All Chapters of Someone Like You : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
85 Chapters
Chapter Sixty
LeonSleeping beside Beth and not being able to touch her was hell. I wouldn't have had a problem with it before when we were still at loggerheads but now that I knew what she tasted like, how she felt around me... I literally had to ball my fists to keep from reaching out to her."You're fucked." I muttered under my breath. "Leon." Beth's sleepy voice called."Hmm?"."Why are you talking to yourself?". She asked. "Having trouble sleeping?"."Kinda." I said. "You?"."I'm finding it hard to sleep." She groaned. "My back hurts.""Why didn't you tell me?". I sat up in bed and leaned back against the headboard. "Come here.""You'll rub my back?". She looked surprised."Who else will do that if I don't?". I frowned then sighed when she bit her lip looking uncertain. "Beth, come on... Seriously?". Just because I had said I didn't want the baby didn't mean I'd let her suffer when she was in pain. I was an asshole but not that much of an asshole."I'm sorry." She apologized. "I just... I tho
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Chapter Sixty One
Georgina knew her father would flip out if he found out that she was walking down the street with her boyfriend without her guards. She'd actually threatened them with bodily harm if they didn't follow them at a safe distance instead of shadowing them and they'd grudgingly accepted. She was after all the Princess so they had no choice but to obey her."Feels good to not have them shadowing us." Christian remarked. "I should have done this sooner." She chuckled."But won't your father be mad at you if he finds out?". He asked her."I can handle him." She smiled. "He listens to me."Suddenly they heard shouts and then they saw a crowd of people chasing a boy their age with sticks and clubs. He was seriously injured but some kind of adrenaline kept pushing him to run until his luck ran out as he made to cross the road and a motorcyclist hit him and Georgina screamed."Your Highness! We have to take you to safety." Her guards rushed towards her and surrounded her."No! They'll kill him."
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Chapter Sixty Two
Leon"He's your brother?". I stared at the boy in front of me. "What do you mean he's your brother?".Christian sighed and looked down at his feet. "My father got his mother pregnant and left her to marry someone else. That was before he came to Mercia eighteen years ago." He said. "I didn't know about him until last year when I heard my parents talking about him.""Let me get this straight." I lifted a finger. "You watched those men beat up your brother and you didn't do anything?".He looked up at me then but briefly. "They were armed sir." "But my daughter stopped them from killing him." I said."She's the Princess. They have no choice but to listen to her... Sir." He replied."I see." I nodded. "Anything else you know about him?"."He has two sisters and their mother died three months ago." He said. "My father threw him out when he came to ask for help."I glanced at Georgina who was staring at him as if she was just seeing him for the first time. She was probably as stunned as I
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Chapter Sixty Three
LeonI sat on the chair beside Imani's bed just staring at her still wondering why she'd been so happy to see me. I was thinking many things but mostly about the fact that she didn't really have long to live except she was able to get a new heart.How she'd been able to live without a new heart for many years. I'd bet that her brother didn't even have money to buy her drugs but she'd stayed healthy enough until now. The door opened and Georgina walked in with Andres. She was smiling at something he'd probably told her and I was glad for it because it meant that she was probably not upset anymore."How's she?". Andres asked."Stable but without a new heart, she's as good as dead." I replied. "I don't want Sarah to lose her sister.""She won't." Andres assured me. "I'm going to make some calls and find out if there's any way for us to get a new heart for her. I think Jax has some friends who are doctors as well.""You'll do that for me?". I was surprised."Of course. What are brothers
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Chapter Sixty Four
BethThere was something different about Leon that I couldn't put my finger on as I stared at him. He was in the gym running on the treadmill with his earphones in his ears listening to music. He looked… more relaxed, like he didn't have a care in the world. Like… whatever had been eating him up inside had been solved and blown away by the wind. He was happier.I'd woken up and reached for him but his side of the bed was empty and once I saw that it was just five am, I knew he'd be in the gym so I got dressed and came down to watch his work out. I was standing in the foyer just watching and admiring his gorgeous body and I couldn't stop thinking about how lucky I was to be married to a guy like him."I love him." The thought came to my mind unbidden and I froze. I didn't know when or where or even how it happened but anyway it had happened... I was irrevocably and undeniably in love with my husband. I'd broken the rules and I was going to hell for that."Beth?". He called.I shivered
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Chapter Sixty Five
ElijahI never dreamed that one day all my sufferings would be over. I'd always thought that I'd do odd jobs if I could get any to take care of my sisters but I'd never expected that I'd end up here... in the palace talking to the King of Mercia about what I wanted to do.I'd been discharged from the hospital and my sister Imani was feeling a little bit better which I was happy about. Sarah had been taken to see a doctor about her eyes and there was good news."I actually want to finish school sir. I mean high school so I can get a better job." I said. "I dropped out of school after my mom died so I could take better care of my sisters.""Christian told me you're not from here." He said. "You came here after your mother died?"."Yes sir." I nodded. "She told me about my father before she died and I thought that he'd be able to help us if we came here but he didn't even let me speak before he threw me out claiming that I'm not his son." I took a deep breath. "He called my mom a prostit
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Chapter Sixty Six
Christian was very livid when he saw Elijah walk into the school building with Georgina and her father. He was telling her something and she was smiling and then his scowl deepened when she hit his chest playfully and shoved him making him laugh. He didn't want Elijah here in Imperial Heights or even Mercia but he didn't have any say in the matter seeing as Georgina's father had taken to him. He didn't even like the fact that Elijah was living in the palace as part of the royal family when he Christian, who was the Crown Princess's boyfriend couldn't come and go as he pleased there.He watched as they turned the corner and went straight to the adminstrative offices and he guessed that the fucker was about to be enrolled in the school and that made his blood boil."There's a new shiny toy in school." One of his friends remarked.He cut his gaze to his friend. "What?"."The dude is walking with the King of Mercia. He's a celebrity." His friend gestured around him at the girls who were
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Chapter Sixty Seven
LeonA few weeks later"Do you think I'm fat?". Beth stood at the foot of the bed dressed in a blue silk gown. I looked up from tying my shoe laces to smile at her. "No babe, you don't look fat." I replied. "Who told you that?""My reflection in the mirror." She pouted.I laughed. "You're fine just the way you are." I rose to my feet and walked over to pull her into my arms, her protruding belly coming in between us. "Reflections are mean."We were on our way to the hospital to check how fast her wrist was healing or if it wasn't healing and also to find out if we were having many babies. Funny enough, I was excited to know that myself and I no longer felt like I was carrying the weight of the world on my shoulders. "Hmm, maybe you're right." She murmured and pulled back. "Can we drop by Quinn's bakery on our way back?""Sure." I smiled.Sarah's surgery had been successful and she was starting to see things more clearly much to the joy of her brother and sister. The three siblings w
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Chapter Sixty Eight
ElijahFuck. I was so screwed. I knew it in my bones that the dream that was so vivid, so colourful and wonderful was a thing of the past. And it was all thanks to my insane half brother Christian.I almost knew the kind of person the Princess was; she was a no nonsense person and I was sure she wouldn't have stood for her boyfriend's behaviour if he'd shown his true colours to her but it had been too late.The King was probably raving mad at us and I wouldn't be surprised if he decided to banish us. I wasn't at fault and I shouldn't have fought back but he'd been mean to Georgina and her tears had caused me to lose it. Now.... You must be wondering exactly what happened that led to me and Christian fighting. All stories had beginnings so I'd start mine from there as well.It was just a few minutes before the bell rang for the end of third period. Georgina and I were the only ones in class because we didn't offer geography and the others did so they'd all gone to the smaller lecture h
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Chapter Sixty Nine
BethI watched Leon pace to and fro in the waiting area of the emergency ward. I was feeling dizzy from watching him but I couldn't stop because he looked like he was going to blow his top off from how angry he was.I was upset too about the whole thing and I wondered what could have aggravated the boys so much that they'd resorted into fighting with weapons. Elijah was a quiet boy, reserved and didn't look like someone who could get extremely violent. Likewise Christian but until I knew all the facts, they were both guilty until proven innocent.My phone vibrated in my purse on my lap and I quickly dug it out but it wasn't a call. It was a notification from the school's website which made me frown because I hardly got any notifications from Imperial Heights for weeks now.I clicked on the notification thinking it was a news article but it was a video which someone had probably recorded. I could see Christian which made me curious so I decided to play it to see what it was about."Leo
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