All Chapters of A Deal With Mr. Baron: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
93 Chapters
Eighty-One: Time Will Tell.
As Sofia’s eyes looked about the room, there was a sudden sound that drew her attention. Thinking it was the door, she changed route and somehow landed herself in the kitchen.There her lips fell slightly as she met her mother.“What…what are you doing back this early?” She asked, scoffing a little and Theresa lifted her gaze to show she was a little taken aback. “It’s evening, how long do you want us to spend at the farmer’s market?” She asked and as Sofia looked at the clock, confirming it really was that late, the next time she looked at her mum, she was almost squealing.With eyes as hollow and dilated as it could, she pushed herself closer to where her mother was. “It’s actually six pm” She replied but everyone was aware that wasn’t the reason she was even so excited.“Why are you so excited?” Theresa asked the obvious question, looking about the fresh bags of groceries. “You wouldn’t believe what happened, ma. Who I just saw—“ Rip the bandaid…Freya, Victoria or how would she te
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Eighty-Two: Light In The Darkness.
Sofia sprinted across the sidewalk that led to the coffeeshop. It was especially hard not to think about the first day that she was here. Look how far she had come and she wasn’t alone—Victoria tagged along.You know ever since showing up, they wanted to use every single they had to catch up because even though neither of them had talked about it, Victoria didn’t intend to stay in Salem, of course she was still going to leave and so was Theodore.“I like this part of town.” She however stated in that moment and Sofia threw a look over her shoulders. “You’ll like the shop even more” Reaching to the door, they finally came to a halt and the exhaustion was evident across Victoria’s face. However it was Sofia’s that was beaming.Today was her first day as CEO or whatever title Benedict had bestowed upon her. It meant change, one of the many in the past couple of days. As she unlocked the door, she was hit with the soft moist smell of coffee as well as an echoing silence.Victoria made her
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Eighty-Three: To Forgive Is Divine pt 1.
Sofia made her way to the kitchen counter, the first person she saw was Cynthia, preparing breakfast. Her hands clenched the two buttons of her oversized tshirt as she let out a yawn."Good morning, Cynthia" She called out and her mother in law lifted her eyes to her. "Morning Sof" There was the flash of a smile across her lips."Where is Oscar?" Sofia asked, having woken up to already see him gone. The truth was after a few hours of staying up last night writing more than a couple chapters for her new book, Sofia finally slept by five AM. It meant she didn't get until nine, which was later than when Oscar left."Oh he's already gone to the hospital, I followed him with Malik. The doctor advised he come early as they need to prep for his first surgery" Cynthia said and Sofia's lips fell wide open for a brief second."Today?" She ran her hands through her hair. "No, tomorrow" Cynthia replied, catching a glimpse of the guilt in her eyes. "You know he saw you were asleep, he was the one
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Eighty-Four: To Forgive Is Divine pt 2.
"Have you told mum?" Sofia went ahead to ask the obvious question and by the silence that fell between them, it was clear that she had not."Yeah about that...I wanted to come to you first because of the whole divorce you know" She said. "Yeah, yeah""I think we should tell her still" Sofia suggested and by the way Vikky nodded, it was clear that it wasn't her intention to hide anything from Theresa, which somehow led them to sitting across each other on the couch a few hours later. "You want to see your father?" Theresa echoed her daughter's words, pushing a hard lump down her throat and Vikky nodded. "It might sound ridiculous but if I don't even remember these things happening to me, why should I go ahead to hold a grudge that would only hurt me and Sof told me how she thinks that he's finally changed now.""She thinks he's different and I want to see him with my eyes and hear if he has anything to say. I preach so much forgiveness for myself not to take that same advice" Victoria
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Eighty-Five: A Blast From The Past.
The chilly rush of air breezed into Sofia’s face and through her hair, swaying it left and right across her shoulders. In case she drifted so far, the distinct scent of pharmaceuticals and the rapid beeping of the heart monitors both far and near were enough to remind her of where she was.She stood with her arms crossed in front of her, reminding herself by taking deep heavy breaths to calm down. Today was the day of Oscar’s first surgery which was a bypass graft procedure undoubtedly the most important and complex of the three he was recommended.The doctor might’ve said a million words to Sofia about how this was to repair the damaged blood vessels around his heart, both narrowed and clogged to improve his blood flow so it betters the chances of the trial working but it didn’t stomp her anxiety. It could be good but then again, she was well aware of the risks to know that it could also be terrible.So she stood still and even her deep breaths didn’t work so much. No one knew the am
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Eighty-Six: To Live And To Love.
For the longest time, Ferdinand wanted to say those words to Theresa. It had even a really long time since we last saw him, rock bottom and fresh out of jail all while being handed divorce papers from his long term partner but just like everyone else, a lot had changed for him.And even more had come into perspective, like realizing how bad he’d been through the years, to Theresa, to Freya and then to Sofia. And now that he was all alone, he wanted nothing more than to finally tender his apology to those who he had hurt.But the fear that it might have been too late plagued Ferdinand, causing a few sleepless nights. There was no way he would have survived without Damien, who had come to the house to pick up some things and Ferdinand had told him everything that had happened.Damien didn’t have to do all of that including showing up at least twice a week but he did. He did because for him as well, everything had changed. Luckily, even as things weren’t as bad as they once was, he didn
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Eighty-Seven: Far From Over.
“It’s been four hours” A voice echoed from behind Sofia and it wasn’t until she turned around that her eyes fell upon Damien. His hands slipped into his pocket with an elongated gaze right next to her. She threw a look over her shoulders though she still clung to the stairwell.“It’s you” She happened to mutter plainly before he raised his hands into the air. “Well I’m no doctor,” Damien teased. “But I brought you a sandwich and a cup of coffee” He stretched out his hands and while her eyes to it, there was the ghost of a smile that made it across her lips.“I’m not hungry” Sofia heaved but by the look in Damien’s eyes, she didn’t have much of an option but to cave in, taking the food from his hands. Though she sipped the coffee, she kept the sandwich aside and for a brief moment, there were comforted by the shrouded silence between them. That was before Sofia suddenly piped up after a few minutes.“Thank you by the way” She said.Damien folded his arms with a shrill nod. “For this as
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Eighty-Eight: Nightmares.
There was always something so terrifying about nightmares. Especially for Oscar and so that was why when he plunged his eyes open, only to find out that he was surrounded by an impaling darkness, the first thing he did was scream at the top of his lungs.The atmosphere was cold, sending a chill up his spine so much that he shivered. The hollow halls returned an echo of his voice as well and he was too afraid to move even an inch forward. He hated the darkness, he wasn’t scared or, although there was something quite eerie in the air.He just hated being lost and in that moment, he was.But that was until a shrill whisper crept up behind him and Oscar sharply turned around. He could swear that someone was here, was close to him but alas, when he threw his head over his shoulders, there was no one. Maybe now was the right time to get scared.His hands fell to his side, feeling the crisp texture of his scrubs and as he moved forward, the noises were all he heard. It was hard to move with
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Eighty-Nine: Until His Dying Breath.
As Sofia stood there, she couldn’t even utter a single word. Her whole mind raced with a thousand thoughts as the chaos behind the curtains echoed back to her. Her eyes were flooded with tears and there was a shooting pain that pierced up her spine.In a moment, her eyes fell to her open hands and he was all she saw. It was as though she had drifted back to the moment that she held unto him, begging him to open his eyes…to wake up. But the hardest part was she wasn’t even certain that he could hear her. She wasn’t certain that he would ever actually open those eyes again. And hers, well they darted to the piece of sandwich that laid capriciously on the hospital floor and before she could even start blaming herself for leaving, something she would have never done if she knew things would turn out this way. And for what, for food.Before she could blame herself or further immense herself into the guilt, an arm drew her back. “Hey hey” That shrill rang into her ears and Sofia had to ac
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Ninety: Sacrifices.
“We can’t let her leave” Dimitri muttered to David, whose name Sofia had only just come to know. The two of them were at a safe distance but she could hear the murmurs from their lips. They stood at the foot of the door so her only likely escape was jumping down down the five foot building and she couldn’t dare to scream because Dimitri had already assured her his non reluctance to shoot if she tried anything funny.And so she stood there, with her fingers intertwined with each other, playing it off as though she wasn’t genuinely scared for her life. Her skin was pale and her face was flushed off every color. A million thoughts ravaged her head, most especially the ones about how she could escape.She wondered how unfortunate it was that she’d walked into yet another predicament but in that moment, half the thoughts that roamed behind her eyes were about Oscar. And each time she stared at Dimitri, she was so full of vengeance that she wanted to pay him back for what he’d done.Howeve
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