All Chapters of Buying Charlotte: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
168 Chapters
Chapter 141: The Virgin And The Masters, Part 52, Stiff-Necked Pride
CHARLOTTE"Yes. You do," snaps Michael. "You took a bullet. It cut your main artery and caused a lot of muscle damage besides... For God´s sake man, I don´t think you´ve taken on board yet, just how close you came to dying. And there´s no shame in taking time to recover from that. Now, if you would cut out the stiff-necked pride, and let us help you, we might all enjoy this a bit more."My Master whips around, momentarily set to snap back at Michael, then he pauses, shrugs and laughs. "You´re right of course, both of you. I´m sorry.""Master, the doctor said that it will take you a few months to properly heal. You´ll be yourself again, but you do need to take it easy for a while."He nods, sheepishly. "What do you suggest?""Just lie down, Master. Let me do the work. If you exercise every day, you´ll soon be stronger, and then you can slap my butt to glowing any time you want..."He bursts out laughing. Even Michael chuckles. "That´s about the size of it, isn´t it. Alright.
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Chapter 142: The Virgin And The Masters, Part 53, Would It Matter To You?
MICHAEL"Do you think he´ll be alright?" she asks."I think so. His wound is healing. It´ll just take time, that´s all.""I didn´t mean that. I meant...""What?""I mean... Do you think he´ll be... alright?""For sex, you mean?"What´s going through your head, Babe?"Yes.""Yes, I think he´ll be alright... Would it matter to you if he wasn´t? Make a difference to you, about how you feel about him?""No of course not, but, I wonder how important it is to him?""Charlotte, when James won that first contract with Haswell, it was worth millions to him. Most men at that point would have bought themselves a flashy car, a boat, even a house. He went out and bought himself a virgin. What does that tell you?CHARLOTTE"What´s the problem, Charlotte?" asks Richard. "You look upset.""Oh, the university isn´t very happy about the way my course is being moved around, or at least, the way I´m moving around it. It´s getting a bit uncomfortable trying to talk to my tutors.
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Chapter 143: The Virgin And The Masters, Part 54, Shareholder
CHARLOTTEThe barman produces a pen. A paper bag from my book purchases is commandeered. Michael jots down figures on it, ´Hmmm´s for a minute, stares into space, writes some more, then passes it over to Richard.Richard works his way through, staring at the notes and numbers thoughtfully. Then he gazes into space for a minute, fingers twitching.Counting on his fingers? Working a calculator in his head?Then he scribbles more notes and annotations.Finally, he writes a one-line sentence under the lot, glances at Michael for a second, then, against Michael´s raised eyebrow, and my Master´s barely suppressed amusement slides the bag across the table to me."Let´s see how your accountancy´s coming on, Charlotte. What does that lot mean?"I scan the hieroglyphs in front of me...I set out to study physics and learn the secrets of the universe. Then I changed to engineering, so I could learn how to build a city. Now, I´m being asked to... cost it?"Um... Michael´s put dow
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Chapter 144: The Virgin And The Masters, Part 53, Preparing...
CHARLOTTE"I thought we were supposed to just be preparing things..." I say.My Master raises his head. "Yes, quite. I´m preparing you. I wouldn´t like Michael to find you non-prepared for him." He returns his attentions to my inner thighs, where he is kissing and nibbling at the soft, delicate skin. Thus far, he has not strayed much further, but already my core is melting."Please, Master.""No, we´re waiting for Michael. Don´t be impatient. And besides, I enjoy watching you like this. I can see you arouse, watch your pussy open, unfurl. Let´s see if I can help it along a bit."He doesn´t, as I expect, open me with his fingers. Instead, he laves my outer lips with long, languorous strokes of his tongue.Aaahhhh..."Yes, there you go, see. Beautiful... Opening up all by yourself..." And as his tongue laps at my inner lips and beyond, I wail.Ohhhh... Godddddd...I´m trying to flex, to arch my spine, but since my hips are already pillowed up, my arms and legs outstretc
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Chapter 145: The Virgin´s Wedding, Part 1, Wedding Dresses
CHARLOTTE"You look... pensive..." comments Michael. "What´s up?""Beth took me shopping today, to look at wedding dresses."He grins a little-boy grin. "Sounds like fun.""Yes... but...""But what? Don´t worry about the budget. Get what you want.""It´s not that. It´s...""What? Do I have to prise it out of you?""All they showed me were white dresses."My Master smiles. Michael bursts out laughing. "And that´s worrying you? Charlotte, it´s a long time since anyone worried about whether brides are virgins on their wedding night.""It just feels a bit... two-faced."My Master wraps long arms around me. "Charlotte. I would like you to wear white.""Master?""You will always be my Virgin."-----Hand-writing weddings invitations is boring work, even for your own wedding, especially if you don´t have a clue who most of the people coming are...... A few of my college friends, some of my Master´s and Michael´s friends, of course, Richard and Beth, who are
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Chapter 146: The Virgin´s Wedding, Part 2, Nothing Will Change
CHARLOTTEMy Master kisses my fingers again, then passes my hand to Michael, who, his eyes alight, presses it to his lips. Moving closer, he wraps his arms around me, kissing me on the mouth. His lips brush mine, teasing them apart, then open-mouthed, his fingers winding into my hair, he deepens the embrace.He smells cleanly of pine and sex and masculinity, and his touch is electrifying. The sheer intensity of his touch sets me shuddering, He breaks away, holding me with his eyes, brilliantly blue against his tanned skin, as he cups my face."Nothing is going to change," he says. "I promise you. I would never do that. You, me, James; the three of us all know... I hope that we all know... that what happens tomorrow is only in the eyes of the law and the outside world. In here, between us, it´s the three of us. You understand me?"I nod."Good." He kisses me again, then taking me by the shoulders, turns me to face my silently watching Master.His head tilting as he strokes m
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Chapter 147: The Virgin´s Wedding, Part 3, Down The Aisle
CHARLOTTEA whirl of people greets me as I step from the car, Richard´s own.Richard turns to Ross, chauffeuring. "Get parked up, and then join us inside.""I´ll be there as quickly as I can. Wouldn´t miss this..." says Ross. "Good luck, Charlotte. I´ll see you in there."Some in the gathering, I know, but not many. For the most part, the people milling around me are strangers.It is comforting to have Beth and Richard with me, familiar faces to settle me a little.Beth, as my bridesmaid, fusses with my train and my bouquet, then checks her own gown is as it should be"You look beautiful, Charlotte." says Richard "You take me right back to my own and Beth´s own wedding day. Thank you for doing me the honour, of asking me to give you away.""I have no father, Richard. You´re the nearest thing I have to a male relative. And thank you for accepting."He kisses my forehead. "Michael is a lucky man... Are you ready?"Am I ready?I´m not. I don´t think I ever will be,
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Chapter 148: The Virgin´s Wedding, Part 4, The Wedding Night
BETHJames sits, talking a large gulp from his glass, then refills it.Richard is still chuckling. "Great speech. Got them all laughing."I watch James as he fills his glass again. "Do you think he´s alright?"Richard follows my gaze, watching quietly for a moment. "No, I don´t think he is. He´s putting on a very good face, but I think he´s finding this a lot harder than he expected."MICHAELIt´s getting late. I squeeze Charlotte´s hand, not saying anything, but letting my eyes meet hers.I asked James to prepare the room; to make it beautiful for her. Perhaps not the usual task one asks of one´s Best Man, but of course, we are a special case."So, Mrs Summerford... perhaps we should... retire?"She nods, looking around."Come on. Let´s go find him; say goodnight."James is at the bar, a brandy in hand, exchanging pleasantries with some of my family, his expression glazed. Marie, Charlotte´s house-mate from her university is close by too. Now, that I think about
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Chapter 149: The Virgin´s Wedding, Part 5, The Seduction Of James
BETHThe party is dying down. "Fancy a nightcap?" asks Richard."Mmm, yes, good idea."We order a brandy apiece, and make our way through to the library.James is there, reading, sitting in a leather armchair by the fire, long legs outstretched in front of crackling flames.Richard, frowns, his eyes meeting mine. "I thought he´d be upstairs with..." he murmurs."James? Is everything alright? We thought..." My husband´s words trail away.James looks up at us over his glasses, mouth quirking in humour. "You thought... what?""Um....""It´s their wedding day. This is Michael´s night.""Ah..." Richard, hesitates, clearly trying to choose his words, and failing to find them. "Mind if we join you? We´re having a nightcap.""Be my guests. I was doing just that, myself." He lifts a balloon glass, swirls it for a moment, then sips.We seat ourselves, Richard rubbing his hands in front of the flames. "I think we can call the day a success," says Richard."Oh, I think
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Chapter 150: The Virgin´s Wedding, Part 6, James´ Wedding Gift
BETH"James. I watched you take a bullet to protect her. That´s not the action of a bad man..." He regards me, eyes lidded, expression unreadable. Is he going to clam up again?I try to keep him talking. "Do you still not remember it? When you were shot?"Swirling the brandy in its glass, "The memory came back a few weeks ago." He takes a sip. "I´ve been trying not to dwell on it.""It´s giving you problems?""I´ve had a few sleepless nights, yes. It´s not a pleasant memory.""I can imagine. But my point is that you did it. And you did it with barely a thought, and without hesitation. I saw what happened, James. What you did was the action of a good man. Why should you doubt it?"His speech is slurring. "I bought her. I bought her at an auction. I took her virginity. And, without intending to, I made her mine. I didn´t mean to do that, not at first anyway, but I did it. And I changed the course of her life...""For the better. Much, much for the better. Where would s
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