All Chapters of In the Chains of the Alpha: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
162 Chapters
Drawing the Line with Elmwood
While Cal finished up with the last patron who insisted on speaking with him. Jaxon forwarded a file on Alpha Elmwood to him with a caption, ‘You won’t like this guy.’ Cal flipped through the file, and Jaxon was correct. He didn’t like the man just from what was in the file. He barely had a pack, and no one stood out to be a beacon of goodness and light. They were a pack of want-to-be thugs with a list of known mugging on lone shifters and rogues alike. Elmwood dealt with rogues regularly to get his dirty work done. The problem was he had a terrible reputation with the rogues within this city. He was basically living on borrowed time. But Cal wanted to know what this fool had to say about what was going on. Would he admit where the money Tara’s brother took originally came from, or where it was going? Cal had his suspicions, as did Jaxon. Elmwood really was a piece of work, as Cal read on. Once he was done with reading the file, Cal stepped into an
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Next Lesson Trust
Cal found Tara looking rather guilty and worried about where he’d left her. Had she’d thought he’d forgotten her? Not likely with the stiff one he was hiding in his pants for her. He’d have to fuck her sooner rather than later. The thought of sinking into her and surrounding himself with the feel of her body and her scent. The noises she made when he touched her were just putting his rules to the test. Would he lose face for breaking his own rules when others found out she wasn’t just his new submissive by his mate as well? He hoped not. Because she wasn’t ready yet to accept anything tender from him. She was still in flight mode. If he gave her an inch, she’d run. That he couldn’t let happen, because he’d not be able to protect her from Elmwood and his fools. That’s the excuse he fed himself, at least. The only one he was willing to face currently. Tara watched him like a creature cornered and trapped in a fight-or-flight state of mind. “Well, we n
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Throwing Out the Rules
Tara watched Cal tell her that her life wasn’t her own anymore and he was in control of her world and her. She had no choice in anything by the way he spoke. It was frightening. What if she angered him? Would he turn on her as fast as he’d forced this on her? Even her clothing was out of her control now. He controlled her body and soul; it appeared. But why was he doing this? What was in it for him? How did he think she would benefit from any of this? Tara wasn’t sure if she could do anything to change this? If she escaped, where would she go? Where was Eddie? She felt paralyzed and unable to find a way out of this. “What happens if I say no?” Her voice sounded tiny and timid. She was sure it was because he sat there fully clothed. While she sat there in a collar and a barely there dress. She didn’t have the seat of power or the force of personality that the Alpha had. She was self-conscious of her body and her small curves felt exaggerated to her. His hot gaze
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An Alpha Exposed and Vulnerable 
A long time later, with his sex drive calmed, and his fear of this being a mistake was over. Cal was now assured she was his fated mate. He’d resisted biting her and sealing the deal. But he’d fucking filled her pussy up with his cum. He’d glimpsed his cum slipping a little from her lips, telling him he’d done well in that boat. She’d orgasmed several more times as well. He didn’t rely on that and ensured she’s orgasmed once more after he’d been able to slip from her. Now was the time to get her addicted to the pleasures he would give her. Before the trust came, the addiction to the experience would bind her to him. He was euphoric from pounding her as she came on his cock. This was what he searched for, and he couldn’t be happier that he’d found it in her. Cal took a closer look at Tara. He realized their first sexual encounter had overwhelmed her mind. She’d need time for her mind and body to process this auspicious event. He needed her to rest and recover now.
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An Unconventional Mating Decision
Cal returned to his office to find Tara awake and confused as she looked around her surroundings. “Did we actually? Are we really…?” She asked Cal as soon as he entered his office. Her hands unconsciously pulled the blanket closer to her. Cal put his Dom face on. He felt she’d struggle if he got all mushy on her. Tara needed to learn the rules and the boundaries. She’d be happiest then. “If you can learn to obey properly, this will happen smoothly, and everyone will be happier in the long run.” “Wait a minute, you’re saying that we’re mates, but only if I obey your rules. Clearly, I’m not good enough for you. Why don’t you just reject me and find someone who will satisfy you and make you happy?” Cal stopped dead in his tracks and his stare hardened as he studied her. “You dare to tell me what to do and how to do it? Did you not hear me? You’re not leading from the bottom. What you are doing is learning the rules and proper behaviour. Then we’l
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Answers for Pleasure
“So this we call the conditioning chair. Here we can train you to enjoy my tastes in enjoyment.” Cal stood there now between Tara’s open thighs. He saw everything about her most intimate bodily and that’s when she realized he could now do what he liked to her. The wall behind him was windowed and the main room where they held the sex parties and events was full on the other side of the window. “Now we’ll start this by turning you on. Then we’ll amp up your experience until you beg to tell me everything. Just so you can find some ease from your need to fuck. It’ll take some time to achieve this, but you won’t notice the time passing.” Cal was studying her body as he spoke. His hands and eyes were exploring her taut belly and silky thighs. Cal parted her nether lips and smiled. “Ah, I was correct. Look at you weep with anticipation. I knew you were a natural, hm.” Tara wasn’t crying, she was laying there feeling her liquid heat ease from her pussy and Cal’s
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Cal’s Worse Off Then He Thought
Tara moaned, and in the heat of the moment, she told him what he wanted to hear. “He wanted to kick me out when my brother became useful, and my mother didn’t return. But Eddie wouldn’t stay unless I stayed. I’m a waste of time, effort, and space.” She tried to hold back her cute, sex sounds, but Cal wouldn’t have that. He wanted to hear her; it did delicious things to his cock as he shed his pants. He threw back his hair, enjoying his cock’s throbbing need to fill her. The anticipation was killing him and his rules, but now her torture was becoming his. He knew he was kinky, but he was treading on sick fuck levels of fuckery. “That’s my good baby girl. A little taste of your reward, though you will have much more to answer for before this is over.” He leaned forward and gently let his hot breath run over her quivering pale thighs until he opened her nether lips and blew on her heated flesh. It caused Tara to buck and cry out in an age old, excited response. Quiv
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Reality Creeps In
Cal’s meeting concerned for them both. He could see how everything could get out of hand. If they didn’t honestly communicate, there’d surely be war between packs. They were lucky because mostly there was an uneasy truth between most of the packs that called places within the Toronto home. But with things going missing during robberies and arsons. Then showing up at attacks within neighbouring territories as if his pack were attacking them. It was a smart tactic to cause chaos. But the Fae were attacking locations nearby as well. It was getting more difficult to figure who was guilty of doing what. With their rogue population in flux recently. The rogue population took several hits with a Liche surfacing almost a year ago. Many rogues followed lies and false promises here only to die at the hands of other rogues or the Liche’s army for replacement part for its army. A horrible thought they would kill a rogue because the army needed a spare arm. After that, when it b
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Jaxon's Observations
Tara hadn’t thought about birth control. She never needed it before this, and she couldn’t afford it. Now her anxiety moved in and started paying rent. One of his people interrupted them. There was someone there to see him, and it was urgent. Cal’s face went from trouble to seriously annoyed. “Who is it?” Cal demanded irritably at his staff member. If the man’s response to the irritated tone of the alpha’s words meant anything, then his reaction was not typical. Tara was sure this was a bad thing. “Alpha Richards of the Parkside Pack is here, and he says it’s the Toronto Council business. Some incidents have occurred that he must speak with you about because it affects both packs.” “Great. I have to see him. Take Tara and settle her into recovery room one for me.” “Yes, Alpha Nichols.” “She’s resting, drink, and eat if she can.” “I’m not hung…” Tara tried to explain. She didn’t need much in the way of food. She didn’t want to be any
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The Alpha’s Expectations
The Alpha entered the room and Tara felt her body clench as her fears and desires warred within her. He’d just taken what he wanted from her, and her body wanted more. She let out a little gasp as she clenched her thighs together. Cal didn’t miss any of the signs. It pleased him to know the sight of him made her aware of what he was to her. “This is a recovery room where submissives can go to process their training sessions physically and mentally. No one fucks in them. That defeats the purpose. But that’s not why I’m here. We have several things to talk about and I suspect when I told you as we fucked, you might have missed the important information.” Tara wasn’t sure what he was getting at. He’d told her she was his toy, to dress up or fuck. She didn’t have a say in it. Tara was his possession. “I think I get it. You tell me to jump, and I ask how high.” “Partially, but it’s a little more than that. Your place will always be by my side. No matter
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