All Chapters of Buying Charlotte: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
168 Chapters
Chapter 91: The Virgin And The Masters, Part 3, Termtime
MICHAELShe gasps, arching her spine, presenting her belly, raising her hips, juddering as James teethes on her clit.I´m going to fuck you to screaming soon...Her hair spread around her, spilling over the sheets and the pillows, she looks to me, her eyes glazed, tits scarlet with lust, glossy with sweat, nipples hard."I want you inside me," she says to me.How can I not smile? Because I know that she doesn´t just want my cock inside her pussy... She wants me inside her...Inside you? I want to drown myself in you...James pulls away, sitting on the edge of the bed, watching, his penis, rock hard, twitching with his pulse. Charlotte lies there, her green-eyed gaze pulling me in, knees akimbo, arms outstretched to me, in invitation.Oh God, I´ve got to get my cock inside you...Shucking my jeans, I roll on top of her, pressing between her warm thighs, my balls tightening, pulling in as I test her entrance. Her hands around my neck, one sliding up into my hair,
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Chapter 92: The Virgin And The Masters, Part 3, Talking With James
ELIZABETHI answer the phone. "Hello?""Hi, Beth. It´s James. Is Richard there?"He sounds tired."Hello, James. No, I´m sorry, he´s not, but I´m expecting him soon. Can I pass on a message for you?""Um, no not really. It´s just that I´ve got the printouts with me for the projected costs on C-Site. I´m on my way back from checking out some of the suppliers. Could I drop them off with you there on my way back? It´s easier for me than going to the office tomorrow.""Yes of course. Are you alright? You sound done in.""Yes. It´s been a long couple of days. I´m rather tired.""Would you like to stop for dinner when you get here? You´ll feel better with a meal inside you.""That would be great, Beth. Thanks. I´ll be there in about an hour."I ask Ross to set an extra place for dinner. James is co-director with my husband Richard on his City Renovation Project. They´ve both been working all hours. It´s no wonder he´s tired.James arrives an hour or so later, looking wa
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Chapter 93: The Virgin And The Masters, Part 4, Home
CHARLOTTEI drive up the mountain, returning ´Home´, and wondering what I will find. I know that Michael has been working hard at the renovation ever since the sale went through, but the house was a complete wreck, and I´m not sure if I am going to have a roof over my head for Christmas.But the drive up the mountain is so beautiful. Climbing the steep, winding road, I drop to third gear, then to second, skirting around tight corners, and occasionally pulling in to let some idiot pass me at lunatic speed. I just want to amble Home, and enjoy the spectacular views; the glory of the forests, the lake, the plant life that scrambles, wild and beautiful, everywhere around me.And I look forward to being together again with my Master and my Lover, no... my fiancée, for a few weeks until I return to college after Christmas.As I turn the final corner, the hotel hoves into view, looking good already. Paint has been freshened up, windows replaced, signage installed; ´Life and Beauty´, d
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Chapter 94: The Virgin And The Masters, Part 5, Home-Coming
CHARLOTTEMichael´s blue eyes are intense, lustrous in the candlelight, wide-pupiled as he moves to sink his cock into me. Already wet for him, more than ready after our long parting, I spread myself wide, willing him inside me. I know that, always, he fears that I love only my Master, not him"I want you. I love you. I´ve waited for you," I murmur. "Make love to me. Fuck me."His eyes widen, and as he slowly penetrates me, I move to take him, swinging my hips to meet him, to match him, as gradually, he presses inside me.His face lying on the pillow by mine. "Charlotte..." He almost breathes the word...He moves within me, slowly at first, to a rocking rhythm, which I match, meeting him. This is lovemaking at its most simple. Two people, one within the other, the meeting of flesh, the meeting of souls; my Golden Lover and I, as we rock and love and fuck our way to climax.He thrusts harder, more forcefully, and again, I match him, swinging my hips up to take him as deeply
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Chapter 95: The Virgin And The Masters, Part 6, Edging
CHARLOTTEThe tongue withdraws, the mouth leaves mine, and my nipples are abandoned.And my orgasm recedes and fades, leaving me twitching and panting.And the two of them go silent, for a long count.Just as I am beginning to worry, I am touched again. Michael´s hand, palm flat to my belly, slides south, fingers winding through my wet curls until one presses over my clit. His mouth settles once more over my breast, his teeth be-devilling my nipples.A tongue probes into my pussy, deeply, wiping out inside around the ring of muscle, and to the rear, I am ass-fucked by a single finger. At all my most sensitive points, I am worked and probed and ...The sheer tide of sensation is irresistible, and my climax rises again, my core vibrating upwards to a pulse...And, once more, it stops.Oh, God...Feverishly panting now. "Hey, Guys. C´mon. I need to come..."There are only two soft chuckles in reply. My breath judders as, once more, it begins. I am losing track of who i
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Chapter 96: The Virgin And The Masters, Part 7, The Invitation
CHARLOTTEMy Master looks a little askance as I wrap one set of of fingers around the other.Beth breaks the awkward silence. "Would you like to come shopping one day next week, Charlotte?" she asks. "There´s me and a group of the girls having a bit of a get-together.""Yes, you should go, Charlotte," says my Master. Michael nods agreement.I hesitate. "Come on," says Beth. "Why not join us? Get yourself out, somewhere a bit more civilised for a few hours.""Um, maybe. Let me think about it."A few minutes later, Beth excuses herself, Michael directing her through to the hotel to find the bathrooms.Richard sits, silently drinking tea from a chipped mug."Charlotte, why so reluctant to go with Beth? You got along rather well with her, I thought?" asks my Master, after Beth has left the room."Yes, I do. but she mentioned her friends being there too. I don´t think I´d fit in very well." Eyes rolling at me, he pulls my hands out from between my knees, turning them ov
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Chapter 97: The Virgin And The Masters, Part 8, Witch-Hunt
ELIZABETHThe door slams open from the conference room, and Charlotte, red-faced, clearly furious, strides out. "We´re going home," she snaps at Michael and James.They both look baffled. "Charlotte? What´s wrong?" asks Michael.She whirls on my husband. "Mr Haswell, I´m sorry, but you told me that this was about Blessingmoors. Not about some kind of witch-hunt on James."Richard looks perplexed. "What...?"James´ head swivels. "Sorry, Charlotte?""They´re trying to pin something on you, about the auction house and what went on there..."James says nothing, lips pressed tight, staring at the floor. Corby comes into the room after Charlotte. "Miss Conners," he starts. "I understand that you´re upset but...""Upset?" she hisses. "Upset? I´ve been brought here under false pretences." She glares at Richard. "Nothing was said to me about any attempt to attack James. And if you think I´m going to help with that, you can all go to Hell!"I have never seen Charlotte like t
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Chapter 98: The Virgin And The Masters, Part 9, The Interview
ELIZABETHWe all sit over one of Ross´ excellent dinners. After the hash made of Charlotte´s ´interview´ by the paperclip counters in the police department, Richard believes that an informal setting will be much more likely to produce a positive response from Charlotte...And I agree with him.Charlotte, seated at the table, obviously enjoying Ross´ starter of immaculately cooked sea bass with buttered caper sauce, is flanked to either side by Michael and James, on one long side of the table...... Ye gods... but that girl´s got something. Her living arrangements might be unusual, but when I see James, with his aggressively alpha, protective stance, and Michael, with his angelic blond hair and glorious blue eyes, I can see why she has chosen it...And, glancing at Michael, that ´Angel´ has a dirty halo... He holds my eyes for the briefest of moments before looking away...... some of the possibilities do fairly boggle the mind. I keep my smile to myself, placing my hand
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Chapter 99: The Virgin And The Masters, Part 10, The Photograph
CHARLOTTEI look through old papers, riffling through, seeing snatches of words, phrases...´Ward of the court´...´, ...taken into care...´, ´...single parent deemed unfit...´...and stapled to the paper, an old photograph, tiny, curled up at the corners and badly creased.A woman looks out at me; young, pale-skinned and red-haired. Her eyes are badly shadowed. She looks ill. On the back, a name, "Michelle Conners."-----ELIZABETHAfter a few minutes of talking quietly with Richard, Will turns back to Charlotte."Charlotte... Miss Conners?She holds a small, very dog-eared photo in her hand, her eyes glossy. "Yes, Mr Stanton? And it´s okay. It´s ´Charlotte´." Her former antagonism has vanished.Will hesitates, looking at the photo in her hand. "Thank you, Charlotte. And it´s ´Will´."She nods, smiling. He continues. "Charlotte. I can´t give you that file, but there´s no reason I can´t have it scanned and copied for you, including the photo, if you would like?"She
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Chapter 100: The Virgin And The Masters, Part 11, A Swim And A Massage
MICHAELTen minutes later, I lead Charlotte by the hand into the Centre; it´s time the staff met my fiancée. If nothing else, it might persuade Tracy to stop making cows eyes at me. She was never in with a chance, and lately, she´s been a bloody nuisance."Do you mind if I use the gym first?" asks Charlotte."Of course not. Use anything you want. Let´s get you some gear."I point her at the shop front. "Pick out what you want." She chooses trainers, jogging pants and a top. I add in the kind of heavy-duty sports bra that a girl with her figure needs, and a swimming costume. "Female changing rooms are over there," I point. "And the gym´s through there. I´ll see you there in a few minutes."By the time I´ve done a quick round of the staff, and checked if anything needs my attention, Charlotte is already in the gym, jogging on a treadmill, upping the speed as I watch."Everything alright?"She nods, beginning to perspire as she warms up, so I join her on the next machine, jo
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