All Chapters of Charlotte's Search: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
203 Chapters
Chapter 151: The Loss Of Innocence, Part 17, Package
JAMES"Morning, Kirstie."The concierge smiles from her desk as we enter and cross the lobby. "Good morning, Mr Alexanders. Morning Charlotte." Then she riffles through a stack on her in-tray. "Oh, Charlotte. Some mail for you. I had to sign for this one." She offers a small padded envelope, then, clearing her throat, "Um, James...""I've not forgotten my promise, Kirstie. I'm seeing Ryan later this week on-site. I'll make a point of allowing extra time for a chat with him.""Thank you." She bobs her head, the pearl on her velvet choker bobbing with her.Charlotte looks curiously but briefly, her attention taken by the packet. She receives very little mail.And there's only so many people who might send her a package...My antennae twitching, "Why don't we go up to my office," I say. "Have a coffee together before we start the working day. You can open it there..."... In privacy...She nods, going into silent running. As we ride the elevator, she crosses her arms, th
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Chapter 152: The Loss Of Innocence, Part 18, Interceding
JAMESI twirl my fork into spaghetti tinted a brilliant green with pesto. Spaghetti is a food which, while I'm partial to it, I normally reserve for eating in decent privacy. There's nothing like having sauce down the front of your shirt to ruin your credibility. However, given the nature of the conversation I want to have....... Promised to have....... with Ryan, I accepted his recommendation.Won't do any harm to pass a few compliments to his relative...And the food is indeed excellent."Parmesan?" Ryan passes me the grater. "They make the pesto here. Grow it themselves in the gardens at the back.""Really? Great idea. I'll suggest it to Michael and Charlotte. He's looking to build up the hotel restaurant and she's looking for excuses to grow things."And I dry up.How the hell to begin this...?Ryan forks up pasta, chewing, sipping at an excellent white Sauvignon and occasionally glancing up at me. After a few minutes, he says, "So, what is it can I do for you
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Chapter 153: The Loss Of Innocence, Part 19, Twenty-Six Years Ago, Finding Mitch
KLEMPNERTrue to his prediction, Bech produces an address for Conners in under an hour. "I put Malory on there," he says, "to check out if she's there. It's on the fourth floor, but he confirms he's sighted a red-headed woman moving around inside." He tugs at his chin, eyeing me speculatively. "What are your orders, sir?"I want nothing more than to walk away from this. To lie down. To sleep away the banging inside my head."Sir?"This is about survival... "Sir, we cannot let this woman run free. She knows too much. She's a loose cannon."He's right...But I can't bring myself to give the order.Bech inhales. "Sir, I understand that you find this difficult. If you wish, I will handle it.""No!"Bech jolts at my tone.More calmly, "No. As you say, Bech. It has to be handled. Tell Malory to stay where he is. Keep a track of where they are. We'll meet him there."*****By the elevator, Malory is waiting for us as we arrive. In blue overalls and with a toolbox on
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Chapter 154: The Loss Of Innocence, Part 20, Twenty-Six Years Ago, Escape
MITCHShe descends the stairs as if the devil is behind her...He is...She risks a look up; the briefest of glances. She can't see him, but the clang of pursuit echoes above her. And she runs...Down two stories, three. Almost to ground level... and there... As she hits tarmac... a door close by... An emergency exit swings open, a body erupting out of it...Frank.He canons into her, grabbing her by the waist, swinging her around."Mitch...""Don't stop." She jerks a head up to where Klempner rattles down the steps after her. "Where's your car?""Basement, but the keys...""Got them. Move."The pair swerve, u-turning back into the stairwell, barrelling downwards. From above, the sound of a slamming door; echoing boots on concreteThey burst into the parking lot. "Where?" She peers into the low dark space."There." He points, still running, snatching at her wrist, towing her along. From behind another crash from a swinging door. From off-side, Bech appea
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Chapter 155: The Loss Of Innocence, Part 21, Heiress
CHARLOTTEVincenzo leaves and I sit, trying to make sense of my thoughts. My Master sits by me, holding my hand in his. His voice soft. "What will you do with it? The house?""I've no idea. I hadn't got that far."He left it to me...Of everyone there...All the children he taught...He left it to me..."Perhaps you should visit before you decide? You can have a look around. Go through the house. Perhaps find something to remember him by...""I'd like that, yes. But the people there weren't exactly welcoming the last time I visited."He hmmms... Stands. Paces. "You could ask Chad to go along too? Maybe clear things up for you.""Perhaps."He sits again. Takes my hand again. Kisses the fingers. "I'd like to come too...""Of course, Master. I'd assumed you would.""... You see, among other things, I'd like the chance to meet the original 'Charlotte'..."Ooohhh... Goddd...My horse...*****MICHAELKlempner is, as usual, waiting as we arrive. From his s
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Chapter 156: The Loss Of Innocence, Part 22, New Developments
MICHAELI drive. James stretches out his bad leg in the passenger seat. "Well, that was weird," I comment.James grunts.In the rear mirror, Charlotte stares out of the window. "You okay?"She keeps staring. Tonelessly, "The same thing happened to him as to me. He was scared. He stabbed someone. He ran."James swivels in his seat, stabbing a finger towards her. "It is not the same, Charlotte. All aside from the detail that he was responsible for you being in that position, however bad a start to life you both had, you both had choices afterwards. You made choices that turned you into a strong admirable woman. He made choices that took him down the path of slaver and multiple murderer. He could have turned from it at any point and he chose not to do so."*****I tap on her office door. "Hi, it's only me."Charlotte looks up from her desk. "Is it that time already?""Yup. Ready for home?""Sure. Let me just..."My mobile buzzes. It's Beth. Not like her to call me
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Chapter 157: The Loss Of Innocence, Part 23, Twenty-Six Years Ago, Klempner
She's gone.What now?I stare out of the window of the apartment I bought for her, overlooking the harbour with its yachts and pleasure boats, ice-cream kiosks and artsy-craftsy shops. Sunshine glints outside on the water, gleams on fresh paint, blue and white, and on polished timber decks, then spills into the room. But there's no warmth in it. Tugging my jacket around me, I hiss as pain stabs through my hand. Gashed flesh swollen and heated, seeps blood.I should dress it......Later...I thought I had it.I thought I had her.I really did.......It's so cold.Walking through to the kitchen, I limp a little where my ankle twisted as I fell...Would he really have run me down?... then clumsily, working with one hand, I make coffee, splashing in a hefty measure of whiskey, then more until the cup teeters on overflowing.You had me fooled, Larry. You really had me going. When you left, I was coming to see you... and then I saw them... Returning with
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Chapter 158: The Loss Of Innocence, Part 24, Reunion
MICHAELIt's an ordinary house, as average as they come; one small property in a block of near-identical brick-built terraces. The paint is fresh, but not too fresh. And the door, fronting directly to the road, looks well-used. But the windows are clean; no litter fouls the frontage...And there is a light on inside...Charlotte sits in the car, inert. Her face is a pale sheen and, as I take her fingers in mine, her hand is cold.I lift the fingers, press them to my lips. "This is it, then."She nods but doesn't move. "Suppose she doesn't want to see me?" She's gasping for air...Panic attack?"... She abandoned me all those years ago. Suppose she just didn't want me?""Why would she not want you?""Because I'm his."James speaks. "There are plenty of mothers whose children have unworthy fathers, but they still love them.""You don't have to do this, Charlotte," I say, "but if you don't, you'll never be happy. Whatever happens, good or bad, at least you'll know. Y
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Chapter 159: Her Mother's Love, Part 1, Frank Conners
JAMESCharlotte pleads with her mother. "Why did you leave me? Why did you leave me there? At Blessingmoors. With him?"Mitch thunders upright from her seat. Face reddening, her mouth twists. "I did not leave you. I would never have left you...""I thought you must have abandoned me...""No." She swings on Charlotte, eyes glossy. "I left because..." Her voice hushes... "Because you were dead." Mitch presses fingers to her forehead. "You were dead. He told me that. How can you be alive? How?""Who told you?" I ask. "Klempner said that? He told you your baby had died?""No, not Larry." Hands pressed to her cheeks, Mitch swings her face to one side then the other. "It was Frank. He said you were dead, that he'd seen Larry murder you."The bang of a door closing echoes through the room, then boots on linoleum coming closer.Mitch whirls to the door. "He'll tell us.""He?"The door opens and a figure steps into the lounge. Not overly tall although perhaps once beefily bu
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Chapter 160: Her Mother's Love, Part 2, Retribution
KLEMPNERBech speaks quietly. "There he is now. The green saloon, just coming around the corner. You got him?""I've got him. Where's the girl?""Not seen her."The area's run-down, grubby, populated by cheap houses and tired peopleSqualid little dump...Should demolish the lot...Living here... After everything I offered her...Gave her...Bech eyes me. I regather my thoughts. "Good. We'll take Conners now..."The car indicates, pulling over. Conners steps out, then rummages inside, taking out a briefcase and a newspaper, putting them on top of the car then stooping back inside.He's put on weight...Too much of the good life and home cooking...A swarm of small girls in witch's outfits, skeleton-painted dungarees and goblin masks giggles by. Bech stirs, but I say, "Wait 'til these kids have moved along."A three-foot high mistress-of-the-night, complete with pointy hat and fake raisin-on-the-nose wart stops by us, holding out a tin. Bech scowls. I drop
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