All Chapters of Pregnant and Abandoned but the Billionaire to the Rescue: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
189 Chapters
Chapter 141: Rodney Is Incapacitated
Rodney was shocked at the way, Nancy hugged him immediately her hands were free.He had expected her to fight and struggle against him not to hold him as though welcoming him and asking him to take her.He could never understand women or was it another trick of hers?'What do you think you are doing? Do you think you can deceive me a second time?''I wouldn't dare. I have seen that you are serious and rather than antagonize you and force you into allowing your goons have their way with me, I'd rather submit myself to your ministrations and spare myself the pain of being raped even by you.I am not doing it for you but for me and my unborn baby. Hopefully you would take it easy with me and we both can have a nice time without either of us hurting the other'.Rodney considered this and felt it was a plausible enough reason for her actions. What could she possibly do? His goons are outside the door awaiting any danger signal from him and they could not even cross the gate and as well as
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Chapter 142: More Gun Blasts
Suddenly, there was sound of a police siren coming their way and Jason heaved a sigh of relief.He was beginning to think that all hope was lost because what use was it fighting with one's fist against a blasting gun by a professional shooter?As he ran towards the rock, a bullet caught him on the shoulder, he still kept running and praying the police would get there in time.As he was about to jump behind the rock, another bullet caught his leg.The police came and so did the last goon to help Maze in the war outside the gate.The police asked them to stop shooting but they seemed to have gun deaf.'You are surrounded, surrender yourselves. Stop shooting. This is the police!'The shooting halted and Jason smiled at Nancy. 'We made it!' he said.Nancy could see that he was growing weaker.'You have been shot!' she screamed.'It is nothing provided that you and our baby are safe! I will be treated. It is no big deal'.'But it is!'She stood to call the police to send for an ambulance
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Chapter 143: Casualties
Alfred had waited in the hotel for Jason to teach him but he hadn't and when he had called to find out what was going on there, Jason had not picked nor responded. That was when he started having the premonition that something was terribly wrong.To add to this feeling of unease was the fact that Richmond himself had not made an appearance. He could have called his sister but didn't have her number until he decided to check the phone directory where he got the mansion's number and called.He was surprised at the way the phone was picked up without delay and it was a man called Chris and Alfred guessed it must be Jason's in law.'May I speak with Jason please?''Who are you?''Oh sorry. I am Alfred. I was the one who went out on a date with Nancy'.he said.'So you are the one who has caused us all these problem', Chris said with amusement in his voice. ' A lot has happened since then. I am surprised you are not aware of it'.'Jason sent me to London to go visit Richmond's office and ho
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Chapter 144: Nancy's In a Coma
'Nancy, you have to wake for me, please. You have brought so much light and happiness into my life.I know that we do not see eye to eye sometimes and we have rows but those are lovers rows. Lovers disagree and quarrel but that does not make their love for each other a lie. It rather brings them closer together because they understand each other better as a result.I may not have been listening to you the way you wanted and deserved in the past but I assure you that from henceforth, I shall do all that you say but you have to come back to me.Do you remember the joy on the faces of the children as you distributed the gifts you had instigated us to buy for them on that day of the party? I could never forget it and I thought that day that as you like bringing smiles and happiness to people's faces, that I'd do the same to you.And do you know what? It is not late and I promise you that I shall do it. I shall make you the best husband in the whole wide world. I shall give you everything
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Chapter 145: Maze's Plot
Jason stayed there weeping and speaking to Nancy's lifeless shape until he fell onto a deep sleep.He was woken by Chris who felt that he had stayed there for long enough and the children were getting bored with talking with him in any case and it was also time for Jason to take his drugs and be injected.Jason left Nancy's ward reluctantly. He knew that he had a duty to perform to ensure that all who did this to them were brought to justice and not allowed to go unpunished.He may have been a fool wanting to be the ideal citizen by leaving justice to the law and that was why he had not shot those criminals when he had the chance to.He had not stop regretting it ever since he woke. He would have gone ahead and shot them and claimed that it was in self defence which wouldn't have been altogether a lie.After his drugs and being injected, he tried to out on a cheerful face as he played with his niece and nephew for a bit.'Uncle, these bandages on your shoulder and leg, are they the pl
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Chapter 146: An Attempt on Their Lives
Maze had made up his mind to avenge his master and colleagues and the injustice he felt had been done to them and had decided to do that and stop them from testifying against them, he would have to kill both Campbell and Nancy.He contemplated the person to kill first and decided that it must be Campbell.He was the one who had come to the slut's rescue and had called the police. He was also the one who was conscious and could do more harm to them even before they were taken to the court if law.Nancy was already half dead though that did not mean that she would be left alone and given the chance to recover from her coma. She won't. After getting rid of Campbell, while on the attention would be on him, he would go and finish off the slut.He entered the reception in disguise though his weight and height was not something someone forgot easily.Then he went into the doctors' changing room and wore a lab coat as well as a nose mask.It was a big hospital and not all the doctors are know
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Chapter 147: An Attempt on Their Lives (2)
Chris did not know if he should apprehend the person walking briskly away from what looked to him to be Nancy's ward or to rush into the place to confirm.He couldn't possibly accuse someone just because they were walking briskly away from somewhere. So he dragged his children hurriedly into Nancy's ward.She looked so white with the machines all round her. The atmosphere and appearance of everything was eerie.With thumping heat and trembling hands, he drew close to Nancy to feel her heartbeat.In his haste, he did not notice a moment in the room. The person who had got to the room a few seconds before him hid behind a curtain.He was sure now that this Whitman guy suspected him. Why else would he come to Nancy's ward from Jason's?Chris moved close to Nancy's bed and felt her pulse. It was very faint but it was still there and he heaved a sign of relief.He wanted to leave but something made him hesitate. He did not know what it was but looking at Nancy, he felt like staying a while
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Chapter 148: Not Giving Up
Maze was really angry. Furious was more like it. He didn't like failed attempts because it takes the time of some other task.He would have to make other plans now and hopes this time he succeeds, because time was of the essence.He recalled how he had used a man to speak with his boss where he had told him through the middleman what his plans were and how his boss had been pleased and had given him the go ahead.He could not go back now and tell him that he had failed.So he would keep trying until he succeeded.Maze thought that now that the police was on the look out for him, considering his physic, it would not be long before his disguise failed him.He decided he would employ the help of a colleague and friend who was as wise to these things like he was.'Good day, Wind', he greeted when he visited him.'Well, if it isn't Maze. What brings you to these parts? Since you left our group and started working with this boss of yours, you have not deemed if fit to visit your old frien
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Chapter 149: Come Home, Alfred
'Can I have my phone now? It should be charged by now', Jason asked Chris.Chris went to where he had been charging it and got it.For a moment there, he thought that Maze or whatever his name was had taken it but thank goodness it was still there.He handed it over to Jason who quickly called Alfred.'Jason, is that truely you? The things I heard had happened to the both of you was such that I was scared for both your lives', he said heaving a sigh that at least Jason was still alive then there was hope for Nancy.'How is Nancy? Is she out of danger?' he asked enthusiastically.'We are still keeping our fingers crossed. She is still in coma. But there has been a recent development. One of Richmond's men who escaped came into the hospital in the guise of a doctor and made attempts on both our lives. Thank goodness that he was found out. Both of us would have died and there would have been no case against him since there would have been no one to testify against him. I feel that he sen
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Chapter 150: Grain Is Samuel Park?
Grain and Maze decided to make their attack that day. They felt that the police had reduced because of other cases they had to handle.Maze told Grain the intensive unit where Nancy was kept.They decided that they would do away with her first.They had seen how doctors went into the room because Grain had come the previous day to monitor activities. Maze had not dared to come in his true form but disguised as a bent old woman.They had come and monitored things and felt at the end of that day that they had got the information they needed.So, today was the day they attacked subtly with no one being any the wiser.Who would imagine that Maze would fate come into the hospital with all the security and especially the room of Nancy where there were many people keeping watch?They had planned that Grain would take out Nancy while Maze would take out Jason and then quickly go out disguised the way they had come in, mission accomplished.So, While walking straight when he got to places whe
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