," I say trying to play hard to get.His finger slips past my underwear and grazes my lips. "Your body says otherwise.""What are you going to do about it?" I push my legs together again, but his hands are already too far to make any difference. Plus he can't quit now. I want him to somehow ease the hurt in my heart.Vincent's eyes twinkle when he answers. "I'm going to lick you until you scream, then I'll fill you up with so much cum it will drip out of you for days."Thump, thump goes my heart. "Is that so?"He snaps my underwear, my clit zinging with the sudden sensa
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Chapter 146: Grunt Work
After the crazy of Monday, I welcome a calm Tuesday tucked in behind my cubicle walls. As a marketing assistant, my job is to fill out the boring reports, make copies as needed, and do the other crap jobs no one else wants. Only when you have years of experience as a grunt do you get to attend the fun design meetings and come up with new ideas and advertisements.Still, as I sneak a peek at all the marketing leaders seated around the conference room table on the opposite end of the floor, I can't wait until the day I join their ranks. My lazy daydream ends as Levi walks past my cubicle. I spin in my chair, preparing to greet the one equal I have on this floor. Technically he's been in marketing a few weeks longer than I have, but we're closer than anyone else."Hi, Levi."His steps slow and he turns his head, giving me a most vile look like having to share air with me disgusts him. His steps pick up once he passes my cubicle, and he walks into Marissa's cubicle where the two of t
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Chapter 147: This Means War
In the elevator I use the card to access the back door of the elevator, which takes me into Vincent's private office. As soon as she sees me, Vincent's assistant Amy smiles and stands from her desk. At least someone's happy when I'm around and will not hold Vincent's letter against me. Hopefully."Vincent didn't say you were coming," she says, her smile falling a touch."I didn't warn him. Can I go in and talk to him?" There's no point yelling at her. She's only doing her job. It's not Amy's fault she works for an overstepping, demanding ogre.Any's face pales. "Well, he's in a really important meeting and doesn't want to be disturbed for any reason." Her reaction is suspect. Why would she be concerned if it were a regular contract deal?"Important meeting with whom?" Some things I trust Vincent explicitly about and some I don't.Cheating? Sure, we're okay in that department. I don't have to worry. But making a kind a crazy decision behind my back that will greatly alter my l
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Chapter 148: This is Serious Business
Not disturbed by my words, Vincent takes his seat again, leaning back in his chair and smiling. "Is that so?""This is serious, Vincent. The least you could do is pretend to be shocked or upset or worried about what I am going to say.""I agree. Give me everything you've got." His dumb smirk kicks up a notch.Ugh, why is he so sexy when he's cocky and why does he constantly leave me feeling like a small child when I'm in his presence? I'm not an adolescent having a temper tantrum. I'm a legitimately pissed-off woman. This is what I get for trying to date a man who runs a billion-dollar company and could negotiate a better price for water in the desert.I stand next to the chair Rachel just vacated but refuse to sit and share the space she had her butt on. "I read your email."His smile grows. He knows exactly why I'm here. "Did you find it informative?""Vincent," I say leaning over his desk, trying to get into his space and intimidate him. As expected, it doesn't work. His
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Chapter 149: New Beginnings
At promptly 3:50 p.m. the same afternoon Vincent opens the car door in front of Lansing Pediatrics and OBGYN Center.I follow him out and stop right outside the door before Davis can close it, leaving me without an escape.As if he senses what I'm planning, he smiles and pats me on the back. "Good luck, Miss Marshal." He gives me a quick wink and I promise to yell at him about calling me Mackenzie later.Vincent, probably concerned we're late even though are still ten minutes early, holds my hand as we walk up the steps to the office. "It'll be fine."I want to trust his words, but I'm still worried. What if everything is not okay? Now that the baby is real, what if there isn't a baby in me? What if something has happened? I gently place a hand on my stomach that isn't showing any signs of pregnancy. What if they don't find a heartbeat?Vincent walks right up to the check-in window, his back held straight ever sure of himself even as I'm crumbling apart beside him. He checks
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Chapter 150: An Emotional Situation
Thirty minutes later as we're walking out of the doctor's office Vincent repeats his earlier statement, clutching my hand and guiding me on the steps as if I'm having trouble walking."We're really having a baby?" he asks, showing the first sign of his raging emotions over the situation emotion. "Me? I'm going to be a dad.""Are you sure about this?" I ask, picking up on his apprehension. This is the first time Vincent has shown any doubt since we walked into the doctor's office. He was so sure of everything and asked the doctor a million questions while I sat beside him completely stunned.He stops at the side the town car as Davis opens the back door, waiting for us to get in to the vehicle. "I've never been surer of anything in my life," he says placing a soft kiss against my lips.I wait until we're in the car and Davis is walking around the front before I ask my question. "Then why did you run?"He gives me a look that I can't quite put my finger on as Davis gets in and
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