Semua Bab Charlotte's Search: Bab 81 - Bab 90
203 Bab
Chapter 81: The Daughter's Manumission, Part 15, Twenty-Six Years Ago, Klempner and Conners
KLEMPNER"Hey, Larry. Thought I might find you here." Conners collapses into the seat next to me, slapping a folder down on the coffee table. "Is she in later?"Fury flashes, then I muscle it down.He has every right to be here...."She said after seven.""Good stuff. I'm looking forward to getting that one on her knees again. Hey, don't you just love the way she....""What's that?" I nod down to the folder. "Is that for me?""It is. The City authorities have said that in principle, they're happy to sell that remaining land you want.""In principle?""Well, you need to make them an offer obviously."A shadow falls over us. "Hi, guys. How are you doing? Out to play this evening?"*****Later, I watch him grunting over her. A part of me revolts at the sight. Another part is fascinated.Why do you do this?Men would throw themselves at you....And my shaft lies quiescent.But as he pumps her, she turns her face to mine. Her glorious eyes fix on me and my co
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Chapter 82: The Daughter's Manumission, Part 16, Kirstie's Defence
JAMESI'm partly taken aback at this sudden reversal. Partly fascinated by it........ and partly delighted....Sparky subs....For the first time since Kirstie started working here, I take a hard look at her, instead of white washing her with my memory of our first meeting those years ago at the Club.Just a sub?I stand over, deliberately looming. "And how do you arrive at that conclusion?"She doesn't cower, though perhaps she should. I don't make a habit of hitting women, except in the way I know they enjoy as much as I do. Nonetheless, I know I can intimidate.But she doesn't back down. "Look.... I know you're a Dom.... I mean, so's Michael, but he's a bit less obvious about it. But you...." And now she eyeballs me. ".... you walk through that lobby behind Charlotte like you've got her on reins. If you're in a situation where it matters that people don't realise what your.... domestic arrangements are, you could tone it down. That's all I'm saying. As it is, I'm su
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Chapter 83: The Daughter's Manumission, Part 17, Ben and Charlotte
JAMES"Francis, could you pass this along to Richard when he's in. I've signed off the approvals, but it needs his signature too.""Of course, James."She jots a line or two on a sticky note and appends it to the file. I'm heading for my office when I hear the intercom click into life."Francis!" It's Kirstie's voice, urgent, almost panicked. I turn to listen in. "It's Kirstie in the lobby. Ben Summerford is outside, ranting at Charlotte...."Francis' eyes widen. "James...." But I'm already running for the elevator."Call Security!" I yell. "And the police."As I slam my hand on the call button, Francis ramps up the volume so I'm still hearing Kirstie as I champ and stamp for the doors to open.".... It's not looking good...." Kirstie sounds thoroughly rattled. ".... He's looking really threatening towards her. I've called Security, but can you please tell Mr Alexanders to get down here right now.... And do you have the contact for his friend Michael? Can you call him,
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Chapter 84: The Daughter's Manumission, Part 18, Twenty-Six Years Ago, Klempner and Mitch
KLEMPNERI can't think straight. My work doesn't hold my interest. My concentration is blown.An image of emerald-green eyes follows me.What are you doing now?I want to see her.I want to see her. Not the pro, but her.She's a whore. A professional. But still I want to see her.It's ridiculous.She's one of dozens....Hundreds....Mitch...".... Finchby is asking if you can supply more exotics...." I tune back to the real world. Bech is looking at me oddly. "Sir?""Yes?" I snap. "What?""What do you think of that idea? Finchby is asking for Asians and Orientals. Both sexes and specifically the younger ones.""Right...."Get your mind back on it....".... I may be able to arrange something, yes. I was planning trips next year to the Middle-East and around Rwanda. I could pull those forward."Bech nods, pursing his lips as he jots a note. "Very good. Anything else?""Yes, with all the turmoil in Eastern Europe right now, I want to investigate the opp
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Chapter 85: The Daughter's Manumission, Part 19, She's My Wife...
MICHAEL Finally, he answers his phone. "What the fuck do you think you're playing at, Ben?"He replies in tones that would cut metal. "What am I playing at? What the hell are you playing at? I suppose you met your little whore at one of these clubs, did you?""In fact, no, I didn't. But it's none of your business, Ben. And I'll thank you not to speak of my wife like that.""You're obsessed with the bitch.""I've just married her. Of course I'm fucking obsessed. If I'm not obsessed with her now, when would I be?""That's what I don't get, Mike. I could understand if you were just playing around with her. I might not like it. I know you played the field, but I'd understand it. But you married her. Why for God's sake?"Because I love her. Because she loves me.""And where does your so-called best friend fit into this?""James loves her too. And she loves him too.""Listen to yourself Mike, it's fucking bizarre. It's not right. It's not.... natural....""Who are you
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Chapter 86: The Daughter's Manumission, Part 20, Twenty-Six Years Ago, Getting To Know Her
Outside, Mitch gestures down the street. "There's a little place down the road I sometimes stop for coffee."Without giving her a chance to refuse, I take the bag of books from her. "Let me carry that for you."The 'little place', a small cafe, is mainly occupied by student types. They sit in groups, wearing bohemian clothes and cheap gothic jewellery, arguing loudly. It's not quarrelling, but debate of the kind you get from the types that think they know the secrets of the universe, or they can put the world to rights by talking about it."Interesting place," I comment, trying to keep the sarcasm out of my tone.Her lips make that quirk again; a sort of half-smile that would make the Mona Lisa long to be more subtle with her body language.She chooses a table by the window, speaking in a low voice. Humour dances at the corners of her eyes. "It's always interesting. Some of them can be quite profound. Some of them wouldn't know their ass from their elbow. But there's always c
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Chapter 87: The Daughter's Manumission, Part 21, Kirstie and Ryan
JAMESIt's around six. Time to go....In a much calmer mood than when I last took the elevator down, I watch the indicator counting the floors down to the lobby.Wonder how she's doing?And him.Hope they enjoyed their movie....The doors whisper open and Kirstie's there on the desk. She doesn't see me.They don't see me....He has her in his arms and he's talking, not loudly, but loudly enough. "You smell as though you want to be fucked."Someone's in for a good evening....I pause, not intending to eavesdrop, but....Her head drops to his chest as she murmurs something.He barks a reply, sounding startled. "What? Have I said something wrong?"Kirstie laughs; a low chuckle that suits her very well. "Not at all. It's just that you do it to me every time. I'm all calm and collected, and then you come along, and I just want to throw my clothes out of the window and spread-eagle myself on the bed."There's a smile in his voice. "Is that right? I'm not going
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Chapter 88: The Daughter's Manumission, Part 22, Klempner's Spy
JAMESKlempner's spy...Who is it?One uncommonly nasty thought haunts me....Could it be Ben?What has Michael told him?Certainly, Ben dislikes me....And now Charlotte too....But surely, he wouldn't betray Michael???How would Ben know Klempner in the first place???What should I do?What would Michael do? How would he react?Perhaps I should talk to him?*****He doesn't react well."You're suggesting my own brother might betray Charlotte to Klempner? What the fuck are you thinking James? Just because we've had a spat....""A spat? You call that a spat?" Heat is rising over my face and I take a moment to get myself back under control. "What have you told Ben?"He holds up hands, shaking his head. "Nothing about Klempner or Blessingmoors." He moves in close. Michael isn't so tall as I am, but he is much more heavily built and I have no wish to go the way of the chicken-shed."That's private stuff isn't it," he says. "Charlotte doesn't
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Chapter 89: The Father's Betrayal, Part 1, Twenty-Six Years Ago, Christmas
"Hi, Mitch." It's Frank, his solid frame leaning back against the bar. "How're you doing?""Hi, Frank," she smiles then pulls a face. "I can't hang around I'm afraid. I only popped in to pick up a couple of things." Angelo pops up from behind the bar, holding up a carrier bag; gold and green with an expensive designer logo. "This the one?""That's right. I'll take that one with me. Can you let me see the others too." Angelo passes Mitch's collection of bags across the bar and she squats on her haunches to sort through them."Going away for Christmas?" asks Frank. "Visiting family, I suppose?""Yes and No. Yes, I'm going away, but not to visit family." She smiles brightly up at him. "Larry's taking me away somewhere.""Oh!" Hands in pockets, Frank rocks on his heels. "Larry? He didn't mention anything to me.""It all happened quite suddenly last night. He's picking me up this afternoon.""Where are you going?""No idea. He says it's a surprise."Frank rubs at a temp
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Chapter 90: The Father's Betrayal, Part 2, Twenty-Six Years Ago, The Ferry
KLEMPNER"Tired?"She yawns and stretches in her taxi seat. "Mmmm.... Yes. It's been a long day."I lay my hand on hers. "You can doze now. When we get aboard the ferry, we'll have a meal then you can sleep properly. It's an overnight trip.""What time do we sail?" Her relaxed air fades, replaced by suspicion."Around midnight. Now, sleep. Tomorrow you can enjoy the sea and we'll pull into Helsinki around sunset.""I'd not realised Stockholm and Helsinki were so far apart.""That's Scandinavia in mid-winter for you. The days are short. Sunset is only about three pm."*****"Oh my God," she breathes. "It's so beautiful." Mitch watches with that small-child-amazed look she has. "When you said it was a ferry, I expected something a lot more...."I swallow my satisfaction. "Basic? Grungy?"She blushes. "Mmmm, yes. But this is all glass and polished brass and...." She eyes me. "You've done this before.""Of course I have. You didn't think I would bring you somewhere
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