All Chapters of ONLY YOU 2: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
118 Chapters
Tisha smiled, she could not remember ever feeling so happy. Was this what she had been depriving herself of? All to please Ashley who would not hesitate to tear her into pieces.Spencer got up from the couch and picked up Tisha's clothes and his which they had thrown on the floor. They both laughed when he handed her clothes to her.After wearing back her clothes, Tisha took her bag and touched up her makeup. "You look beautiful," Spencer said, earning himself a smile from Tisha. When he had also gotten dressed, Spencer went to Tisha's table and put everything back in order while she watched him quietly. As she stared at him while he cleaned her table, Tisha kept wondering about how she got so lucky.She still did not understand why Ashley had someone like Spencer as her fiance and still felt the need to cheat on him. He was not just a gentleman but a wonderful lover in every sense of the word. Everything did turn out in her favor in the end.She could not help but think that if Liz
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When they arrived at the beach, Tisha noticed that the sun was about to set and hurriedly came out of Spencer's car. She ran towards the water and screamed happily. Spencer ran after her and they both stopped when their feet touched the water.Spencer felt that Tisha looked too beautiful and he did not want to waste the moment. He moved back slightly and began taking pictures of her. Tisha realized that Spencer was no longer standing close to her and turned. She saw him a few meters away, taking pictures of her. She smiled at him as he took more pictures and eventually gestured for him to come closer. He walked closer and placed his arm around her neck. They both stood quietly watching the sun for a while until it disappeared.A tear fell from Tisha's eye and Spencer turned her to face him, "why do you cry on such a happy occasion?"Another tear fell from Tisha's eyes as she replied, "I cannot explain how I feel right now. Like I told you in the car, I have always wanted to watch t
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Jack saw Spencer's post and was pleasantly surprised. It wasn't so long ago when Spencer had asked for his advice on pursuing the woman he loved and finally he had gotten her.Spencer happily answered the call and smiled when Jack said, "congratulations Spencer, who knew you had it in you to be so romantic?"Spencer laughed and stared at Tisha as he said, "I guess I just needed to meet the right one and now that I have, I never want to let her out of my sight."Jack smiled, "I am really happy for you. I truly thought you were going to spend the rest of your life in misery but you finally ditched that joke of a human and found a beautiful girl for yourself.Cindy is literally screaming her head off right now and would like to speak to you.""By all means," Spencer replied. When Jack handed the phone to the excited Cindy, she said, "just saying congratulations isn't going to cut it, Spencer, we need to have a party and I don't mind throwing it. Also, I have to meet this Tisha who final
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Tisha spent the weekend in Spencer's house and they both stayed indoors, making love and eating. She felt fortunate that her early pregnancy symptoms weren't so obvious, otherwise, Spencer would have found out that she was an expectant mother.She wanted to tell him in a special way and she hadn't been able to come up with an idea that would make the moment as special as she wanted. She was having the best time of her life all thanks to him because she believed that without his help, she would never have made it this far.Spencer realized that he had forgotten to stock up on his refrigerator and decided to go shopping with Tisha. Mira who had asked one of her bodyguards to keep an eye on Tisha was instantly informed, the moment they left Spencer's house.Spencer had given Tisha's bodyguards some time off since she was going to be spending the next few days with him. This made it easier for one of Mira's bodyguards to follow them without being noticed.Mira quickly headed to the superma
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John had just come down from a bus and was on his way to the office when Lizzy bumped into him. The file he held in his hand fell on the floor just as Lizzy fell on her butt. He quickly helped her up from the ground before picking up his file and said, "I am so sorry, I was in such a hurry that I did not see you coming."Lizzy smiled, "it's fine, I know it was an accident. I also should have been watching so it is also my fault. My name is Liz and I recently got a job in a company close by. It seems you also work around here, what's your name, and can I have your number?"John shook his head, "I'm sorry about the accident earlier but I'm not comfortable with being friends with girls or giving them my number so, I will just have to take a pass on that. Have a nice day Liz."As she watched John walk away, Liz smiled, "I've already done my homework, John, and I predicted that you're going to react this way but, let's just see if you can resist my charms for so long. A guy like you would
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Mira held on to Albert as he led her out of the bar until when they got to where her car was parked. He unlocked the car, let her in, and took the wheels as he drove off. Mira was all over him and would not let him breathe freely as she covered his face with kisses.Her bodyguards who were watching in silence got into their cars and followed behind them stealthily to ensure that she was kept safe. If it were not for the fact that they had seen Albert with Mira before, the way she was acting around him would have made them believe that he had done something to her but after following her around for a while and observing her behavior, they were convinced that she was quite the slut.Albert parked the car in front of his house which was quite shabby and quickly opened the door of the car so Mira would come out. They both hurried into his house and Mira didn't bother with how unkempt it was as she was driven mainly by desire.Albert pushed her onto his bed and quickly helped her undress b
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Mira rolled her eyes as she stared at the couple in front of her. Was this the reason why she hurriedly drove all the way there? Tisha had actually made it seem as though Spencer was dying. For some reason, she was inclined to believe that Tisha and Spencer were deliberately showing off their love in front of her. She looked around and saw that people had started to gather. She decided to sit in a corner and give them the opportunity to act out their drama, she didn’t want to admit to herself that she was jealous. But, if she were to be in Tisha’s place and Zeal was in Spencer’s, she would have felt on top of the world.Spencer stared lovingly at Tisha and said, “Tisha Stewart, from the moment I set my eyes on you, I knew you were special. Back then, I never knew that you will become the most important person in my life, the very air I breathe. There is so much I want to say but words would fail me if I try to express all that I feel in my heart, so I am going to summarize them int
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Albert lay on the bed staring at Mira. After their intense passionate activity, he could not help but celebrate inwardly as he felt that he was making progress in his relationship with her, especially since she was the one who called him this time without his having to resort to any cheap tricks. Of course, he could tell that she wasn't emotionally attached to him, but it was just a matter of time before he had her wrapped around his fingers.Mira noticed the way Albert was staring at her and asked him, “why do you keep staring at me? Is there something on my face?” Albert smiled, “I can't help myself, darling, you are so beautiful, as beautiful as the morning sun. You have no idea how happy I was when I saw your call saying you wanted to meet me, you know I am always at your service but you also know about what is in my heart and the way I feel about you. Don't get me wrong, I am not trying to compel you to feel the same way I do but I just want you to know that you are very import
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Tisha felt overwhelmed as she was surrounded by almost everyone in the Grant family. Spencer's father had been so happy about the news of her pregnancy and decided to throw a small party to celebrate. His first daughter-in-law hadn't been able to get pregnant yet and Jack said he wanted to enjoy being with Cindy for a while before they began having children. Although it wasn't planned, Spencer had given him hope that he would get the chance to play with his grandchild before he died.Tisha sat quietly and watched as they all ate and drank and suggested names for the child. She knew that she would never feel alone because Spencer had given her a new family.After the party, they all said goodbye to each other and left one after the other. Ashley parked her car not too far away and watched as Spencer drove out of the compound with Tisha inside his car. She smiled and said, "I am going away, Spencer but for a short time, you can all keep on celebrating but I can assure you that it will
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The day Tisha and Spencer had been waiting for finally arrived. Tisha barely had any sleep the night before as she was both excited and anxious, especially because everything had gone too smoothly. She used to have so many people who hated and plotted against her for reasons best known to them.Yes, she had Spencer's support now and that could be the reason why she had been able to live peacefully these past few weeks but she still could not shake off the uncomfortable feeling in her heart.However, when her alarm woke her up in the morning after she finally managed to sleep for three hours, Spencer was the first person to call her and after speaking to him, she felt awash with an ocean of tranquility.As she gave all the different vendors she had hired, the opportunity to work their magic on her, she thought about how perfect her day would be if her parents were alive to grace it and it made her teary-eyed.Cindy, whom she had finally chosen to be her maid of honor, came into the ro
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