All Chapters of C.H.A.O.S.: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
103 Chapters
Chapter Twenty-One: You Work For My Uncle?!
Ransom When we get home Lachlan turns the A/C down to subzero temperatures while Weston collects the blankets and Jase starts making the popcorn. I go help Jase bring in the sodas. Lachlan and Weston already have Carley bundled up between them while Lachlan scrolls the movie app. Two giant bowls of popcorn and a giant bag of candy are set out by Jase when we settle on a horror movie marathon. Jason for the win. It was nice relaxing, enjoying having Carley’s company all to ourselves. That is until there is a knock on the door. We all freeze since we aren’t expecting anyone at our home. Our hands all go straight to the guns hidden on our persons. I pull Carley so that she is hidden behind me on the floor. Jase walks toward the door while Weston stands, and Lachlan moves to the couch. Jase signals for all of us to stay quiet. He pulls his gun out of the holster on his waistband, hiding it behind the door. He looks through the glass at the top of the door and then puts his gun away. Who
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Chapter Twenty-Two: Maybe I could Work Under My Favorite Doctor?
Carley “So you and Lidia are now dating, huh, Amy?” Uncle Ryder asks mom. Ryder located my mom about ten years ago when found out about his biological father. He was a teenager then and now he is currently a doctor with his one private practice. “Yes. We are,” mom says with a blush to her younger half-brother. “That's good news. Etienne and I were thinking that you two were headed towards a relationship,” Ryder says then takes a drink of his sweet tea. “How are your husbands and wife?” Lidia asks him. Ryder is in a polyamorous relationship with his wife Natalie and his two husbands Jaxson and Etienne. Natalie is also living a reverse harem dream with those three men and two others, Callum and Dominic. It’s an odd relationship but they are all so perfect together. They are for sure #relationshipgoals for me. “Everyone is doing great. Natalie is still an English teacher at Raider Preparatory Academy. Etienne is an MMA Champion currently. Jaxson is working hard with Leo for the sec
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Chapter Twenty-Three: Get You Cleaned Up
Carley TINK! TINK! TINK! TINK! The sound of something hitting glass wakes me from my dream. It was a memory of Lachlan, Carson, and I swinging from the barn into a pile of hay when were eight. I groan moving to my window and opening it to find a bloody shirtless Jase. One of his eyes is swollen shut and starting to discolor, his knuckles are bloody and so are his face and chest. I open the window to let him in. He was perfectly fine when I saw him last after dinner. “Get in so I can get you cleaned up!” I whisper yell at him, helping him in. He didn’t need my help though, he hoisted himself and climb right in. I shut the window to escape the slight chill in the air. “Sit,” I hiss at him pointing to my desk chair. He does as I say while I gather supplies. I walk into my shared jack and jill bathroom I use with Storm now instead of Carson. Underneath the sink, I find all that I need. Jase is asleep in the chair when I return. What in the world did this man do tonight? I start to cle
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Chapter Twenty-Four: Get Your Drunk Rear-end To Bed
Carley“I don’t wanna put clothes on. The clothes you have for me are too small,” he whines while wrapping the towel around his waist.I don’t remember the last time heard him whine, I think we were still in elementary school. He whined to my mom about not needing a bath. She tutted him and made him climb in the bathtub with me. We were maybe six or seven at the time. I tut at him this time. “Fine, you don’t have to. But if this is going to be a regular thing, you need to bring me some of your clothes, that aren’t from seven years ago.”“You could just come live with us,” he slurs with a yawn while I put my shirt and undies back on. He does have a point, I could go live with my Chaos Boys, but it’s still a tad too soon. We just started dating after being estranged friends.“I could, but I’m not. At least not just yet. Let’s see where we are in a year and go from there,” I say, grabbing some antibiotic ointment to begin treating all his minor cuts along his knuckles and his face. He
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Chapter Twenty-Five: The Princess and Her Knight
Ransom I want to be mad at Jase for not coming home last night but watching him and Carley sleep has dissipated it all. They both look peaceful and happy curled up in each other’s arms. I couldn’t sleep last night, plagued with nightmares of the time I had spent with my sperm donor. So I sought comfort with one woman who has always given me that. I snuck into her room, climbing in through the window she left unlocked. Now I’m sitting in an oversized chair by her bookcase watching her and Jase sleep. In a way I was surprised to find Jase in her bed since after fights he usually doesn’t stumble home until around four in the morning climbing into my bed, so he has something to cuddle. I’ve tried to get him to snuggle body pillows, but no he big spoons me instead. Which is fine, I can actually sleep without a nightmare with him with me. At the same time, with Carley being back, I should have known that is where he would be. Ever since we were little kids, Carley was always bandaging ou
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Chapter Twenty-Six: Where's My Morning Sugar?
CarleyMy two knights are in my room once again when I wake up. It’s as though I am their sun, and they are the planets caught in my orbit. Same for the other Chaos Boys that I find lounging in the living room.“We brought Ransom and Jase some clothes,” Lachlan says hold up a gym bag.“You can take it to them. J is still in bed and Rainy is the shower,” I tell him.Lachlan stands walking towards me. “Good morning, Moon Bear,” he says softly in my ear before giving me a sweet toe curling kiss. He breaks away with a smirk.“Well good morning to you too, Lock,” I say breathily. He moves around me to take the two in my room their bag.I walk to sit on the couch, but Arson pulls me into his lap. He tucks a small piece of my blonde locks behind my ear. “Good morning, baby. You up for some breakfast this morning?” Arson deep voice sending a delightful shiver through my body.I reply with a yes and he grabs my chin gently, turning my head to devour my mouth. I’m melting into him, craving more
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Chapter Twenty- Seven: Closed Relationship
Carley“Okay, so how did they end up naked in bed?“So when I check on Weston and Lachlan they were both about eight women total. This was when I left my room to get a drink and snacks after having about six women to myself. That was fun,” Arson says while I scowl at his words. Seriously?! He had that many women to himself? How did he keep up?Ugh, the others are just as bad. Ransom lied to me!“Listen to the whole story, before you get mad at us. Remember, you were gone, we were a wreck. This is the past. You’re here now. You’re all we want. We don’t want other women because none of them ever held a candle to you, Moon Bear,” Lachlan says softly in my ear, tightening his hold against me.“So on my way back to my room I decided to check on Jase and Ransom. There were no girls present but I heard sex and lots of masculine moaning from under the covers. All I could see was the look of ecstasy on both their faces. I had no idea who was catching and who was receiving at that point,” Arson
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Chapter Twenty-Eight: That's the Color It Needs!
Lachlan This painting is causing me headaches. For some reason, I cannot get the picture in my head to transfer perfectly to the canvas. The colors are all wrong for the feeling I want to convey. This is a personal project for Ransom since his birthday is coming up soon. I’m just so frustrated with it! I ought to scrap it and start over but that will take too long. Why can’t I just get this painting correct? My phone rings with a Death Kings rock band tune, which means one of six people is calling. I answer swiftly with my handle. “Hotel, I need you to work with Tempest. Your hacker skills are the best on the payroll. This job needs your expertise and I need you to train Orpheus properly. He has talent, I need to refine the way Bear refined yours,” Fox says. Riley “Bear” MacCannon is an Irish ex-FBI agent who is a technological genius. He trained me on how to hack into any mainframe and how to put up impenetrable firewalls as well as quick fast acting viruses that allow me instant
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Chapter 29: She Is Ours, Not Yours
LachlanWe arrive at the warehouse with a loft apartment on the top floor. It’s neat what they’re done with the place. From the large window at the front of the apartment, you can see the entire warehouse, even below. The glass link flooring I’m positive is bulletproof along with the windows, seeing as how this place belongs to Sidhe of the Death Kings.Storm or as we have known him, Clyde, let us in and now he is glowering at us. He isn’t happy at all that we are in his base of operations nor that he has to share case information to with us. Must suck for him to have to follow our command since his team is training under us. All this must chap his hide since we are all around the same age, but we have seniority regarding rank within the Death Kings.“Storm, they are a direct order to be here. We are also still training under them. I know you are unhappy that they ended up being Carley’s childhood best friends,” Jensen aka Romeo starts.“Don’t pretend you know how I’m feeling Jen. Are
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Chapter Thirty: How Are You Alive?!
WestonThe boy I replaced freshman year in C.H.A.O.S. when he died is sitting right there in front of me as I step inside the room before Lachlan.Lachlan shoves me out of his way then stares immobile as shock, relief, and love all show on his face as he locks eyes with the adult version of his dead best friend. His knees give out, slamming into the wooden floors.“Hiya, Lock Bear, long time no see brother.” When the guy smiles at him sitting in the saddle chair I see Carley, if she was a male who was taller and far more muscular. He really is her twin.When Lachlan doesn’t say anything, the guy turns to me. “This is a lot for him to process. I’m Carter. Lachlan knew as Carson…”“Carley’s twin brother,” I finish for him. “You’re supposed to be dead,” I point out to him as if he doesn’t already know that.“I’m not though. Not physically anyway. On paper, Carson Ryan Channing is dead, and for good reason. I would have put my family through the grief if not,” he says as if it’s no big de
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