All Chapters of C.H.A.O.S.: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
103 Chapters
Chapter 61: Christmas Morning Sickness
CarleyI feel awful, which sucks because it’s also Christmas morning. The guys will all be here soon to celebrate, and I’m hugging the toilet. There is a knock on the bathroom door. “Hey, Cactus, the guys just pulled up. Are you okay?” Storm asks through the door of his room. Another bout of nausea takes over and dry heave into the porcelain bowl. “Are you sick? Do you need anything?” “I’m fine.” I think. “I’m not running a fever, s
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Chapter 63: Brotherly Bond
Weston A baby in the house again. A baby that’s mine, well, ours. One that won’t be a sibling to parent. I’m not sure if I remember how to take care of a baby. I mean, I was around 8 years old when I started taking care of my now 12-year-old and sixteen-year-old teenage brothers. I’m with Arson. I don’t know if I can do this. What if I screw this kid up? What if I screwed up my baby brothers? Are they going to grow up into decent adults? I’m not so sure. I know they will not follow in my footsteps. Both of them are straight-A students. Stetson is so intelligent; he is a high school freshman. Preston just got his license and is a sophomore. Preston’s football coach is already talking about him earning scholarships to play football wherever he wants. He will be the team captain when the new year starts. I’m very proud of both of them. When the boys get home, I must look stressed out, because I soon have them both sitting beside me, hugging me against them. I must have done something
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Chapter 62: No Change
Chapter 63: No ChangeArsonCarley seems more tired than usual. She has been that way for a while now. Not that I’m complaining too much about her using me as a pillow.We had plans to go out to ring in the new year. Instead, we all decided to just stay home and watch a movie. Carley fell asleep about a quarter of the way through.This is better than last year. I mean, sure, it's never dull getting drunk with the entire Death Kings Family. We usually end up with strip teases or fashion shows amongst a private band concert by the retired Kings of Death themselves. Only without the makeup to hide their identities. “I wonder what’s in the bag Ali brought by?” Weston asks, staring at the drug store sack on our coffee table.“Let’s look,” Lachlan says, moving to reach for the bag, but Carley shifts.Carley’s head grinds against my thigh. I grunt when it
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Chapter 65: Discuss The Future
 Ransom “Lock. If you don’t sit down, I’m going to tie you up so you can’t move,” I threaten watching him pace around in front of the couch where was are all waiting for Carley.  She took the boxes of pregnancy tests into the bathroom with her after leaving breakfast barely touched. The smell of the bacon cooking had her running for the bathroom.  I don’t like this. She is sic
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Chapter 64: Daddy Dom
Jase“What do you mean, the baby won’t biologically be yours? There is a possibility….”“There isn’t, J. I can’t have kids. I’m sterile,” Ransom interrupts, not rising to my frustrated anger at him telling me won’t have a mini Ransom running around.“Sterile naturally or sterile as in…”“I had vasectomy alright,” he deadpans, interrupting me once again. Sometimes I wish Ransom could feel emotions as strongly as I do.I would ask him if he had any remorse over that decision now, but I know the truth. He doesn’t. He can’t. He lacks the capability.“What is wrong with you? Why are you mad at me over this?” Ransom asks me, baffled at me being livid at him over this.“Maybe because I want to raise a little mini-Ransom/Carley mix in the future. Maybe I was excited over the possibility of a child with you
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Chapter 66: The Answer
Carley “Help me pack, boys. I’m going to move in with y’all,” I say, still keeping them on pins and needles for the answer to their question posed by Ransom. My dark knight’s face shows confusion.          Ransom’s emotions are dulled down, but he is possessive of who and what he considers is his. He is obsessively protective of his possessions or people. Ransom is a weapon that can make him dangerous. He has no remorse over anything, but Jase acts as his conscious. Despite that, he is grounding. He is loyal and constant. He is mysterious to most people thanks to his borderline epicene looks, paired with his caustic aura. My Death Bear.          I look at Jase, who has a knowing smirk on his handsome face. Never could hide anything from that man. He is intelligent and cunning. Jase is a brilliant fighter who takes his time to watch his opponent for weaknesses he c
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Chapter 67: Following Orders
 Lachlan          This is torture waiting on Jase to give his commands. Only he may talk, having gone all Daddy Dom on us tonight. It’s difficult to not move or touch Carley unless he says so. The punishment for moving or talking without his commands is Ransom’s current predicament.          Ransom is tied up, and for once there isn’t panic on his face. He has never dealt with being tied. It usually triggers this feral reaction in him where he fights tooth and nail to be free.          I glance at the scar around my thumb from where he bit me the last time. I seriously have the worst luck that I share with Jase. Jase gets hurt in the field. I get hurt at home, usually because Arson talked me into doing something dangerous alongside him.          It was mea
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Chapter 68: Understanding 1st. Job Change 2nd.
Ransom         “Jase is still angry with me. I don’t know how to make it better,” I tell Ryder. I’m sitting across from him in front of his giant mahogany desk at his ranch home just outside of the major port city of Palomino Bay.         “You have yet to tell me why exactly that is? You keep skirting the subject,” Ryder unhelpfully points out.          He will not be happy with me either, not after what happened to Jaxson and Ali when they were teenagers. The difference is they didn’t have a choice to become sterile. I did.         “I’m going to start by saying it was my choice.” Ryder arcs his scared platinum brow at me.         I blow out a breath. It’s not as though I’m regretting my decision. I can’t feel regret. I just don’t like everyone b
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Chapter 69: Drinking With Ravagers
Jase “Yo, Ace. Where’s your loyal hellhound?” Camden asks, sliding into the booth beside me. I’m at Rave's, the dive bar owned by the Ravagers, having a few drinks with Romeo.          I’ve discovered I enjoy hanging around Tempest’s second. We have a few of the same classes. The difference is Jensen’s major is criminal law while mine is forensic science.          “Dead. Drug bust went wrong. Hence the drinking,” I say, acting far more drunk than I am. I’m pretending to mourn a friend.          I text the burner phone, letting him know Ransom is fine just on another job undercover, and is, in fact, not dead. The text will delete itself five minutes after he reads it.          It’s handy tech Bear has been working on. The burly Irish biker/ex-fed is one of Ali’s “brother
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Chapter 70: Drunken Toddlers
Arson  “Hold on J, I almost got you in the car,” I grunt.          I’m trying to keep him from hitting his head on the door frame of the 1967 Dodge Dart GT. I just got it rebuilt. It still needs to be painted, but she runs, and the interior is all done.          I fail.          He groans in pain and rubs his forehead with a frown on his face.          “Let us come home with you, Incendiario. Por favor. Te lo ruego,” Slater pleads with me.          “My family is at home right now. No. You’re not coming home with us.”          “Yes, they are. They don’t need to be in that house with Axe there. These two can’t defend themselves. They are coming home with u
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