All Chapters of Boys of RDA: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
246 Chapters
Chapter 131: Just Tell Me.
"Just tell me, Aspen." I suck in a breath when she doesn't start right away. That means it's bad.Her head faces my direction, but her eyes are still cast to the corner. "Well... Finn may have admitted Ryland's had teams calling him. So far he hasn't agreed to any tryouts though, so that's good." She rushes the last sentence to try and smooth over her news.A part of me, a deep part I refused to address, knew Ryland had to have teams calling. Even with his past trouble, he's a top player in the sport. Teams want him regardless. It's not news, but having it confirmed hurts. Why didn't he tell me himself? Is he planning to up and leave one night? Lock the door behind him and leave me and Goldie here alone?Never one to be good at over dramatics, except for those few months after my breakup with Cody, I stick an unaffected expression on and continue as if hearing Ryland's on his way out the door doesn't feel like a knife splitting open my chest cavity to dig around at the important
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Chapter 132: Silent Treatment
After a silent car ride to work this morning, I'd hoped for more from Ryland this afternoon. But we've both carried on with our childish game of giving each other the silent treatment. We're really making our first fight worth its money.He parks in a designated space for the condo while the other two remain empty, and I shake my head at more proof of Ryland's ridiculousness. I jump out of the car and close the door behind me."Could you not slam my car door so hard?" Ryland's eyes drill me to the spot as he leans over the hood of his car glaring at me.Deep breaths, Marissa. Deep breaths. "Why don't you leave me a sticky note?" I yell back at him and walk on the elevator pressing the close button repeatedly. Unfortunately, he makes it in before the doors close on him and we stand side by side on either side of the small space.The door dings and I squeeze through as fast as possible. I stomp through Ryland's condo and stop in front of my door searching my purse for the keys I
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Chapter 133: You're Clear to Go.
The grey haired doctor pulls down the leg of my jeans and lowers my foot patting my ankle twice. "Everything looks great Ms. Melrose. You're clear to go.""Thanks." I jump off the little office bed glad to be cleared so Ryland can stop lecturing me every time he feels I put too much weight on my foot. I've been fine the past week, but he refused to let me use the stairs. It's four flights or a short elevator ride. I didn't put up too much of a fight."Good luck." He shakes my hand and turns to Ryland. "And to you too, Mr. Bates. I hope you find a new team quickly."Ryland pulls on the brim of the same black Giants baseball cap he wore to the movies yesterday, but shakes his hand. "Thanks, I'm hopeful for the same." He flashes him a smile I've never seen him use. It's practiced and forced."Well of course, now I understand why you're in no rush to get back on a team after meeting this lovely lady." He scribbles on a small sheet of paper handing it to me. "For your check out."
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Chapter 134: No Scrubs Here
The TLC Song, "No Scrubs," wakes me from the groggy sleep I'd been pulling myself from at a slow pace. There's no point in waking up early on a Saturday morning. My phone rests on the towel I threw on the floor after last night's shower."Hello?" My thick voice cracks from sleep.Cody laughs on the other end. "Still like those Saturday sleep ins? Are you going to make it to lunch?""Of course, Cody. It's steps from my apartment." Isn't it funny how quirks you found cute while dating become fucking annoying when you aren't? Like Cody's constant need to check in and make sure I'm running on time. I used to think it sweet he looked out for me, now I recognize it as the patronizing behavior it is."Okay, I'll see you at twelve o'clock.""Got it." We hang up and I throw back the covers not ready to face the world, but I need to get this done and over with.When Cody texted me last night after running into him and asked me to lunch, I didn't see the harm in agreeing. Now I'm not
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Chapter 135: A Big Mistake
I smile up at him, my entire body lighter with the recent revelation. "It's been a hell of a year, huh?" I laugh a little. "But I'm doing well and I hope you are too." My smile grows with every word. I'll probably always have a snarky comment to make about Cody when the time calls for it, but he's not a factor in my current life. I don't even picture him with devil horns any more. Well not all the time at least. It's a start."Really?" he asks a little tense. Maybe he remembers the threats I made against him after I saw the pictures... oops."Yeah, really. Hey, did you ever land the account from the guy in New York?" Cody put a lot of overtime in schmoozing with their fund manager. It meant a big pay raise for him but more late nights too.He finally relaxes and takes a sip of his coffee. Colombian roast with no sugar but a splash of cream. "Of course. Did you think anything less of me?" He laughs at his boast and leans over the small table getting into the conversation. "I saw A
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Chapter 136: Because He Wore a Tie?
The elevator could get me upstairs faster, but I need the stairs to help calm down so I don't physically harm Ryland as he follows behind me. It doesn't work. Being tired from walking only serves to make me more pissed. My body vibrates with emotions. If I wasn't clenching my fists so hard, they'd probably shake.For the first two flights of stairs, I work on ways I'll address his shitty behavior in a calm and rational way. By the third floor, my feelings bubble over and I lose my control."What the fuck was that, Ryland?" I'm yelling, but there isn't a better volume to figure out what the hell he's thinking.Ryland keeps walking. "You like a guy to dress that way?" After all the male posturing I had to witness, that's what he focuses on?He finally stops walking and I push on his chest... well the top of his stomach because he's a tall, stupid idiot. "Are you really that insecure you're bothered because Cody wore a tie?""No!" He starts walking again punching in the code to
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Chapter 137: Sugary French Toast
The little blue Corvette idles on the street in front of Cosmo's Comics & Café, but I'm reluctant to get out. The fog's already lifted from the city and temperatures are above fifty-five. It's set to become a beautiful day in the Bay. I have three spectacular friends waiting inside on plush couches with a sugary breakfast of French toast smothered with caramel and chocolate. Four months ago I'd be out of the car by now. Today my feet won't move in their direction. I love my friends, but there's someone better beside me."You'll call me when you girls finish for the day, right?" Ryland turns on the hazard lights, the little dings with each blink filling in our silence.I blow out a breath against the window, fogging up a small area, which quickly disappears. "Yeah.""You're going to be late."Aspen texted me last night with news she had a surprise for us this morning. I don't like surprises. At least surprises I don't know about in advance. "We could go back to your place and pl
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Chapter 138: You Do Not Mess with Breakfast Food
Except there's a problem. The sandy blond haired man delivering our food is not wearing the normal Zazie's uniform and logo. Nor does the bag he carries. When he starts to pull out black Styrofoam containers rather than the normal white, my brain clicks on and I face the facts. This is not Zazie's."Aspen, what is this?" I ask, remaining calm for a few more seconds. She better tell me there's been a mix up.Her hands go up, fingers spread in demented over excited jazz hands. "The big news. Breakfast Burritos! Finn and I had them last week and I thought I'd die they were so delicious.""From Los Tres? I've heard they're amazing, but haven't made my way to that side of town." Amanda rolls up the sleeves of her pink long sleeve t-shirt with a large lion on the front.I reluctantly take my burrito wrapped in aluminum foil from Aspen when she hands it to me. "Breakfast burritos? But this is brunch." I'm sure the burrito is delicious, but I'm equally as positive it isn't smothered in
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Chapter 139: Practice his Boyfriend Skills
With Ryland's condo door wide open, I tromp back and forth between our places in different dresses. The charity event is a big night for the youth center and my planning skills. I need to look the part of a fancy-put-together woman. Plus, I love to dress up. There might be three weeks until our Casino night, but if I wear a dress from Simone, I'll need it hemmed. It's also a great opportunity for Ryland to practice his boyfriend skills by pretending to care what I wear with fake oohs and ahhs. So far he's done well.The light blue dress I have on drags on the floor behind me, but I kind of enjoy the train feel of it. As long as no one steps on it and I fall on my ass. On second thought, maybe the train's a bad idea.Ryland sits stretched out on his couch watching ESPN on the television, but he turns his head when I step into the living room. His hand goes up and he circles his index finger silently asking me to spin."The purple one looked better with your eyes," he says and then
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Chapter 140: Weak Knees
He stands beside me and I look up to meet Ryland's eyes, my new position making me even shorter. I expect to find passion, but it's a predatory stare he locks on my fingers wrapped around the steel bar of the elevator.Hard cool metal touches my skin as Ryland drags the pair of handcuffs from the top of my shoulder down to my wrists. His lips follow the same trail and he places kisses until he reaches my elbow and it's too far to bend over. My knees go a little weak and I'm glad I didn't try on the heels with the dress.Two clicks blanket the elevator as Ryland opens the cuffs wrapping the chain under the elevator rail and then attaching one to each of my wrists. So we're doing this in the elevator then.My body tenses as Ryland stands behind me in a position I can't see from my side view. His hands wrap around my ankles lightly as he slowly rubs his fingers up my legs raising my dress with them. I want a better angle, but his hand won't let me up when I try to stand. The materia
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