All Chapters of Blood Awakening : Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
144 Chapters
61 BA Nothing You Can Do
61 BA Nothing You Can DoHe has been reprimanding both of them like a father or a mother to her children who kept playing on when it is already the time for bed. He even got his gesture to accompany his words. Sebastian wanted to tell them is a bit inconsiderate.“At least you had made time to inform me!” he ended his long speech. But, he wanted to say more. “Good thing Nyx has escorted me towards here.”Nyx lowered her head not because she intend to hide her face to Alpha Lachlan who might reprimand her for letting Sebastian interrupt their training, but because she found it amusing how Sebastian reacted. She's definitely suppressing herself to laugh. She was busy with chatting Lydia when Sebastian approached her. His hands were on his head. Sometimes he would transfer his hand to caress his thigh. And he would grunt and make noise because of pain. And here he is expressing his emotions.“But you were nowhere to be found,” Alpha Lachlan defended himself. He received more of Sebastia
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62 BA Furs
62 BA FursIt has been successfully subdued. There are fewer results of vampires attacks nor shelters are reporting about a new born sightings. The refugees has been commencing to return to their usual life. The insurgence is controlled. It is all thanks to the Alliance and the government working together.But they haven't left the group that has been their refuge for the past months.“Still no results.” Amari felt the frustration. She shrugged her shoulders. Alpha Lachlan has came to the quarters to ascertain about the progress of the experiment, but she failed it again.“I'm sorry, Alpha. I'm already trying my best to gain relevant data, but it does not come that easy.”“I understand. Let just keep the hope of having one, one day.” He wanted to uplift her mood. The task he assigned to Amari is not easy. He knows it. Whether he will grow impatient, there is nothing he can do other than wait for the outcome.“I agree,” Maridelle cheerfully said. “I got to show everybody something.” S
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63 BA Full Moon
63 BA Full MoonAlpha Lachlan leans his back on one of the concrete posts. His arms are folded in front of his chest. He has been watching them as they play together. Christie did not had a hard time getting along with Maridelle. And on the other hand, Maridelle has been delighted that there is another biracial in the Caruso pack. “One day you'll have a child and she'll play with her just like how she enjoyed that kid's company,” Nyx uttered. She was there the whole time that Alpha Lachlan is watching them. Honestly, she had never seen the kind of sparkle on her twin's eyes right now. It's the kind of glimmer that speaks of pure euphoria.Alpha Lachlan sweetly smiled at the euphoric picture Nyx's words had painted on his mind. Him being a father of beautiful children and Maridelle as his mate, there's nothing he can wish for more.“Someday.” His lips curved upwards doubling the taste of a honey. “I really hope so.” Worry tinges his voice.Nyx slightly punched her twin's abdomen. Alp
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64 BA So Many Firsts
64 BA So Many FirstsIt is not over for the Alpha who waited for a luna for twenty-eight years. He is hungry for more.Alpha Lachlan cupped her face and planted a soft yet a kiss that shows how much he wanted to own her. He craves for her. Alpha Lachlan's hands are getting wild. It journeyed on her lush breast, fondling it in circles. And it would touch her thighs and the thing between her legs. Her curve is subtle, but it was enough to add a burning arousal on him.She passionately responded. She is just as hungry as him. Maridelle loved how his masculinity feels under her hands. And his manhood hardening for her felt so so good. She can't do anything to help it, but to submerge herself in the pleasure—to let him own her. To have his warmth against her naked body. To feel every inch of his skin. She moaned like there is no tomorrow.He parted her lips with his tongue. She kept moaning. Their tongue are reunited inside their mouths. The hot sensation is burning heating their flesh. It
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65 BA Back At the Caruso Pack
It's already past midnight and the howling and the run must have rendered the wolves—young and old—pain to their muscles; that they must long to sprawl their legs and arms under the comfort of their warm blankets. But everyone is filled with eager anticipation and excitement. Everyone is awake for a good reason. Even Sebastian who originally planned to relax under the moonlight wasn't able to avoid the cheerful agitation. He stands beside Nyx with his arms folded against his chest. Nyx has been super excited after the series of howling. And now her heart, everyone in their pack, must have felt the thrilled anticipation to see their Alphas.“They are approaching!” shouted Beta Mellow. He was at the entrance keeping an eye for the arrival of their Alpha and his Luna.A loud cheering arose from everyone as two huge wolves are running towards the entrance of the pack's territory. One of them is recognized, one is yet to be loved and adored. The cheering is getting louder as the Alpha an
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66 BA Naughty Maridelle
66 BA Naughty MaridelleSituated on the wall on his right is a simple wall clock with a wooden frame; its shorter hand kisses the number four while the longer hand almost points to number eleven. His eyelids is drooping; and there is already dark line under his eyes. Everyone except the guards are slumbering, but Alpha Lachlan did not sleep after the celebration. On his hand is a piece of paper he has been reading for the umpteenth times. His lack of sleep has deprived him of good understanding or it is just that the report on his hands needs perusing.“It's not over yet. It's not over.” He reiterated to remind himself he got a lot of work to do.Alpha Lachlan wanted to take his respite, but he couldn't neglect the urge to read the papers on his table. Right after he decided to sit and read the papers, he immediately wanted to slump himself on the bed. However, the report Lydia has sent to him is urgent.“The Alliance must have known this before me. I hope they had found a solution a
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67 BA The Note
67 BA The Note He cursed under his breath. All the time he had for his self, this is the time he doesn’t want to get disturbed. Alpha Lachlan’s eyes landed on the wall clock. The clock says it still few minutes after five O’clock in the morning.“Who could be knocking on the other side of the door this early in the morning?” he hissed in smothered annoyance.Maridelle let a soft chortle out as she witnessed his Alpha’s face being shrouded with the expression he can pulverize the person who had disturbed them.“Relax…” she joked on how ridiculous, but adorable his face against the light of the dim-lit chamber.He raised a brow. “Yeah, rigth. It must have been one of the Omega’s bringing my coffee.”She flushed underneath him. She brought the coffee in together with the bread and…heat pooled on her cheeks. She left the note. “Maybe I should tell them to stop sending me coffee not until I tell them because as far as I had known you like sneaking around to watch me in my sleep.” He trie
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68 BA Guess on it, Seb!
68 BA Guess on it, Seb!There are more knocks coming from the unknown; and every knocks had gradually deepened the creases on his forehead.“I think you have to go to that door and open it,” Maridelle said to him. “It must be so important that after few unresponded attempts, that guy haven’t left.”On the clock, the hour hand points to number six. The time the nuisance, as what Alpha Lachlan has dubbed the person behind the door, has waited quite long. Alpha Lachlan has praised his patience and persistence. Just when he is about to open the door, the knocking has stopped.He glanced at Maridelle. He gave her the look of whether he would proceed opening the door or should he do the opposite. Maridelle signalled him to do the first option.“There must be a good reason behind the early disturbance,” he seriously uttered, but his tone is tinge with a little threat. “Must be an Alpha duty,” he added a second before the door slightly swung open. Alpha Lachlan had opened the door just enough
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69 Brothel House (part 1)
69 Brothel House (part 1)It took few minutes before Sebastian moved on on the thrill. He just wanted a bag of blood, but he got a suspense instead.He sat on the hood of the car, folding his arms in front of him. He is waiting for his companion.“Hey. Got you this.” Nyx shoved a bag of blood on his chest. Sebastian looked at her, puzzled. As far as he could remember, it is still less than twenty-four hours that she had shown how adamant she is of not giving him a bag of blood. “My twin told me you came knocking on his door, early at the morning to whine for a bag of blood.” She raised her hand signalling him not to interfere her speech. “That's a human blood. I know it's illegal, but I got my ways.”Sebastian took the bag with an eyebrow quizzically raised. “Thank you,” he politely remarked. “So that is how I will be getting my blood,” he added satisfied of the blood on his hands. It smells so good.He crafted on his mind the sentence to ask her what Alpha Lachlan should have answe
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70 BA Brothel House (part 2)
70 BA Brothel House (part 2)From afar, they witnessed Lavina being escorted towards the building. The door direclty closes as she comes in.“Lavina takes care of that place. I don’t have much information on her.” Beta Mellow journeyed his hands on the compartment of the car. “Here.” He handed Alpha Lachlan a manila folder. “This is all the information we have on her and that place.”Alpha Lachlan slides his hands inside the manila folder and took a couple of papers. “What does it says, Alpha?” Nyx forwarded her self to glance on the papers.“Some additional information for our mission.” Alpha Lachlan gave her the papers. “See it for yourself.”“Pretty impressive. If they are making this place unnoticeable, she wouldn’t dress like that.” Nyx commented. “Her entrance is grand. Look around the place. Like bruhhh. This is getting interesting.”Nyx has said the truth. The building got the worn out, need-to-be-repaired building look. The could all say that it has perfectly blended around;
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