All Chapters of Midnight Phantom: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
143 Chapters
Chapter 71: Punishment
[Cara]My day just turned from best to worst within a fraction of an hour. I dropped Damon’s call without saying anything further that could exacerbate the situation and told Nancy to her work, and filed a report about the company status for the last weeks that I have been absent.She was initially confused, but when I told her I needed time to think, she respected my decision and was glad to give me space.I thought having the time to myself would help me think more clearly.It didn’t.My mind couldn’t function well all throughout the day anticipating what Damon would do now that he knew Simone’s identity as a member of the FBI. On vice versa, Simone was trying to uncover his real identity as the syndicate kingpin around the city.Just the thought that I have an immediate affiliation with them causes my brain to fracture into two halves.I honestly feel bad for Simone regarding his father’s death and how similarly it occurred with dad’s, and I have this kind of intuition that Burson
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Chapter 72: Trembling
[Cara]Another squeal ripped through me, shock and pain burning at the spot where his rough palm collided. Damon didn’t give me any time to recover from the first spanking before he turned me over, grabbed my waist, and bent me down on his lap before giving me another spanking, this time on the other side.I don’t know what to say. Or do. A bit of shame started to build inside me, knowing that my cries could be heard in the front seat. I should get up, punch him in the face, and jump out of the car even though we are probably zooming into the highway at a hundred miles per hour. Yet, why am I still bent over his lap with my hands in place, and it seems like I am willing to accept the fate he gave me?The pain and heat from his strikes spread, heading directly for my pussy. Pain and pleasure battle for dominance. At first, I tried to fight, kicking and struggling against his clutches, but when he spanked me again, my strength left, and I gave in. Again, his hand comes down on me. I ro
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Chapter 73: Jelly
[Cara]“Yes.” I wrench out my wrist out from his grasp and mask my emotions. Though I am not sure if I even mastered covering it up.To distract myself, I started loosening his tie from his neck and began unbuttoning his shirt.“You don’t have to.” He hushed but didn’t do anything to stop me.“I want this.”“Are you sure?”I stop halfway and sigh, glaring at him sharply and annoyed. “Damon, please, can we not argue with this?”His lips thinned as he held my gaze, staring at my face like he could see through my soul and read my deepest reticence. “You know that I won’t hurt you in a way you don’t want me to, Cara.”“I know.”Shame gut me up, bludgeoning me with an utter embarrassment of how sex-craze of a woman I had become. I was about to climb off from his lap and stop whatever this absurdity I am doing. Damon caught my face and kissed me on the lips so tenderly that it made me go completely still.The kiss was neither harsh nor overbearing in any way. It was gentle like he was letti
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Chapter 74: Cold Shower
[Cara]I hadn’t noticed I dozed off a little inside Damon’s arms. I was roused when I felt the car come to a grinding halt, and he shifted me on his lap.“We’re here, love,” Damon whispered somnolently, his voice groggy like he had fallen asleep as well.Looks like I tired him enough. I grinned to myself, some scenes flashing in my mind that made my cheeks scorching hot.Quickly, I slid off him and fixed my bearing, trying to look decent enough and eliminate my flustered countenance from the recent activity. Though my hair seemed like a tornado hit me, and a vulture had nested on top of my head in the aftermath. Nonetheless, it was impossible, no matter how hard I tried to tame my stubborn mane.Sighing in exasperation, I didn’t wait for Damon to open the door for me and climb off. I didn’t even dare to turn around and check if he was following me behind. I didn’t mind my surroundings, hoping that I could return to my room without encountering anyone, not wanting to see me in this con
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Chapter 75: Narrow Alleyway
[3rd POV—Damon]The nasty smell of rotten flesh wafted into the long-abandoned dark alleyway far from the city as Damon skirted the damp concrete pavement. His leather shoes pounded with a loud tickety-tock with each step, and the monotonous pattering of water droplets resounded in the background.“Shit!”He pulled out a handkerchief from his pocket and stuffed it on his nose to block the horrible scent.The smell of death does not overwhelm him, but that does not mean as well that it does not annoy the hell out of him. Especially when one’s death was sloppily made.“Turn left on the next alley.” Davien’s voice instructed through the com-device.Damon hissed just as the smell grew stronger that even the thick fabric was only little of help and giving him no other choice but to discard it.The further Damon goes, the narrower the alleyway gets. Later this evening right, just a few hours after they arrived in his mansion when they received a call from one of his men that he sent to spy
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Chapter 76: Solace
[3rd POV—Damon]Without thinking twice, Damon slipped into his car, throwing one last glance at the crumbling alleyway before revving up the engine and slamming on the pedals. His knee took the brunt of the impact and was now throbbing in excruciating pain when he landed hard on the ground.He hissed, adjusting his legs to ease the discomfort while focusing his gaze on the road.“Are you okay?” As though with some kind of telepathy, Davien notices his twin’s pain.“Been worst,” Damon muttered, sparing a glance in the rearview to see just in case someone might be following him. Though, he knew even if there has, Davien would have already picked it up on his radar.“I told you not to go alone.” His brother’s condescending tone makes him frown.“And lost more casualties?”They already had lost three men, and as much as Damon does not care for their lives, he could not give Burson the sense of satisfaction in thinking he was losing more than he was gaining.No. He can’t let that bastard t
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Chapter 77: Wolfish Grin
[Cara]I woke up the next morning feeling all better and rested very well.My eyes sprang open, and the first thing that met my gaze was the breathtaking view of the post-rain morning that awaited me beyond the panoramic glass window. The sky was still overcast with a thick layer of gray clouds, and it was threatening to dump its last few buckets of rain. The temperature had dropped quite a bit, yet despite the seeming contradiction, I was still quite comfortable in my bed.Despite the dismal weather, it doesn’t take away the breathtaking view. Where the clouds were touching the ground beneath, the only time when the sky seemed to reach down and run its fingertips to the earth.Something stirred up behind me, immediately making me stiffen. Only then I noticed the warm, steady breath that was blowing directly at the back of my neck. Also, a significant weight draped around my waist, locking me in place.Though, it wasn’t like it was suffocating me or impeding my breathing. In fact, it
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Chapter 78: Morning Rain
[Cara]Damon’s tongue sweeps into my mouth, and our tongues dance together.He slides his hand down my waist to cup my ass, drawing up the hem of my nightshift until he reaches bare skin. His fingers knead my flesh, digging into my plump ass, leaving a slight sting from his assaults from yesterday’s ride. Though it doesn’t hurt, albeit it only amplified the amorous sensation skirting my body.My arms wrap around his neck, gasping as I press my body into his incredibly hard one, opening my mouth wide under his and welcoming his euphoric invasion.My self-consciousness about how bad my breath is faded into the thin morning mist. I shivered, not from the cold weather surrounding us but against him, even though his heat wrapped the warm air around me. He grips my ass and yanks me up. I wrap my legs around his waist, rubbing myself against him while clinging to him like a koala. Fuck, he’s so strong. He holds me up like I weigh nothing, he isn’t even straining as we continue to kiss. The
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Chapter 79: Different Yet Familiar
[Cara]What he said made my heart skip a beat, but my head was too clouded to even understand what he meant and before I could even respond. Damon covers me on top, squashing my tits, and kisses me. My legs wrap around his waist without being told what to do, and his fully erect shaft rubs against my pussy. The linen fabric of the blanket tangled around my legs, the material skidding on my skin. The smell of my own arousal heightened my senses and I could taste the bittersweet essence of myself in his mouth. But surrounded by the white noise created by heavy rain and thunder makes the entire moment more sensual and intimate. I never enjoyed the rain more and did not think of this. It’s like each beating of the wind lashing against the window glass plays an intense rhythmic song just for us to dance. Damon kisses every bit of me he can reach, his lips and tongue flitting over my skin, running down the slope of my throat. I squirm beneath each touch, each brush of skin against skin.
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Chapter 80: Utter Mortification
[Cara]He puts his tongue back into my lips and kisses me till I’m drunk with him, never breaking stride as he continues to pound inside of me. He stooping down and kissing me like this makes me feel like I’m about to pass out. His lips go to nibble my ear and then down my neck as he teases me, which results in shivers all over my body and nipples that are so hard they might cut into his chest. He lets go of one of his hands holding onto my hips and resumes tittering with the other hand playing with my tits. He can’t seem to keep his hands off them. And I welcome each tweak, pinch, and pluck like the strumming of guitar chords.But I want more. I want him deeper and deeper.I locked my legs around him, keeping him plunged so deep. I rolled us so that I was on top. I leaned down to kiss him and then started to roll my hips. He pulls my torso down, so my tits hang in his face, then he takes turns sucking each of my nipples. I groan and grind down on him faster. The position makes it s
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