All Chapters of The Ruthless Luna Of Alpha Clyde : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
84 Chapters
The shot was so loud, and it echoed across the open space. So loud that Emma didn’t even hear the shotgun itself as a distinct sound; instead it was the bell-like ringing as the sound echoed. She didn’t feel pain or an impact. But the shot was fired at her. She knew something had happened, but her mind hadn’t quite caught up with it yet. She didn’t have any throbbing tingling like she had been shot. She could hear her heart pounding, but she somehow doubted she was alive. She slowly peeled her eyes open, and she saw the most unimaginable thing. Clyde was standing a few meters from her, shielding her from the gunshot. She didn’t know how he managed to get in front of her so quickly, but he had blocked the shot. He had taken the bullet for her. His back was turned to her, so she could not ascertain the degree of the gun wound. Her mind was racing with thoughts as she remained frozen on the spot.She knew werewolves were unaffected by ordinary weapons. She read that small guns could n
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Clyde watched as she drove the car with trembling fingers. He couldn’t discern whether she was still shaken by what happened or just scared of going to the pack house at night. From the corners of his eyes, he kept watching her. Nothing was terrifying about his pack at night, except that most werewolves loved to go hunting. He knew that would terrify her, but she was going with him anyway. The silence between them in the car was unsettling, and it wasn't clear to him why he wanted to start a conversation with her. He had a lot to ask concerning her newest methods of avoiding and ignoring him. “So, I see you have some anti-burglary locks on your windows.” He turned his head slightly to look at her. “And can you stop trembling?” She stole a glance from him before sighing. “I’m not trembling.” She gripped the steering wheels tighter. “And, the locks are precisely to keep you away from breaking into my house again.” Clyde chuckled. “And you think that’s going to keep me away?” “We
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Emma walked into the pack house cautiously. The last time she had come there, Clyde had accompanied her everywhere, but now, she was trying to figure out the way to his wing alone. She took the stairs and occasionally overheard the inaudible whispers about her. Yet, she felt excited to be in his pack. There was a tingle of desire she felt as she headed to his room. And she knew it hadn’t been there when she visited the first time. In his wing, she slowly approached his room, which was at the end of the hallway. Her mind wandered back to Emily and how she would feel if she was spending the night with Clyde. She didn’t like her and she knew that. But she knew Clyde was using her, so she wouldn't mind her spending the night. However, as she opened the door to Clyde’s room and found Emily sprawled on his bed in a satin robe, she realized she would mind that she was spending the night. Emily’s eyes fell on her as she stood by the door, and a frown crept to her face. She rose from the
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Clyde kissed Emma with raw hunger and passion. Her lips parted as she deepened the kiss. He was lost in her. Her lips were so soft and her body was so womanly. Her soul was so pure, and he could feel her emotions from the way she kissed him. As he ran his hands over her back, over his loose cotton shirt which she was wearing, he felt the press of her lush breasts against his hardened chest. Her brown hair now tumbled in waves, and he had to use his fingers to push them behind her ears. Emma leaned closer toward him, her arms tightening around his shoulder. Clyde was reckless, so hot, and he had such a strange power over her. One that made him irresistible to kiss. She didn’t immediately respond when he kissed her because she had been too shocked. But when Clyde tried to draw away, she returned the kiss with force, with all the passion that she had been trying so hard not to feel. She let herself feel it, all of it, and desire overwhelmed her as it had never before. Cupping her fac
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Tears began to stream down Emma’s face immediately after she shut the door. She was walking fast, away from Clyde, but she had no idea where she was going. She couldn’t believe she let her guard down and allowed him to touch her. She felt stupid that she had fallen for his sweet words and kind gestures. Clyde was not the sort of man to love or carry in your heart. He was ruthless and cold in every way. She wiped her tears with the back of her palms as she walked down the stairs. People were still shuffling their feet in the pack house, and she wanted to avoid looking pathetic. She sometimes felt that they knew Clyde was only using her to complete the wolf bond. She stopped at the last stair, glancing around the room confused. She didn’t have anywhere to go, and returning to Clyde’s room will crush every bit of the self-worth she had. What she thought would be an exciting night for her turned into a dreaded one. She couldn’t possibly ask Emily for help. It would be the worst thing
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Emma staggered back to her sitting room as she glanced around her apartment. There was nothing that could have prepared her for the damages she saw. Her heart was pounding furiously against her chest and she was quivering with fright. She suddenly felt dizzy as memories flitted into her mind.This time, she wasn't a young detective, but a young child. She had just returned from her best friend's apartment which was next door and her parent's sitting room was in ruins. It was her thirteenth birthday, and she was not prepared to witness the most traumatic experience of her life. She remembered walking in and freezing at the sight of blood. She remembered calling out to them, shaking from the blood all over the wall. She remembered the voices. They echoed in her mind like it was just a few hours ago that she heard them. She recalled the anger, the wave of fear that washed over her as the voice thundered. And now, she felt like she was living that night all over again. There were close
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Clyde pulled into the pack house and cut the engine of Emma's car. He turned to her and noticed the look on her face. She looked exhausted and mentally drained. But fear lingered in her eyes as well. “You don't have to be scared of anything. You are safe here,” he reassured her. “How did you?” She paused. “I forgot you always know how I feel.” Emma took a deep breath and sighed. Clyde was nice enough to offer some words of reassurance, but she had never lived with werewolves before. Words of reassurance could not stop her from overthinking things. She was drowning with questions, and she didn't have an answer to any. How long would she spend at the pack house? Would it be ever safe to return to her apartment? Who wanted her dead? How would life be in the pack house, and could she cope with her new life pattern? “Ok. I would be safe here,” she muttered to herself. Clyde watched her and was slightly amused. She pushed the door open, grabbing her bag, which contained some of t
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“You’re going to learn about the pack while you are here,” Clyde informed Emma in her room. She was unpacking some of her things after they had cleaned up her room. “It’s a good thing that you would be here for a while.”“I don’t particularly feel good about it,” she replied, hanging her clothes in her closet. “Why?” Clyde asked. “You have a room, your car, and protection. What else could you possibly need?”“I need to know who is trying to kill me, and I need to get them before they get me. I don’t want to become a member of your pack.” “You’re not a member of the pack. It’s only right you learn about my kind while you are here.” He paused. “If you're to become my Luna, you should know everything about this pack.”“I will just be a ceremonial one. You have a Luna,” she replied, tossing her shoes on the ground in frustration. “I don’t know why we’re having this conversation.” Clyde cocked an expectant eyebrow. “If I didn’t know better, I would say you’re angry or probably jealous.”
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Clyde occasionally stole glances at Emma while the presentation was going on. She was standing among the pack members, watching the display of gifts sent by the neighboring packs. His mind wandered back to the previous night as he watched her. He remembered the taste of her lush lips. The way he cupped her full breast and buried his face in her cleavage. He suddenly felt hot inside as he thought about the way he suckled on her nipples and the way she moaned lightly in his ears. He swallowed and shifted slightly in his seat, trying to distract himself from thinking about her. “Did you hear me?” Emily whispered, leaning closer to him. “MMM. I don’t think so,” he said. “What did you say?”Emily's eyes followed his gaze when she noticed he wasn’t paying attention to her, and they landed on Emma. With annoyance, she hissed and straightened in her seat. Clyde turned slightly to her and noticed her expression. “What is wrong with you today?”Emily clicked her tongue against her teeth, tr
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“This means nothing,” Clyde voiced before claiming her mouth again in a fierce kiss. With one quick thrust, his tongue pushed through her lips to explore her mouth. Emma’s mind was clouded, caught between the pleasure of kissing him and the dull pain of his statement. She gripped his hands and hung on, deepening the kiss. Rocking her hips closer to meet the hard length of his body, she lost control At that moment. She filled the void of being alone for years with the taste, smell, and feel of him. Her tongue matched every thrust, and she let out a small moan. His fingers traveled from her back, and he slid his palms over her belly and cupped her breasts. Her nipples hardened at his touch and he pushed her shirt higher. He stared at her naked breasts, and the heat and desire in his eyes nearly burned her alive. He claimed her mouth hungrily again. One thumb tweaked her nipples and she moaned out, trembling in his arms. His head lowered, staring at her shorts. Emma realized the mome
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