All Chapters of The Last Luna: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
150 Chapters
Chapter 21: Another Surprise
EllieThe irritation that Ellie was feeling from the moment Blade won the contest was starting to dissipate a little since she'd had her discussion with River. She hadn't gone out into the woods to look for him specifically, but when she'd seen him out there, she'd known she had to speak to him. He was so easy to talk to, and those eyes… she could get lost in those for hours. She'd never thought that she'd be cheering for anyone in particular to win this contest, but now, she was having second thoughts.Hosting this many people was taking a toll on her. She wasn't that much of a social butterfly anyway, and already, she was beginning to feel a little drained. As far as she knew, her father didn't have anything planned for that night, so at least she could go home and decompress for a while. Then, maybe she could get some work done.Ellie walked into her house and kicked her shoes off by the door, glad not to hear a ton of voices coming from the living room. She did hear her father tal
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Chapter 22: Stolen Heart
RiverDances really weren't his thing. In fact, as River got ready to go over to the main auditorium in the village where the ball was being held, he had serious thoughts of ducking out. He could have his mom tell everyone something important had come up, that he'd had to manage some work. No one would doubt that. Alphas were busy people, after all, and no one would understand that more than Ellie. But he knew he couldn't do that because even if he didn't want to go to the dance, he wanted to see her.The talk they'd had earlier in the woods had been short, and they hadn't talked about too many deep subjects, but he'd enjoyed getting to know her a little better. She was a fascinating woman, and unlike a lot of the girls he'd known over the years, she was interested in more than talking about herself and trying to impress him. In fact, she asked all sorts of interesting questions, he'd noticed, whenever he'd been around her, and she was just the sort of person he could find himself get
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Chapter 23: Twirl
EllieNot wanting to go to the dance had been an understatement. But Ellie had managed to get herself together, with Shelby's help. Her best friend had even secretly bought her a new, beautiful dress. The silver was perfect for this 'not a Moon Goddess ball' dance, and she loved the shape of it. Standing in front of the mirror, looking at herself, she couldn't help but think she felt her mother looking down on her, especially when she read that message she'd hung above the mirror so long ago. "Lead with kindness. Lead with Grace. Always wear a friendly smile on your face." Her mom had to be smiling down on her now for sure.Shelby had run off to meet Carl, leaving Ellie to walk to the dance on her own, which was fine. She wanted to take her time and enjoy the crisp autumn air. But then she'd seen River and Patricia ahead of her and had been more excited than ever to go to the dance. He looked incredible in his suit, and the way he was escorting his mother touched her heart. He wasn't
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Chapter 24: Mine
Ellie"Hello, Luna Ellie," Blade said, taking a few steps closer to her. He was wearing a white suit jacket, a black bow tie, and black suit pants. He was a good looking man. There was no question about that. It was his personality that made her sick to her stomach.It wasn't just that he was full of himself. Most of the men in leadership positions Ellie knew had suffered from that affliction at least a little bit. It was the entitlement that bothered her. He not only thought he was better than everyone else, he felt like everyone else owed him something just because he was Blade."Why are you standing outside?" she asked as he came over to her, still standing in front of her.Blade shrugged. "I guess I just didn't need to see the River show, that's all."Ellie inhaled deeply, held it, and slowly let it out. How ironic that the biggest showman of them all was annoyed at River. "Well, it's over now," she said, assuming he meant the fact that she had been dancing with Rive."You do reme
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Chapter 25: Perfect
RiverAnother slow song started to play, and River found himself looking around for Ellie again. It seemed like she'd disappeared a long time ago. Where had she gone? He hoped she was okay. Maybe dancing with her so early on in the night had been a mistake. He'd been so tempted to kiss her, but then she'd taken off, and he hadn't seen her since. Had he pushed too hard too fast?"Do you want to dance again?" Jasmine asked, already swaying in time to the music. She was Ulysses's cousin, and while she was beautiful and sweet, she was only seventeen. The first thing she'd said to him when she'd asked him to dance was, "Don't worry--I know you like Ellie. But I'm bored. Do you wanna dance?"How could he say no to that? They'd spun around the dance floor for a while, but River found himself constantly checking to see if Ellie had come back in. Now, he still didn't see her anywhere, and he was beginning to get worried."She's over there, in the corner," Jasmine said, stepping up next to him
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Chapter 26: Coffee with Dad
EllieNot being able to sleep was something she should've been getting used to. After several days of lying awake most of the night, this one was no different. Every time she'd start to doze off, she'd remember what it felt like to be held so tightly in River's arms. She'd think about Blade and how revolting he was. She'd worry about the contest the next day. What was she going to do if Blade one again? River had to win the race. He just had to.Finally, around 5:00 in the morning, she got up and headed for the kitchen, thinking it was going to be a multiple coffee sort of day. The race was supposed to start at 8:00. It was a long race, almost a marathon. The course wound its way through much of her territory, and her father wanted to give the contestants time to complete it before the sun was overhead since he thought that would make it hotter, despite the fact that it was fall, and drastic temperatures didn't affect them the way that humans were affected by them. Still, Michael had
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Chapter 27: Ready to Run
RiverPreparing for a foot race wasn't something a person could do overnight. River realized all those months of running and taking care of his body would contribute to his victory--if he should be lucky enough to win today. He had to hope that he could. If Blade won again today, he'd basically have the tournament in the bag.Not only did River need to win, he needed Blade to come in toward the end of the pack. Otherwise, the next contest would be the deciding factor, and River didn't want to take the chance of knowing he had to win two contests in a row just to keep Blade from being proclaimed the winner.Not that River didn't want to win both contests so he could win Ellie's hand. That was the ultimate prize. But putting some distance between himself and Blade would be ideal.The walk to the spot where the race would start wasn't too long, but River took his time, hoping to spend the time alone so he could reflect on what he wanted to do that day so that he was certain to have his b
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Chapter 28: Cheering Them On
EllieShe hadn't planned to say anything to any of the contestants at the starting line; it had just happened. River had been looking in her direction just as the whistle blew to start the race, and her mouth had started moving before she even realized what was happening. At least she'd only said, "Good luck!" and not, "I love you!" Not that she did.... Not yet anyway.She felt her cheeks heat up when he smiled at her, and they stayed that way as she continued to think about him. She wouldn't be watching the entire race like she'd watched the entire throwing contest because that would be impossible. Short of running alongside them, she wouldn't be able to keep an eye on the entire course, and her father had forbidden her from doing that. Originally, she'd asked Michael if she could run the race, too, and he'd said, "No! You are the prize, the delicate flower pinned to the lapel of the winner!"She'd reminded him that she was none of those things, and he'd still said no. So her plan n
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Chapter 29: Racing to Win
RiverAll shifters knew, in order for a wolf to be strong, the human form had to be strong as well. The stronger the human body was, the more easily the wolf could fight, the faster it could run, and the more fierce a predator the wolf became. Toward that end, River ran almost every day in his human form. He didn't always get the chance to let his wolf run because that often took longer. Wolves just wanted to run free with no thought at all for consequences and responsibilities, while humans could be reigned in by the notion that there were other things that needed to be done. As he ran down the path, past hundreds of spectators cheering him on, he couldn't help but reflect on how helpful it was that he'd been disciplining his body in its human form to be able to do this for years.Trees flew past on either side, barely noticeable out of his peripheral vision. He knew that Blade was behind him somewhere, and not that far behind either, but for now, River was ahead. If Blade could come
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Chapter 30: Cheaters Never Win--or Do They?
EllieAs soon as River was back on his way, Ellie stepped back from the path, her hands clenched in fists. Anger tore through her, and it was all she could do to keep from punching a tree. Fortunately, she liked trees too much for that… and her hand."I cannot believe he did that!" she screamed, kicking up dirt. She looked around to see if the onlookers were watching her, but most of them had their eyes glued on the path because the next runner was coming by. She didn't even care who it was. Blade was very close to being in first place now, thanks to his cheating--again!Her father had followed her over to where she was dealing with her irritation. "Calm down, Ellie," he said, trying to put a hand on her back, but she pulled away. "It's all right. It was an accident."She whirled around to face her dad. "An accident? Dad! That was no accident. That guy is one of Blade's pals. He did that on purpose!""Ellie, you're shouting." Her dad was calm, like always, and that was starting to p*s
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