All Chapters of His Reluctant Luna: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
58 Chapters
My morning lectures and reading session went faster than usual much to my disbelief and before I knew it, I was done for the day with nothing left to do.And since sweet old Freya had asked me to not clock in before my shift, I was so bored that it was bordering on frustration.I tried to sleep away the idleness and boredom. But you know, what we wish for isn't always what we get.Then there was Aiden. The mere thought of the breakfast he had made this morning had me smiling like a fool. I could still envision how he looked in that black apron, lean muscles showing deliciously, while they contrasted at his every movement. I knew he was at home and it wouldn't take me a minute to find his handsome ass in his home office.But I couldn't just risk disturbing him since I saw Asher and the rest of the guards, Gus included, heading for his office. They must have tons to discuss.Letting out a frustrated sigh, I sat up, peeking a glance at the wall clock that was just beside my floor length
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And still, it hasn't faded. A week later, I was still as drawn to Aiden physically as I was drawn to his emotional side.I watched Aiden's handsome face while he worked with intent and concentration as he pulled out packaged containers which I knew were undeniably, edibles, on the space before us. And immediately, the stomach teasing aroma of spices, herbs and food filled my nostrils, making me to involuntarily salivate."Hmmn," I let out an encouraging moan. "Smells delicious."Aiden flashed me a heart swelling smile as he nodded. "It should."I sat, with anticipation etched on my skin and my face as he unwrapped all the plates.Aiden after spreading out every single food he prepared on the blanket, helped me with a good serving of a bit of everything."Thank you!" I grinned cheekily as I took the plate from him. He returned my smile. "Enjoy."Nodding, I stared dreamily at my stacked plate. "Oh yes, I will."
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His admission had me melting into soft goo. The softness that laced his tone when he talked about his family. And the way his eyes became so tender like he was reminiscing a distant but happy memory."It must have felt nice." I said with a smile."Of course." He nodded. "Lory used to cook up her usual storm with the intention of stuffing us full and we will gather here under the full moon, all wolfed out and just have a quality time."His story sounded so similar to mine.When it was just Dad, Mom and I. Camping out on our rooftop while sipping hot chocolate, marshmallows and just being happy. Oh, those happy days."Is it okay?" I blurted out."Is what okay love?"I took in a long breath before I spoke. "Bringing me to a place that holds precious memories of your family?"His laugh was light and melodious to my ears. "I don't mind Ava." Was his simple response as his eyes glowed with warmth. "Besides, I love
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It was past midday and my day couldn't get any better.After my date with Aiden earlier in the day, I was feeling good as hell. It felt like my day had taken a new turn for the better. Even Freya had chipped in that I walked with a bounce in my step and the best part hadn't even began yet. Whistling a tune below my breath, I quickly made for the counter as requested by Freya, since Soul Kitchen was having a pretty crowded day."Hi girls," I let out in a singsong voice as I saw Poppy and Kate in their usual mood. Deep in conversation. I swear this two could give a radio station a run for their money."Hey girl." Kate smiled."Hi Ava," Poppy waved shyly in her usual way, while I flashed her an easy smile."Busy day huh? How is it going?"Kate let out a dramatic sigh. "Is it just me or did everyone on Titan land grow a second stomach." She let out another sigh, causing Poppy and I to let out giggles. "The orders won't stop coming.""Ummm," Poppy began. "Isn't that like, a good thing?""
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"Who told you that?" I couldn't help but blurt out, her words still holding me in shocking grasp. "Where did you hear such a thing Maya?"She sniffled as she looked up to take in my face. "Everyone at school is talking about going to war." She supplied. "They are saying that Titan would soon go to war with Colossus." Then bursted out crying again, this time, she was sobbing audibly. "Maya dear, look at me." I pleaded. "No one is going to war," I tried to assure , but she shook her head to disagree."And even if we do," I continued. "No harm will come your way. The Alpha and all the strong guards will make sure you are safe.""But there is only much that they can do." She almost wailed. "Wolves like me end up dead in wars everywhere!""Who said such a thing to you Maya!""Nobody told me," this time, she tuned down on her sobbing. "I know Ava. I cannot protect myself, I will always be dependent on other people and when they can't protect me, what will I do?"Not knowing what to say, I t
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Gus looked visibly shaken.Yet, he had no answer to my question."Is Titan really going to war against Colossus Gus?" I prodded, getting uneasy with the silence that followed my question."Where did you hear such a thing Ava?" He finally spoke up, but instead of having an answer to my question, he replied with another question of his."Words do travel fast you know," I shrugged, waiting patiently for an answer. Gus let out another sigh. "We are not going to war with any pack Ava," he finally let out. "Although, it is true that there are talks circulating about Colossus planning on going to war against us,"I was sure my facial expression gave off a very scared look as Gus promptly corrected himself. "They are merely rumors Ava, nothing has been confirmed yet."I nodded, trying my best to look calm, however there was a hailstorm going on inside me."You're safe here Ava. Nothing will happen to you and if anyone wants to get to you, they have to get through Alpha, me," His grin was wid
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Aiden was staring at me with a tired expression that spoke volumes of how he did not want to indulge me with the happenings of Titan land. His long and warm fingers massaged his temple as he continued to stare at me. "Go on Aiden." I prodded. "But first, have a seat. You look like you would pass out in the next seconds." And for the first time today, he listened to me as he got himself settled on my bed. I forced myself not to think of the last time he was on my bed, while my cheeks heated up at the memory. I cleared my throat as I waited for the reluctant man to speak the fuck up. "Aiden?" I continued to prodd. His tired eyes were pleading as they assessed me. "Do we really have to do this Ava?" I nodded almost too quickly and impulsively, I walked further to where he sat, looking all tired and worn out on my bed. I did not know what possessed me, but I felt this sudden urge to offer Aiden comfort. It came like second nature. Even as my hands rested on his slumped, broad shoulde
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Stepping into Aiden's home office was like being hit with bouts of deja Vu. It felt like eons had passed since I last visited the place. And even as I took in everything before me, I surmised without doubt, that the place had gone through a thorough change.The once dusty and cramped up space looked so spacious as it let in fresh air constantly into the room. The thick and dark draperies were pulled to the side, revealing a floor to ceiling glass window that did more than a terrific job at serving a beautiful view of a part of Titan land's plantation.The thick chairs were arranged in an aesthetic fashion that looked more like a spot for a friendly gathering instead of a meeting between an Alpha and his guards. It was cosy like that and I knew that only Aiden would pull off a cosy yet sophisticated.With an easy smile stretching my lips wide, I took in his mahogany desk. The same desk that had looked disorganized and scattered with torn papers the last time I had been in this very sam
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"So..." I began, pen fixed between my digits. "Tell me about Calypso." I inquired, hovering the top of the pen over the blank space under the name Calypso."Calypso has been an ally of Titan right from the days of my great grand parents." Aiden informed, while I jotted necessary informations down. "They are skilled fighters and have never lost a battle for over a thousand years. There main source of income is oil exportation and this sets them off as the frontiers of power amongst other Packs."I nodded after jotting down. "Okay... This all seems to fit in the pros list. On the flip side, what are they like?"Aiden thought for a moment. "They have not been that receptive after the new change in power." He said simply.Curious, I asked. "Why?""The Alpha of Calypso is old and a bit stuck in the past. I believe it would be a bit of a stretch if we ask for his
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It has been a week since Aiden and I sent out invites to the neighbouring Packs and yet, we haven't gotten any feedbacks.We were all bothered, especially Aiden. Try as he might, he always appeared cool and calculating in the presence of his Pack, always wearing the strong and assuring facade because he has to make his Pack feel assured that everything was under control.However, I knew that all was not well with Aiden. The run-ins on the people of Titan keep on increasing and so far, a lockdown has been placed. The elite guards with their soldiers were at alert all the time, making sure that all bounderies were secured and that the people of Titan were safe.I was in Aiden's home office as I tried to listen through the tiny speakers of my airpods, as my biology lecturer further explained the workings of human cells. I knew I was paying little to no attention to what he was saying. My mind was drifting to the man at the other side of the room who was wearing a s
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