All Chapters of Destiny Brought Us Together: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
142 Chapters
Chapter 51
EMILY***“What do you mean what happened to me in high school?” I asked, and I could feel the world shifting under my feet. “I mean I need to know so that I know what we’re working with. If it’s something serious we could even get authorities involved because it will change the nature of the case,” Gabriel said.I needed to sit down. I couldn’t wrap my head around what was happening. Was Gabriel really asking me what had happened to me in high school? Him of all people? “I understand what you’re asking, it’s why you’re asking that baffles me. Why would you ask about something you already know about?” I asked. What was going on?There was a look of confusion on his face. “I’m asking because I don't know,” he said.I felt the world spin. It was a surprise that I was still up and standing. What did he mean he didn’t know? He was one of the reasons why I had to move, one of the reasons why I couldn't stand the thought of being in Bakersville anymore. If he hadn’t been involved, maybe
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Chapter 52
GABRIEL***I should have known better.It had taken all my courage to ask Emily the question that had been looming over my head for years and all I had gotten in return was an accusation. And to make it even worse, Harry has taken her side.He had called me that night after Emily and I had talked and I had tried to the best of my ability to explain what was going on, hoping that he would at least help me help Emily, but he told me he felt that it was best to take Emily’s side because it seemed that the whole situation was hard for her.I tried to tell him that the smart thing to do would be to help her if being on her side was what he really wanted, but I could tell what he was thinking. Even in his silence, I could tell that he thought that what Emily had told her was true. He believed that I was capable of sending such a message to Emily and to myself just so I could mess with her.I was angry but I also felt guilty. I hadn’t known that the small things I had been doing to upset Em
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Chapter 53
EMILY***“Aren’t you late for class?” Nila asked me.“I’ll be out in a minute,” I said and she walked out of the room.I actually didn’t know if I would be going to class that day. I didn’t feel too well. I hadn’t been feeling well ever since my interaction with Gabriel. I had been feeling dizzy and unstable, and maybe that was because the world I had worked so hard to build was threatening to come crashing down. I hadn’t imagined that Gabriel would become cruel to that extent. I had hoped that he would be content with just annoying me, but clearly, he wasn’t deriving as much pleasure from it as he was hoping to, so he decided to go bigger. I had expected anyone else to bring up my past. Honestly, it would have been less scary if Harry was the one threatening to expose me.But the fact that it was Gabriel, the only person in Cresswell who knew what happened, the only person who said he would protect me but didn’t, the only person who made me move towns, the fact that it was him scar
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Chapter 54
Bakersville Middle school***It was the last year of middle school. The rumors had long died down, both the ones that were true and the ones that were fake. It had been months since Gabriel had stepped in to defend Emily from the saga of the first kiss and the rumors that came with it and she had managed to go through it unscathed but so much had changed while still remaining the same.Something had shifted in Emily. She couldn’t place it, but something had changed.She had expected to be thankful to Gabriel for what he had done but she found herself thinking and feeling something entirely different. She found herself feeling and thinking that if Gabriel hadn’t taken on that mindless dare in the first place, she wouldn’t have had to be protected in the first place.She found herself feeling and thinking that Gabriel was essentially protecting her from himself. She didn’t know how to feel about this. She didn’t know how to deal with this realization. As soon as it came, it did so wit
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Chapter 55
EMILY***“You’re up early,” Nila said to me. She was still in bed while I was making mine. “I need to go to the library,” I said, “I have a lot of work to catch up with.”It was the next day after Harper had come to my room to tell me about Gabriel. I had spent the whole night thinking about things. I could not get myself to admit that I had been wrong. I didn’t want to accept that Gabriel was trying to protect me, because it was something he had never done before. It made things even more suspicious. He was off the hook for the text but I reasoned that if he had not done what he did in high school the person sending the text wouldn’t have had to protect me in the first place. All of this was his fault. There was nothing for me to apologize for because I was cleaning up the mess that he made all those years ago. I wouldn't let him do it for me. It was too late for him to try and make amends. The time for him to do what was right had passed and he would not be getting another chance
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Chapter 56
GABRIEL***"Have a great weekend," the professor said and as soon as he walked out I flew out the door after him.I needed to go back to my room and figure out what I was going to do about this whole anonymous text situation, now that I was all alone. It was annoying to have to figure this out alone when I wasn't the only one involved and when I didn't know where to start but I had motivation: my reputation was on the line.The only thing I had been able to preserve as my childhood and teenage years were falling apart was at stake, and I needed to make sure it remained intact and untouched by the trauma of my past. If I was being honest, I had to keep reminding myself of that because my default thought had been 'you're doing this for Emily', but why would I do something for someone who clearly didn't want my help, someone who actually thought I was the culprit?My anger had subsided over time since our interaction, but not to the point where I could understand her because I couldn't
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Chapter 57
EMILY***"We have no choice, Emily," Harry said to me as he practically dragged me to Gabriel's room.He was of the idea that we should work together to catch the person who had been sending the texts and it was an idea I hated. Being in the same room was awkward on its own. I couldn't imagine also having to apologize for how I had acted.Nobody had asked me to do it, but I knew it was the right thing to do and I hated that I did. I had a feeling he would gloat. He would hold it over my head because there was never an instance where he had been right and I had been wrong. It had always been the other way around."I don't want to," I said, fidgeting as much as I could.I was being a big baby and I knew it. What Harry was suggesting made sense. There was no point in us going after the same person separately. It just didn't make sense. If that person knew that we were not working together, maybe they would even take that chance to make things worse. It was better if we were just united.
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Chapter 58
GABRIEL***I’ve seen that you have decided to work together. And with your significant others, too. How cute. If you want to keep your reputation, you’re going to have to do what I want. And I want both of you to find out who I am, alone. You can’t tell your partners. If I find out that you did, I will ruin your life. The first test to see whether you are agreeing to my terms is for the both of you to go to the football pitch tomorrow night. Remember, if you tell your partners I will find out.This text was sent to me early in the morning and I have not been able to sleep ever since I got it. Sleeping had been hard enough because we had not made any progress in the meeting that we had had under Harry’s suggestion. I knew that it would be awkward, and although she apologized, Emily still found a way to make things difficult.I knew her enough to know that she was making the comments she made because she was bitter about the fact that she was wrong and I was right. She hated the though
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Chapter 59
EMILY ***“Where are you going?” Nila asked.Was my roommate out of bounds too? Was I also not supposed to tell her? I couldn’t risk it. The person who sent the text could have been watching for all I knew.“I’m going to get some air. I have a lot on my mind,” I said, deciding to take the easy way out. I needed to be careful. My reputation was at stake.Nila turned in her bed and kept scrolling through her phone and I took that as a sign that she had bought my excuse. I walked towards the field. I had gotten the text from the person the day before and it had shaken me. It meant a few things. They were watching. There was no way around things. They were capable of following through on what they had said they would do.It had thrown me off balance. It felt like my reputation was like an egg in their hands and my own, and if I wasn’t careful it would break and make a mess of things, make a mess of the new start I had gotten for myself. I couldn’t risk it. I needed to be careful.The mee
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Chapter 60
EMILY***I had made it back to my dorm room and I had hoped to get some sleep before I had to wake up again for my classes but I had been unable to sleep. The fact that I was right shook me to my core. I had correctly predicted that the person who was sending us the texts was targeting our relationships.I had shared this with Gabriel at that moment and I could tell he also knew that it was true. It just made sense. We managed to find out the reason, but we had many other problems. The first problem was the fact that we couldn’t share this information with Harry and Harper.It was clear that we couldn’t work with them anymore, because the person, who was clearly spying on us would consider that as us having told them what they had asked us to do. The second problem was the new perspective this realization had given us, the realization being that it was not us who had enemies, but it was either Harper or Harry.Targets had been placed on our backs for the mere fact that we were dating
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