Semua Bab Taming The Hot Billionaire (Temptation Series Book 4): Bab 61 - Bab 70
136 Bab
Chapter Fifty-Nine - Not Giving Her A Choice
Eva meekly followed Alexander to his apartment, but her mind was in a state of turmoil, fighting and contradicting his statement. If she were that precious to him, why couldn’t he accept her in his life in place of Beatrix? Why couldn’t he love her instead? She had never hidden her feelings from him, but what was the use, even if he didn't return them at all? “I won’t stay here for free,” she grumbled and Alexander sighed, giving up. “Pay me some rent if you insist, but only the amount I specify.” “I have one more condition,” said Eva, turning to face him. Alexander rolled his eyes and waited patiently for her to spell it out. “Tell me.” Eva hesitated and looked away, a blush creeping up her cheeks. “You’re engaged and therefore it will be better if you didn’t kiss me. We will stay away from any physical proximity. If you agree, I’ll stay or I’ll move into Alyssa’s place.” Strangely, Alexander stared hard at her, not committing anything. He couldn’t control his urge to kiss her.
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Chapter Sixty - Waiting For His Confession
“Good morning, respected ladies and gentlemen. I’m sorry for the delay. Can we start right away with a pledge of allegiance, please?” he said with a charming smile, ignoring Beatrix’s pointed glare and the meeting began. Afterwards, they were all seated and Alexander welcomed and thanked each and every board member present, easily winning them over with his charm.“The meeting agenda has been distributed in your board pack. Are there any amendments to the agenda?” he asked courteously. “Yes, I wish to discuss the terms and conditions laid down by my father before his untimely death. Since these affect the operation of the business empire, I would like to prove the importance of the marital alliance between me and the current CEO, Mr. Van Every. Further, I would want more power to decide matters pertaining to the business,” said Beatrix, but the board of directors shook their heads to disagree. “Ms. Rotterdam, we understand your concern, but you need to concentrate on your training a
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Chapter Sixty-One - Beatrix Fixes Their Wedding Date
“Maybe out of humanity! We’re flatmates, after all!” Alexander said, his eyes glinting with amusement while Eva groaned in frustration. Couldn’t he simply admit that he liked her? “Thank you so much. I’m honored that you did so much just for a mere flatmate. Beatrix is lucky to have you as her fiancé.” She concentrated on her food with a small smile of satisfaction on her lips, since she knew he did no such thing for his fiancée. “I’m unlucky to have her as my fiancée. Don’t mention her name, or she’ll miraculously land up here,” he said with a groan. Eva chuckled, but she too dreaded the appearance of two people in his penthouse, Beatrix and his dad. She still didn’t know what she would do if they arrived here. “So, how was your day without my coffee?” He didn’t need to answer that question, since his expression told her just how dismal his day went. “It was disgusting, but a good thing came of it, though. There was a board meeting today and the board members supported me for the
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Chapter Sixty-Two - Alexander's Insecurities
“Go home, Beatrix. You know what you’re asking for is impossible!” said Alexander, his eyes cold and spiteful. Beatrix shook her head and slipped past him into his apartment, refusing to listen to him this time. “Why? Which era are you living in, Alexander? We’re engaged and will marry one another in four months. I won’t stay away from claiming what’s mine. You’re mine!” she said, her eyes flashing with defiance. Her little speech stunned Alexander, and he looked desperately for a way to throw her out. He couldn’t even think of having se* with Beatrix, not even in his worst nightmares. In fact, kissing her made him nauseous, let alone anything else. “No, I don’t believe in se* before marriage. You might think me old-fashioned, but that’s how I am,” he lied through his teeth, as it was the only option to save himself from her clutches. He didn’t want her to take a step forward, or she'd know that Eva lived here with him! “Fine, still, I’ll spend the night with you. We can at least c
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Chapter Sixty-Three - Maxwell Wants Eva
Eva didn’t wait to hear his explanations. With a shattered heart, she picked up the spare keys to Alyssa’s apartment and went out. She wanted to move out of Alexander’s life for good. When he left for work, she would go back for her stuff, but right now, she just had to get away. Her mind felt numb and the scene she saw in his bedroom continuously played in her head. How could she kiss an engaged man? How could she agree to live with a man who was playing with the feelings of two women simultaneously? She felt hurt by Alexander’s behavior! It was obvious that he had slept with Beatrix last night despite his tall claims of hating her! She had seen the evidence with her own eyes!Feeling betrayed and used, she unlocked the door and went inside Alyssa’s apartment. Alyssa had left for a job interview and she had the entire apartment to herself to fix her broken heart all by herself. There were no tears, just a vacuum left in her heart. It was true she loved Alexander, but she wouldn’t all
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Chapter Sixty-Four - A Persistent Alexander
Alexander returned home a little earlier than usual to catch hold of Eva before she left for her night duty again. The whole day he had waited for her to accept his call and give him a chance to explain, but it was useless. He went to Alyssa’s apartment and rang the doorbell. After the third ring, Eva opened the door, ready to leave for duty. The moment she saw him, she picked up her handbag and rushed out of the door without uttering a single word.“Eva, please. Stop this and listen to me for once.” He followed her to the elevator, grabbing her hand to stop her. “Leave my hand, Alexander. You aren’t answerable to me. I’m no one to you.” She extricated her hand from his hold and walked into the elevator without waiting for his reply.“You’re misunderstanding me, Eva. I didn’t touch her last night. I didn’t sleep with her!” he explained agitatedly, but the elevator moved downwards while Eva stared back at him. He sighed at seeing the look of disbelief clearly visible in her eyes. She
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Chapter Sixty-Five - Agreeing To Another Trip?
“You have no right to touch me, Alexander. I’m not available for your entertainment. Leave my hand,” she hissed angrily, struggling to get free. Instead of releasing her, Alexander tightened his hold on her and pulled her into his arms. “I have every right to touch you. You’re mine,” he muttered, annoyed by her statement. “No, I’m not yours. I refuse to please you whenever you want. You’ve chosen Beatrix over me and you’re engaged to her. I know you both slept with one another. So, stop pursuing me, Alexander. I hate you in case you didn’t know,” she said, struggling more. Alexander clamped her to his body, his eyes flashing angrily, burning her with their intensity. “I’m telling you for the last time, Eva. I didn’t sleep with Beatrix nor touched her. While Beatrix slept alone in my bedroom, I spent the entire night in the living room talking to Stefan. I won’t stop pursuing you, I will continue till the day I die. Please don’t fight me. I know you don’t hate me,” he whispered, his
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Chapter Sixty-Six - A Dangerous Mood
“So that you can wake up on time for our flight. What else did you think?” he said, walking into her room and grabbing hold of the suitcase she had already packed up. “I can manage to wake up before time on my own. Thanks for the offer, Alexander.” She grabbed her suitcase to stop him from taking it away. Amidst the fight for possession of the suitcase, Eva hardly noticed how close she was to him. He gazed at her lips longingly, his mind prodding him to leave the suitcase and grab her instead for the kiss he was dying for. “Leave my luggage, will you?” “Fine,” he said with a shrug, and grabbed her hand instead. “You’re coming with me and that’s final. I’ll carry you with me if you don’t cooperate!” “Why are you such a bully?” “Only with you when you disobey me. Still, you love me. Don’t you, Eva?” he asked, searching her eyes. “Let’s go to your apartment.” Alexander released her hand with a victorious smile on his face and picked up her luggage. “I’ll order your favorite dinner
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Chapter Sixty-Seven - Dreams Of Love
“This time I plan to squeeze in a road trip with you. It won’t be just a work trip,” said Alexander, finishing his drink in one gulp, unaware of the disappointed look on her face. Eva had definitely expected him to admit that the trip was special because of her! “Can we do all that in just five days?” She couldn’t afford to extend her leave, having taken a lot earlier.“Yes, we'll be back in time. Don’t worry.” They boarded the flight and sat beside one another on perfectly reclining seats, absorbed in watching movies of their choice. Eva took a nap after lunch while Alexander worked on his laptop. Later, she took out a book she had been wanting to read for a long time. It was a bestselling romance novel that both Hayley and Sienna had recommended to her. Alyssa bought it immediately, but being busy with her own real-life romance, she hardly got time to read it. “What’s that? Oh, romance? Don’t tell me you believe in that shit?” he teased her, his eyes twinkling with amusement. “Of
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Chapter Sixty-Eight - Promises Of Love
Feeling the warmth of his body against her own recede, Eva opened her eyes, knowing that the dream was over. It was time to wake up. It was morning already, and she turned to look at Alexander, only to see him rolling over to his side of the bed. Wasn’t he sleeping on his side? She watched him swing his legs to get down and go to the en-suite, unaware that she was wide awake. The washroom door closed and Eva touched her lips. She could feel her swollen lips, still throbbing, branded by Alexander’s hungry kiss. Was that a dream, or was it real? Confused, she got up to check in the mirror, gasping at her disheveled state. Her lips looked thoroughly kissed! Her eyes went towards the living room bathed in the pale morning sunlight and she walked out towards it. Everything looked so refreshing and beautiful that it took her breath away. She walked onto the adjacent, spacious terrace commanding a panoramic view of the city’s major sights, including the iconic Eiffel Tower. “Good morning!
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