Semua Bab In the Chains of the Alpha: Bab 141 - Bab 150
162 Bab
Disappointing Eddie
Tara sat in a private room within the pack’s personal shared space. The door was locked, and she sat across from a downcast Eddie. He paced behind a sofa, unable to look at Tara. She didn’t like this at all. This is what she feared would happen. “Eddie…”“I know. I got the email too. All these years, we grew up together. No one ever said anything. Not even a hint. Heck, we sort of look alike even. What happened? Could there be even a slight chance someone who ran the tests got something wrong? If not, why didn’t someone say something? No one in that pack could keep a secret properly. How did they keep this one?” “I don’t know. But it doesn’t make anything between us different. We grew up together and later we survived together. This doesn’t make any of this less valid. We still have that bond, don’t we?” Tara wanted him to remember what they’d meant to each other over the years. He needed to see the value in that.“Do we? I’m a filthy rogue who’s just tagging along on your go
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Breaking It to Family
“Now that we’ve had this delightful dinner, Kole, please tell us why we’re eating privately? This usually means you have an announcement to make to the pack, but you don’t want to blindside us, so what is it?” Stone Danvers asked, demanding to know why they were here. He had a good book waiting for him, to end his day with, but his routine wasn’t finished he still had his daily run.“Father, please give me some patience and time to explain everything first before you get impatient and dismiss it before you learn everything.” Kole tried to forewarn his father that his very nature would complicate this announcement, but he silently chastised himself. He knew better than this. His father never changed his stripes.“Learn everything about what? Dear, you’re talking a lot but saying nothing right now.” Elaine Danvers was the patient one and Kole’s mother. She was the empathic soul and motherly influence in this family.“Right, as you know, everyone sitting at this table has never given up
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Cal Talks to Kole
“You spoke to your family? What did they have to say? How did your father take it?” Cal didn’t know what Kole said to them, but Stone was just that stone hard and a traditionalist through and through. He hated anything that changed the standard way things were done.Stone still struggled with the loss of his daughter. She may have been the elder, but she was his little girl. His only girl.Then there was Kole’s Beta, Kiera’s father. Cal was on pins and needles about meeting Elliott again. Elliot was considerably older than Cal and now his father through mating. It was a sobering feeling for Cal. What did he say? How did Elliott feel about all of this?“My father is pretending to accept the fact she is his blood. I suspect he’ll bide his time and then, when we least expect it, he’ll interrogate her about her story. Then I expect everything to go downhill from there with my mother letting in on my father for being overbearing. I’m sure Tara will be in tears. Which will probably
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A Call From NARC
Cal straightens from the back shoot after the last beer keg rolled down with no incidents. It was always a good day when there weren’t any injuries from runaway beer kegs. He still couldn’t help but smile at that, even though it could be a serious issue. Beer kegs could be serious weapons if used correctly.He had to stop pondering how they could use this when his phone rang. Cal knew he wasn’t expecting a call, though he needed to make time to talk to Tara and call Kole back with a date for a meeting, and he wouldn’t be calling Kole uncle any time soon. It was just too weird.Sure, Kole was ten years older, but they’d been placed in the same grouping for the experiment because it was just starting up and there weren’t any other alphas close to Cal’s age back then. Now, Kole ran the school that brought all the packs’ pups together for grade school and high school. They still educated the younger pups within the pack for the first eight years of education, before they sent them out dai
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Cal Breaks the News to Tara
Cal finally returned to the packhouse section of the club and moved to Tara’s office. This was something she could easily ask the accountant, Jimmy Pagent. It didn’t matter he needed to see her anyway to get several things straight with her and to tell her about the meeting.When Cal got to her office, he stopped himself from barging in and knocked before he entered. “Hey, I hear you need to talk to me. It so happens I need to talk to you, too. So, I’m going to assume whatever you need to ask can be settled quickly before I drop a few bombs of my own.”Tara looked up and smiled as Cal entered. Her facial reaction changed as he spoke and when he got to the word bomb, Tara flinched. That she knew meant it wasn’t a good thing and there’d be work involved. Tara would worry again that she fail at whatever needed doing. “I just wanted to know if you wanted to track the expenses, I incurred for the Lycan preparations, or are we just going to absorb them?” “Now there’s a goo
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Pack Re-Structuring Meeting
It took Jaxon only half an hour to have everything set up and the necessary people showing up. The room was in an uproar as confusion reigned and they all tried to make sense of the scraps of information they’d discovered.After fifteen minutes, groups of wolves scattered the Pack Dining Room. They’d arranged themselves by department or job. Security with security and so on. Jaxon stood there and announced to the gathered crowd. “Please take notice of anyone missing for later. They have five minutes to get here before this begins. There will be a recording of the meeting made along with any notes taken. We ask that every group take notes and shares them with us afterward. We’ll ensure they keep everyone in the loop on this. It’ll be a genuine team effort, but I’ll let our Alpha to explain this fully to you and then we’ll go from there. So five minutes until we start. Please be ready. If anyone needs something to take notes, the stationary cabinet is at the back.”She-wolves usually us
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Getting Down to Brass Tacks
Tara came out of the meeting stunned by all that needed to happen to make these changes. Now, with notes in hand, she needed to make changes to several things. Before she held back doing anything and thought what she did was to a grand scale. What Tara learned in there was her effort weren’t enough. She must think larger and do a lot more.Her staff left, following her, and talking among themselves. They were all pleased their efforts were recognized, but unhappy that they criticized them as not going far enough. They were ready to get down to the brass tacks and get the changes made immediately.“They could be here as early as tomorrow. I say we should focus on the six immediately needed residences for now. Have them readied by morning if it’s possible and then get on with scheduling the rest of the spaces.” Betty tried to walk while making notes on the pad in her hands until she almost missed the turn and the corner wall in the face.“Mind where you’re going, geez the last thing tha
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Enter Lycan
Tara stood by the sight of where the mage portal would appear on the main floor of the club. It turned out that out-of-town supernatural clients could arrange to come and go from this portal area so they could avail themselves of the club. They verified all their credentials before they made the portal appointment with the mages. Today Tara watched the blue glow of the portal form. It was the first time she’d ever seen a portal in action. Now the Lycan would use the portal to arrive here. It was fascinating to see the blue glow open to swirling blobs of multi-coloured light. Tara now understood why Cal warned her of the feeling nauseous a little from the way the colours moved and shifted. Only moments later, several figures were seen making their way out of the portal. Each one carried a backpack or bag of some sort. Tara realized she could relate to these Lycan. Everything they owned was in those bags. Tara’s bag, she assumed, was still in the mote
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Old Habits Die Hard
Five Days LaterWith the Lycan settled into their homes. The scramble to get everything a wolf shifter needs to live comfortably for each one. Tara soon learned that the small she-lycan was still coming to grips with her ability to shift, her instincts and senses amplified as they were, and just the culture shock of how differently they live to humans. As she started life as a human before Hectric took her for their experiments. The files were correct. Each Lycan had unique experiences and needs. There was no way to create a blanket program to get them back to being a functional being.However, Eddie found that if he took her into the kitchens and gave her a little encouragement, she was an excellent baker, and he was an excellent assistant. The two began to haunt the kitchens to the point that Rachel assigned them both to work there. The little Lycan was educated as a baker in her human life and quite talented at it. Eddie seemed to have a natural talent for preparing foods and follo
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In Walked Grandma
“Tara, we held off on this to the point of being rude. We can’t back out again. It looks like we aren’t serious about opening the lines of communication with the Maple Grove Pack. We have to go. Now please get ready. It shouldn’t be a terrible drive if we leave soon.” Cal explained for the second time today. He’d lost count how many times he explained this to Tara. “You are strong enough to handle anything they might say or do. I’ll be right there, and I promise you I won’t accept them acting out against you in any way. If they try to do that, I’ll pull you out of there so fast everyone will have whiplash. Now go get ready.” Cal put some stress behind his last words, and he wasn’t surprised that he put a little of his presence behind it. He was frustrated and didn’t want to deal with her fears again.Tara had been running the gambit of those fears and now they were stuck on repeat. Cal was fairly certain he could now pick out a pattern on how they surfaced.“Fine, I’ll try to hurry.”
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