All Chapters of Tangled With The Alpha King: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
184 Chapters
OLIVIA'S POVNO matter how ironically It sounded, I was now friends with the father of my unborn child at least for the moment it was going to last for, I had thought how it was going to be having your ordeal to be over and I could say it was blissful that was the most applicable way to explain the feeling i was getting.I had to admit to myself that I had never seen him this way looking so calm, from afar I had tried knowing him and cold see that I had been so wrong trying to judge him… it was the most difficult thing to do because I had seen another part of him entirely different from what I was seeing now.I was trying to understand why I saw him so differently and could see that he had exposed just a part of himself to me.I had wanted to see every bit of him after then as the days went by, seeing that I have missed a lot from the past, as a matter fact it was though bi had never known him.He had given me my phone but a part of me still wanted it off, I still wanted so alone time
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OLIVIA'S POV WATCHING the phone beep as it dialed Jane, I had those types of mind reflection, the type you have you are about to make a lot of changing decisions. The question on my mind was if this was what I wanted, I had the chance of spending time with him and it was obvious that calling Jane would put a kind of stop to that. Deep down I was aware of these brute facts, and was certain he was doing the same well. Having a mind reflection on things. He had sacrificed a lot as well, I was aware of how highly he thought about his friend Alexis but he had put that on the line, it was glaring he would be the one they all suspected. The fact that he decided to stay away all this while made it easy enough to make that guess. "Hello?" The voice on the other side of the phone sounded. It was most definitely female and Jane's, in a way I had heard the uncertainty in the voice, the anxiety all in that word hello. Ye
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NATHANIEL'S POV IF THERE was anyone more excited about Olivia's sudden change in perception it most definitely had to be me, it wasn't excitement if I was to say it plainly but if I was to look at it from another angle I would say I was definitely Impressed. She was far smarter than my earlier thought about her, I used to think she was naive and weak but when the truth about the whole thing was she might actually be the fact remains she was had it her to be a Luna. I haven't thought of that in any way, it never occurred to me about a non – werewolf being part of the pack but the more I thought about it now I was seeing a different view. It was looking at the bigger picture of what things should be, in a way it was glaring that we had something for each other but when initially it had been all romance what I could feel for her now was a deep respect. I had this respect for her response to things that had to do with life,so when
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OLIVIA'S POV I WANTED to tell him, I wanted to tell him about my history and the way I saw things at that point, but no matter how hard to speak, starting the words was the actual problem as it seemed they never wanted to leave my lips in the first place. It felt as though they just want to stick to the tip of my lips and stay there forever and ur felt bad doing that, I could see the pain his eyes as though I didn't trust him enough to want to share that history with him, but his could I when there was nothing exciting to talk about in the first place. It left me wondering how he would see me after then would he still look upon me with the same eyes, the same way he had done in the past. The question kept probing my mind, never wanting to let go, the need to know that bit of my history, the need to know how I saw life. Every bit of it in a way I couldn't possibly understand stuck to my head , Nathaniel didn't say a word by star
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NATHANIEL'S POVTHERE was a need to comfort her and it came naturally like that was what I was meant to do, she snuggled closer to me sobbing and it felt impulsive. It felt like that right thing to do at that moment as anything other than that would have been worthless.She was not in need of my speech, or any word conjuring her spirit to stay calm . She was not in need of any of this and so I did what felt most appropriate at that time to do, I put my hands around her like a chain of gold and pulled her closer to where I was.It was the first real physical contact we were having since the first time we met and I could swear to myself that it still in a way spark off the same type of feeling.A feeling of wanting her more than I had ever wanted anything in this life, a feeling of desire.One thing was different however when we had first met what I had felt was lust and nothing more but this time I felt a sense of belonging almost as if I was a part of her.I knew that was connected to
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OLIVIA'S POVI FELT him in every part of me as my body shook with an anticipated need, I shouldn't be reactingto him this way but yet here I was moaning into his lips with each and every time his lips met mine with list and hunger or a mixture of both.He kissed me in such a way that I feared i would be dissolved into nothing or become bit and bit of the fragments of what I used to be, every part of me wanted him down to my soul and all I do is whisper the words that had been on my lips all night"make love to me ."At first he acted as though he had not heard the words as I was putting him in quite an awkward position if having to be in a certain position for sex, I had thought about how sex would he between us again but never in my life have I ever thought it would be this way, I had no idea it would be like this between us with fire and sparked off tensed emotion.The truth is it would not have mattered whatever position he took me in, all I wanted was to feel him inside of me,
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NATHANIEL'S POV SHE WAS wet, too wet and demanding for a pregnant woman as I rammed into her slowly, her moans filled my ears like a sweet music pleasing to the ears, I couldn't see her eyes but I could hear every bit of emotions in her eyes every single bit of it and it left me wondering how so much I the past month I had wanted being with her. It was exciting this romp we were having, I was tempted to have her n different positions just like I have done the night she conceived but I would be insane to do that as that would be risking the child the child, I wouldn't want to do that not with the hunger that was burning inside if me, I wanted to go it so very bad but when I thought about it and the implications it would have I did very well to get mind over it. When her breathing changed,I knew she was closer to reaching orgasm the second time and I had not even started, I wasn't even close to having my first. It got me thinking of how s
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OLIVIA'S POV I don't know what it might have been but something definitely woke me up, by then it was foreglow and the sun was still tender but yet my heart was scorchingly hot still burning with the aftermath of our passion. It was the first time seeing him sleep and I couldn't help but to be drawn to how beautiful he was while he slept. There was no hint of stress in him, nothing of that kind, just a peaceful part of him I never knew was exhausted. He looked like a boy really with his chest heaving heavily rising and falling like the tide of the sea. I now knew why I was so drawn to him, I could see it in the aura of a wolf that was circling round him in a white color,a white wolf that appeared to be asleep too or rather pretending to be asleep cause it stirred to look at me. It took a while for me to realize it was not his stirring, rather it was him starting to wake up, maybe both. He fluttered his e
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NATHANIEL'S POVI waited for ba while before walking out of the house, in my mind I had this certainity she was going to come back just as she had said.I didn't know where it came from but it was their it could be a fact that she had promised or because we made love – That too.One thing was certain about the whole situation and it was the fact that she was going to come back and firm hencefoerh things bwere going to be better, could feel it I could sense every bit if it.I tried distracting myself from the thought of having to see Alexis again that day for the first time since I went into hiding with Olivia after kidnapping her, I had a lot to explain to him about why I had decided to be a bad friend by staying away for those two weeks and still counting because I was yet to see him."Son of a bitch." I didn't see the blow coming but it landed firmly in my face pushing me a few steps backwards.I smirked to myself and hit back to my feet wiping the stain if blood on my lips before
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OLIVIA'S POV ONE thing about anxiety and expectations was that one killed the heart faster and the first only lead the heart to the slaughter room where it would most certainly be murdered. I had felt the two over the last couple of days and the fact was that my heart still lived, as a matter of fact it never stopped beating, it was living more a more explicit life. My heart beat came in fast thuds, It wasn't the state of my heart, it was the fact that I was seeing Jane again after so many weeks and we had a lot to say. I didn't have to wait long for my gynecologist the excuse that i had been away for a those times fir my reason for not being able to come for my regular check-up. As a matter of fact I had alot of people to explain stuffs to. Starting from her to almost anyone I had at one point come across with during my stay at the gulf. The Gynecologist checked the vitals and to our relief it came out al
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